Instigator / Pro

natural flavoring is made out of babies


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After 4 votes and with 23 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

Many of our food product today are made from aborted babies.Pepsi nestle and kraft have been using aborted babies to make food for years. But they insist that they take all aborted babies out of the final product before selling it to the public.This is a lie and should not be believed.Pro is to show this is a lie.Con position is to back up the major company's claim

Round 1
As the title suggest i am to show that they do not take the aborted babies out of the food.After the taste receptors are mutated with the aborted babies.Cons is to show that they do take aborted babies out during the final process of making the food. after they use the aborted babies to make natural flavoring

Several article's say they do not put aborted babies in food but only make the taste receptors out of aborted babies when making the food.They fuse the aborted babies with the taste receptors so the dna in the taste receptors is the same as the dead baby.To make sure the taste receptors make good natural flavoring


neither Pepsi nor any other U.S. food company is manufacturing or selling any consumable products “that are actually made using the cell tissue of unborn babies that were murdered through abortion.” What we’re talking about here is a cell line derived from a single (healthy, aborted) fetus over forty years ago: claiming that current food products employing flavorings derived from research based on the HEK 293 cell line “are actually made using the cell tissue of unborn babies” is like saying that possessing a digitized image of a photocopy of a picture of a Beethoven manuscript is the same as “owning a document in Beethoven’s own handwriting” — the original is not present in substance, only in a multi-generational, representational form.
The article denies it then say's it is true

truth or fiction say's it is not true then say's it is true

2008, Senomyx was awarded a patent on “recombinant methods for expressing a function sweet taste receptor” that lists the cells as part of the process, and according to 2011 reports, many of the company’s 77 patents listed HEK293.
While it appears to be true that these cells are used to develop and test new ingredients, the claim that the cells themselves are used for ingredients is false and based on a fundamental misunderstanding of scientific research and development and how it works.

They are lieing.If they were able to remove aborted babies out of products why have they not removed aborted babies out of vaccines.Vaccines aborted babies are engineered on purpose by mad scientist to cause cancer.

Genetically modified, aborted human fetal cells are engineered to cause cancer, then inserted into children’s vaccines
engineered as in they are changing the dna so it cause's cancer
If they purposefully changed the dna in the aborted babies so they would cause cancer when the vaccine is injected into a human.If they did that.How i am i suppose to believe they are not doing this with the aborted babies in the food.If they weaponized the aborted babies in the Vaccines.Why in the world  would they not weaponize the aborted babies in the food.The fact they say they remove the babies is proof they have knowledge that what they are doing is cannibalism.How could you not know

Why is it this way

I believe that the reason people responding in such a brainwashed manner. when you say they make natural flavoring out of aborted babies.People usually respond by saying how they only use them to make taste receptors.They don't deny it.I believe it is because they are blinded by god.Thats why they see nothing wrong with this.I think liberals are effected by it.liberals believe that killing babies is ok and have all these fake police riots and fake president evils that they spout delusional.
because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

2 Thessalonians 2
11And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
I think beleiveing that there is no conspiracy of our food being made out of aborted babies is a delusion.
I think all the fake racism and fake president evils is a delusion.
I think all the  abortion justification is a delusion.

I think the reason they are telling us that they are putting aborted babies in the food.Is because of spritual law.You know what a deal with satan is.Satan can not do anything to you unless you agree to it.I believe they powers at the top are under similar conditioning.They can not do something unless you agree to it.So they tell us they make natural flavoring out of aborted babies.well actually They did not really tell us they were more caught in the act.But the knowledge that they were doing this was public knowledge before hey were caught making foods out of aborted babies
Contention 1. If there is no adjective or its kind before a word, we assume "any" or "all" placed in front of it with the group of common understanding within the range of the word(In other words, Pro thinks any/all natural flavourings are made of babies)
Contention 2. All examples given by Crossed is no solid evidence of natural flavorings made of babies.
Conclusion. Not any/all natural flavorings are made of babies.

No problem with that? OK. Unless my opponent disproves this, this stands as true. 

I just need to prove that some natural flavoring isn't made out of babies to win this.

Rebuttal: Patent on natural flavourings

This is no existing evidence for, so Pro did not even prove that a single type of natural flavouring is made of babies, let alone any/all.

I say this, because:
Definition of Baby(Oxford Dictionary):

a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.

(Pro defined not, so unless he critiqued the definition successfully, it stands)
A baby is a very young human being, recently born. A fetus is unborn, thus a fetus does not qualify as a baby. Even the definition nullifies said argument.

The bible and later abortion justification is unrelated. Pro proved nothing of natural flavorings made out of babies. They are at most of fetuses, which are still not babies and is just something that an article did not deny but did not verify.

I have a larger list of natural flavorings that are not made of babies[1]. Alright, it is not proved that natural flavouring IS made out of babies.

Round 2
The descrition say's

Many of our food product today are made from aborted babies.Pepsi nestle and kraft have been using aborted babies to make food for years. But they insist that they take all aborted babies out of the final product before selling it to the public.This is a lie and should not be believed.Pro is to show this is a lie.Con position is to back up the major company's claim

It explains that i am talking about aborted guys are monsters for not calling them babies.If you want to fight me on this i will just go create another debate.

Where in the article does it say they do not use aborted babies to make food.It is a very unknown fact so i do not think he is aware of it

natural flavor aborted baby source
Re: Definition

Pro called me a monster because I disagreed with him, but did not explicitly disagree with the definition. This is no valid criticism of the definition. As a result, the definition stands, and no natural flavorings are made out of babies.

Con: List of natural flavorings

I have noted that Pro has not shown that any/all natural flavorings are made of fetuses because his proof is only for a few specimens of natural flavorings. Like the "God put all medicines in plants" debate, listing a few plants isn't enough to prove the claim, and it is certainly not enough for Pro to use a single kind of natural flavoring to prove his claim when said claim asked for any/all.

This is brief because I am restating and rephrasing things from the last round. The last round suffices disproving his claim because he never proved it in this round on his supposed claim.

Round 3
Read description of the debate.YOU ARE BREAKING THE RULE'S

Many of our food product today are made from aborted babies.Pepsi nestle and kraft have been using aborted babies to make food for years. But they insist that they take all aborted babies out of the final product before selling it to the public.This is a lie and should not be believed.Pro is to show this is a lie.Con position is to back up the major company's claim

I made this debate in response to people telling me in a brainwashed manner that they only the aborted babies to make the taste receptors and that there is nothing wrong with this.Your definition of baby does not stand because i put what i meant in the description

Patients with drug-resistant malaria cured by plant therapy
Tablets made from dried leaves of the Artemisia annua plant cured 18 critically ill patients in a Congo clinic

This sorta thing does not happen with one plant and one disease.This sorta thing has happened with virtually all known disease with several different plants.I have heard of case's of diabetes being cured this way cancer hiv and so on being cured by plants.

There is medicine in plants why would herbs interact with drugs.If there was no medicine in the plant. Its part of history.Deny herbs deny history.

When I explain to my patients that St John's wort can interact with up to 70% of all prescription drugs; or ginseng can cause dangerous fluctuations in blood-clotting levels if you're taking warfarin; or green tea supplements can interact with pseudoephedrine, taken for colds; or ginkgo biloba can interact with aspirin and warfarin; they're usually stunned.

This article was created for misinformation.I am only useing it for it admitting drugs interact with herbs,

Written records of Roman, Egyptian, Persian and Hebrew cultures show that herbs were used to treat practically every known illness. The history of herbal medicine is actually part of the history of medicine itself and herbal knowledge came to Europe from the Middle East during the crusades. Many prescription medicines used today were originally derived from trees, shrubs or herbs.
Read description of the debate.YOU ARE BREAKING THE RULE'S
Per the descriptions, it mentions "Aborted babies".

Babies, per the definitions, mean human younglings that ARE BORN. Aborted babies hence are an oxymoron and do not carry practical meaning. It is either aborted or it is a baby that is born. I do not have to follow bare nonsense.

I made this debate in response to people telling me in a brainwashed manner that they only the aborted babies to make the taste receptors and that there is nothing wrong with this.Your definition of baby does not stand because i put what i meant in the description
Not a single constructive criticism still. He thinks my definition is wrong because... he put nonsense in the description? I am laughing out my tears right now. If Pro says "Aborted fetuses" he might have a chance at what he has right now. However, if he put "babies" in the description and title then Pro's sources don't even support himself because he argues for "aborted fetuses", not babies.

This sorta thing does not happen with one plant and one disease.This sorta thing has happened with virtually all known disease with several different plants.I have heard of case's of diabetes being cured this way cancer hiv and so on being cured by plants.

There is medicine in plants why would herbs interact with drugs.If there was no medicine in the plant. Its part of history.Deny herbs deny history.
I wanna ask how this is anything relevant whatsoever.

Pro bursts into talking about plants that has nothing to do with babies. He gave himself no proof supporting his claim this round whatsoever. Aborted fetuses are not babies considering I defined baby as a young human that is born and Pro did not put forth a single constructive criticism. I rest my case.