Instigator / Pro

THBT: Russia's invasion of Ukraine beginning in 2022 was unjustified


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After 4 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

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Contender / Con

BoP is shared. PRO argues that the invasion is unjustified, CON argues that it is justified.

The "invasion" refers to both the action of subjugating Ukraine and to the way in which it was carried out.

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3 point(s)
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2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

For this debate the description which includes "and to the way in which it was carried out" is key to pro's victory. That opens the door to Russia drafting their people and the death toll suffered by them needing to be justified. Without this, he indeed would have been moving the goalpost to off topic areas. As is, it hurts con having tried to dismiss so much, since it leaves them implicitly against his case that he'd even need to try striking them from the record.

Con excels at pushing for the subjective nature of justified, which since BoP is on pro would favor con if we can't say if it's justified or not.
I should say that I get what con was going for with using the USA as a point of comparison, even if it got long winded.
Con also does quite well showing that the invasion didn't happen out of nowhere, there were clearly warning signs. Pro did well against this with building a case for Russia routinely flip flopping (such as how they'd never invade Crimea, and then did just that...).

The Crimea one favored pro, due to having easy access to sources which show that Russia was the baddie in that. I will add that I enjoyed the joke comparison to Kim Jong Un. Con trying to dismiss this and more since the sources are biased against Russia, doesn't close the gap to showing better evidence that Russia was well behaved there. As for Ukraine being against free press, that's not a comparable level of crime, even while it's useful to show that they're no angels.

The pathos appeal issue is an interesting one. Hard to weigh lose of human life in an emotional void. We should be able to at least separate Russia's history of genocide in Ukraine from the current conflict. Of course disagreeing with calling an invasion a full scale invasion seemed quite odd.

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1 point(s)

It was a good debate, guys, even if it felt like it was missing some big picture crystallization at the end. Let me know if you have any questions about the decision.

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1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Pro and Con present compelling arguments, but I lean towards Pro's case for two reasons: 1) Ukraine is a sovereign entity, and 2) the invasion violates UN law, as evidenced by Pro's sources. Con's primary rebuttal is that Russia did not attack without warning. However, I personally disagree since Russia initially denied plans to attack Ukraine while gradually increasing its military presence along Ukraine's borders. Furthermore, Putin later enacted a law making it illegal to call the conflict a war under the guise of preventing false information. Even if Russia did issue a warning, the war was illegally planned and executed, violating the established norms of international law. Pro offers a better legal argument by utilizing the UN's legal interpretations of the war, which is supported by the fact that Russia is not only economically sanctioned heavily for the war but Putin himself has recently been declared a war criminal by the international criminal court. Con only claims that the agreements that they admit Russia violated have no legal bindings which are not proven to be accurate despite their claims.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Pro brings up plenty of arguments:
1) Condemned by international community, 2) Ukraine became independent in 1991, 3) Russia agreed to respect Ukraine's independence if Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, 4) Ukraine is more democratic and free than Russia, 5) Putin's political opponents continue to die under mysterious circumstances, 6) Russian violation of human rights, 7) Fighting a bloody war so that Ukranian citizens have less freedom is unjustified, 8) Russia violated the international law, 9) Russia committed war crimes, 10) Russia lied about self defense, 11) Ukraine posing no military threat to Russia, 12) Russia avoided diplomatic solutions and peace, 13) banned criticism of war, 14) unjustified conscription, 15) cost to Russian citizens, 16) destabilization of international peace, 17) nuclear threats, 18) refugee crisis cost, 19) People disagree about what proper justification is,
20) Do these provocations justify the specific kind of invasion that Russia has been carrying out? No.
21) We are not discussing other countries, 22) president Yanukovych only has authority to make claims about what he will do, 23) Russia does not have the authority to say Ukraine cannot make deals, 24) Referendum in Crimea was rigged, 25) Russia violated the Minsk agreements much more, 26) the agreements were unfair to Ukraine, 27) none of the things Con listed show that Ukraine poses any military threat to Russia, 28) Russia could admit that Donbas belongs to Ukraine like they admitted twice already, 29) killing innocent civilians, full-scale invasion do not solve any of the problems between Russia and Ukraine, 30) consequences of an invasion, 31) Russia has consistently lied about whether they would invade and about what parts of Ukraine belong to them, 32) NATO is a defensive alliance, 33) Russia is giving other countries a reason to fear military conflict.

Pro's arguments are diminished.
1) Subjectivity attached to justified, 2) Continuosly doing what someone doesnt like. That is provocation. 3) Ukraine would not be a cooperative neighbour because of NATO influence, 4) Ukraine were invited to join NATO, 5) NATO's expansion was a provocation to Russia, 6) Pro's claim Russia is a repressive regime, they cannot be provoked. Appeal to emotions. 7) Sovereignty in on itself, does not eliminate or negate justification for military actions, 8) setting a standard that a country must have its own borders in complete order, to some external standard, before they can claim a justification for military force is nonsensical, 9) Clearly from Russian perspective, there was a justification, 10) Pro seems to believe that the expansion of NATO, despite assurances, is not a provocation, and that NATO is just a defensive alliance. Tell that to the people of Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iraq. Hardly a defense only organization, 11) Pro-Russian separatists in Donbas protested. The Ukrainian government used a military response, 12) Ukraine refused to honor the Minsk accords, 13) Russia's military action protects Russian speakers, 14) Both Russia and Ukraine have troops that are not playing by the rules.

"Ukraine became independent in 1991, Russia agreed to respect Ukraine's independence if Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons" is diminished. "Ukraine were invited to join NATO." "Ukraine would not be a cooperative neighbour because of NATO influence". "NATO's expansion was a provocation to Russia".

"NATO is a defensive alliance" is diminished. "Tell that to the people of Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iraq". "NATO's expansion was a provocation to Russia".

"Fighting a bloody war so that Ukranian citizens have less freedom is unjustified" and "Russia committed war crimes" are diminished arguments.
"No UN accusations of genocide have been levied".
"Pro-Russian separatists in Donbas protested. The Ukrainian government used a military response."
"Simmons was placed on the notorious Myrotvorets kill list which has seen several of its targets assasinated by Ukrainian death squads".

"killing innocent civilians, full-scale invasion do not solve any of the problems between Russia and Ukraine" is diminished.
"Pro-Russian separatists in Donbas protested. The Ukrainian government used a military response.", "Subjectivity attached to justified", "setting a standard that a country must have its own borders in complete order, to some external standard, before they can claim a justification for military force is nonsensical", "Governments have historically used ethnic protection elements as justification for military intervention.", "Russia's military action protects Russian speakers", and "NATO's expansion was a provocation to Russia"
prove the topic "THBT: Russia's invasion of Ukraine beginning in 2022 was unjustified" in Con's favor. Arguments go to Con.

Plenty of sources used by both sides. Sources are tie.

Legibility was solid on both sides. Legibility is a tie.

Conduct was good. Conduct is tie.