The transgenderism debate

Author: YouFound_Lxam


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Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
I know this isn't addressed to me but I think it's a good point that needs to be addressed.

All we're really talking about is how we should handle the fact that there are a lot of people in our society who experience gender dysphoria and many who chose to alter their bodies because if it. I believe we should feel empathy for these people and their struggles, and treat them with basic dignity and respect.
I agree with everything you've said up to here.

If that means addressing a person who was born a man but transitioned as a she then I'm fine with that, who the hell cares?
I care because it enables their delusion, of which is a product of mental illness.

I think telling schizophrenics the voices in their heads are real isn't treating them with basic dignity and respect. Likewise, we shouldn't tell transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born. Enabling people's delusions harms them, ESPECIALLY when it's a mental illness producing those delusions.

I know that the left is trying to help transgender people by showing them empathy and treating them with basic dignity and respect, but it's like they're trying to put a fire out with gasoline, in my eyes.

I can't speak for everyone on their rejection of transgenderism, but that's where I'm coming from.
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Should be able to smell the difference.


Just practice with people you know, and you will see what I mean.

Big hairy hands is another.

Big feet


Deep voice

Knobbly knees

Crotch fiddling.

Arse scratching.

Oh, the wig of course.

Check out Jamie Lee Curtis's Theychild.
sadolite's avatar
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sadolite's avatar
Pretending to be something you are not, that's up to you. Society playing along, that's up to each individual. End of debate.
cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
  • that is, transgender movement=transgender ideology
*sigh* No, you are simply misinterpreting the Wiktionary entry…

  • I only started using the notion "transgender movement" to correct your false claim regarding what I said.
What a load of nonsense. You are merely attempting to weasel out of using a phrase you later thought to be pejorative, based on your faulty interpretation above of your dictionary overlords.

Stilll, I must concede the point…
Conceding a point which you brought up in the first place? Well, it’s good to see that your style of bullying knows some boundaries…

It is not about what I want, I am merely reporting the history of Feminist philosophy…
Oh, you’re just the unbiased messenger of facts with no opinions of your own in all this? You’ll have to excuse me when I find that hard to believe.

By the way, I am a bit curious to see you address Bones’ observation below from post 264, which I also happened to notice at the time you cited a dictionary definition of “woman”:

I agree here, with adult female human being the general term associated with being a woman - it's good to see female as being central to all the definitions. I assume you take a biological definition of female to be true? Just curious as to how identifying as the opposite sex is then possible under your position given you have conceded a biological defining of woman.

Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
I think telling schizophrenics the voices in their heads are real isn't treating them with basic dignity and respect.
No. You cant decide whats real. They arent hurting anyone. Maybe they are trying to be our friends and we make them sad by being mean to them. You dont know how they feel. All they need is love.

Likewise, we shouldn't tell transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born.
Maybe the person has 2 sexes. 1 biological and 1 non-biological. I think both sexes are equally valid. I dont remember reading in biology that person can only have 1 sex at the time. I think the person can have up to 60 sexes at the same time. I dont see why the limit would be just one.

For example, I have a penis and I can produce sperm, therefore I am male. However, I am also a female because I feel like I have a vagina. I feel like I can get pregnant. Therefore, you should respect my feelings and admit that I am female in my feelings.
TWS1405_2's avatar
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TWS1405_2's avatar
  • I refute that Transgender Ideology is the proper label for what you are opposing.
Ignorance (and denialism) is bliss.

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
  • Essentially my point.  The lead story is not that you are anti-transgenderism, or anti-LGBTQ.  The lead story, the whole truth is that  it is modern feminism you'd like to eradicate.  Well, the Republican Party certainly agrees with you.
Well, if you asked me personally this question, I would like to eradicate, any moral system or ideology created by people that dictates how people should act.
But this debate is about Transgender Ideology, not Feminism, so let's keep it on topic. 
Also, I do hold a lot of Republican values, but I don't think I would call myself Republican. 

  • I refute that Transgender Ideology is the proper label for what you are opposing.
  • I think NOW summed it up best:  all people are valid in their stated identities.
Ok, so you explained it as:
"all people are valid in their stated identities."

This means (in your words) that the Transgender Ideology supports:
Men becoming Women.
Women becoming Men.
Adults becoming Kids.
Humans, becoming Animals.
The idea of more than 2 genders. 
The idea of a genderless person.
And the list could go on, because I could identify as literally anything. 

With this definition you are basically supporting someone who could want to be identified as an attack helicopter. And this would be valid? 

  • All American speech uses the First Ammendment
True. Americans do use their 1st Amendment rights to speak freely, because these are unalienable rights that we as humans should have. 

  • the Feminist philosophy stating that " all people are valid in their stated identities" tests most Americans' commitment to free expression.  Hence, reinforcement for those who pass the test.
Again, not talking about Feminism. Answer this question relating to Transgenderism. 

  • By nature and design, The First Ammendment is threatened on a continuous basis.
Let's look at the 1st Amendment:
"The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. It prohibits any laws that establish a national religion, impede the free exercise of religion, abridge the freedom of speech, infringe upon the freedom of the press, interfere with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibit citizens from petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

I would actually argue that out of all of those rights, the only ones that haven't been directly threatened in recent years, is the right to peacefully assemble, establishing a national religion, and freedom of expression.

Every other right in the 1st Amendment has been attacked in recent years in one way or another. 

  • In the same post you ask me to explain the Transgender Ideology to you but also state that whatever you end up learning Transgenderism to be, it is the opposite of free expression.  That is a very nice textbook example of prejudice of course.  You are still waiting for the premise but alas, your conclusion has arrived.
I am explaining my view of Transgenderism and how I think it effects society and people. 
I am giving you an option to change the definition of what you think Transgenderism despite my bias, so that I can argue based off of that. 

  • Has it ever occurred to you  that the demographic is not expanding but only coming out of the closet?   A Constitutional protection for transpeople was only affirmed by Supreme Court in 2020. 
This is idiotic. 
Are Trans-people, people? 
If yes (which they are) then that means that they have always had Constitutional protection. 

Not fifteen years ago, an employee of 20 years at HP sent an email on Friday promising a radical change in his look on Monday morning.  Certain that he was going to come to work in a dress,  mgmt. fired him on Friday night.  Turns out the poor bastard had only decided to give up on his increasingly obvious toupee.  Of course there great hue and cry from the proletartiat but no appeal could entertained.   
    • That is, just fifteen years ago it was perfectly normal to fire an employee just for making the boss think he might make an adjustment to his stated gender  identity. 
I think it is common sense, and a smart idea to fire someone who has a mental illness, from a job that you manage. 
Also, this isn't infringing on the rights of a Trans-person. This is called firing, and everyone is subject to it. 

  • Let's agree that being  fired for being trans is a very good reason for trans people to never speak honestly in public about their identity.  It has only been okay to say your trans in public for the last three years.  Occam's razor suggest that the very recent and substantial decrease in threat to trans people's livlihood is the direct and entirely sufficient cause to explain the increase about which you hysterically overreaact.
Good point. This is a valid argument. 
But let's look at the statistics:
If you read these articles and their findings, I think you will find something interesting. 
The majority of Transgender people in the U.S. are part of the younger generation. 

Now if your argument is true and there were many transgender people before, not wanting to come out, then you would see an influx in adults who have at least lived through the 2000s, or at least a similar amount to youth.

But you don't see this, you see the majority of this population of transgenders is kids, teens, and young adults. Why do you think that is? 

  • Only the Republicans are at war with culture: culture is a mirror and vampires resent their lack of reflection.  The trans folks are just trying to find a way to be public and honest about who they are.  Certainly, it worked out better for the rest of the LGB's.
Almost no one is stopping any Trans-person from being public and honest about who they are. So, what exactly are they trying to find a way to do? 

  • You mean what do they (trans citizens) contribute.
No, I am asking if this ideology is in fact beneficial, it should be reflected in the policy's that this ideology enacts, and the people it persuades right? 

  • Same as you contribute, you little shithead, or any other citizen although considering your age probably a whole lot more than you in terms of labor, commericial particpation, ideas, civic participation,  public service, art, taxes, etc.
    • Do really imagine that trans-people can't contribute same as you?
Again, Ideology reflects itself in the people it persuades.

  • Do you think that you are a contribution o society?  and if you answer yes, let's assume the average trans person contributes more good to society.
I think that what I do in society benefits it, not just me existing as a person. 
Thats why I ask you what this ideology does for society. 

Everybody agrees there are differences- You contradict  most biologists, the AMA, the APA by claiming that those differences are black and white and cleanly dilineated.  That is very old school thinking long disproved by science. 
Did you even attempt to read my findings and article? 
It's a fun read and very intriguing. 

  • Most famous biologists don't think there are differences between man and women?  I don't buy that.  That's just another straw man. Name a few famous biologist who say there is no difference btween male and females brains.
Ok, first of all, you were the one who claimed this:
"Almost all scientists agree that there exist biological "shades of gray" between men and women that sometimes manifest as trangenderism or other nonbinary nonconformities."

I am the one who said that I don't agree this statement to be true. I said the majority of scientists who get media attention are the ones claiming there is grey area.
I never claimed that these biologists are claiming that there are no differences between men and women. You sir were just caught with a red herring. 

Most of all biologists agree that men and women are different. That is obvious. 
What most of the media pushed ones are trying to claim (this majority of biologists that you claim), is that there is more of grey area in sex than we thought, which they don't have any concrete evidence for. All of their findings come out unconcluded. 

Name a few famous biologist who say there is no difference btween male and females brains.
So, I don't have to prove this, because it does nothing to what I said, and is nothing but a red herring. 

  • Oh, so you think "almost all" scientists are insincere in their findings and so easily swayed by external pressure?   You think Science generally is conspiring together to conceal from you what Scientists  really, secretly think about gender dimorphism and it just so happens that Science's top-secret, uncoerced opinion matches your own?
Yes. This is exactly what I think. Especially in America, where corruption is key for control. Look at what the experts said for covid. They said wear a mask and get vaccinated. Turns out, you didn't need a mask, or a vaccine, because it didn't make a difference. 

If that's is your general opinion of Science (and I can't say I'll surprised that it is) then why the hell bother claiming in the OP that you want to stick to science and biology.
Because there are legitimate biological principals that aren't lining up with theses "new study's". Again, these scientists can't blatantly go against basic biological principals, so they will try to find a way to sway people into thinking there is a chance for a different outlook on things. Almost every modern-day advanced society has used these basic biological principals to study biology and new findings. The reason why these new scientists aren't finding anything, is because they aren't using these basic high school biological principles that ground biology as a whole.

If these so-called biologists are studying biology, don't you think that they should base it in biology? Otherwise, it is a whole different study and not a biological one. 

  • OK, let's hear your brilliant plan to eradicate transgenderism while upholding the Constitution and remaining a moral man
Well, it all boils down to transgenderism being an ideology. This is the plan.
Schools, Government systems, and things that ground how our society thrives needs to get rid of this idea of transgenderism, or at least not be allowed to promote it, just as schools, and governments aren't allowed to use Christianity to base things in. 

Now people can choose to be transgender and live their life without the actual help they deserve, but this ideology should only go down to an individual level, and not a governmental legislative level. 

Only American principles should be promoted, because after all, we live in America. 
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
I think telling schizophrenics the voices in their heads are real isn't treating them with basic dignity and respect.
No. You cant decide whats real. They arent hurting anyone. Maybe they are trying to be our friends and we make them sad by being mean to them. You dont know how they feel. All they need is love.
Oh, you're right. I can't decide what's real. Schizophrenia isn't a mental illness and the voices in their heads are always trying to be their friends. That's why when schizophrenic head voices tell the schizophrenics to kill people, it's out of love -- a big 59 stab wounds to the torso, face and limbs causing death by loss of blood of 1st degree murder worth of love <3

Likewise, we shouldn't tell transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born.
Maybe the person has 2 sexes. 1 biological and 1 non-biological. I think both sexes are equally valid. I dont remember reading in biology that person can only have 1 sex at the time. I think the person can have up to 60 sexes at the same time. I dont see why the limit would be just one.
Having one sex at a time is for people who can't think outside of the box. 

I think having 60 sexes at once is so 2022. You should really have your simultaneous sex total into the billions, in order to keep up with the fashion.

For example, I have a penis and I can produce sperm, therefore I am male. However, I am also a female because I feel like I have a vagina. I feel like I can get pregnant. Therefore, you should respect my feelings and admit that I am female in my feelings.
If you can feel it, it's true. Being a biological female shouldn't be gatekept by biology.

People just need to listen and believe to people who feel like being women, attack helicopters or wolves.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
What’s the difference between an effeminate man (one who lives in accordance with traits associated with women) and a male who identifies as a woman?
That depends on how deeply you are defining the term. Their genitalia is what most people go by, or at the very least the intention of getting surgery. If we're speaking on a more superficial level then the way they are dressed would have more to do with it.

If you really want to understand this, then think of Mrs. Doubtfire. When speaking about the character, we would refer to it as a she, even knowing that it's a man under there. We do that because when we refer to Mrs Doubtfire we're not talking about Robin Williams or even the person he was playing, we're talking about a character. Female genitalia or not, the character was a woman.

The difference between that and what we're discussing here is that the person these individuals are dressing up and acting as is not a character, this is really how these people identify and how they see themselves. 

Now you don't have to care about that nor do you have to agree that this is what makes one a women, but none of that is relevant. You are making the argument that the LGBTQIA community's definitions are incoherent. No, they're not, they're nuanced. Not having the bandwidth to understand it is not incoherence. Incoherence is the result of a logical contradiction. So demonstrate what is logically contradictory here.
Best.Korea's avatar
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Best.Korea's avatar
Common guys, let us defend our rainbow ideology 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
That depends on how deeply you are defining the term. Their genitalia is what most people go by, or at the very least the intention of getting surgery. If we're speaking on a more superficial level then the way they are dressed would have more to do with it.

If you really want to understand this, then think of Mrs. Doubtfire. When speaking about the character, we would refer to it as a she, even knowing that it's a man under there. We do that because when we refer to Mrs Doubtfire we're not talking about Robin Williams or even the person he was playing, we're talking about a character. Female genitalia or not, the character was a woman.

The difference between that and what we're discussing here is that the person these individuals are dressing up and acting as is not a character, this is really how these people identify and how they see themselves. 
Much of the problem is that you think all this “reasoning” is somehow coherent. “Genitalia is what most people go by” you say. Both people in my question have a penis, so you are not making any distinction I was asking for there. “What most people go by”? I am not asking about that; I am asking how transgender activists wish us to make these distinctions going forward. The way they are dressed? What if the effeminate man decides to put on a wig, dress, and makeup? He is, by definition, a woman now? I think he would disagree.

“… this is how these people identify and how they see themselves.” Now, you are getting to the heart of the incoherence. How one sees themself is the true distinguishing feature of gender, allegedly. Transgender activists want us not to ground gender in biology, but in “my feels.” Ergo, feelings essentially determine fact. You think this is coherent, logical, reasonable, maybe even common sense, and will not lead to problems in society, whereas I do not think any of that.

It makes me shake my head to see people such as yourself with, eh… supposedly much higher “bandwidth” than me and my pea brain, go through various contortions and mental gymnastics to force the square peg into the round hole… to try and claim things akin to “there are circles with corners, and there are squares without corners!” Right, it just involves abruptly changing some long held definitions and meanings of words… it’s just what postmodernist activists do…

cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
I don't define it as anything…

Perhaps you simply aren’t aware that you did give your own description, although I clearly showed how you did in post 177. To reiterate:

Post 175, your words (emphasis added by me):

“Transgenderism" isn't one person's idea, it's a collection of ideas advanced by a significant portion of our society that we are now discussing.

Compare your characterization to this definition (some holding added):


noun: ideology; plural noun: ideologies

  1. a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy."the ideology of democracy"


This is where you could say something like “Oh! Nice one. Well, perhaps the transgender movement has put forth what amounts to ideology after all. But, as I said to you initially, this isn’t the central issue for me.”

Just try it. You’ll live.

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
we shouldn't tell transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born. Enabling people's delusions harms them, ESPECIALLY when it's a mental illness producing those delusions.
It’s not us telling transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born into, it’s them telling us. The level of perceived superiority over these people expressed by your statement is remarkable.

You claim they are delusional yet you have made no attempt to show how. It is a tired strawman attack by the political right to pretend that transpeople are making biological claims with regards to their gender but the LGBTQ community’s definitions on gender have almost nothing to do with biology.

To be delusional is to convince oneself of that which is untrue. Explain specifically what it is that transpeople believe that is not true. Be absolutely clear in your definitions.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Now, you are getting to the heart of the incoherence. How one sees themself is the true distinguishing feature of gender, allegedly. Transgender activists want us not to ground gender in biology, but in “my feels.” Ergo, feelings essentially determine fact. You think this is coherent, logical, reasonable
No one is claiming feelings determine fact, that’s just a caricature you and much of the political right made up and continue to propagate. It’s wholly dishonest.

Most transgender activists aren’t asking you to change how you define gender, they’re asking for you to respect theirs. That’s really it, this isn’t complicated.

For the umpteenth time in this thread; When you look at other people every day, you make a determination as to what gender you classify them as. I’m pretty sure you’ve never walked around pulling up girls skirts or scanning people with some sort of chromosome detector before using the term “he” or “she”. So this claim that gender must be based on biology is complete nonsense. You’ve never based it on biology before, you’ve always based it on your plain observations.

So when a transperson, especially one who has fully transitioned and appears to be of the sex they identify as, asks you to identify them as the sex they appear… it’s absurd for you to claim that’s somehow incoherent on the basis of a lack of something you never examined in another person before committing to a gender classification, ever.

It makes me shake my head to see people such as yourself with, eh… supposedly much higher “bandwidth” than me and my pea brain, go through various contortions and mental gymnastics to force the square peg into the round hole… to try and claim things akin to “there are circles with corners, and there are squares without corners
"I don't understand, there are so many variables" is not akin to "there are squares without corners". One is just an expression of ignorance and/or intelligence. The other violates the laws of logic. The former is essentially all you've presented.

If you're going to continue pushing this incoherence argument demonstrate the logical contradiction.

Perhaps you simply aren’t aware that you did give your own description, although I clearly showed how you did in post 177.
And I've already pointed out that when I "defined" it I put transgenderism in quotes. I'm sure you know what quotes mean even if you continue pretending you don't.

Once again, I am arguing against the nonsense attacks in this thread as well as others, so I am just accepting your definition for the sake of argument. Do you understand that? Is there any reason this concept is so difficult?
cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
No one is claiming feelings determine fact,
Trans activists claim:  Identifying as (ie feeling just as though you are) a woman = you are, in fact, a woman

The er… fact that this is being disputed is itself evidence of the incoherence in the ideology.

Most transgender activists aren’t asking you to change how you define gender, they’re asking for you to respect theirs. That’s really it, this isn’t complicated.
It wouldn’t be that complicated, if it were that simple… and that true…

Fact is, redefining the historic meaning of gender is exactly what many activists have done and are doing. They are also demanding (not asking for) respect for incoherent gender identities found in the nearly infinite points along the gender spectrum. No single individual can identify all the genders… not even remotely. Could two, three, four experts list them all? Such ideology adds needless complexity, which isn’t a logical goal.

When you look at other people every day, you make a determination as to what gender you classify them as. I’m pretty sure you’ve never walked around pulling up girls skirts or scanning people with some sort of chromosome detector before using the term “he” or “she”. So this claim that gender must be based on biology is complete nonsense. You’ve never based it on biology before, you’ve always based it on your plain observations.
I’m afraid you, yet again, aren’t making a coherent point here. Biological attributes are often visible. If I see someone who could be described as voluptuous, it’s not as if people are thinking, I shouldn’t assume anything here. There could still be a penis!!

Yet there’s nothing stopping a voluptuous female from identifying as a man, so society should still ask the person before making any assumptions.

See, you are conflating society as it has been— one can most often discern gender without ordering for a doctor— with society as activists wish it to be, where one must ask “what’s your gender identity?” or check documents before determining gender. 

So when a transperson, especially one who has fully transitioned and appears to be of the sex they identify as, asks you to identify them as the sex they appear… it’s absurd for you to claim that’s somehow incoherent on the basis of a lack of something you never examined in another person before committing to a gender classification, ever.
You think it’s absurd because you are the one creating a caricature here. The incoherence is the “non ideological” claim “trans women are women!” No, trans women are males who identify as women.

If you're going to continue pushing this incoherence argument demonstrate the logical contradiction.
I could come up with several, I believe, but here is one: the movement places great import on gender identity while simultaneously rendering the concept of gender virtually meaningless with its “non ideological” claim of gender being a non-binary spectrum with infinitely many points of identity along that spectrum.

My first post to this thread reflected this very convoluted concept. Now, here we are again, full circle. But hey, it could just be my lack of intelligence which makes it merely feel convoluted, when it is, in fact, completely cogent. Perhaps it is just me?

And I've already pointed out that when I "defined" it I put transgenderism in quotes. I'm sure you know what quotes mean even if you continue pretending you don't.
The quotes around “transgenderism” mean that you don’t believe that word is used properly by right wingers, so you merely adopt it temporarily for arguments’ sake, but you proceed to describe [what the eff ever you wanna label it] in words coinciding with the definition of “ideology,” as I have explained now for the third time.

Your refusal to yield an inch regarding your contradiction, your refusal to reconsider, to rethink your position in any way— you don’t even consider the ideology/not an ideology debate to be a big aspect(!), confirms why you are fundamentally not a serious interlocutor, despite all your pretense to the contrary.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Trans activists claim:  Identifying as (ie feeling just as though you are) a woman = you are, in fact, a woman
My god dude, this isn't complicated. You're literally arguing against a taughtology claiming it's factually false.

There is no one definition that everyone on either side of this debate will unanimously accept. But broadly, the main factor most in the trans coming agree on is personal identity.

If one's personal identity is what in trans circles is considered to be the determining factor, then personal identity is the definition. Your argument is then; "identifying as a woman, does not mean you identify as a woman".

That's the reason you find this incoherent, because you seem incapable of analyzing what someone else whom you disagree with is actually saying.

No single individual can identify all the genders… not even remotely. Could two, three, four experts list them all? Such ideology adds needless complexity, which isn’t a logical goal.
Goals are fundamentally an expression of a desired outcome. That has nothing to do with logic. Logic is what we use to determine how to achieve it. The fact that you desire a different outcome does not make the goal illogical, although referring to it like that calls into question your ability to understand basic logic.

I'm sure plenty of individuals out there could identify all genders, but even if no one could that's not relevant to this conversation. Complexity does not = incoherent.

At best you are making the argument that society would be better off sticking to the traditional binary gender construct, an argument I don't necessarily disagree with. But that's entirely different from pretending the idea of more than two genders or basing gender off of something other than biology it's incoherent.

Biological attributes are often visible.
And sometimes they're not. Yet every characteristic you've ever used to determine the gender of anyone you've ever met in real life is.

See, you are conflating society as it has been— one can most often discern gender without ordering for a doctor— with society as activists wish it to be, where one must ask “what’s your gender identity?” or check documents before determining gender. 
Yes, I've been places where I had to wear a name tag and specify my pronouns on it. It's a big pain in the ass and I'm always concerned about misidentifying someone. But you know what, who cares? My annoyance pales in comparison to the struggles that these people have dealt with so I don't take any issue with it. It just baffles me that to so many this is seriously a topic they care about and will be motivated to go out and vote based on. That's what I find insane.

the movement places great import on gender identity while simultaneously rendering the concept of gender virtually meaningless with its “non ideological” claim of gender being a non-binary spectrum with infinitely many points of identity along that spectrum.
Ok, and... So what? How exactly is this negatively impacting your life?

The quotes around “transgenderism” mean that you don’t believe that word is used properly by right wingers, so you merely adopt it temporarily for arguments’ sake, but you proceed to describe [what the eff ever you wanna label it] in words coinciding with the definition of “ideology,” as I have explained now for the third time.
The quote around the term means I consider it a made up thing which it's proponents don't even know what it is.

In case you didn't realize, in my "definition" which you quoted, all I said is that it's a collection of ideas. The ideas I'm referring to are the ones that people using this term are concocting in their own minds, almost all of which are a complete strawman. So you're really trying to argue that I am recognizing a word as an ideology as I'm explaining that this ideology doesn't exist. That's absurd.

If there is one central idea to point to in this so called transgenderism it would be to respect your fellow citizens and stop being an asshole. There's nothing about that which is specific to this debate, it's a very basic idea.
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
we shouldn't tell transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born. Enabling people's delusions harms them, ESPECIALLY when it's a mental illness producing those delusions.
It’s not us telling transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born into, it’s them telling us.
Yes, it's them telling us first, and then people like you being complicit/indifferent to it.

The level of perceived superiority over these people expressed by your statement is remarkable.
Yeah, it's scientifically backed. It's remarkable when the science agrees with your worldview.

I'll reiterate my argument by greatly expanding upon the studies I've provided:

Hostile society/individuals do not cause transgender people to kill themselves en masse

(1) I think we can already agree that transgender suicide is higher than the general population. You claim it's due to a hostile society/Individuals.
(2) Transgender people who self-report not experiencing discrimination still have these elevated risks of suicide Suicidality-Transgender-Sep-2019.pdf (
(3) Suicidal transgender people also typically don't cite bullying as a reason for their attempts at suicide A systematic review and meta-analysis of victimisation and mental health prevalence among LGBTQ+ young people with experiences of self-harm and suicide | PLOS ONE 
(C) I can cite more data but this should be sufficient to make the conclusion that discrimination doesn't cause transgender people to kill themselves, therefore needing another explanation

Transgender surgeries do not remove the increased suicide chance

(1) You've claimed that we should support the gender expression of transgender people. Let's see what happens when we appease transgender people's wish to undergo genitalia altering surgeries. 
(2) Transitioners in San Francisco (a super-pro trans area) still had the elevated chance of suicide relative to the general population, despite the various surgeries 11524_2014_Article_9921.pdf (
(3) There is even a high quality study that found transitioning increased the risk of suicide Trans-GNC-Suicide-Attempts-Jan-2014.pdf ( . Similar studies found the increase in suicide as well Suicidal ideation and attempted suicide amongst Chinese transgender persons: National population study - PubMed ( LGBT-2013-0048-ver9-Rood_3P 270..275 ( 
(C) Therefore, the evidence suggests we should not support transgender people in getting surgeries related to their gender dysphoria 

Transgender people do not have brains of the opposite sex (i.e. transgender born a male = mostly male brain)

(1) Some pro-trans people will claim that transgender brains resemble the opposite biological sex (I don't think you made this claim, but it will make my case)
(2) A study found that while some regions of a transgender brain may resemble the opposite biological sex they were born into, the brain is mostly the same biological sex's A Review of the Status of Brain Structure Research in Transsexualism ( Same result was found when brain imaging was used Structural, Functional, and Metabolic Brain Differences as a Function of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation: A Systematic Review of the Human Neuroimaging Literature ( 
(3) Both studies noted that transgender people's brains were basically always homosexual, hence the pockets of the brain that were the opposite biological sex
(C) Therefore, transgenderism is caused by things unrelated to the opposite gender nature of the brain

Transgender behavior is erratic and unnecessarily violent

(1) Unexplained, erratic or unnecessarily violent behavior is often indicative of a cognitive issue
(3)  Meta-analysis finding that 40%of trans people have been incarcerated  ajph201823846_becasen1..8 (
(C) Transgender people are erratic and unnecessarily violent

Transgender people have many, many indications of mental illness

(1)  Transgender people havegreatly elevated rates of anti-social personality  Sci-Hub| Correlates of Gender Dysphoria in Taiwanese University Students |10.1007/s10508-009-9570-y  Anti-social personality disorder is a mental illness
(2) Transgender people are 4 times more likely to have a mental illness than the general population Mental Health Diagnoses Among Transgender Patients in the Clinical Setting: An All-Payer Electronic Health Record Study (
(3) Mental illnesses correlate with each other
(C) Gender dysphoria is probably a mental illness, based on correlates alone


We know that transgender people have an increased suicide risk for some reason. We know that this reason is not caused by bullying, having the wrong genitalia, or having a body-brain mismatch (they're just gay). We know that transgender people are erratic and unnecessarily violent. We know that transgender people have far more mental illnesses than the general population.

Therefore, we should consider the gender dysphoria transgender people experience as a mental illness because none of the standard narratives explain it, doing so gives us consistent predictive validity, and transgender people exhibit unexplained behavior which fits that of a mentally ill person.

You claim they are delusional yet you have made no attempt to show how. It is a tired strawman attack by the political right to pretend that transpeople are making biological claims with regards to their gender but the LGBTQ community’s definitions on gender have almost nothing to do with biology.
You're bringing the conversation back to square 1 and we've already been there and done that. 

I've claimed that gender extends from biology, and extending gender from mental illness is not a good idea. You, now saying that I've made no attempt to show how, is incredibly wrong and frankly I think you're just lying, giving that we've been back-and-forth for over 12 posts now.

To be delusional is to convince oneself of that which is untrue. Explain specifically what it is that transpeople believe that is not true. Be absolutely clear in your definitions.
We've done this already as well.

I think transgenderism is a mental illness which causes trans people to feel certain ways. They think those feelings means they are a different gender/biological sex. I don't think we should enable mental illness.

You have provided precisely ZERO data to support your idea that we should let transgender people do whatever they want, so let's keep that in mind.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
We know that transgender people have an increased suicide risk for some reason. We know that this reason is not caused by bullying
Serious question; are you reading the studies you are citing? Here is what your own study said about that:


Victimisation and mental health were key risk factors across the dimension self-harm and suicide identified through all analyses.

You also reposted a study you claim shows that transpeople are disproportionately purveyors of bullying despite that I showed you a study from the same source saying that they were both bullying and being bullied. You never addressed that yet here you are repeating the same claim with no adjustment.

Spamming a bunch of studies to make yourself appear well informed is nice little tactic but if you don't understand what you're posting it just makes you look dishonest.

I think transgenderism is a mental illness which causes trans people to feel certain ways. They think those feelings means they are a different gender/biological sex. I don't think we should enable mental illness.
Even if I granted you that transgenderism is a mental illness, you have made no attempt to argue what we should do about it. All you've provided is that we shouldn't treat these people with the dignity and respect they are asking for, which is a head scratching response to acknowledging someone as mentally ill.

So what is your solution? What have all of your dozens of studies concluded on that?

You have provided precisely ZERO data to support your idea that we should let transgender people do whatever they want
Because that's a ridiculous interpretation of my position. The only thing I've argued is that we should treat these people with respect and that your claims regarding what they believe are wrong. These are very basic ideas, if you need data to explain empathy and understanding I feel really sorry for you.

Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
We know that transgender people have an increased suicide risk for some reason. We know that this reason is not caused by bullying
Serious question; are you reading the studies you are citing? Here is what your own study said about that:


Victimisation and mental health were key risk factors across the dimension self-harm and suicide identified through all analyses.
Which study?

we shouldn't tell transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born. Enabling people's delusions harms them, ESPECIALLY when it's a mental illness producing those delusions.
It’s not us telling transgender people that they are the opposite of the biological sex they were born into, it’s them telling us.
Yes, it's them telling us first, and then people like you being complicit/indifferent to it.
[No response]
I'll just assume you agree with this.

You also reposted a study you claim shows that transpeople are disproportionately purveyors of bullying despite that I showed you a study from the same source saying that they were both bullying and being bullied. You never addressed that yet here you are repeating the same claim with no adjustment.

You were the one who failed to respond to my defense of the source The transgenderism debate ( (people can see that you never responded after that). 

Also, I never claimed that transgender people were not bullied at increased rates, so this does not contradict any of my arguments.

Spamming a bunch of studies to make yourself appear well informed is nice little tactic but if you don't understand what you're posting it just makes you look dishonest.
Dude, if you can't address the arguments I'm making, instead of saying 'too many source', just concede so we can be done with this.

I think transgenderism is a mental illness which causes trans people to feel certain ways. They think those feelings means they are a different gender/biological sex. I don't think we should enable mental illness.
Even if I granted you that transgenderism is a mental illness, you have made no attempt to argue what we should do about it. All you've provided is that we shouldn't treat these people with the dignity and respect they are asking for, which is a head scratching response to acknowledging someone as mentally ill.

So what is your solution? What have all of your dozens of studies concluded on that?
No, you silly goose. The studies don't explicitly say what should be done. They are there to construct the necessary premises and arguments needed to reach my conclusion. None of them by themselves reach the conclusion that transgenderism is a mental illness.

And again, I've explicitly said we should treat them with dignity and respect. Stop begging the question by making the assumption that treating with 'dignity and respect' can only mean accepting their gender identity. Much as we treat schizophrenics with dignity and respect, we should treat transgender people the same way, despite both of them having mental illnesses. That's not hard to understand and you've had several attempts at it now.

I don't specifically know off the top of my head how to treat gender dysphoria, but that's going beyond the scope of this discussion. I will look into it.

You have provided precisely ZERO data to support your idea that we should let transgender people do whatever they want
Because that's a ridiculous interpretation of my position. The only thing I've argued is that we should treat these people with respect and that your claims regarding what they believe are wrong. These are very basic ideas, if you need data to explain empathy and understanding I feel really sorry for you.
No, no. You've certainly argued much more than that.

For example, you've claimed that they're the most socially ostracized group. That was unsupported by any data. You aren't making a whole lot of claims that require data, but you're certainly making some.

Finally, I'll just assume you agree with everything else in my post that you didn't respond to.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
Care to respond? 
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
I went to sleep two hours ago and have woken to piss. 
This has now provided me wiith a 2 minute max pocket of free time befor i surly fall back to slumber . 
 Im looking for a quick chat about something transexual.  

1 minute 

We could talk about the real real sexy looking transexuals 

45 sec.

Anything. Transexuals ? 
And a 4.
Amd a 3
And 2 
And 1. 

Trannys . 
The lot of you. 
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
I would like to eradicate, any moral system or ideology created by people that dictates how people should act.
  • There is no moral system or ideology that was not created by people.  Therefore, you are working to eradicate all human ideas.
But this debate is about Transgender Ideology, not Feminism, so let's keep it on topic. 
  • There is no Transgender ideology.  
  • All you have to do to disprove me is to find three self-identified Transgenderists who succintly state the what Transgenderism believes.
    • Obviously, no anti-transgenderists or non-genderists can be counted.
  • Any idiot can produce this simple reality test for any real idealogy.  
  • If you can't do it, then my statement that there is no Transgender Ideology stands.
Until you have established that you know for a fact that Transgenderism is real and that you understand that ideology 'score principles, there really is no point to going on and on about it as if it was real, right?

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
I would like to eradicate, any moral system or ideology created by people that dictates how people should act.
  • There is no moral system or ideology that was not created by people.  Therefore, you are working to eradicate all human ideas.
But this debate is about Transgender Ideology, not Feminism, so let's keep it on topic. 
  • There is no Transgender ideology.  
  • All you have to do to disprove me is to find three self-identified Transgenderists who succintly state the what Transgenderism believes.
    • Obviously, no anti-transgenderists or non-genderists can be counted.
  • Any idiot can produce this simple reality test for any real idealogy.  
  • If you can't do it, then my statement that there is no Transgender Ideology stands.
Until you have established that you know for a fact that Transgenderism is real and that you understand that ideology 'score principles, there really is no point to going on and on about it as if it was real, right?
You still ignore my arguments and my questions. 

Here's the main question that I have for you:
Can someone who is not born with gender dysphoria, become transgender?
Simple question.  
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
You still ignore my arguments and my questions. 

  • All of your bullshit is premised on the false notion that there is an ideology out there.  Since you now know for a fact that there is no such ideology, you now also know there's no point to makup up fake arguments against it.
Can someone who is not born with gender dysphoria, become transgender?

  • WIKIPEDIA: Transgender is an umbrella term. In addition to trans men and trans women, it may also include people who are non-binary.  Other definitions of transgender also include people who belong to a third gender, or else conceptualize transgender people as a third gender, and the term may be defined very broadly to include cross-dressers.  Some two-spirit people may also identify as transgender.  
  • Gender dysphoria is the distress a person experiences due to a mismatch between their gender identity—their personal sense of their own gender—and their sex assigned at birth,
    • So- many people are born transgendered but nobody is born with dysphoria.
      • Many trans people don't decide they are trans until later in life.
      • Some trans people don't experience GD until later in life.
      • Some trans people don't experience GD at all.

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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I care because it enables their delusion, of which is a product of mental illness.
What a moron. You probably feel the same way about gay people. You know what is actually a product of mental illness, white supremacy.

Yeah, it's scientifically backed. It's remarkable when the science agrees with your worldview.
Oh really? You better check the American Psychiatry Association for an opinion on gender dysphoria then.

Nobody believes that conservatives suddenly believe in science. You idiots are still denying the science of climate change and global warming.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
That definitely lines up with the reporting on MSNBC, Fanchick.
Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
Im embarrassed to say but. 
Sometimes i call a dress a skirt.
Sometimes i call a skirt a dress.
I admit , i have had 30 years to try and get this down 
Bitches be always correcting.  
When it comes to dresses, its always guesses.  
I guess it is only fair to say .
Sometimes i call dresses. Dressers 
Sometimes i call skirts . Skirts. 
I'm almost positive its a 50 / 50 ish.  I just must go for it.hey. 
I've  never been corrected  by a guy,  i dont think. 
Actually  i remember i  have but it was only once i remember soooo lets forget about tha t.   
☆☆☆ NOTE TO SELF ☆☆☆
I am going to have to look into that at a later date. 

Oh crap ive jumped the tracks. 

Back to trans stuff.
Ok where was i . 
Skirts and dresses. Thats right. 
So what ive got meself here is , to me  a great metaphor. 
Calm down i said metaphor . 

MAYBE A METAPHOR , is a good METAPHOR,  for transgender.   
What the hell.   I think i just imploded.  ( A metaphor for a metaphor ) 

' deep breaths ' 

Skirts and dresses. Yes.
Skirts and dresses as a metaphor for transgender.
Even down to cutting a dress and having the skirt part left , oh and a shirt but. 
You can cut.
And a dress you could tuck to make it look like a skirt. 
Oh wow , the list goes on. 
I kid you not ,  I'm the first person everrrrrrrr  to come up with this .
I say it like that because of course I'm not times a billion  . 
But me , right here and now, it feels like it.  Well You know what i mean you idiots.
So ummmm yeah . Skirts and Dresses   
This makes men ( a skirt with a leftover shirt  . )  and off i go
How good are these metaphor things hey ?  ,  ive only just found em. 
I wish You guys could of told me about these metaphor things earlier.  

Im now thinking about metaphors so much that when i think about a metaphor 
The number 4  and a basball team pops up.
Metaphors suck guys. 

I'll leave you with my most memorable dress and skirt mix up. 

Im up a alley at the back of a business,   back of a building . Its early in the am, 
I got this chick i know but i kind of don't know.
Things start heating up.
( i start running allllĺllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the porn ive ever seen through my head . Its a pretty decent sized catalog so I'm gonna  need a sec,,   
I capture the scene  in my head .
Thats the scene  which would be best suited for this situation.

I get it.   Then i implement. ( is that the right word ) 

Anyway I say
HEY  , 
Im saying this with like  authority. ie block capitals ( fuck off metaphorsss) 
 And then it happeped.
I said.  
' Take off your skirt you little whore '   ( No block caps , i didn't want this part to stand out )
This was instantly met with. 
'Its not a skirt its a dress ' 
Noooooooooo,  Monicaaaaaaaa,  so one of them two things was incorrect i guess. 
then you will never believe this guys  , the scene in my head was not playing out . 
It rendered its self redundant.   
And well ,
its just ,  It wasn't the same after that. 
I suppose a metaphor for that would be a ummm  (  A two-stroke dirt bike.) Not a four-@stroke.
Oh no ,  not a four-stoke 
Yep, you got it guys.  Mmmm meta 4's

Back to the topic . 
There was a train station near by so i took her there and ran . 
Sooo.  Sex near a train station.  I suppose a metaphor for that could be   ( A transexual ) 

Thus concludes my report 

Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
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Deb-8-a-bull's avatar
Sorry guys just got home and found my cat lying on the keyboard.
See its cold here and he does it for the warth. 
So ummm if there is any like scratchy* msg . 
I appoligize,  please just disregard. 
He won't be doing this again , stupid cat.

*  mmmm, metaphors. I so wanted to add one there.  Then i was like , oh crap i can't because it was my cat that was semding the msg , and he was the one liking metapaws for only 30 to 35 mins .  
I ain't stupid man 
I can't read and i can't write,  but i can drive a tractor Allright. 

On topic deb.
Ok ummm
If anyone changed any animals sex from one to another via ANYTHING. even a touch
It would be considered crule by ALLLLLL. 
Oh and reckless.  
( that probably isnt true hry ? Because  some animals are freaky when it comds down to being a girl or a boy...sooo) 


Now someone ask me if i have a boy cat or a girl cat. 
I wil reply with. 

How fucking dare you , you fucking pig. 
Who do you think you are asking me what sex my cat is. 

And yes, 
You will be placed on report. 
My Mum warned me about people like you. 
Kaitlyn's avatar
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Kaitlyn's avatar
I care because it enables their delusion, of which is a product of mental illness.
What a moron. You probably feel the same way about gay people. You know what is actually a product of mental illness, white supremacy.

Yeah, it's scientifically backed. It's remarkable when the science agrees with your worldview.
Oh really? You better check the American Psychiatry Association for an opinion on gender dysphoria then.

Nobody believes that conservatives suddenly believe in science. You idiots are still denying the science of climate change and global warming.
This is 100% a troll.

No one can earnestly write this amount of antagonistic rubbish.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
If you watch enough MSNBC, such thoughts come with little effort.