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Posted in:
I will stereotype debaters
A very zedvictor4 thing to say.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
Laws define what motivations are improper when the mention motivations or imply motivations via the definition of words.
This conversation isn’t about an individual law, it’s about how the constitution applies to any law that seeks to hold the president accountable for his actions as president, so these concepts are relevant and necessary to address.
Constitution doesn't say anything about motivations, so no it isn't. It specifies who decides, that is all.

Impeachment and conviction by the senate or bust.

No one seriously believed that Biden could be criminally prosecuted for corruption as vice president without impeachment
Nonsense. Find one example of any prominent scholar or political figure arguing that impeachment and conviction was a necessary precursor for criminal prosecution before Trump. Ever. You won’t because it’s an absurd ad hoc rationalization that the Trump team made up whole cloth as an excuse to delay his trials.
Find one person charged for official acts before Trump. You can't because it is an absurd notion that you can bypass the impeachments clause to construe official acts as crimes.

The desperate rationalization that no official acts have been criminal in any prosecutors eyes before doesn't pass the historical test.

Ok. So to be clear, when Biden loses Arizona by 9,483 votes, and he calls up the Democratic Secretary of State and tells her that he wants her to find 9,484 votes and that there is nothing wrong with telling everyone she “recalculated”, you’re going to be perfectly fine with this… right?
It's not asking that is illegal, it's the forging and breaking election laws.

Troops show up after the courts decide that they are in violation, not the president.
Troops aren't under the command of courts.
There ya go.

Once again, impeachment is an inherently political process. The only thing it addresses is whether an office holder shall lose the power of their office. That is a completely and totally different question from whether a citizen shall lose their freedom, which is what the Justice system determines. The fact that I have to explain this is itself ridiculous.
The absurd implication of your interpretation remains.

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
that this absolves the defendant of being found guilty of having improper motivations
Laws define what motivations are improper when the mention motivations or imply motivations via the definition of words.

The point was to say forget that for now and *assume* this was the reason he did it. Now what?
Impeachment and conviction by the senate or bust.

No one seriously believed that Biden could be criminally prosecuted for corruption as vice president without impeachment. It was only the payments he received from his corrupt activities that were susceptible.

And not for nothing, it really is amusing to me that after months and months of you arguing that you know exactly what motivated Joe Biden in Ukraine that you now act like motivations behind official acts can’t be questioned.
Your two strawmen are dancing, cute.

I have not said motivations for official acts can't be questioned in this thread and I did not claim to know beyond a reasonable doubt that Biden didn't have other motivating factors besides providing a service to Burisma.

It's your claim not mine. Pressuring to change results is illegal over phones? Illegal when you ask the wrong people? Illegal when expressed in public? Illegal when private?
Do you believe challenging election results in court is the same thing as calling the Secretary of State and telling him to “recalculate” the results so that you win? Yes or No.

Answer the question. Or is there a reason you are dodging this?
The lines of comparison are unclear.

Are they the same legally? Yes both are totally legal.

Are they the same morally? Yes both are totally moral (if you believe there was inaccuracy).

All these questions would be answered if you know... there was a law that applied instead of your desperate inventions
Do you even read the indictments?
Yes, but the problem (for the propagandists and hacks like yourself) is that I also read the cited laws, the defense motions, and then used logic.

If you’re going to argue that the actions Trump is alleged to have taken are not illegal then present that case.
Make a thread and in the OP admit that the burden of proof is on the accuser. This thread is about "immunity"

And when you do, take note that even Trump’s lawyers aren’t trying that because they know how stupid that would be.
rofl, see if I was as dishonest as you I would say "and the prosecutors aren't even trying to claim a law was broken"

Do you understand that the administration of an election and a constitutional amendment are two different things?
Do you know that when federal troops show up to enforce an amendment, that's kinda like the commander in chief is involved in enforcement?
Troops show up after the courts decide that they are in violation, not the president.
Troops aren't under the command of courts.

And yet this is how laws have been enforced all throughout human history.
Who sat in judgement at nuremberg? It wasn't a random sample of the citizens of nuremberg.
So what? What is your point?
Playing dumb about something so obvious means you have no response.

I’d ask if you have any evidence of that but of course you don’t.
I'd tell you to read the unredacted filings, but of course you won't.

or we can apply Occam’s razor
Now that I've seen you try to use that term like a bible thumper appeals to divine inspiration it's just funny every time you mention it.

There is no where on earth where this is a tenable principal for its citizenry to live by. You are the embodiment of a cancer on society.
I'm the symptom, just like the people who created the united states of America were symptoms of tyranny masquerading as "rule of law"

so you can stop pretending you take issue with what the left is doing.
Why would I stop taking issue with people using lawfare because you define lawfare as "rule of law"?
The term lawfare gets its connotational strength by implying a wrong and inappropriate usage of the rule of law.
My definition of "rule of law" is mutually exclusive with "wrong and inappropriate usage of"

Twisted interpretation or unequal application is wrong and inappropriate. That is men ruling using laws as a weapon. Rule of law is when the objective meaning of the law prevails and is applied without favor, see the blinded goddess weighing.

If there was no connection between the impeachments clause and random local courts then it would follow that the Q-Anon town could imprison a president and that president would still wield the power of their office.

That is absurd.
Yes, but what makes it absurd isn’t that no one ever thought it would be necessary to craft laws to address this possibility
So... the people who wrote the impeachments clause never imagined criminal behavior from the most powerful person in the nation?

Interesting lack of imagination given what they just wrote mentioned crimes by name.

So we could believe they were all suddenly struck by amnesia before they could address this absurdity or we could believe your interpretation of the impeachments clause is absurd.

That should tell you something.
That they are cowards who think non-interventionism and slow, boring, technical delay is the best chance to avoid a civil war. Which is a sword that cuts both ways because it also means they won't be coming to the rescue of the left-tribe either.
Posted in:
Trump to address Libertarian Conference

Couldn't be more pleased with this choice. Debate people who give a shit instead of a drugged up senile corrupt puppet zombie (Biden).

Looks like the libertarian party is trying to incite an insurrection:

We’re Taking the Capital by Storm

With an unapologetically anarchic spirit, we’ve defied the establishment by assembling a lineup of speakers who challenge the status quo and champion true freedom. We’re lining up promotions that symbolize our rejection of government control, offering attendees a taste of defiance. The debates, a battleground for radical ideas, will ignite the flames of rebellion in every heart present. And as the establishment trembles, we’ll raise a defiant toast at the reception for our chosen presidential and vice-presidential candidates, heralding the dawn of a new era of individual autonomy and liberty. This convention will stand as a testament to the indomitable spirit of libertarianism, ready to shatter the chains of oppression.

Posted in:
Chess Mafia Signups
Interested in playing mafia?
No, thank you.
Posted in:
A choice of same gender loving.
This obviously comes from another thread, why do you make new threads like this? You should just keep responding in the original thread.
Posted in:
Joe Biden slams Japan for having more mothers and less female factory workers....
There is no chance Japan will cede anything to the cult so I don't really care. It might make them more symapthetic to the right-tribe but they don't really have any influence to wield so again doesn't matter.

Japan will keep being Japan, their first instinct has always been isolationism. Of course it would be a lot easier if they were self-sufficient in food, energy, and military defense. (they need fusion bombs)
Posted in:
Gender dysphoria.
We also concluded that the problem is people looking up skirts.

If we could somehow detect these invisible people who cause gender dysphoria we might be able to stop them.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
Your exact words: "even if their act was entirelymotivated by personal gain?"
Correct, but you bolded the wrong part. Note the first two words quoted: “even if”. Aka even in the farthest extreme you still argue they shouldn’t be prosecuted? That was my question to you. And then you turned it around and acted as if I was implying that was the requirement. It wasn’t, just a hypothetical.
A legally impossible hypothetical with no legal relevance since I've never seen a law which defines a crime based on "entirely motivated by".

Pressuring a secretary of state to "recalculate" the results in order to hand you the victory is illegal. That is a crime. And the phone call alone proves that.
Then Al Gore is a criminal. He pressured Florida to "recalculate". Also every congress person who ever objected to electors.
So you believe challenging an election result through the courts is the same thing as calling the secretary of state and telling him to just "recalculate". Is that a serious argument?
It's your claim not mine. Pressuring to change results is illegal over phones? Illegal when you ask the wrong people? Illegal when expressed in public? Illegal when private?

All these questions would be answered if you know... there was a law that applied instead of your desperate inventions (and by "your I am including the pseudo-prosecutors")

Double R, meet reconstruction. Reconstruction, this guy needs to know about you.
Do you understand that the administration of an election and a constitutional amendment are two different things?
Do you know that when federal troops show up to enforce an amendment, that's kinda like the commander in chief is involved in enforcement?

Now imagine 60 million people agree with the officer. You think you can live with people like that under an unrestricted government?
No, that's why it would be nice for the millions of brainwashed MAGA cultists to stop warshipping a clinical narcissist and join us in reality.
Good job ignoring the rest. Best way to avoid consequences is to pretend they don't exist.

I asserted it was impossible to reject without reasonable doubt some motivations except in cases of confession.
The fact that one’s motivations can always be doubted does not make those doubts reasonable. Possible =/= reasonable to suspect.

The passion of the moment is irrelevant to the question of what motivated the murder. If it was premeditated then it would have occurred anyway. This is where the ‘but for’ test comes in. You’re trying to argue that some alternative factor also being present changes the question of why someone did something, it doesn’t.
You were the one who tried to introduce the premise that official acts might be more or less immune due to motivation.

The trials are being held in the places where the law was violated. That's how the law works.
And yet this is how laws have been enforced all throughout human history.
Who sat in judgement at nuremberg? It wasn't a random sample of the citizens of nuremberg.

You should read up on the filings in the documents case.
You should probably read up on a legal dictionary. Classified by definition means it’s restricted and controlled by the government. That directly conflicts with the definition of personal.
Take it up with all the previous POTUSes

If a cop comes to your door asking for letters, and you give him some letters but not all, that's not lying.
He made his lawyers sign affidavits telling the FBI all documents were returned despite everyone involved knowing they were not. That’s called lying.
BS, no lawyer would sign such a thing if they knew it was false. "made"

What he threatened them with cutting off the big macs? rofl

At least people have a theory that Clinton kills you if you don't go along with her, of course that might explain the near total lack of surviving whistleblowers. They would definitely fall on the sword for Clinton.

What happened was that NARA conspiring with the FBI and the white-house intentionally made a mess messier (for example by shipping extra boxes to mar a lago) so that nobody knew what they wanted or who owned what. They made a vague request and then called it lying when what they 'recovered' didn't match one of the many interpretations of what was requested.

Entrapment from day one, classic deep state style attack.

They said they wanted more. He said come look. They swatted his house.
Total BS. Have you even read the indictment? You sound like you are getting your information from truth social.
Have you read anything besides what the feds and their dogs have publicly asserted?

I've said many times the crimes are made up. Stitched together from laws written for completely different contexts.
Yes I know, you say this all the time but never present a legal analysis so it’s nothing more than a meaningless rant.
You dodge, that is why I don't deny the so called acts. They aren't illegal by any equal application of law and therefore they aren't illegal in any way I care about.

Yes, unequal applications of the laws is an excuse to "violate" laws.
Then you don’t believe in the rule of law as a principal
If that's what you call "rule of law" then I don't believe in it.

so you can stop pretending you take issue with what the left is doing.
Why would I stop taking issue with people using lawfare because you define lawfare as "rule of law"?

You care about winning and you’re pissed because you think the other side is winning. That’s it, that’s all you believe in. Thank you for making that clear.
I believe in morality and I believe there are predictable consequences to certain actions. What you call "rule of law" is not "winning", it's the suicide of a strong central government and interstate trust.

There is a machine, your side is throwing a wrench in it because they don't like how it was working (electing DJT), now you're smirking at the idea that you think you've beaten him but you did it in the name of saving the machine which just makes you fools or liars.

I am not a huge fan of the machine, but I can see how it works and that it won't work for long like this. That is all.

None, so long as you admit the clear implication of the impeachments clause is to remove all jurisdiction over named office holders doing official acts to the congress of the United States of America.
No, that’s not what it implies. The impeachment process was put in place to remove office holders who have violated the trust of the people they represent and should therefore no longer wield the power of their offices. That has absolutely nothing to do with the justice system. They address fundamentally different issues so trying to combine them somehow is absurd.
If there was no connection between the impeachments clause and random local courts then it would follow that the Q-Anon town could imprison a president and that president would still wield the power of their office.

That is absurd.

Then you should have no problem bringing your prosecution. Good luck.
Posted in:
Bravery vs Playing safe - world belongs to the brave who take risks, or to those who avoid risks?
He wouldn't pickup the sword if the goal is personal survival and neither would anyone else.
As long as the goal is personal survival, that is, playing it safe, he will never achieve any greatness, which is kinda the point of this example where 1000 brave people take victory over 1000 people focused on individual survival, and since each of those 1000 who would have Sun Tzu mentality, none would take the sword and none would ever achieve greatness, since Sun Tzu has problem with sacrificing himself.
You aren't engaging with the points that were made.

As an individual Sun Tzu might try to appeal to the 2000 to setup a guard around the sword so no one can get to it.
That would be even dumber than your previous claim, since its well known in warfare that trying to defend something is much harder than trying to attack it, due to stretched defense problem and supply problem.
You aren't even thinking. Swords are not very big, there is no stretched anything.

It would reduce the odds of survival even further reducing the number of people who would try.

He might try to explain that he would not oppose the survivor so he has no invincible enemy to fight.
The one who is invincible and rules the world would make everyone else his slave, or every other nation a slave while promoting his own. So yeah, Sun Tzu would not only lose chance to be great, but he would be reduced to a slave position.
If there is no such thing as a just sword-wielder then the only solution to the game is for everyone to try to kill anyone who approached the sword, just as I described.

Each group of 1000 would know that even if one among them survived touching the sword, they would enslave the rest.
Posted in:
Bravery vs Playing safe - world belongs to the brave who take risks, or to those who avoid risks?
Sun Tzu (and Clausewitz) taught to apply rationality to warfare as science is the application of rationality to understand/predict phenomenon.

His conclusions cannot be accurately reduced to "play it safe".

More like "understand what's going on, then choose the highest reward for the lowest risk among your options"

Your scenario confuses individual and collective goals and makes the game rules transparent to all players which skips past the vast application of art of war (which is about figuring out the rules of the specific game).

The group who followed Sun Tzu had no chance of becoming invincible, because they didnt want to take risk to take the sword.

However, the other group, who risked, had over 99% chance to become invincible, as each individial had 1% chance and there were 1000 of them. 
If the goal is for the group to win, then of course Sun Tzu would ask for volunteers to pick up the sword.

He wouldn't pickup the sword if the goal is personal survival and neither would anyone else. Everyone who goes to war knows individuals die no matter how perfect your strategy. History has proved people will take 99% chances of death, much more often they don't know the chances but they know they aren't good.

As an individual Sun Tzu might try to appeal to the 2000 to setup a guard around the sword so no one can get to it. He might try to explain that he would not oppose the survivor so he has no invincible enemy to fight.

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
You can, as soon as you provide evidence that the person committed a crime within a jurisdiction where the alleged defendant would be subject to the findings of a right wing jury pool. Good luck.
We don't need evidence, or laws, or jurisdiction. All we need is a judge who will pretend.

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
A monster, a frothing at the mouth monster.

Alex Jones if possible... and make sure he's drugged up on testosterone and cocaine.

I would want to see someone who is so insanely partisan and paranoid that the courts have no choice but to create powerful precedents that seal every gap in the walls for centuries to come.

I mean the best case scenario is that they start having to delete huge parts of federal law for "unconstitutional vagueness".
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
If you can convict anyone in any office with a jury selected from the inhabitants of Washington DC
You forgot about the part where prosecutors have to provide the evidence.
No, they did.

It is not possible to prove any official duty was done solely for personal gain (except confession) since by definition performing as an office holder is motivation a reasonable person could not discount.
First of all, it’s primarily for personal gain, not solely.
Your exact words: "even if their act was entirely motivated by personal gain?"

Pressuring a secretary of state to "recalculate" the results in order to hand you the victory is illegal. That is a crime. And the phone call alone proves that.
Then Al Gore is a criminal. He pressured Florida to "recalculate". Also every congress person who ever objected to electors.

The framers of the constitution purposefully placed the power to administer elections in the hands of the states. The federal government has no role in overseeing them. So no, it was not his duty.
Double R, meet reconstruction. Reconstruction, this guy needs to know about you.

Imagine a police officer shoots a 3 year old dead and then claims he did so because he feared for his life. At that point whether he did or not is irrelevant because no reasonable person would have.
Now imagine 60 million people agree with the officer. You think you can live with people like that under an unrestricted government? I wouldn't. You should be asking for peaceful divorce if transparent and secure elections are no different than shooting three year olds in your mind.

You just argued that it is not possible to know the motivations behind an official act
I did not. I asserted it was impossible to reject without reasonable doubt some motivations except in cases of confession.

A murder may be premeditated, but that does not mean the murderer wasn't angry in the moment as well. That can't be proven, and that why crimes of passion and premeditation are defined in such a way that it is not necessary to disprove passion in order to prove premeditation.

The deep blue inner cities are the plantations of the modern era. Authority is not given to them to decide the fate of the nation. Anyone who pretends they have that authority is the de jure aggressor in the next civil war.
The trials are being held in the places where the law was violated. That's how the law works.
Unacceptable. The fervor of politics taints entire regions and cities. Unaccepted by the founders, hence the impeachment clauses.

And no, there is no world where classified documents are personal property.
You should read up on the filings in the documents case.

Disputing whether the FBI had a right to the tapes is not the same thing as telling the FBI there are no tapes.
I know, but lunatics call disputing whether the NARA had a right to the documents is lying about whether there are documents.

They told him to give documents. He sent lackeys so he could look through documents. He sorted some (not all). He gave some documents back, not all documents he sorted through and not all that were at the house, why? He was giving up what he didn't care about. He at no point surrendered his claim to any documents he was just cooperating.

If a cop comes to your door asking for letters, and you give him some letters but not all, that's not lying.

They said they wanted more. He said come look. They swatted his house.

That's what they're calling "lying". They called Flynn answering the same question in two different interviews with "X" and "I don't recall" as "lying". They are criminals and need to face more than disbandment.

What I find most remarkable is that you aren't even trying to argue Trump didn't do what's accused, only that others did it too.
Why is that remarkable? I've said many times the crimes are made up. Stitched together from laws written for completely different contexts. Just like the obstruction charges for the Jan 6ers that will hopefully be struck down soon.

The fact that every other did the same things including the one currently conspiring to lock Trump up is like the entire icecap of greenland being icing on the cake. They are so desperate that they are charging Trump for J-walking while he was on the sidewalk... while they're on the sidewalk.

Is your position that lying to FBI investigators and destroying evidence should not be punishable? Two wrongs make a right?
One wrong makes the same behavior from another party right in many circumstances.

Violence is right when it comes after aggression. Ceasing to follow a contract is right after other parties did it first.

There are many points where morality and reason differ from the traditional government assertions, and this is one of them. Yes, unequal applications of the laws is an excuse to "violate" laws. This is especially true with vague and twisted laws (vague laws are easily twisted). I speed all the time, I don't feel the slightest remorse for it, and I would definitely deceive police to protect people from unequal application of speeding laws.

When police and legislatures stop speeding, then I'll consider taking that law seriously.

Law is a tool, not an end. When it fails its just purpose it loses its authority. Just like a government.

Immunity (or the immunity actually implied by various constitutions) is about who can prosecute and who the defendant must be. Not whether crime is legal or not.
Right, like I said before. The person is immune from civil litigation, not criminal prosecution. So what is our disagreement here?
None, so long as you admit the clear implication of the impeachments clause is to remove all jurisdiction over named office holders doing official acts to the congress of the United States of America.

What legal doctrine that you acknowledge would stop them?
There is no legal doctrine that can nullify stupidity.
So this is a perfectly legal strategy. Bring it on. Maybe the next government will be better.

That's why our system depends on an adherence to the basic principals of logic and reason, evidence, and the rule of law above all else.
Ah, so that's why we're doomed.

But every crime requires evidence to be prosecuted
Like the crime Trump was supposedly trying to obscure by labeling payments to Cohen as "legal expenses"
As in a crime that likely changed the result of a presidential election and forever alerted US history? Yes absolutely.

And it wasn't "supposed", he absolutely did.
Absolute certainty, and without even an indictment.

What did you just say? "adherence to the basic principals of logic and reason, evidence, and the rule of law above all else."

Yea... we're doomed.

criminal investigation for mishandling emails
Destroying evidence actually.

Posted in:
Should dogs be treated better than pigs in our society?
and you don't have to kill baby calves for it, which was my reason for making the switch
Just call it a late term abortion.

Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
We are telling you to just leave these people alone, and focus on your own life, because we care and want to alleviate your suffering.

Please, let us help you overcome your Transgender Dysphoria.
If you knew how to let it go you wouldn't have Trump dysphoria and be posting online to make sure strangers know you fantasize about him being raped.
Posted in:
Should dogs be treated better than pigs in our society?
I think it's kinda pathetic and often a failure when they try to pretend they've found a substitute. There is no substitute (especially for milk).

Instead of trying to revive a frankenstien cuisine they should just pick from the many time tested recipes that just work without pretending to be something else.

Almond milk is an excellent example. Wretched stuff. Almonds aren't wretched, you can make a lot of good things with almonds sweet and savory; but that 'milk' is inferior to water with white dye.
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
you're the one who asked

"how do you solve the issue of (gender) dysphoria ?"

that's like asking

"how do you solve the issue of homosexuality ?"
Dysphoria is defined as dissatisfaction. It's not a sexual orientation, it's stress.

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
You gota feel sorry for the likes of Barr and Pence. There are people for whom the social contract is invisible because they think of it as the fabric of the universe.

They can't imagine anything outside of it, not really. War is far off and in other countries. Political prosecutions happen in distant banana republics. Election fraud is something you laugh at and shake your head when it happens in Africa.

They aren't capable of conceptualizing what is happening now. All they see is both sides competing as to who can be more lawless and they refuse to accept that both sides are moderate compared to their bases.
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
I suggest we outlaw outlawing assertions because some people claim that those assertions are dangerous to people who suffer from gender dysphoria. On paper this is already law (see 1st amendment), but you know there are a lot of people who don't let something like the bill of rights stop them; and of course there are all the other anglophone countries.
ok, so you're against outlawing trans people

Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
because i don't understand why any of this bothers people so much
Same reason any cult bothers people. They think it steals people's purpose and happiness and replaces it with false hopes and lies.

i certainly see no danger in promoting the "trans agenda"

don't knock it till you've tried it
I've tried promoting agendas, winning is fun so I bet it is much more fun with every university, actor, news channel, and government entity above the township level backs you 100% and implies and criticism of you is terrorism.

saying that jesus loves me and takes a personal interest in my life is also delusion 
Yes, and a dangerous one when people start trying to criminalize anyone who denies it.
are you suggesting we should outlaw gender dysphoria ?
Where are you getting this stuff from?

I suggest we outlaw outlawing assertions because some people claim that those assertions are dangerous to people who suffer from gender dysphoria. On paper this is already law (see 1st amendment), but you know there are a lot of people who don't let something like the bill of rights stop them; and of course there are all the other anglophone countries.
Posted in:
Should dogs be treated better than pigs in our society?
Also, Kristi Noem is a woman.
*mind explodes*

They do exist....

Posted in:
Should dogs be treated better than pigs in our society?
People kill billions of animals a year.
Not all animals are equally worthy of existing and not all inter-species relationships have the same implications.

I really dont see what you have to complain about about Kristi Noem.
We're pack animals (or troop animals I guess), so are dogs.

It rubs our instincts the wrong way to integrate an animal into our pack/troop and then treat them like they're worthless. It should. Loyalty is a baseline social virtue.
Posted in:
Should dogs be treated better than pigs in our society?
What a thread...

They don't regularly eat dogs in China. There are a billion people there, there are always going to be some people doing some thing.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
Do you believe a president who appoints someone for cash to a high position is immune? Appointing someone is after all an official act.
it is common practice for large campaign contributor to receive ambassadorships
Also bribery is explicitly listed in the impeachments clause... that is not immunity that is specification of jurisdiction (which you conflated with legal standing).
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
you're arguing that there will be an apocalypse of suicides if we don't get this gender identity thing "under control" ?

Those are not delusions. Saying someone without a ovaries has an ovulation, that is delusion.
saying that jesus loves me and takes a personal interest in my life is also delusion 
Yes, and a dangerous one when people start trying to criminalize anyone who denies it.

 the issue was created to get attention. It worked,
i guess that means you're playing right into their hands
You're here too.

There are two and only two genuine solutions:
you forgot solution number three

don't look up their skirts
Well there you have it Mall, the cure to gender dysphoria that was right in front of us the whole time!
Posted in:
Orthodox Jewish settlers in Palestine
Well on the surface you have a point, but what they are really mad about is their belief (which as far as I can tell is incorrect) that Israel drove off everyone before setting up settlements.

In reality they fled because they did not want to live under Israeli law. That's also why anyone in Gaza is suffering right now. There is absolutely no way 80% of houses are destroyed. They left the houses because they might be destroyed and they might be destroyed because Israel has a better idea of where Hamas is than Hamas or the locals do.
Posted in:
Why did God create homosexuality and pedophilia?
Well he's moved on to Japenese style imperialism.

So maybe because the eternally virtuous emperor communicated that the pedos are better in an extremely vague haiku?
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
[Sidewalker] Two weeks before the 2020 election, Trump insisted that Barr arrest Biden and his family, Barr refused.
You believe that Double_R?

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
The same system we’ve been using for 250 years.
If it was Lincoln would have been taken out by a bunch of slavers who conveniently moved to DC and sat on a jury finding him guilty of conspiring with the moon to destroy the sun.
Is there a point you are trying to make here?
It's pretty obvious. If you can convict anyone in any office with a jury selected from the inhabitants of Washington DC (where all federal office holders go or interact with) then all you need to do to control the entire federal government is populate Washington DC with insanely biased zealots.

What happens then when it just so happens that the forces which promote larger subsidies and bureaucratic sprawl dictate the local population?  What happens when the political issue then comes to be the bureaucratic sprawl vs the average citizen?

If what you say was true, then the slavers missed an easy opportunity to subvert Lincoln.

The fact is it wouldn't have worked. Lincoln had supreme court justices put under house arrest. Anyone who tried to summon him to face charges in DC would have found themselves in an army stockade, and that's exactly what Trump should have done and should do at the earliest opportunity. It is after all, war by other means.

No congressmen, Senator, or judge has ever faced prosecution? Wow that’s news to me.
Not for official acts without impeachment.
I’m sure there are plenty of examples
Well if you're sure then there must be examples.

are you ascribing to the theory that if someone acts in “an official capacity” then they are and should be immune from prosecution even if their act was entirely motivated by personal gain?
You are just making up legal doctrine which does not exist in law or precedent. (much like qualified immunity or standing when they were introduced)

Nobody swears to execute their duties "so long as there is no personal gain" nor has Trump been accused of any crime where personal gain is claimed to be a factor. "entirely motivated by personal gain" is also thought crime territory.

What does have a long history of precedent is judges not handing questions of fact to juries when the Prima facie there is no way to prove the claim beyond a reasonable doubt.

It is not possible to prove any official duty was done solely for personal gain (except confession) since by definition performing as an office holder is motivation a reasonable person could not discount.

In other words you could never prove Trump didn't think the election was stolen (except by confession), and if he thought it was stolen it was his duty to try and fix it as best he could.

Or how about if a VP decided to use the power of US foreign policy for the sole purpose of getting a foreign prosecutor fired just to protect his son? Is that individual (rightfully) immune?
You are the one who cares about "sole motivations", not me. "A motivation" is enough.

Biden was (things change) de facto immune.  Whether I agree with it or not is entirely besides the point. What matters is that if the left-tribe thinks they can tip the table and keep playing, they should take care about the number of "me"s they are creating. Polls say there are already too many.

Ask a slaver. This isn't about reality but who decides.
This is a debate site so it’s supposed to be about examining rational thought, but you’d have to offer some for that conversation to take place.
This is the reality: The purpose of the impeachment clause which implies immunity from other forms of prosecution is to prevent small pockets of radicals from having veto power over the federal government. Even if the first radicals to try were morally right, all other factions would then need to engage in the same form of warfare which would lead to a legitimacy crises the federal government would not survive.

The first radicals could have been the slavers. You could very easily find jury pools in the south that would hang Lincoln after 23 seconds of deliberation and no evidence. They didn't control the institutions required to pull that off, they thought secession was the path of least resistance. Yet if they had tried the supreme court would certainly have ruled exactly I describe above and if there was any danger that they did not Lincoln would have 'persuaded' one or two justices.

The pocket of radicals right now are DC and Manhattan. Atlanta GA is also a very biased location but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a hung jury.

The deep blue inner cities are the plantations of the modern era. Authority is not given to them to decide the fate of the nation. Anyone who pretends they have that authority is the de jure aggressor in the next civil war.

Talking about what Trump really did or should have done, and what the laws do imply when consistently applied is something I have done and will do again, but that does not change the fact that this nation will not endure for three cycles where candidates are vetoed by juries and judges doubted my hundreds of millions. It may not survive one such cycle.

That is why the constitution exists. To separate powers. To enumerate responsibilities and checks. It doesn't guarantee justice, it tries to ensure stability so that justice can eventually come about without wars. Still it fails at that because sometimes people care more about what they see as justice than the continued existence of the federal government.

I am one such person. So were the slavers. So were the abolitionists. I do not delude myself or try to gaslight others though. I know I can't just throw the constitution over my shoulder and then in the next breath demand somebody obey one particular part of it when it benefits me. That is what the left tribe is doing right now and it isn't working.

Reality is Trump didn't violate any laws that everybody else didn't violate 10 times worse.
How many people have taken classified documents from the WH (including nuclear secrets), refused to give them back, lied to the FBI about having them, moved the documents to evade detection, and ordered the evidence of all of this to be destroyed… and wasn’t prosecuted?
People have taken classified documents hold. They would have refused if asked, as Clinton refused. It's not a lie to not tell the FBI exactly what you have, Clinton refused to give a description. Moving documents isn't evasion if they're personal property.

Hilary also ordered evidence destroyed (based on the same quality of evidence).

In a single marriage I exceeded the so called "crimes" of Trump.

My position is that no crime should be immune, and I can’t believe that’s even controversial.
It's a fallacy of a complex question. Immunity (or the immunity actually implied by various constitutions) is about who can prosecute and who the defendant must be. Not whether crime is legal or not.

I understand immunity against civil litigation because in some positions, actions that will adversely impact someone is not avoidable. Imagine if every time a police officer made a wrongful arrest the officer could be sued personally - no one would want the job.
Speaks more to the flaws in civil litigation than any genuine need for immunity.

But this doesn’t mean officers get to use their badge as a license to murder someone.
Plenty of judges and prosecutors have said exactly that, according to a significant political faction.

Now imagine if this protection were to suddenly disappear for certain unpopular officers.... say a whistleblower? That's what this is. That's what this is about. I don't particularly care if the system is perfect or just, all that matters is that it was designed to work a certain way and poking dissident shaped holes in the filter and thinking it will end there is the act of someone looking to start a civil war (or brainwashed and/or stupid as is more often the case)

As if assessing a persons motivations is not one of the most basic elements of human nature that we all engage in and use to formulate opinions about people we meet every single day of our lives.
As if there aren't 250,000 people in the united states right now who think a significant number of democrats are child raping baby eating demons.

As if they can't form a township somewhere.

As if they can't elect their own prosecutor to charge every democrat they can list.

That's how millions of us view these "91 charges".

What legal doctrine that you acknowledge would stop them?

But every crime requires evidence to be prosecuted
Like the crime Trump was supposedly trying to obscure by labeling payments to Cohen as "legal expenses"

if you don’t have it you’ve got nothing. That’s how it should work.
but it isn't. A finite number of people made that choice for all of us. You better hope the supreme court (and other appellate) crush this shit before there is no turning back.

There are those who said the simple fact that the FBI investigate Hilary before an election was interference. This? This is and will forever be interference, but if those responsible are defeated at every turn and face harsh sentences the genie might just be put back into the bottle.
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
B) People (especially children) being sterilized and then later realizing they wanted biological children and can barely attract a mate much less pass their genes on.
do you believe parents should be allowed to make life and death decisions for their own children ?
It's like democracy. The worst, except for everything else. Parents on average are more likely to have the child's best interest at heart than anyone else in the world.

Now if you're claiming the parents are objectively wrong then you're claiming sterilization is objectively the only moral thing to do, and that is going to be a very hard conclusion to justify; especially given the easily predicted regret that is occurring (and will get much worse).

C) Families being broken up by a disagreement over gender identity
the number one cause of families breaking up is FINANCIAL STRESS

maybe try tackling that one first
If I had to choose I would certainly create a post-scarcity world before I cured gender dysphoria or more accurately the cult that makes gender dysphoria worse on a social level.

being trans is not automatically a "problem to solve"
Oh it's a problem. It's defined as a problem.

There are two and only two genuine solutions:
1.) Stop the neural pattern that creates the dysphoria
2.) Transfer the mind to a functioning body that would not create dysphoria

Since we can do neither there is nothing to do. However, people are trying to do (2) via mutilation; like leeches in the dark ages this is doing more harm than good. So even if you have every right to put leeches on your back, I wouldn't advise it if you ask me, and people are asking me.

Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
No, I used the holocaust in an ad absurdum argument to disprove the premise that "If a thing occurred before an event, that event could not increase the frequency of that thing (or make it worse etc...)"

If that premise was true we could discard the holocaust, after all people have been murdered for being jews since there were jews.
jesus, ok, you just jump straight to "holocaust" every time you encounter a pretty standard "slippery slope" argument ?
It wasn't a slippery slope argument. It was just an implicit false premise.

Yes I go straight for the most obvious examples. That's what makes it an appeal to absurdity. The most absurd the implied conclusion the sooner the false premise can be abandoned by the reader.

i don't think anyone was suggesting the gender thing "will never increase in frequency"
You are conflating different contexts. The context of post #28 was D)

[ADOL] People killing themselves for reasons (A), (B), and (C).
So the context is people killing themselves for those reasons.

Yes people killed themselves before those were reasons because there are other reasons, that does not mean people did not kill themselves for these reasons or that the existence of these reasons did not increase the net suicide rate.

i think the general argument here is, TRANS PEOPLE DREAM OF LIBERTY
Liberty is freedom from force, deception, and threats of force or deception.

It is not entitlement to be affirmed or accommodated, indeed affirmation and accommodation of delusion is destructive to the affirmed and those around him or her.

you know, to dress however they feel like dressing and talking however the fuck they feel like talking and telling you what they look like naked if and when they feel like telling you what they look like naked
Is a dress not real? Are the feelings not real? Is an image or a body not real?

Those are not delusions. Saying someone without a ovaries has an ovulation, that is delusion.

they just want normal individual LIBERTY, do you know what i'm talking about ?
Some do. Many who have no gender dysphoria and some who do are after much more and are sacrificing the truth in the process.

do you want the cops to tell you what clothes you can and can't wear ?
No, but they do tell me I need to wear clothes.

That in no way disproves the assertion that delusions are problematic.
there are thousands of delusions that are demonstrably MORE problematic than what pronoun someone personally prefers
Yes, but there isn't a limit to the number of delusions that can be identified so that is irrelevant.

This one is popping up so often because people are making it pop up. They want attention, the issue was created to get attention. It worked, that's why this thread was created and why you asked me questions about what I believed about these particular delusions.

A) People attracting homosexuals, then rejecting them because they claim to be heterosexual (even though they are in reality seeking a homosexual relationship)
who gives a fuck ?
Well the people who spent a year and a half pursuing a relationship only to have it lost with strong negative emotions should care, and so should the people who want others to be happy.

straight people get mad about getting rejected by STRAIGHT people all the time anyway
and if there was a significant number of rejections caused by a lie which millions of people fervently demanded was the truth that would be 'problematic' (your word).

they've even fought wars over it
I don't think there has ever been a war fought exclusively by one sexual orientation.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
It's not who votes, but who counts the votes.
I never thought I would see you quoting Stalin.
If one isn't aware of people who think like Stalin the one doesn't understand humanity.

Constitutions exist to defeat Stalins. Stalins ignore them, twist them, and anyone who lets them is asking to be ruled by a Stalin.

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
All I can say is if Democrat's loose the election, all the Dems involved in these clown show trails better be prepared for the same onslaught being brought upon them.   Ya'll set the precedent. This is how its going to be from here on out in every Presidential election.
One can only hope, but there are far too many people trying to 'lead' the right-tribe that are perfectly fine with a ratchet mechanism where the left-tribe faces no consequences and are only delayed till next time at which point they will have learned to violate the social contract even harder.

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
Judges decide jurisdiction, and if a West Virginia judge be he/she federal or state level decides to allow a case to be brought in his/her court, it will proceed.
judges also have jurisdiction based on GEOGRAPHY
Where does a phone call take place?

What is a conspsiracy?

When the federal government steals from West Virginians (In West Virginia) in order to build bombs to drop on Coloradoites in Yemen where did that crime occur?

please provide an example of this arbitrary and capricious behavior you seem so convinced of
Every single so called case civil and criminal Donald Trump and many of those involved in the "stop the steal" effort and Jan 6 have faced.

In New York he is being "charged" under New York law for hiding a crime by mislabeling an invoice. What is the crime that he was hiding? The judge doesn't care.

In New York Trump demanded a trial by jury for the so called defrauding of deutsche bank. The judge didn't care, in fact he lied about it claiming that no request was made. At the end of that fake trial there was an attempt to extort 500 million dollars out of Trump before he could appeal, a clear violation of the 8th amendment.

A NY judge's daughter is raising millions of dollars off Trump's prosecution as her father refuses to recuse himself, the text books wouldn't include that as an example of conflict of interest because it's too fucking obvious to be believable.

When all this can happen, a similarly "motivated" "judge" with the opposite bias will not be stopped by what you call "perfectly logical" things like "standing", no more than "immunity" has stopped these clowns. And make no mistake, they'll pretend there is immunity just as soon as it can be used to defend one of their guys.

Do you know where Trump was when he called Raffensburger? Do you know where Germany is?
do you know where the contract was signed ?
You heard of electronic signing? What about power of attorney?

A jurisdiction clause, also known as a choice of law or forum selection clause, is a crucial provision often included in commercial contracts. It establishes the jurisdiction or court that will have the authority to resolve any disputes that may arise between the parties involved in the contract. This clause plays a significant role in defining the legal framework within which contractual issues will be resolved.
There is no contract dispute. It's people impersonating officer's of the court attacking Trump. They weren't a party. There is no injury (a point you dropped like a rock).

No, it's as long as you connect the so called crime to your territory or people no matter how many steps or how tenuous the connection.
is this west virginia thing based on a real case or are you just making this stuff up on the fly ?
West Virginia is where you will find a jury pool with an inverted but roughly equal bias to DC or Manhattan. Specifically the hills, not Harper's Ferry. West Virginia is where they will convict Obama of murder 9/10. West Virginia is where they will convict Joe Biden of molesting a minor because of his daughter's diary.
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
I proposed nothing. I answered your questions.
you said gender dysphoria is like the holocaust
No, I used the holocaust in an ad absurdum argument to disprove the premise that "If a thing occurred before an event, that event could not increase the frequency of that thing (or make it worse etc...)"

If that premise was true we could discard the holocaust, after all people have been murdered for being jews since there were jews.

The growth curve is identical to a contagion.
i wouldn't worry too much about it

i can pretty much guarantee you're immune
I'm immune from suicide too, but recall the context:

You asked me what the problem with delusion was. Now you're saying it's not a problem because it's not a problem unique to me. If it's not a problem for me it's only because I am resistant to the delusions.

That in no way disproves the assertion that delusions are problematic.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
You didn't answer the question.
the question answers itself
They never do.

There are objective answers to well defined questions, but that does not mean that who answers doesn't matter; and it always matters in legal (or pretended) legal proceedings.

It's not who votes, but who counts the votes.

do you know what a state is ?
Do you know where Trump was when he called Raffensburger? Do you know where Germany is?

as long as you know WHERE the crime was committed
No, it's as long as you connect the so called crime to your territory or people no matter how many steps or how tenuous the connection. That's the game when people are playing dirty, and this is as dirty as it gets before guns start getting pulled.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
I’ll answer your question. It’s subjective. You can find jurisdiction where they let you
That is correct, and "they" are judges.

Judges decide jurisdiction, and if a West Virginia judge be he/she federal or state level decides to allow a case to be brought in his/her court, it will proceed.

Should they be able to do that? That is an entirely different question; does all of this lead to contradictions? Yes, but I wasn't the one who claimed it was perfectly logical.
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
I proposed nothing. I answered your questions.
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
When you really press them about why it bothers them so much, they tend to talk about it as if it's contagious, I think that is very telling.
The growth curve is identical to a contagion.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
You didn't answer the question.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
Ah, so if West Virginia makes a rule, they have standing.
within their jurisdiction
Who decides jurisdiction?

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
So no harm needs to be quantified?
the maker of the rules has automatic standing to enforce the rules they make
Ah, so if West Virginia makes a rule, they have standing.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
Kinda like how Trump fully repaying a European bank was zero quantifiable material harm to New York?
any technical violation of the law within the jurisdiction of new york state can be prosecuted by that state
So no harm needs to be quantified?
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
In suicide a person is their own victim.
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
for reasons (A), (B), and (C)
i'm pretty certain all of those things were happening long before the term "gender identity" 
and jews were beaten before the holocaust, but that doesn't mean things didn't get worse.

Also "C" has the term "gender identity".
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
Right, and I'm sure he visited other states, and people knew him from other states, and I bet he once bought something made in a state like West Virginia. That's how the game works. Any thread will do if you can keep a straight face and the judge and jury want to attack.
Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
For instance there is a presumption that anyone who violates any criminal statute has injured the public. That's why the court case is THE STATE vs THE ACCUSED. Yet for some reason you thought there would be no legal standing for West Virginia to prosecute Obama for murder.
zero quantifiable material harm to the state of west virginia
Kinda like how Trump fully repaying a European bank was zero quantifiable material harm to New York?
Posted in:
Gender identity crisis.
One lunatic claiming he is a god is a problem for that lunatic and a few others who interact with him. 50,000 people claiming the lunatic is a god is a problem for a whole lot more than 50,000 people.
what's the hypothetical "worst case scenario"

for people "misgendering" themselves ?
I think we've seen it at the worst it's going to be:

A) People attracting homosexuals, then rejecting them because they claim to be heterosexual (even though they are in reality seeking a homosexual relationship)

B) People (especially children) being sterilized and then later realizing they wanted biological children and can barely attract a mate much less pass their genes on.

C) Families being broken up by a disagreement over gender identity

D) People killing themselves for reasons (A), (B), and (C).

E) Governments stealing from others to perform cosmetic often sterilizing medical procedures on others

F) Governments threatening force against people who build only two variants of restrooms or insist on holding to the original/correct definition of gender

G) Women's sports leagues being destroyed

H) Hyper paranoia leading to baseless lawsuits claiming discrimination and wrongful termination

I) Women being frightened or made uncomfortable by males entering their private spaces

I.1) People actually being raped by males using the public fear of the cult to enter women's spaces as actually happened in a Virginia school
I.2) People actually being raped by males using the delusion to enter female prison populations

J) The biggest one in my opinion is the backlash all the previous are creating. The pendulum is coming back and the momentum that is building is itself a return to previous irrationality.

Since J is happening, I think we've seen the worst.

If you're asking about how bad it could be in other circumstances, I've said many times that the delusion of humanity is unbounded. If I were to say there was a society that brought men to the top of a step pyramid and declared that since the male was truly a female, the penis is a demon in disguise and when they cut it off he won't bleed to death unless he lacked faith; that would not be something you could honestly say is impossible for humanity.