Instigator / Pro

Rape is not a good excuse for abortion.


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After 6 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

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One week
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Contender / Con

Con will argue that Rape is a good enough reason or excuse for abortion to be legal. Note: this is not a debate on whether abortion should be legal or not, this is a debate on whether the argument that brings up rape is good enough to uphold the argument that abortion should be legal.

Actually maybe you could call it egoism


It would help cover up the crime. If we are taking the POV of the rapist and applying utilitarianism, Ii think it makes sense


My Friend you state: "My argument as con (sic) would have been that it's easier to hide evidence of rape if you allowed women to be coerced into abortions by rapists."

That's a pretty loaded statement. What does allowing coercion for abortion mean? Does coercion to abortion change the legal defence of a rapist? Perhaps.... if the coercion is retroactively applied and induced the victim to not tell? Does the abortion itself render the rape conduct defendable?

I am not sure I understand your position. Start a debate and hash it out?

Think about it, as a rapist if you allow your pregnant daughter to give birth, that child has your DNA and can get you locked up, therefore it is inherently better for abortion to be legal.


Not if Con is a rapist. If con is a rapist, it is an argument for con.


That would be an argument for Pro, not Con. As for votes, I'm not sure it would be enough to win. It really depends how common that is and what arguments the other side comes up with.


My argument as con would have been that it's easier to hide evidence of rape if you allowed women to be coerced into abortions by rapists.

Could I have secured you guy's votes with that you think?


Forgot to tag you, sorry.

"Lives that had only begun. The other lives have been there for quite awhile. There life is not less important than a life that has barely (if) begun. If anything it would be the life that has been around longer."

No. The child's life is almost as important as that of his parents. The importance of life does not significantly increase as it becomes longer. The parents dont lose life during pregnancy in great great majority of cases, so your argument is pure stupidity. Pregnancy creates life and increases it almost always. Therefore, being raped does not give you the right to kill your child and decrease life by doing so. The only value that your life has is if it gives birth to more life. So when you abort, your life loses value. We could even say that women who abort their children should get death penalty, irrelevant of if raped or not, to discourage others.


"I dont take that into consideration because its false. Abortion takes lives away."

Incorrect. It does take away lives.

"Still less important than saving lives."

Lives that had only begun. The other lives have been there for quite awhile. There life is not less important than a life that has barely (if) begun. If anything it would be the life that has been around longer.

"No. That is still less important than saving lives."

Already responded.

"Encouraging suicides is less important than saving lives."

Encouraging? I wasn't encouraging, my point was if they did and the baby was inside, it doesn't matter. It's there body therefore whatever happens inside their body is dependent on them.

"Not an argument, since abortion damages lives."

More so removes them, it removes them from the already active life that has been here for awhile. What life have they really had? They are a clump of things that have got no sort of intelligence.

"He didnt need to justify life. The argument of life beats all other arguments."

Great. Then, the already existing life that has been here for awhile trumps over because the new only (if) begined life is reckoning with their life.

We can go on and on about this but one thing is for sure, a woman is a life as well. And if you consider life an important factor than you have to consider hers as well.


"Actually, you never take into consideration the 'life' depending on how you word it, is being taken away from the parent(s)."

I dont take that into consideration because its false. Abortion takes lives away.

"as the woman being treated as a slave"

Still less important than saving lives.

"If the fetus is apart or inside the woman's body, she is able to treat her body however she pleases."

No. That is still less important than saving lives.

"if she was to commit suicide, it was her body"

Encouraging suicides is less important than saving lives.

"Are we saving lives or are we damaging the ones that already exist?"

Not an argument, since abortion damages lives.

"But he didn't justify life, all was done was practically restating."

He didnt need to justify life. The argument of life beats all other arguments.


Hm? Actually, you never take into consideration the 'life' depending on how you word it, is being taken away from the parent(s).
Also, as of which would be accounted to as the woman being treated as a slave which is also a violation of human rights. If the fetus is apart or inside the woman's body, she is able to treat her body however she pleases. It is her body, simply if she was to commit suicide, it was her body, her choice. Are we saving lives or are we damaging the ones that already exist?

All that said, his argument was talking about percentage, that didn't matter and lives. But he didn't justify life, all was done was practically restating.


His argument was about saving lives.
Your argument was some nonsense about women's difficulties.


General question on your vote, how was it superior? In which ways was it good?




I think you meant "vvvv" instead of "^^^^", because on this site, more recent comments are placed on the top.



Disallowing abortion for rape victims benefits no one except the rapist.


Some of those actually require extra funding, usually you can’t breastfeed forever. When they continue to grow up even older and older, such as, let’s just throw out 5 years old. They then need more proper nutrition. How are they able to get such when they are struggling to feed themselves?

Further, hand me downs can become to small.

I believe I could still, argue this topic without the need for those things as well.


Hand me downs

"Nutrient & Feeding Supplies"

WIC and breast feed


Go cloth


Co sleep