Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong. I am always right.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- Two weeks
- Max argument characters
- 30,000
- Voting period
- One month
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
No information
Round 1
Let us begin.
I will explain why I am always right and why people who disagree with me are wrong.
Premise 1:
I give myself the right to decide.
Premise 2:
I decide what is true.
Premise 3:
I decide what is false.
Premise 4:
I decide what is proof.
Premise 5:
I decided that I am the God.
Premise 6:
I decided that I am the source of all morality and all truth.
Premise 7:
I decided that other people are, in most cases, dogs who should serve me until they die.
Premise 8:
I decide who is right and who is wrong.
Premise 9:
I decide what is right.
Premise 10:
I decided that I am always right.
Premise 11:
I decided that those who disagree with me are always wrong.
Premise 12:
Other people are not valuable and in most cases shouldnt even be considered as people.
Conclusion 1:
Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.
Conclusion 2:
I am always right.
About proof:
When proof doesnt agree with my opinion, the logical conclusion is that proof is invalid.
About other Gods:
Other people cant declare themselves Gods because they are not approved by me. They will never be Gods because I disagree with it. I decide who is God.
About circular logic and other fallacies:
I decide what is a fallacy and in which cases is something a fallacy. For example, I can decide that "I like it because I like it" is not circular reasoning when I say it. But if others say it and I disagree, then it is.
About contradiction:
It is impossible for me to commit a contradiction because I decide what is a contradiction and I decided that I never committed a contradiction. I also decide when is something a contradiction and when not.
Common question:
"What gives me the right to decide?"
I have a right to decide what is wrong. I decided that the question above is wrong.
I decided that my claim "only I have the right to decide" is not wrong.
Now, some people might say:
"You are being offensive"
I dont think I am being offensive. I consider myself very polite. I decide what is polite, so this is an easy answer.
Some people might ask:
"Why other people cant decide what is right?"
I decide if something is right. I decided that it is right that other people cant decide.
Now its time for refutations of Cons arguments.
Some will say: "How can you refute his arguments when he didnt even make them yet?"
Actually, its easy. First, I simply conclude he could make arguments that oppose to my world view.
Premise 1:
I decide what arguments are incorrect.
Premise 2:
I decided that arguments that oppose my world view are incorrect.
Conclusion 1:
If Con makes arguments that oppose my world view, those arguments are incorrect.
It seems that this logic can be used to easily refute the next 5 rounds of Cons arguments.
By my decision, I have won this debate.
It will be boring that the next 4 rounds will probably be filled with me repeating same argument over and over.
However, Gods job is not all fun and games.
Go ahead, Con. Tell me what you think so that I can decide if its wrong.
Premise 1:I give myself the right to decide.
Pro 'gave himself' the right to decide... what? As in decide what? This is not even a premise because we don't know what decisions have been granted.
Premise 2:I decide what is true.
How is that possible?
If Pro is not conforming to or being in line with that which is actually the case, in reality, Pro is deluded and only thinks he is correct and speaking truth while not actually doing so.
Premise 3:I decide what is false.
Pro cannot decide what is false, something deceives and seems true despite being untrue and unreal regardless of Pro's perception.
Premise 4:I decide what is proof.
No, Pro does not decide what proof is or is not, in fact Pro has not proven any of the premises so far.
Premise 5:I decided that I am the God.
No, Pro did not decide this, Pro decided that he believes it.
Premise 6:I decided that I am the source of all morality and all truth.
Again, this has nothing to do with anything.
Pro can only decide that he believes he is these things, he cannot decide that he is them. Pro has to prove to us he is if it is the case and even then he didn't decide it. If Pro is the source of all morality and all truth, it is because he was regardless of deciding to be or not. This entire premise is nonsense.
Premise 7:I decided that other people are, in most cases, dogs who should serve me until they die.
You cannot decide that, you can only decide that this is in line with your beliefs.
Premise 8:I decide who is right and who is wrong.
You know what, this may be true as in 'right and wrong to me'. Pro decided who is right and wrong to Pro but Pro does not decide who is actually right and actually wrong.
Definition of right
(Entry 1 of 4)2: being in accordance with what is just, good, or properright conduct3: conforming to facts or truth : CORRECTthe right answer5: STRAIGHTa right line7a: of, relating to, situated on, or being the side of the body which is away from the side on which the heart is mostly locatedb: located nearer to the right hand than to the leftc: located to the right of an observer facing the object specified or directed as the right arm would point when raised out to the sided(1): located on the right of an observer facing in the same direction as the object specifiedstage right(2): located on the right when facing downstreamthe right bank of a rivere: done with the right handa right hook to the jaw8: having the axis perpendicular to the baseright cone9: of, relating to, or constituting the principal or more prominent side of an objectmade sure the socks were right side out10: acting or judging in accordance with truth or facttime proved her right
adjectivewronger\ ˈrȯŋ-ər \; wrongest\ ˈrȯŋ-əst \
It's true that 'wrong' has other definitions that Pro may decide but if that's what Pro means it's wrong as in 'feels uncomfortable' not wrong as in 'opposite of being right'.
Premise 9:I decide what is right.
I literally just addressed this.
Premise 10:I decided that I am always right.
You cannot decide that, you either are always right even if you wish you weren't or you are not always right even if you wish you were.
Premise 11:I decided that those who disagree with me are always wrong.
You cannot decide this, also which people?
Person X can disagree with person Y who has a disagreement to person Z's position that also disagrees with person X's on the very same matter. Therefore, this blanket statement has glaring holes beyond the way it's identical to the 'decide I am always right' nonsensical statement.
Premise 12:Other people are not valuable and in most cases shouldnt even be considered as people.
This is not even a premise because we don't know how much value or in what context the value is. If people shouldn't be considered as people, this premise is internally defunct as it considered them to be people within the same premise.
Conclusion 1:Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong.
This is from which premises combined? A syllogism is supposed to have 2 premises and a conclusion
The rest was irrelevant.
Round 2
Thank you for your response, even tho I havent read most of it.
But I noticed that you were making some arguments, and asking "why do I get to decide? Decide what?".
I am right. I decided that I am right. You are wrong. There is no why. There is no how. I decided that I am the truth. I decide what is the truth. You will lose. You are opposing to me.
Which returns us to my premises.
You asked for 2 premises, since you cannot understand more than 2.
Okay then.
Premise 1:
It is right that I decide.
Premise 2:
I decided that I am right.
I am right.
Lets do two more.
Premise 1:
I decide who is right.
Premise 2:
I decided that I am right.
I am right.
Alrighty. Lets do more.
Premise 1:
Everything I say is right.
Premise 2:
I say that you are wrong.
You are wrong.
Okay, one more.
Premise 1:
If I say that I am right, then I am right.
Premise 2:
I say that I am right.
I am right.
Now, time to refute your arguments.
Premise 1:
I decide what is illogical
Premise 2:
I decided that your arguments are illogical
Your arguments are illogical.
So you are wrong. It doesnt matter that people will vote for you. You have lost.
Thank you for the debate.
I noticed that you were making some arguments, and asking "why do I get to decide? Decide what?".
Why do you get to decide what is right, I presume is what you're referring to.
For the record, it was a rhetorical question that cannot be answered since the correct answer is that you are not ever capable of being the gatekeeper of what's right and true.
Instead, if you happen to always be right, you are so regardless of your will to be so (or not be so) and if you happen to be wrong/not-right that is also outside of your control.
I am right.
About what? What context?
I decided that I am right.
You cannot decide that. The definition of right has absolutely 0 capacity to reside within the realm of what you decide and control:
None of this is decided by you.
You are wrong. There is no why. There is no how. I decided that I am the truth. I decide what is the truth. You will lose. You are opposing to me.
Prove that is true.
Premise 1:It is right that I decide.Premise 2:I decided that I am right.Conclusion:I am right.
I object to premise 1. It depends on your decision and contextual qualifications.
Premise 1:I decide who is right.Premise 2:I decided that I am right.Conclusion:I am right.
I Challenge premise 1 as totally false as it is based on absolutely zero facts or logic.
Premise 1:Everything I say is right.
Even if it is, that is not due to you deciding to be right.
Premise 2:I say that you are wrong.Conclusion:You are wrong.
Premise 1 is entirely contingent on proving all your statements right/true. You have not done this.
Premise 1:If I say that I am right, then I am right.
NO! This is a false premise outright.
Premise 2:I say that I am right.Conclusion:I am right.Now, time to refute your arguments.Premise 1:I decide what is illogical
Premise 2:I decided that your arguments are illogicalConclusion:Your arguments are illogical.So you are wrong. It doesnt matter that people will vote for you. You have lost.
What nonsense?
Thank you for the debate.
You are welcome
Round 3
I could have just ignored your arguments, since they are self defeating.
Still, maybe some people will actually learn something if I explained it to them? Yeah, did that ever happen?
Lets begin by destroying your entire case with Gods wisdom.
"Instead, if you happen to always be right, you are so regardless of your will to be so"
My will decides what is right. So you are wrong.
"About what? What context?"
I am right about everything.
"You cannot decide that. The definition of right has absolutely 0 capacity to reside within the realm of what you decide and control"
You are wrong. I decide what is right. The definition of right resides with what I decide.
"None of this is decided by you."
All of it is decided by me.
I decide what is real. I decide what exists. I decide what is essential reality. I decide what is an actual state of affairs. I decide what is ideal. I decide what is the case. I decide everything. I am your God. You will worship me.
"Prove that is true."
I decide what is proof. I decided that my words are the proof.
"I object to premise 1. It depends on your decision and contextual qualifications."
Not fully correct. Everything depends on my decision.
"I Challenge premise 1 as totally false as it is based on absolutely zero facts or logic."
Next round please do better. It took you like a month and you still havent come up with anything.
Pro has not explained anything.
Pro does not choose to be right all the time if he is, it could only be the case that Pro is regularly correct without choosing to be.
If Pro is consistently correct all the time, why is Pro incapable of demonstrating this? All Pro tells us is that he has decided it but rightness is not based on the right person deciding they are right, it is based on them proving themselves to be close to truth and correctness regularly.
This debate itself is an example of Pro being incorrect and flawed, suggesting Pro is delusional as opposed to always right
Round 4
"Pro has not explained anything."
Pro explained, but Con didnt understand. So Pro has to explain again.
"Pro does not choose to be right all the time if he is"
If I decide who is right, then I chose that I am right. And we have already established that I decide who is right because I decided that I decide who is right.
"it could only be the case that Pro is regularly correct without choosing to be."
I am always right exactly because I chose to be always right. I decide who is right.
"If Pro is consistently correct all the time, why is Pro incapable of demonstrating this?"
I already demonstrated it in round 1, sadly Con didnt understand. Read again my premises.
"All Pro tells us is that he has decided it but rightness is not based on the right person deciding they are right"
I decide what is rightness based upon.
Being right is based upon my decision to be right. I am right because I decide what is right and I have decided that I am always right.
"it is based on them proving themselves to be close to truth and correctness regularly"
I decide what is truth. I decide what is correctness. I decided that I am the truth and correctness, while others who oppose me are always wrong.
"This debate itself is an example of Pro being incorrect and flawed, suggesting Pro is delusional as opposed to always right"
I am always right. You are incorrect and flawed. You are delusional. I have decided so.
Pro cannot decide to be right all the time. If Pro is right all the time, that's outside Pro's control.
Since Pro is inherently wrong about deciding to be right all the time, Pro is a liar and delusional.
Round 5
I decided to be right all the time. I am right because I decided to be right.
Everything is under my control.
What possible word can you think of, that wasnt decided and defined by me?
Truth? I decide what is truth.
And I have all the proof, since I decide what proof is.
What possible word can you think of, that wasnt decided and defined by me?
Where is the evidence you decided and defined them?
It's your choice with regards to whether you want to participate on the site, but the standards for voting are there to standardize the process in some ways, otherwise people could choose to award a random number of points on virtually every debate and the whole concept of voting would be rather absurd since everyone could just award points for whatever reason they deemed fit.
Debate comes with formality. Debate comes with semantics. I understand if that's not your cup of tea, but they're part and parcel to debate to varying degrees. I don't see why voting should be any different. It's clear that you wanted something different out of this experience, but this is a debate site and, believe it or not, there is value to the kind of discussion we have here, even if it doesn't always produce solutions. None of these solutions are getting implemented in reality, and some problems don't have objective solutions that resolve everything, but we learn from the process of discussing them. That discussion comes with formalities. If that's not for you, then so be it.
I was unaware anything could be awarded as a penalty. Do you guys enjoy quiet riots, or maybe a supporter of military intelligence.
With respect to the art of debate. I thought anyone could offer a vote, without that vote being publicly eviscerated over formality and semantics.
Nevertheless, I didn't realize the knowledge base surrounding voting etiquette was so substantial and endless bureaucratic formalities. So, I will refrain from participating in any debate, vote, comment, or otherwise here at this site. Thanks for the new knowledge. Take care.
P.S Squabbling over technicalities and semantics is for Congress. It has no place over content and concepts. Solutions should be the objective of any debate. Not whoever gets the most formality points. Without a resolution to any topic,what would be the point.
There seems to be a lot of activity in this segment.
Its obvious that RationalMadman wins with or without removal of those votes.
Still, removal of unfit votes is necessary to serve as an example of how to vote and how not to vote.
Alright, thank you for the advice. I'll do that in the future.
I appreciate your giving insight into why you reported that vote and I encourage you to keep doing so in the future. That being said, please do so via PM rather than publicly posting a comment. It reveals that you were the one who submitted the report (which can lead to arguments in the comments), and it clogs up the comments, particularly if we end up discussing the reason for the report at any length.
>Reported Vote: jaay // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy: info.debateart.com/terms-of-service/voting-policy
>Points Awarded: 4 points to Pro, 2 points to Con
>Reason for Decision:
1. Convincing argument. I gave the to pro.
a. Defining truth. The burden of proof is cons. Establishing definitions and concepts, won't prove pro isn't right about everything. Because con would have to prove truth is not subjective. Truth to one, is false to someone else. Even if they are lying, or believe they are telling the truth.
2. Reliable sources.
a. Pro stated that he was the source of all resource. Truth won't be found in a person in pro's position. Con used multiple resources to attempt proof. Pro however, had only one source. Himself.
3. Both participants used spelling and Grammer equally accurate.
4. Better Conduct.
a. This was a tough vote. They both had intriguing arguments that wasn't met with hostility or name-calling. However, because pro was the initiator of such an aggressive and immovable stance. The chasing was on con. pro's strategy was similar to a matador. Shaking a red banner in order to entice con to charge him. Pro casually moving out of the way, leaving con unsure of his own sense of direction.
Great job to you both, and good luck.
>Reason for Mod Action:
The voter doesn't explain why he's placing the burden of proof on Con, either by his own logic or by the logic of the debaters. The voter also appears to be imposing a burden that is not present in either side's arguments onto Con: "con would have to prove truth is not subjective." Imposing an external burden onto Con requires the voter to intervene pretty excessively. The conduct point is also unclear. The voter seems to be attributing their own unique standard for awarding conduct based on who he thought was in control of the flow of the debate, which is not a sufficient standard for awarding conduct. From the voting standards, conduct may only be:
"Awarded as a penalty for excessive abuse committed by the other side, such as extreme unsportsmanlike or outright toxic behavior which distracted from the topical debate. Common examples are repeatedly using personal attacks instead of arguments, committing plagiarism or otherwise cheating."
>Reported Vote: Sir.Lancelot // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy: info.debateart.com/terms-of-service/voting-policy
>Points Awarded: 6 points to Con
>Reason for Decision: This doesn't really require that much of an explanation.
Pro makes bold claims but provides no valid justification to even defend any of these statements.
Meanwhile, Con remains logically consistent and offers rebuttals, demonstrating that the Burden of Proof is on Pro. Con also provides valid definitions to support said rebuttals.
Pro barely acknowledges Con's argument for that matter and even admits he skimmed it while only persisting in his self-asserted statements that he possesses the authority to decide fundamentally what is right or wrong.
Con wins.
>Reason for Mod Action:
The vote is borderline with regards to arguments and sources, the former because the voter does talk about BoP and the lack of support for Pro's statements. Normally, voters should provide some specific analysis of arguments made by each side, but given the focus on BoP and general failings in that regard, this would still stand as an instance of a foregone conclusion. Similarly, while the voter doesn't explicitly state that they are awarding points based on the citing of definitions that clarify the debate, it's still pretty clear that that's the reason for awarding sources. On conduct, however, the voter provides only limited justification and it is insufficient. A debater's decision not to acknowledge an opposing argument is not sufficient reason to award this point, nor is his persistence in supporting the resolution, no matter how authoritative he claims to be.
Ok, I'm supposed to explain what the issue is with the vote I reported (jaay's vote).
First of all, he awarded arguments points in an act of fluffery. Nowhere in the debate was the concept of "objectivity" or "subjectivity" of truth directly mentioned. Therefore, awarding arguments based on this is incorrect.
Second of all, he awarded conduct points for no reason other than PRO having a provocative resolution.
My bad.
>Reported Vote: jaay // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy: info.debateart.com/terms-of-service/voting-policy
>Points Awarded: 4 points to Pro
>Reason for Decision: Pro's argument chose specifically to not specify anything that he is right about or anything others are wrong. He insisted on "Living Authentically" while maintaining his "bad faith" in the Con's position as well as everyone's position. Keeping true to Existentialism.
Best.Korea's pro stance was based on the philosophy of existentialism. In which Plato and Aristotle began explaining how a person is predestined to have a purpose. However, the philosophy changed over time,
“Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does” – John-Paul Sartre
Sartre spoke of the burden of too much freedom. Existentialists considered that people will have so much freedom that they must find their way, which Sartre called "Living Authentic."
Modern Existentialists began defining "absurdity" as the search for answers in an answerless world. It’s the idea of being born into a meaningless place that then requires you to make meaning. That authority isn't true authority, because authority are people just like you, trying to find answers that have no answers.
If you choose to live by someone else’s rules, be that anywhere between religion and the wishes of your parents, then you are refusing to accept the absurd. Sartre named this refusal “bad faith”, as you are choosing to live by someone else’s definition of meaning and purpose – not your own.
Because Best.Korea only specified all things, he by being pure to existentialism only he can define what is right and what is wrong. The con was fighting a war that has been raging for thousands of years.
However, if I may Best.Korea. With all due respect to the brilliance your argument implies. There is a flaw in the these teachings. A flaw like many flaws that are built into the design of the philosophy behind the meaning of life. Like the Death Star in Star wars. Once exploited, everything falls apart.
That is the perspective of the collective. Imagine. If you were observing the earth from a microscope. Zoom out to see the planet, then zoom more to see the universe our earth exists in. Then, Imagine a giant observing you. Observing earth. Then, so and so on. At some point, our universe is no longer even an observable particle. We are as theoretic as the giants I speak about now. In a cycle of infinite giants we could observe in a microscope as they could observe us. Zooming in and/or out into perpetual infinite.
Now. How do you feel about being right or wrong? Would it matter to the collective?
In other words, in doesn't matter to argue if someone is right or wrong about everything. Without considering the collective, there would be nothing to be right or wrong about. If a tree falls in the Forrest and swears to God it happened. Would it matter to Forrest? If there was no forest, would the tree even exist to tell it's tale of woe?
All we are, is all we all are.
-Kurt Cobain.
>Reason for Mod Action:
This vote appears to be a stream of consciousness about the philosophy of the debate, which doesn't include much in the way of analysis regarding the given arguments. The voter seems to entirely transform Pro's arguments by largely claiming that Pro implied these philosophers and their teachings in his argument without explanation, throws out a single line about Con's argument that doesn't appear to assess it at all, and then awards arguments and conduct without any apparent rhyme or reason. This belongs in a forum post or in the comments; it is not a vote.
I was never much of a comedian, but okay.
this is almost funny
Just remind me to block you again after the debate is done.
Its done
Please unblock me so that I can accept this debate.