Instigator / Pro

Is abortion murder from the point of conception?


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 2 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two months
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

This debate will cover all stages of pregnancy but will not cover cases of rape, the removal of ectopic pregnancies, or abortions performed to save the life of the mother. It will also not cover legality. Murder will be defined here in the moral sense. The burden of proof is shared.

All arguments given MUST be at least 3,500 characters to prove that both participants are committed to the debate. Failure to adhere to this will result in a loss.

Forfeiting a round will result in a loss.


"He wrote a lot of stupid shit that made me laugh."

~ Indeed.


I wish Viper were still around.

He wrote a lot of stupid shit that made me laugh.


"In this debate, I will attempt to emphasize one central point: that killing a baby is a bad thing."

Had I seen this before voting was done, I would have voted against you.
Using the term baby in this context is both a misnomer and an appeal to emotion fallacy.
There is NO "baby" involved in an abortion, only zygotes, blastocysts, embryos and fetuses. That's it.

By legal, social, psychological, and cultural dictate...a pregnancy doesn't become 'a person' (ie. - a baby) until birth.

Vote for the truth. Do you believe there was life that caused conception?


Yeah ik


The voting period is over 50 days on this one. There’s no rush.


Push for votes


Anyone interested in voting?

Push for votes


Okay, thanks =)


I'll vote on this right after I finish my vote for AleutianTexan and Sir.Lancelot's debate.


all rounds characters have been counted both sides used more than 3500 consistently.

I'll vote later on, I have a few things to finish up but other than that i'll vote afterwards.


Viper sounds good here. Used a point of conception at the two male and female cells joining. At that point, a child has started it's journey in the womb. Mall seemed to go on about "outside the box" theories about self care and such things which weren't relevant to the debate. Viper said it right that a conscious decision to terminate a pregnancy without any physical challenges to the mother and child is purely murder. We allow capital punishment (death penalty) for people that are a danger to society, but we will abhor a person for killing/hurting another for the sake of convenience (I.E. muggings, road rage, child molester, etc). Stopping a pregnancy just for convenience is just like the mugger, road rager, and pedophile.


Ah ok, sounds good!


I can't do rated because my account is new. Once I can I'll debate you under those conditions.


Would you be willing to recreate this debate with a 2-3 days' response time and making it Rated instead of Standard?

I'll vote, regardless of the answer.


Please vote!


Please vote!

which neither side did.

in a debate, confrontation against an idea you oppose will happen, but its not the main focus of a debate. This was an arguement, not a debate. a focus that is pointedly decided on proving the opposition is incorrect that few to no facts or truths are made. That being said, it should be noted that this is not a truism debate because morality and law were not appropriately defined or agreed upon.

here is the thing. murder is a legal term. it goes all the way back to being established as a word to describe unlawful killing.

the semantics and morality of this debate are therefore confused in the approach of both viper and mall.

you cannot seperate legality and morality from the precept of murder, you have to define both legality and morality before doing that. and thats another debate in its self.
one stresses the concept of murder via morality of societal law, while the other stresses the morality and semantics of murder via conscience/godly law.

however, because this website allots points based on logic pertaining to societal and supposedly unbiased reasoning. viper will end up winning this one.

the only thing worth observing in this debate is mall and viper's view of morality. otherwise this is a waste of space unless one or both reconcile the application and source of morality/law as i showed above.


It’s not about defining [a] human being when it comes to this debate. The ONLY issue of any relevance is fetal viability.


I am willing to debate you next if you are interested.

I'm using to count characters, totals may be a bit off if you're using a different software (spaces, enter, etc.)

Defining a human being is quite complex. We just can't reduce it to a bunch of cells growing and multiplying. Hope you both come up with all the dimensions involved in human nature that really make us human beings.

Stupid debate. Get a damn law and layman’s dictionary. Abortion isn’t murder. Never has been. Never will be.



Plz vote when this debate is finished!

I might do this debate if you can increase the characters?


Good luck!