Instigator / Pro

THBT: Russia's invasion of Ukraine beginning in 2022 was unjustified


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 4 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

BoP is shared. PRO argues that the invasion is unjustified, CON argues that it is justified.

The "invasion" refers to both the action of subjugating Ukraine and to the way in which it was carried out.


I see, that makes sense.

Tf? Ukraine is literally fascist. 10 years in jail for singing the internationale. I hate russia too, obviously. Nostalgia for the USSR has turned into Ultranationalism, but saying that Ukraine is democratic is inherent nonsense.


To be specific, I’m talking about weighing impacts against one another. How many lives should I consider $9 trillion to be worth? I don’t think you can do that kind of lives-to-dollars analysis, but I think you can evaluate where that money is coming from and the kind of effect it’s having. How has the economy suffered and how have the people in Russia felt it? That’s the kind of thing I’m looking for. The dollar amounts feel empty on their own.


Thanks for voting. Definitely a detailed analysis, and I think you did a good job of acknowledging everything that was said.

===Spoiler alert: Question below. If it's better to ask after the voting period is over, let me know and I'll remove it, but it's more of a general question.===

The only question I have is with regard to how you weigh impacts, since you don't seem to weigh all quantitative evidence equally. You said "I don’t have a direct impact, but I have big numbers," so I'm curious about what you quantify as a direct impact if a dollar amount isn't considered one. Do you count dollar amounts as impacts in some cases but not in others? Or is it better to stick to other quantities like death tolls in a situation like this? Is saying "x number of people were conscripted" a quantified impact, or only the amount that died?

Not criticizing here, just trying to figure out what counts as an impact and what doesn't.


yes I dd vote again my orgibal was deleted because I misunderstood legibility and its meaning.


You can still vote, you just have to base your decision on the information in the debate.


>Reported Vote: Americandebater24 // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 4 points to Pro (Arguments and Legibility)
>Reason for Decision:
Pro and Con present compelling arguments, but I lean towards Pro's case for two reasons: 1) Ukraine is a sovereign entity, and 2) the invasion violates UN law, as evidenced by Pro's sources. Con's primary rebuttal is that Russia did not attack without warning. However, I personally disagree since Russia initially denied plans to attack Ukraine while gradually increasing its military presence along Ukraine's borders. Furthermore, Putin later enacted a law making it illegal to call the conflict a war under the guise of preventing false information. Even if Russia did issue a warning, the war was illegally planned and executed, violating the established norms of international law. Pro offers improved legibility by utilizing the UN's legal interpretations of the war, which is supported by the fact that Russia is not only economically sanctioned heavily for the war but Putin himself has recently been declared a war criminal by the international criminal court. Con only claims that the agreements that they admit Russia violated have no legal bindings which are not proven to be accurate despite their claims.

Both participants used excellent sources and exhibited exceptional conduct in this debate. As a result, I cannot favor either side concerning their behavior or the credibility of their sources. Overall, I side with the Pro in terms of argument and legibility. Although Con performed well in the debate, they fell short in these two aspects compared to Pro.
>Reason for Mod Action:
The legibility point is insufficiently explained. Legibility refers to the clarity required to be able to read the arguments, i.e. it evaluates whether the arguments are presented in a manner that they are understandable. The voter refers to legibility in a different manner, as though it is associated with better proof for a specific claim. That is not sufficient to award this point.
Argument points are borderline. The voter should refrain from inserting personal disagreements into their RFD as counterpoints to arguments made by either side, though as there may be some basis for arguing that the debaters made those points (I haven't fully read through this debate yet, only skimmed it), that may still be valid. If this vote is posted again awarding only arguments with the same reasoning, it may be subject to further review should it be reported again.


Debate is essentially tied right now. Plz vote if you have time.


Thanks for voting!


Best.Korea, Thank you for the vote. It was a long one, and I appreciate you putting in the time.

Barney, I hope you can get through the rest of it for a vote


Damn fine first round from both sides!


no problem thanks for making a great debate.


Thanks for voting!


Should be able to get to it.


Not sure if you're busy with the tournament, but plz consider voting if you get a chance.

Oh, I’m 100% voting on this.

Interested to see Con’s approach on this debate.


Well if the vote comes down to that one thing, neither of us did a good enough job :)

No worries.


I probably should have tagged you in the comment about my typo, I guess we'll just see how the voters feel about it


Please vote if you have time

*made a clerical error in the last part of R3. "not violating" is supposed to say "not following"

This might be an easy win for Pro

In Round 1 Con wrote
"In 2013, Putin offered Ukraines pro Russia government a $15BN loan and lower gas prices, if Ukraine President Yanukovych did not sign the EU Cooperation Agreement. Yanukovych agreed with Putin, and then the shit hit the fan. Massive Pro-EU protests spring up in 2014, which was called the Euromaidan Revolution, The EU then brokers a deal for the resignation of Yanukovych. Pro EU Poroshenko wins the new election.
As the political tied shifted so drastically, the predominant Russian populations in Crimea and Donbas, got very concerned. They wanted more Russian ties. So they held referendums in both regions. Russia accepted the Crimea referendum ...."

I think Con just slid over something important here. In 1994, Russia, US, UK, & Ukraine signed the Budapest Memorandum. That document guaranteed the then-current borders of Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up the nuclear weapons inherited from the USSR. After the pro-Russian Yanukovych was replaced by the pro-EU Poroshenko, Russia invaded Crimea. Because of the Budapest Memo., Putin felt he had to justify the invasion. His representative said “the security assurances were given to the legitimate government of Ukraine but not to the forces that came to power following the coup d’etat.” His thinking was that the removal of their guy and the election of another in Ukraine was a revolution, thus negating the memorandum.


You can reuse arguments as long as you wrote them. It's not plagiarism.


Any objections to me repurposing the narrative from another debate I have had on the subject?

Savant just might be the most impressive debater I’ve come upon.

With the exception of Barney and Whiteflame.


As a pacifist this is going to be hard. Bring it on!!!




3 days for arguments, can we increase the character count? I would appreciate it. Not needed.


Lmk if you want any more changes