Instigator / Pro

That China is detaining innocent Uyghur Muslims


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

China claims it is only detaining terrorists. This is a lie.


I do plan to vote on this one, received a request to do so from Intelligence. Should have it up by the end of the weekend.


>Reported Vote: Best.Korea // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 3 to pro
>Reason for Decision: See Comments Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action: Insufficient weighting.

To cast a sufficient vote, for each category awarded, a voter must explicitly perform the following tasks:
(1) Provide specific references to each side’s utilization within the said category.
(2) Weigh the impacts against each other, including if any precluded others.
(3) Explain the decision within the greater context of the debate.

Arguments must always be reviewed even if left a tie (in which case less detail is required, but some reason for said tie based on the debate content must still be comprehensible within the vote).
Arguments go to the side that, within the context of the debate rounds, successfully affirms (vote pro) or negates (vote con) the resolution. Ties are possible, particularly with pre-agreed competing claims, but in most cases failing to affirm the resolution means pro loses by default.
Weighing entails analyzing the relative strength of one argument or set of arguments and their impacts against another argument or set of arguments. Weighing requires analyzing and situating arguments and counterarguments within the context of the debate as a whole.

Added: 15 days ago
I was asked to give the vote. So here it is.
Since there is a chance sources are false, there is really no way to know which sources to trust. Media being free doesnt mean media wont lie.
So if it was up to these sources alone, we wouldnt be able to tell who is correct or more likely to be correct.
But the arguments seem to be in favor of Pro. His probability argument, Chinas great history of violation of human rights, and Chinas censorship label China as suspect in the least case. So while there is no full proof that favors Pro, there is probability argument mentioned by the Pro which makes him more likely to be right than wrong in this debate. Sources, while they may be equal when considering this isolated case, when used with the argument of probability and the history of China including its modern history they add to the pattern. So the odds are in favor of Pro especially considering that topic doesnt say millions of muslims. The odds that there is no, for example, 8 or more of innocent Uyghur muslims being detained in any way seem unlikely, especially when we are talking about the country famous for doing much worse things on much larger scale just as Pro noticed and Con never refuted. Con even confirmed Chinas mass censorship, which is another thing turning the scales in Pros favor.
So while there is no full proof, the proof of probability of being right is greatly on Pros side. Now, if the conditions of winning an argument require full proof, then let my vote be removed. I just voted because I was asked to vote.


I’ll vote, seems like I have a while.




I've found that when you "give to get," RationalMadman just insults you


Give to get


This debate clearly needs quality votes.

This debate needs more votes.

Interesting kritik. I'll probably get around to voting on this.


I did. You can do your own thing now, and I move on with mine.


I will say it one more time. If you think my vote is invalid, report it. I am not going to have endless debates about debates.


"So the only thing thats left is lack of full proof. But full proof, in my opinion, is not always required to be greatly convinced in something."

Yes, and this is why you should not be voting Pro. Pro has agreed with the BoP to be on Pro, so the middle ground, which is likely what we have here according to you, actually favors Con.

Obviously Pro can just bring up proof of 2 suspects of the Uyghur ethnicity that turned out didn't commit crimes, but he never did that. We can't just assume we have created all that is possible under some lining foundation. An unused argument is one unused. Literally all of us except you knows that Pro needs full proof, or, just borderline, the best proof wins, not just probability.

"But does the win require full proof,or a proof beyond a reasonable doubt, or a probability outweight? Its not reasonable to doubt Pros position with the arguments he presented. The chance that Pro is wrong is actually so low it cant be considered a reasonable doubt."

What are we doing here? Picking sides or justifying them? We are DEBATING. The best argument wins. You did not show that. Pro did not use this probability argument either, so what you are doing is actually PICKING SIDES AND INVENTING A NEW POINT FOR THE SIDE, which is frowned upon on this site. You are supposed to show that Pro has the better set of points if you vote in favor of him, not because his side is easier to win.


If China has violated human rights before, that doesnt mean China will do so again. It just greatly increases the possibility of the new violations. Now, if China constantly violates human rights, that additionally increases the possibility.
Now, if China is famous for violating human rights of its own citizens every day, it becomes highly unlikely that none out of 12 millions of Uyghur muslims experienced bad treatment from China. Hence, the probability argument.
And you didnt really help your case with the "if detained, you are guilty" logic. That logic made no sense. To me, that seemed like an argument Stalin would make. It was refuted by Pro as an excuse to lock up anyone.
Now, the only thing going in your favor was the lack of full proof by the Pro.
But does the win require full proof,or a proof beyond a reasonable doubt, or a probability outweight? Its not reasonable to doubt Pros position with the arguments he presented. The chance that Pro is wrong is actually so low it cant be considered a reasonable doubt.
So the only thing thats left is lack of full proof. But full proof, in my opinion, is not always required to be greatly convinced in something.
If one case has 99.99 percent of chance of being true, its an obvious preference over the opposite case that has 0.01 percent chance of being true. Taking these cases as equal is impossible.


I suggest taking off your colored sunglasses and read my arguments again. I have wrote:
)an argument from tautology that only guilty people are detained if any
)that just because China’s history here doesn’t mean there is automatically someone detained there.
)Pro has the BoP, which he admits

It is one thing that you consider my sources not able to outweigh the other, and another to disregard my evidence and just speak from probability(especially since you admit Pro has no full proof, which he is supposed to have). The first one is fair, the second not so much.

I am strongly for you voting again. If you vote against me with a more credible verdict, I will take it, but I will not accept it if my reason for a loss is THIS.


U.S. is not even mentioned in the topic of a debate. But even if it is true, U.S. involvement doesnt lead to conclusion that China is completely innocent or that all Uyghurs are guilty. Just because U.S. is bad, that doesnt make China good.
Its not my fault you accepted a debate with topic that is impossible to disprove.
If the topic said millions of muslims, it would be different. But the topic didnt say what number of innocent Uyghur muslims is being detained. So it can be any number. 1000 or 500 or 100 or 20...
As I said, the only way you could disprove Pros position is by proving that no Uyghur muslims are innocent or that China has some advanced system of detaining only those who are guilty. The first one you didnt even prove, last one was disproved by history of China mentioned by the Pro.
After reading the debate, I was about 99% certain that Pro is right. So how could I vote for you, with the odds working against you?
Again, if you dont agree with my vote, report it and if mods think its not suitable they will remove it.
Also, if there is someone who thinks you have won the debate, that someone can vote for you. I am pretty sure everyone here has the ability to vote.


You are dismissing my sources just because an unrelated thing China did. That is the opposite of what I told you o do.

There has been no evidence that China manipulated this event(only speculation), but there are several showing that the US did, with hard-to-fake evidence. Using what you used as a reason is arguably biased. Explain it further.

Did you even read my argument?


I already explained why I didnt give point to anyone when it comes to sources.
I can explain it even further.
The sources have no proof.
Cons sources dont disprove Pros position. They only served as counter to Pros sources. But since Pros position didnt depend on sources alone, but was also supported by historical facts of Chinas behavior, negation of Pros position by sources was impossible.

As for the arguments, it was obvious that Con cant possibly prove that all Uyghurs are terrorists, or that only the guilty Uyghurs are detained.
Pro didnt fully prove that innocent Uyghurs are being detained.
But he did prove that China does have a habbit and history of detaining innocent people. Well, not just detaining. Also torturing, killing...ect.
So the chances of being right are on Pros side. Why would I give my vote to Con who has much smaller chance of being right?


Fair enough. Although, my sources should be judged by how much supporting evidence it has, and it shouldn't be dismissed just because it is "Chinese" or "its author is involved in other conspiracies", because then the fault is on the author if anything at all, and not on the supporting evidence.


The problem is that news reports often exhibit bias that paints sources as saying something they aren't, unlike Wikipedia. I won't be voting on this debate because im probably the most biased against China (liberal taiwanese-american bru), so u dont need to worry about my bias in the voting section.

Agree with @Intelligence_06. Try to be impartial when voting.


IDK if you can see this before voting, but PLEASE do not walk into this debate voting with the mentality that the western media is auto-true, that China is already going with it. Please don't vote with prior bias common in the west. Don't come in it thinking it obviously did or didn't. Vote as impartial as possible, don't take sides.


News reports to me are just hubs of sources like Wiki. Most western media on this topic majorly quotes Zenz the questionably infamous scholar while Grayzone has a wide array of evidence.

I am not defending Grayzone, I am defending Grayzone's citations, which is untouched by Pro. Grayzone sure does cite a hella lot of stuff, whether we like it or not. It is what it cites that is valuable to me, not Grayzone itself. Same with Chinese blogposts that are just screenshots of non-Chinese sourcing.

Dismissing them just because they are Chinese or their author is affiliated with some conspiracies is logically fallacious. I say it isn't a Chinese source because Pro has essentially prevented me from doing so(and Chinese reports generally has no citations because it assumes we already agree with them). Just because I say so does not effectively weaken my argument.


"does it just mean the onus is on me to show that China is probably detaining innocent people?"

yeah that. That is the general concensus of users here.


I would consider a vote passable if it in any way weighs the sources and points. Best.korea did not do this and started judging at the standpoint disregarding most evidence, while admitting Pro didn't have full proof.

We judge on who has the better proof, and sources are an important consideration here. Maybe christianm is right here, but you can't just vote like that.


Wikipedia defines BoP as "the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for its position." Interpret that how you will.


Does BoP require 100% certainty or does it just mean the onus is on me to show that China is probably detaining innocent people? "Proof" in a debate isn't the same as in court. You're arguing the negative either way. "That China isn't detaining innocent Uyghur Muslims" is also an assertion. Obviously, the accuser can't make accusations without evidence, but I'd usually consider it a win if Pro showed there was a > 50% chance that they are correct. BoP just means they have to demonstrate that.


Non-Chinese doesn't mean reliable, just as Chinese doesn't mean not reliable. Most of your validation of sourcing is based on if a source is Chinese or not. For example, you validate the Gray Zone as reliable despite being a known far-left source > "Overall, we rate The Grayzone Far-Left Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and consistent one-sided reporting. [...] In general, The Grayzone promotes a socialist left perspective that promotes conspiracy theories and pro-Russian/Chinese propaganda." - MBFC.


The BoP is on Pro which he agrees, so that requires full proof. Also, if you can see my sources, by the end, most of them are obvious non-Chinese evidence, even if they are included in Chinese media.

So yeah, delete it, probably.


Well, it's good that you're forming your own opinion, one way or another.


Vote if you have time!


Vote if you have time!


Yeah, thanks to you too. Ironically, this debate has made me MORE confident in my stance because I have never seen this many sources supporting my position before this research. Before this I thought the western media had a point and generally didn't care(due to it not being a problem in China so I didn't see reports on this for a long time).

I just accepted this debate thinking either I will be blasted so quickly or I will get an easy GG but your move of cutting me off CGTN was a good move and made me think a lot harder on this one, especially on a computer where the main browser is Baidu.


Likewise, thanks for debating! It's not often I get the opportunity to talk with people actually living in China.


First I would appreciate you for being this fast and be a catalyst for my thinking. Second, I am surprised that there hasn't been any anti-chinese language used here, you are just citing sources you think are true and speaking in a relatively objective tone. This conversation has been more civil than any I have had before about this topic.


Eh, it isn't that big of a problem. The problem is that all VPNs were automatically classified as Non-Chinese so I couldn't download them easily. I had to borrow my mom's phone to look up some sources but at least it is possible. If I didn't have a backup I would have never accepted this so quickly.

But still, even if I think China is not guilty for this, I just disagree with the fact that I can't watch cute puppy dog and kitty cat videos on Youtube. Surely I am just pissed. Maybe I will eventually wear out but I am content with Dart still running.


Sorry, I didn't even consider that it could be an issue. You can maybe use a VPN if you're willing to take that risk. To my knowledge, China isn't super strict about VPNs, but I can't tell you firsthand.

It has never been more hilarious that the local setbacks on the internet will make this argument 5x more difficult to write due to I can't just visit Pro's sources.

No, if you are a Chinese internet agent, you can come freely, you can even fine me and arrest me. I am literally being denied opportunity to prove the innocence of my country by the same barriers meant to do aligned missions. There has and will be no doubt that I would long for such barriers to be removed.


I'm not going to get nitpicky like that


To win this debate christianm only has to show that China has detained at least 2 Uyghur Muslims


I actually didn't know if anyone held the opposing position.

This is made for me isn’t it.