Vladimer Putin is a war criminal
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After not so many votes...
It's a tie!
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- One week
- Max argument characters
- 30,000
- Voting period
- Two weeks
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
Vladimir Putin, who is responsible for the current war in Ukraine, is viewed by some to be a war criminal and others as a good leader. Pro's job will be to establish Putin as a criminal, while Con will take the position that he is not a criminal but rather a good president.
Round 1
I appreciate Con taking part in the discussion. My goal is to establish that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. Because of his brutal and unnecessary invasion of Ukraine, which is a war of aggression aimed at gaining more territory, Putin is a war criminal. Putin has gone so far as to declare it unlawful to refer to his invasion as a war, notwithstanding his denials that it was one. He actually did wage a war, that much is true. He accomplished this with dishonesty and depravity reminiscent of Adolf Hitler's 1939 invasion of Poland.
Putin has asserted that his invasion of Ukraine was motivated by "security" concerns due to NATO's increasing influence, much like Hitler did decades earlier. But this is just a falsehood, nothing more. NATO has never threatened or attempted to undermine Russian sovereignty. Putin only started his war against Ukraine while it was being considered for NATO membership, which would have kept it secure from Russia indefinitely.
It's also critical to remember that Putin has been officially designated as a war criminal by other countries. B. A. R. F. G. B. S., the correspondent (2023, March 18). A warrant for Putin's arrest was issued due to claims of war crimes. World-Europe-64992727: https://www.bbc.com/news
Now that it is established, Vladimir Putin violates the law, morality, and deeds of a war criminal. I will be now giving my distinguished opponent the floor.
Let me present my argument in Round 1.
Looking back on the history of mankind, human beings were involved in many wars since the Roman Empire.
For example, we can think of two World Wars, Vietnam war, Iran-Iraq war and Israel-Palestine war in the 20th century. And Rusia and Ukraine have been fighting since
early 2022. First reason why I do not regard that Putin is a war criminal is that all human beings have a desire for the hatred feelings and destruction.
This leads to causing war in international stage. Regarding to this problem, Einstein argues that``man has within him a lust for hatred and destruction.
In normal times this passion exists in a latent state, it emerges only in unusual circumstances, but it is a comparatively easy task to call it into play and raise it to the
power of a collective psychosis.``1) Furthermore, another factor which causes war in a nation is the existence of the managers and capitalists who are engaging in
military business. They are desperately trying to having sales contract with the incumbent political leaders. Einstein argues that``I have especially in mind that
small but determined group, active in every nation, composed of individuals who, indifferent to social considerations and restraints, regards warfare, the manufacture and sale of arms, simply as an occasion to advance their personal interests and enlarge their personal authority.``2)
So, I believe we should not blame only Putin for engaging in war with Ukraine.
Second reason why I believe Putin is not a war criminal is closely linked to the policy of NATO.
After the end of Cold War the U.S. and NATO promised with Rusia that they would not expand their influence into the eastern parts of NATO.
However, they encouraged Ukraine strongly for joining the member of NATO. This fueled an anger of Putin. The reason is that the U.S. and NATO broke the promise
with Rusia. Putin said that``you (the U.S.and NATO) promised us in the 1990s that NATO would not move an inch to the East. You cheated us shamelessly.``3)
The U.S. and NATO should be accused of having broken the promise with Russia.
Third reason why I do not label Putin as a war criminal is that he is not only popular among people in Russia but his policy which aims for a great Russia is widely
accepted among them. Therefore, they will be against his punishment as a war criminal. Furthermore, regarding the war between Russia and Ukraine many people
in eastern parts of Ukraine are expecting that they will be integrated into Russia. So, they regard Putin as a liberator who can prevent them from being oppressed
by NATO`s influence and contaminated by the idea of dominance and integration by the West.
Is Putin held responsible for invading Ukraine individually ? Kelebogile Zvobgo, an assistant professor of government at Williiam and Mary says that ``it is unlikely
that Putin would face a war crimes trial at the highest international levels.``4) ``An array of international judicial institutions have jurisdiction over abuses that
Putin`s military is accused of carrying out in Ukraine. But those courts differ in how they work and how their rulings are enforced- and few have any leverage over
Russia.``5) And the important thing is that ``a war crime can involve the willful killing of an individual, or abuses such as torture, property destruction, sexual
violence,or forced displacement during a conflict. It can be perpetrated by individual soldiers - but it doesn`t necessarily reflect their military or country.``6)
Regarding to this problem, Alexandra Meise, associate professor of law at Northeastern University, says that ``practically speaking, in order for Putin and other
senior leadership to face any kind of change, there would have to be regime change in Russia. If there were to be changes, and If Putin remains head of state,
it becomes very complicated, as we have seen with other heads of state who have been indicted and then not brought to bear before the International Criminal
Court for years because they take steps to avoid physical presence before the court. The most prominent example of this is the former president of Sudan,
Omal Al Bashir.``7)
From the arguments so far, I believe it is very difficult to punish Putin as a war criminal.
Sources: 1),2) ` Einstein - Freud Correspondence,1931-1932`, www.public. asu.edu.
3)` How NATO`s expansion helped drive Putin to invade Ukraine`, https:// www.mprnews.org
4),.5),6) Bill Chappel, `Changing Putin for potential war crimes is difficult, and any penalty hard to enforce`, https://www. npr.org.
7) `Will Putin face war crimes charges ? Here`s how the legal process may play out`, May 22,2024. https://news. northeastern. edu.
Round 2
Round 2 consists of two parts. One is Rebuttal. The other is my second argument.
Rebuttal: In Round 1, Pro argued that`because of his brutal and unnecessary invasion of Ukraine,which is a war of aggression aimed at gaining more territory, Putin is a war criminal.` I believe that Putin`s main purpose which motivated the invasion of Ukraine is to secure the eastern part of Ukraine and to retaliate toward the U.S.
and NATO which broke the promise that they don`t expand its influence into the east further. His was not to gain more territory. The important thing is that many
people in eastern part of Ukraine have a familiar feeling toward Russia. We must keep in mind that many Russian nationals are living in Ukraine.
Argument: I believe Putin is not a war criminal. The main reason is that he has not involved in war crimes directly.
It is important to think about what is war crimes. ``A war crime is a violation of the laws of war that gives individual criminal responsibility for actions by combatants
in action such as intentionally killing civilians or intentionally killing prisoners of war, torture, taking hostages, unnecessarily destroying civilian property, deception
by perfidy, wartime sexual violence, pillaging.`` 1) The important thing is that ``since many war crimes are not prosecuted ( due to lack of political will, lack of
effective procedures, or other practical and political reasons),historians and lawers will frequently make a serious case in order to prove that war crimes occured,
even though the perpetrators of these crimes were never formally prosecuted because investigations cleared them of all charges.``2)
International criminal prosecution expert, Alex Whiting , argues that ``with respect to who gets investigated, the ICC tries to focus always on those most responsible,
so the big fish, whether those are political leaders or military leaders. However, all of the international courts, including the ad hoc tribunal and the International
Criminal Court, have also been willing at times to prosecute mid-level actors who have been particularly instrumental in the commission of the crimes.
So, in this case, when we are thinking about potential targets in the Russian military or Russian political figures, it`s very possible that mid-level commanders who
are operating in Ukraine could become the focus of investigation by the ICC.`` 3)
Furthermore, in regarding to Russia-Ukraine war, Whiting continues to argue that in the Ukraine case if cases were brought against Russian political or military leaders, it might take a very long time before any of those people, who would presumably be in Russia, could ever be arrested. So, these cases can sometimes
start moving within a year or two, but sometimes it takes many, many years before they come to court.`` 4)
It seems that Putin is not encouraged to go to the court by many people in Russia. The reason is that they hope Putin remains as the leader of Russia as long as possible. They accept the authoritarian and strong government led by Putin. They reject him as a war criminal.
From the arguments so far, Putin is not justified as a war criminal.
References: 1) https://en.wikipedia.org.
3),4) `The international criminal court: explaining war crimes investigation`, https://his.harvard.edu.
Now, turn to Pro.
Round 3
Following is my last argument. The important thing is that Putin is not a war criminal. The reason is that the main aim of the invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022
was to protect the eastern part of Ukraine from the unlawful expansion of NATO. We must admit the justification of his decision.
``Mr.Putin argued that the West aimed to use Ukraine as a springboard to invade and destroy Russia. Unlike his speech earlier, Mr. Putin spent relatively little time
rehashing false stories of Ukrainian atrocities against the country`s Russian -speaking minority. Those claims had served as justification for his decision to recognize
Russian-backed separatist forces, which have held parts of eastern Ukraine since 2014, as independent states that he was intervening to protect.
Rather, he portrayed the war as a pre-emptive strike against Western aggression and a decisive battle to protect Russia`s rightful imperial hold over Europe`s east.``1) Putin has been confused , mentally unstable and irritated over the influence of NATO led by the U.S. toward Russia.
``Mr. Putin framed his decision to invade Ukraine as a last-ditch effort to halt the West`s hostile expansion ever closer to Russia`s borders.``2)
One decisively important thing which fueled his anger toward NATO is the fact that ``since the end of the Cold War, a number of countries in Eastern Europe have
chosen to join NATO, making them military allies of Moscow`s former adversaries in the West.`` 3)
Putin declares the invasion of Ukraine as follows: `` The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and
genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime.`` 4) Putin`s main purpose has been focusing on saving the life of people living in eastern parts of Ukraine not mainly
attacking and destroying Ukraine. ``Despite Mr.Putin`s long case for war as necessary to turn back encroaching Western influence by reimposing Russian
influence in Ukraine, he ultimately declares his intentions to be more modest; protecting civilians in eastern Ukraine who have supposedly cried out for his help.``5)
From the arguments so far, I believe that Putin`s actions are not considered illegal and he is not a war criminal.
On June 19, 2024. Putin visited North Korea to strengthen further economic and military cooperation for many years to come.
His historical visit contributes to making people in eastern Ukraine more mentally strong as a result of getting a new supporter.
They will challenge the imperial behavior of the West.
References: 1),2),3),4),5) Max Fisher, `Putin`s case for war,annotated` https://www.nytimes.com.
sorry guys, I have been busy and wasn't notified that my opponent made any arguments. So the system forfeited me. I will post this topic again
I apologize; I never meant to forfeit; life got in the way, and I ran out of time.
Its a peace mission.
Don't you know that it's neither a war nor an invasion. It's a "humanitarian operation" against Mecha Hitler or something.
Blocking individuals is cowardice. If you think you can supercede them in an argument, there's no basis.
He blocked me, but I already accepted other rated debate where opponent quit the site probably.
He spelled it "Vadimer" instead of "Vladimir" in the title. Now's your chance to accept.
Its not a war.
Its a special military operation.