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Total votes: 36


Sorry, a tie, can't spend time thinking on debate.
I've got to get to bed, then work, then the timer runs out, ah well.
Math get's acknowledged as an art, at least partially,
Con pushes heavily for math being at least partially 'physical 'per definition.

If I thought about the debate more, I think I might vote for Math_Enthusiast,
As Atoktheadvocate conceded a lot of points, though they also made arguments for math being a science,
It's not 'bad to disagree with the definition,
And definitions in descriptions not always great (Not that this description definition good or bad)
But 'does take part of one's argument to disagree with definition.

My initial view is math 'can be an art and a science,
The action and result of math can be artistically done,
Vary on individual and style/energy.
Yet there's still a. . . 'Solid element to math, 1+1=2, expected as certain results,
But perhaps there are liquid and solid states to 'many an X,
Like boxing.

Math_Enthusiast R1
Makes the argument for math being an art,
Memorization being different than utilization and new expanses.

I'm not very convinced by their argument of math not being a science though,
I mean 1 cat is one cat,
As a shade of green at X (However color works) is one shade of green,
Either one we place as an idea in our head,
Either one 'exists physically.

Atoktheadvocate R1
"Numbers themselves are abstractions, yes. But in most cases, barring complex theoretical maths, the abstractions are standing for physical quantities. Regardless of the point of abstract versus physical in nature, math is a study, a knowledge."

Is the part that matters most, as Atoktheadvocate accepts math as being capable of being art.
Hm, I think back to Math_Enthusiast R1,
. . . Math as abstract, . .
But then 'everything is abstract in all sciences and not applicable.

Math_Enthusiast R2
Makes point that Definitions were in Description of debate,
'Still, Atoktheadvocate can make argument that math 'is physical in a sense.

Eh, math is used experimentally,
People try this or that to get equations to work,
Try the math out in real world to see if writing matches, then why it matches or not.
(But this is 'my argument)

Atoktheadvocate R2
Missed, but apologized for later.

Math_Enthusiast R3

Atoktheadvocate R3
Interesting differentiation on sciences, reminds of of a recent discussion in the forum,
Are people that stubborn? (Religious and atheists alike)

Atoktheadvocate makes argument, in a sense all things are science,
But I Lemming, still think we place science and art in categories, even if they leak and mesh a bit into each other.
If Math_Enthusiast is able to call math an art, it can be called a science easily enough,
But Atoktheadvocate might do best by sticking to debate definition, can still be done.

They do make argument that science is umbrella term for many subjects and forms of knowledge.
This isn't bad, though it's a bit vague,
That same vagueness was used to call math and art.

"You would be correct if your assertion was that mathematics does not fall within physical science,"
Seems to me a bad move, even if the description can be considered fallacious.

Math_Enthusiast R4
Insists on debate definition.

Atoktheadvocate R4
Point about theoretical science.
Says by debate definition math not 'purely physical.

Math_Enthusiast R5
Atoktheadvocate R5

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Kouen R1
Shared burden of proof, murder as killing,
One might argue 'why the word murder exists, if it means the 'same as killing,
Also might have been better put in description.
By Kouen's definition, I assume he'll make strong push towards debate being about whether fetus is a 'person.
Kouen uses a source and pushes for human life starting at fertilization,
Still, human 'life might not be viewed the same as human 'being.

Public-Choice R1
Yeah there's the weak point of using definitions in R1 rather than description, that can occur,
Though sometimes opponents are agreeable enough to R1 definitions.

I think that's a 'really weak definition of murder by Public-Choice.
To me looks that it's 'clearly talking about 'nations more than people.
Sources 2-5 argue for people having access and against criminalizing abortion, but that isn't the same as them taking a stance on whether it is murder/killing or not.
Not 'all definitions of murder 'require it to be criminal.

With just 1 round (The rest being forfeited or extended), neither side makes 'arguments that I consider convincing or 'better, Tie,
Both sides used sources, but I did not think Public-Choice's 'fit into the debate,
However Kouen did not fully 'utilize their source, Tie,
Legibility tie, both understandable.
Public-Choice get's conduct, since they were at least 'around for the debate,
Still, "(waiving is not an argument)"


Hm, jamesrobertjoseph a bit late in making argument that murder is unjust killing (R5), and not many words used to address it.
Though I don't find Barney's murder arguments highly compelling.

jamesrobertjoseph 'personhood arguments lacking,
'Yes personhood subjective,
But most people don't think a rock is a person,
jamesrobertjoseph needed make more arguments on why a zygote,
Is a more blurred case than a rock,
Though for some people it's not, and the blurring comes later,
. .
Eh, even if one is not religious, not believe in soul,
Even such people believe in sentience, often, at least 'act like do, practical,
Just replace soul with some other word.

But I am rambling,
I'm just going to vote Barney, as throughout debate,
Their points were more fully developed, more pronged.
I still don't think it was 'convincing,
But it was a better effort and result.

jamesrobertjoseph points were more focused on single prong of new existence,
But they did not fully develop this prong.

They 'did blunt some of Barney's prongs a bit, but not 'consistently.

Various thoughts of Voter during debate.
Makes an assertion, states some facts.
Not enough facts to prove the assertions yet though.

Barney R1
I'd say murder 'can be a legal term,
But even if a judge or jury rules an individual did not murder some other individual,
Might be people still dead certain on the view that it was murder,
And I mean full adult individuals with full mental capacity and activity.
Course this is 'my arguement.

jamesrobertjoseph argues personhood is subjective in R2,

And in R3 says laws should be objective,
This doesn't quite make sense to me,
But Barney in R2 differentiates justifiable homicide and murder,
As well as the homeless example.
. . . There are many different 'laws though, differentiating types of killing,
So Barney's claim isn't really 'objective.

Though jamesrobertjoseph 'wants to claim murder objective as well.
. . .
Hm, well, subjective voter is all there is to be swayed.
. . . . .

Barney R1
Makes agreement about separated human body parts not being another person,
If they had more words, they might make further agreement about intelligence lacking,

jamesrobertjoseph R2 notes that the fetus contains 'different cells, implying new person.
Course people about this argue the new cells still not a new 'person, even if blueprints.
'Personhood seems a bit tricky though.

Barney R2
Makes interesting agreement about hand having potential to be a new person,
Twins 'do exist after all,
As well as clones, I am reminded of The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer.

My Thoughts Currently
I don't think Barney murder agreement is strong,
More relevant is whether fetus is considered person or not.

jamesrobertjoseph R3
Is mistaken in agreement that human hand cannot become-
Hm, I don't actually understand cloning. . .
Googling, Hm, I 'think you can clone something using blood,
Hm Barney R3 video, process involved putting the dna into an empty egg and electricity,
This is a step 'behind of fetus,. . .
Though of course Barney made this agreement addressing jamesrobertjoseph's agreement of potential.
. . .
'Potential varies though.
Ink and paper 'could be a painting,
Half drawn painting 'could be a fully finished painting,
People probably more upset if you take away the half finished painting while in the process though, features, 'life, 'personality are in that half painting.
Hm, regaurdless.

jamesrobertjoseph R4 does not adequately address cloning,
Though their words seem to imply that if I made a clone of myself it would still be me and not a separate individual.

Further side thought,
Debate description makes note of zygote,
Rather than say an unborn an hour from birth.

Barney R3
Agreement that if fetuses are people, they are responsible for their choices, is not very convincing,
But jamesrobertjoseph 'is having trouble addressing 'all points made in debate.

Also I am not convinced of it being criminal to care for ones children,
But it's a short word debate.

jamesrobertjoseph R4
Hm, interesting agreement about new human life,
But I'm not sure the new life 'matters,
As we don't think a hand cut off is sentient,
Maybe people certain zygote not sentient,
Though I'm still not a fan of abortion myself, at all.

jamesrobertjoseph R5
Ah, now addressing the differences between a zygote and a severed hand.
But short on words, short on convincement.

Barney R5
Eh, newborn baby needs external resources to be an adult, eh 'adults need external resources food, water.
But eh, debates done.


Barney more clearly defines theft,
Makes arguments about when it is appropriate to define situations as theft,
Makes criticisms of Redpilled's arguments and logic.

'Some of Barney sources not so much fact proven, as were 'colorful descriptive, invoking perspective.

If Redpilled had more rounds, 'maybe they could have rallied stronger, but current arguments felt bit incomplete in Redpilled's arguments perspective.

R1 Redpilled
Hm, if war was 'agreed to by both sides,
I suppose it might not be considered war,
As one doesn't view a lost gamble as money being 'stolen. (Though some do, depending on the gamble or 'sense of the word steal)
Then again, when people steal bases in baseball, , ,
Hm, maybe I'm in one of my 'vague moments. . .

Still Redpilled round 1 seems pretty flawed to me,
Given how steal/theft is not too defined here,
People in life will beat up other people and force them to give up their wallets, we still call it theft.

R1 Barney
"unjust means"
Leaves an option of the "take away" being just,
Buuuut, that would still be pretty difficult to argue, and even 'if argued, has some holes.

I've not 'really read much about Columbus,
Just want to state because I haven't read of him, I don't have strong opinions on way or the other.

Land Taking,
One 'could make the argument that penalty is not theft,
Such as when one is fined an amount of money for a crime,
It is not seen as theft. (Though some people view it as theft, and some situations people generally would call it theft)
Still, I think Barney is making effective arguments against what Redpilled has posted thus far.

One 'could argue Robin Hood 'liberated gold from the rich,
'Rather than stealing what another person stole,
As police don't 'steal from criminals when they liberate illicit funds and put them into government funds.

Barney rebuts effectively, noting flaws in logic by Redpilled's arguments in R1.

R2 Redpilled
Only 2 rounds, and this one is short, looks bad for Redpilled.

I think Redpilled's argument would require the colonists to be just people,
And the Natives to be unjust,
But Europe is 'full of wars and force,
The Colonists 'did break many treaties,
Many Natives had decent good civilization.
. . .
Would 'any nation own anything, if all land has been taken unjustly?
. .
Hm, treaties imply acceptance that land 'is currently valid, even if in past history it was stolen, but this is 'my argument, not Barney's.
. . .

Hm, 2 main arguments by Redpilled,
The land was 'won by war, not stolen,
You can't steal from a thief.

These arguments are hurt by Barney making use of a definition of stealing,
Redpilled neglected debate description and definitions, though arguably tried to define war as different than theft.

Hm, I say hm too much, still, hm,
Is 'every war settlement theft?

If there is a den of wolves,
And I drive them out from the forest, because they have been attacking people,
Is such 'theft?
Does it depend on if I have intention to 'live on the wolves land or not?
. . .

Redpilled makes a lot of claims of the American Natives being immoral, but they are lacking in sources.

R2 Barney
I imagine thieves who live together, would still see it as stealing, if they took by force or guile from a comrade.
Would have viewed their earlier piracy as theft.

'Privateers and 'Raiders though,
Towards a nation one is at war with, might not see their acquisitions as theft.
But this is 'my argument, not Redpilled's, it also fails to address times America broke treaties and as a nation intentionally entered into war with intention of taking.

Though one might argue not 'all American wars and colonists were theft.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Definitions leans this pretty heavy in Bella3sp's favor.

Defining something as "inappropriate"
Normally precedes that inappropriate thing being discouraged.

Not everyone 'agrees on what cultural appropriation,
Personally I'm more of mind of RationalMadman's arguments in Round 1,
But that's a bit offhand,
RationalMadman accepted the debate, and definitions.

Bella3sp Round 1
Eh, people 'could still go the freedom route,
Not whether people should be allowed, but that people 'should act inappropriately sometimes, to reaffirm that freedom, benefits outweighing the harms argument.
Not that I agree/disagree with that argument.
. .

I'd argue there's a difference between 'mocking a culture,
And appropriating it's culture.

Though one might argue wiggers are still harmful to American black culture,
There's 'many American black cultures,
Same as one picking up redneck culture might be viewed as harmful to white American culture,
But again, 'lots of American cultures.

The wigger isn't really 'mocking blacks though.
. .

The Redskins, as a number of sports teams might call themselves,
I suppose one could still call appropriation,
Though the people aren't 'mocking,
They are 'playing with the imagery a bit, wearing face paint, Native American headdress or something at game,
Still, Americans play with their own culture sometimes, wear their flag on their face, or white wigs.
. .

I suppose route Con could go with is arguing with examples of appropriation 'not being harmful in X many cases.
To counteract Pro arguments of harmful.

RationalMadman Round 1

Though RationalMadman's argument on cultures sharing and encouraging change, accepting individuals into their culture is rational,
'Big problem is the definition in this debate and the word "inappropriate"

RationalMadman 'might have argued "inappropriate" is vague,
Thus sticking with the definition,
By noting 'technically if one person or a group find it inappropriate,
It could be both inappropriate 'and appropriate,
People disagree on 'what matters are.

But RationalMadman Round 1, more is arguing that culture sharing can be good.

Bella3sp Round 2
Mostly Bella3sp noting definitions of debate,
Appreciation vs Appropriation.

RationalMadman Round 2
Doesn't really make any arguments,
"I don't care anymore, have a free unrated win."
'Could be seen as concession,
'Or it could be seen as expectation of loss, due to not wanting to put in effort to win.

Bella3sp Round 3
Not really any arguments,
Understandable to be tired, but a bit of a downer, by 'either side towards each other to 'state so in debate,
Doing any activity with someone and complaining about it, stating heart not into it, drags the activity a bit, maybe.

RationalMadman Round 3
No Show.

Though I think the definition was a bit cheaty,
Bella3sp justified her side in round 1,
While RationalMadman needed to make a 'different attack than what he did,
Good Round 1 by RationalMadman, it's just that it misses the target, due to "inappropriate" definition.
Arguments to Bella3sp.

I'm not giving Bella3sp sources, because I don't think the 'examples given of cultural appropriation 'are inappropriate,
Besides, whites can have dreadlocks if they want, (I think one of the sources I skimmed complained about white dreadlocks)
Sources Tie, mostly definitions by both, not really 'proof sources.

Legibility, both sides understandable. Tie.

Conduct, tie,
Since RationalMadman might have conceded, missed round just counts more towards that conclusion.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

See debate comments numbers #63 and #64.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Pevensie R1
Hm, going with strict Bible wording,
I'd expect Con to focus on the debate title use of the word 'Always,
I'd expect Con then to argue for exceptions,
Which Pro might argue are still immoral actions just less immoral,
Which Con might argue less immoral means moral action in context.

Or Con look to see if passages in Bible contradict, passages used by Pevensie.

Best.Korea R1
Hm, going with the being born is evil argument, unusual.

Pevensie R2
Argues pain can be good.
That might stand, depending on whether Best.Korea can argue 'all pain is bad.

Nonexistent being can't really be better or worse, as it doesn't exist,
Existent being, might think itself better or worse, being existent or non.

Best.Korea R2
Eh, I wouldn't say that Best.Korea is arguing against the Bible 'quite,
Ja Pevensie is using Bible to support their arguments, but description and title don't say using the Bible as a standard.

Best.Korea argues everyone would 'eventually commit suicide,
That 'might be true,
But I'm not sure if that's because life is not worth it,
Or because life was not worth it to 'that person in 'that moment.

Eh, life being torture or gift, subjective perhaps.

Best.Korea arguments on existence of evil, not fully fleshed out.

Pevensie R3
Eh, religous is vague wide word, some might argue from their view such as game theory their arguments are not religious.
Isn't Dante's Inferno fiction?

Aborted babies go to Hell?
Hell is greatest possible pain?
Booo, boo Pevensie, boo,
Eh, I'm an Atheist anyway.

Free Will argument 'is one some people use for existence of evil.

Best.Korea R3
Get's a bit off topic.

Second Reading
Hm, Pevensieargues abortion is immoral due to Bible 'statement claims,
No logic or 'explanation,
Just authority appeal.
BUT Best.Korea doesn't 'address this.

Best.Korea argues 'any pain as evil, and evil outweighing good,
Lays it on a bit thick.

Pevensie relies heavily on blanket claims by others,
A problem for Best.Korea in arguments though, Is that they are not 'addressing this.
While Pevensie 'does address and make argument against Best.Korea claims of all life is pain/bad.
Best.Korea all life is pain/torture/bad, is not fully fleshed out,

Though I'm inclined to vote for Pevensie,
I don't think they. . . No, that's my own thoughts, Best.Korea 'doesn't address Pevensie's use of appeal to authority,
While Pevensie 'does address Best.Korea's claims that being born is evil.

Pevensie's appeal to athority is allowed to stand, and they are able to undercut Best.Korea's arguments that being born is evil,
Appeal to Authority convincing for some people, don't speed sign says, some people obey because sign said so, no other reason, people 'could 'think on 'why though, and whether authority in X case is valid, but Best.Korea did not argue against Pevensie's appeal to authority.

Best.Korea laying on being born as complete evil, makes it easier to knock down,
Though 'maybe Best.Korea could have strengthened this argument, word count was restrictive of Best.Korea being able to do this.

Arguements Pevensie, though both sides did poorly in my view.
Sources, addressing source validity is part of argument, not sources itself, because someone said so, someone elses argument, I don't rate highly as 'sources, but instead lend weight more towards a person 'explaining their own arguments.
Sources a tie, since, I don't view Pevensie's as strong sources, and Best.Korea used none.
Legibility, both understandable.
Conduct, both polite enough.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Sir.Lancelot R1
Jah, sounds jerk actions,
Sounds 'some apologies,
Would probably be recognized 'generally as good to apologize even more,
'Necessary though, questionable,
Necessary or should to X, would be helpful,
Sir.Lancelot R1 would be helped by explaining why Logan has not apologized or done enough,
But I'm sure all this will be addressed later by both sides.

Bella3sp R1
Brings up questions of why would apologies and actions thus far be not enough.

Sir.Lancelot R2
Argues that a vocal video apology is not 'enough of an apology,
Argues that other streamers were also hurt by his actions.

I'd think myself, that at some points, it's better to just say alright enough,
Than to keep picking at a situation, let wounds heal,
Picking just prevents healing.

Sir.Lancelot argues Logan has more power than most people, to make more substantial apology.

Though Sir.Lancelot argues Logan has harmed others,
Sir.Lancelot also tries to focus on Logan's own issues,
Arguing he needs more fully confront and apologize to move past issue himself.

Sir.Lancelot notes the outrageousness of Logan's actions,
But I am still unsure 'what the cutoff for apology is, seems vague subjective,
Though Sir.Lancelot argues it is not so vague, that Logan must simply do as much right as he did wrong.

Bella3sp R2
An apology 'is enough for a number of people,
Though I think myself, people may doubt apologies,
Though this usually occurs if they are used so often of 'same problems one believes they are insincere.

Logan being a scammer,
I return to my thought of 'why should he atone or apologize,
Because it's the right thing to do,
Though arguably he has already apologized,
Though not as 'deep as Sir.Lancelot argues he should have.

Bella3sp makes argument of ways that Logan has suffered for his bad/immoral videos.
Argues he donated a ton of money,
Though. . Money is relative,
I think of the The Widow’s Offering, in the Bible.
Then a question pops up, where Sir.Lancelot argues Logan is able to make more change than normal people,
Vs personal redemption, which Sir.Lancelot also argues for,
The two seems a 'bit different.

Sir.Lancelot R3
Hm, Sir.Lancelot arguing suicide money donation doesn't count,
As it is not apology to Japan.

Bella3sp R3
Hm, read through, I think what might sway me is going back and looking if he apologizes to Japan or what in his apology videos.

Leaning Thinking
Hm, apologizes to various people, what I most notice is victim and family apology,
Which 'seems to me to matter more than apology to Japan,
Though there 'is the various disrespect of culture in R1 Sir.Lancelot mentioned,
Bella3spmentions free speech later on,
Eh, if the actions unrelated to suicide were the issue, people would mention it more online and in debate,
Plenty of jackass videos online rude to people and cultures,
Arguably bigger issue the suicide, suicide more addressed in this debate,
Suicide wereguild, apology to victim and family.

Eh, my arguments vote goes to Bella3sp.
Sources, both used.
Legibility, both understandable.
Conduct, both polite.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

First reading notes,
Pro implies that Jefferson 'should be removed,
Auschwitz cannot be considered a poor teaching tool,
Change location allows removal to museum,
The statue of liberty is 'ours, not any one individuals.

Second Reading,
I prefer a community vote,
Over a 'commission,
Community vote 'ensures that those who 'live in the area, are making the decision.

However, this and later comments by Con, nudge me towards Tie,
Because 'both debaters, I 'think, see the blanket policy of removing X monuments, as flawed.
Interjecting my own view, were there a community of racists, why 'should they remove a racist statue,
Though by this I am not saying that Confederate Statues and Flags are racist,
I think Confederate descendants 'ought honor their ancestors,
Though if the lands their decedents once lived have been taken over by other people's, well, those people have 'less reason to honor the Confederates.

Though such brings up a question of ancient sites,
Such as when some ancient temple in the Middle East get's exploded,
Seems a desecration of history, even if they are of different beliefs. . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I don't think Pro's remove to museum example is flawed,
That's commonly what is meant by remove to another location.


Jah, people are subjective,
Though arguably that is why ProR1 argues for commission, and Con later on argues for public vote or other.

Auschwitz is an interesting example,
I would 'imagine but not know, that Neo Nazis who don't deny the Holocaust,
Might view Auschwitz as a symbol of various ideas they endorse,
But it's 'also 'not those ideas,
It is the ideas as Con says of reminder and teaching.

Yet by reminding it must also be a symbol of various cruelty, racism, unjustness.
But ProR2 later makes the argument that I would make, that Auschwitz is 'more symbol 'against those ideas, that state is not endorsing such,
And that people more than not view it such.
. .

Mount Rushmore, another interesting example,
One that falls into my earlier thought of a state of Racists supporting their Racist monuments,
Not that I'm saying the Confederacy was or was not racist.


Both sides have been trying to chip nickel dime, definitions,
I've just been skimming both a bit,

Mount Roosevelt is obvious 'why it should not be removed,
Because people 'value it,
Because it is 'Ours,

Con argues against Pro removing monuments to private property for different reasons, later on I think.

Hm, Pro claims monuments are 'generally poor teaching tools,
Debate description said this is an "On Balance Debate"
But that goes both ways,
I'm still leaning towards a tie.

Eh, some country builds something,
Another country steals it,
It is then become a trophy,
Auschwitz being built by Nazis, doesn't prevent it from being a monument after the Allies took it,
Still, this is 'my argument, not Con's.


Debate 'could be considered hazy,
Not all countries have so much free speech,
That even museum or private property, the state or community 'could demand removal of a monument.

Con brings up Commission, possible problems.

Con argues their plan,
That offensive monuments should not be removed by 'government, but by petition,
Though Con's not really saying they should or should not be removed.

Con playing to vagueness of debate, many places,
Fair, but moves me more to 'tie, than Pro or Con.

Hm, I'm looking back on sources throughout the debate,
Not been 'big for either side really.


'Mostly arguments on definitions, semantics, as both have been doing throughout.


I don't think Pro's plans are too flawed, but I think both sides compromise a bit,
Eh, I'm probably going to vote tie.

Arguments, both made convincing arguments,
But to my view both compromised a fair bit,
And watered down their sides, because the sides would 'need to be watered down,
Subjective in such a debate, (Maybe)
Well watered down of wither tastes a bit like water.

Sources were not a huge factor in this debate,
Definitions, arguments of what other people did,
Not many sources from either.

Both sides legible, understandable.

Conduct equal,
Though disagreed in places, that's just debate.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

@Reason for Vote
Lyricism: RM 2
Lyricism: Lance 1

Flow: RM 1
Flow: Lance 1

Diss: RM 1
Diss: Lance 2

Rhyme: RM 1
Rhyme: Lance 1

RM longer sentences played to lyricism, and if read quick flowed,
Lance shorter sentences flowed and made rhymes more obvious,
But RM rhymes and flow 'also there, just the shorter sentences made Lance's more visually obvious on 'first look,
So still a tie in rhyme and flow, since different methods of reading made either obvious,
Lance focused on diss more than RM, more personal, more sources, 'seemed like,
If there was a brag category, might be I would have put RM a higher point for that.

Too much profanity, personal insults, styles of bragging, for my liking.
I suppose I like 'some rap, but not 'generally speaking.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

@Arguements Bella3sp
Whether Devon wanted to make a point about how they viewed Sex and Gender as the same, or carelessness.
Allowing vagueness in title and description, lead to much of the debate being sidetracked.
'Ideas are subjective, words are subjective, and both change Bella3sp argues.

Bella3sp doesn't make the argument that sex and gender are the same,
But that they are different, though she also includes examples of intersex, to safeguard all her bases.
Devon spends too much time (Because of debate vagueness) stating that sex and gender are the same,
Which would be more fine if the debate was Sex and Gender are the same, or ought be viewed as the same.

Mostly Devon loses arguments because his title and description, as well as arguments made many fractured pieces in various directions.

Bella3sp was given at 'least two goalposts, of which she only needed to score one of any to win,
Whether gender as language changing, intersex as an example,
You 'don't want to give your opponent multiple goalposts.
. . .

If Devon had focused more on historical examples of people defining sex and gender as the same, I think they would have done better, but again,
Devon not only has to prove claim they are the same, but that there are only 2.
And debate doesn't even say 'human.

@Sources Tie
Both sides used sources to try to back their claims.

@Legibility Tie
When a debate goes to piecemeal, with a ton of grey boxes,
And 'many words sentences specifically disagreed on,
My concentration in following the debate, fractures a bit,
Though this might just be a me thing,
But both did this.

@Conduct Tie
Bella3sp didn't seem to intentionally try to skip rounds,
Devon Extend doesn't count as argument,
No one 'particularly rude, tie.

I suggest you don't read this, as it's more for me,
But fee l free if you want to, it just rambles, so I don't recommend it.

Useful generalities, a trait of people using concepts,
Men are stronger than women,
People 'specifically mean human men and women,
Praying Mantis Females are stronger than Male Praying Mantis,

People with X or Y genes,
I don't really know how that works with various animals, or plants.

Dresses are feminine,
Eh, kilts, togas.

"Gender is something you choose to identify as"
Doesn't really make sense to me, or gender in general.
Some cultures used eunuchs in harems,
Some people choose to identify as American, yet xenophobic Americans might not call them American, even if according to the law they have papers,
Course one's 'sex ought make them a man or a woman, objectively,
But then some people get treated as the opposite sex in prison,
Even the objective, is subject to subjective people,

'Does gender only appear in humans,
I know 'self identifying comes up a lot in some definitions of gender,
But I've see videos of seals abusing penguins,
Yeah this thought is weird, but eventually in my mind it makes an example.
Course one doesn't identify an X as an X, even if one treats an X as an X, they think of it as an X I can use to X.

The 'gentler sex,
Some Victorian man might say of women,
But even an effeminate man, wouldn't say the effeminate man was 'of, but perhaps 'like the gentler sex.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Devon missed too much of the debate,
And didn't really get beyond the stating of position,
Bella3sp was around for all the debate, by making 'any arguments, made better arguments than none,
Perhaps Bella3sp's arguments would have developed more if Devon had been around, but life calls, and one get's sidetracked.

Sources, both sides used roughly same amount,
Both sides understandable,
Devon apologized in comments, for missing debate, "Sorry I got really sidetracked. Not making any excuses." - #5


Reason for vote in posts #9 and #10, of this debate's comments.


I don't think a character being manipulated into or being prophecied to tragedy,
Makes for less tragedy,
Though it's the more a hero fights against the manipulation or fate, yet fails,
That makes it more a tragedy.
Oedipus was destined,
Macbeth was destined,
Yet they are still tragic hero and fallen hero.

I think Sir.Lancelot would have done well to highlight more what Anakin 'was, before his fall,
Rather than too much focus on what he 'could have been.
This could have been contrasted with whiteflame's character, who Sir.Lancelot could have painted as 'lacking heroic characteristics as they are commonly known.
Yes, Anti-Hero, but Utopian goals, many villains/anti-villains have such as goal.
. .
Line between hero, anti-hero, villain, anti-hero,
Often blurred with real life leaders,
Arguably blurred with fictional characters as well.
, ,
While Vader is a villain,
Anikin was not,
Yet Kiritsugu Emiya sounds to have been on the dark path throughout life.
. .
Not that I'm saying highlighting what he 'could have been was bad,
Bit of Saruman's tragedy, is all his wasted potential, what he 'might have been.
. .
it's just that a contrast between the two is needed, Anikin and Kiritsugu Emiya.
Kiritsugu Emiya's utopia ideal was also a pretty big lost potential.

To me Darth Vader's death 'lessens his tragedy some,
Yes it's sad he had not a happy life with his family,
But there is redemption in his final act, he has saved his son,
Not all was lost.
. .
Though I suppose Kiritsugu Emiya has 'similar redemption of a sort,
Saving Shirou,
But the burning of the city 'adds to his mistakes and tragedy.

I 'do think Sir.Lancelot showed Vader when Anakin felt grief, regret, Vader's physical and emotional suffering, regret,
That even when Vader showed consideration for his past,
But whiteflame makes an effective attack on times Vader 'lacks it,
As well as whiteflame pointing out in contrast Kiritsugu Emiya's frequent regrets and suffering.

Vader and Kiritsugu Emiya 'both end up sacrificing so much, yet failed to achieve their goals.

I actually think it 'is a bit tragic, the Nazi's, or. . . people in general,
One is loyal to one's country, unsure what to do, not wanting to harm one's country, one becomes subject toy soldier disavowing responsibility,
Greater resulted the outside force, pressure.
Not that I'm saying it excuses them,
But many fine people in life, ruined themselves obeying orders, what they were, and might have been.

My vote goes towards Con, as Pro just a bit late in comparing Anakin to Kiritsugu Emiya, and late in criticizing Kiritsugu Emiya.
Criticisms and comparisons Pro 'did make, just weren't airtight, both suffered, lost family, lost potential futures.

. . .
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Whether for me or against me,
Consider voting on a debate of mine,

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

"It would be good"
Recognizable enough common idea of moral law that everyone should follow.

People 'do need food,
But instead of 'giving it, people could be offered work,
Though arguably not everyone are employers,
Arguably not everyone 'can be employed where they 'are in life,
Arguably some people 'have jobs but not enough food,
Or some employers might prefer giving half food, instead of work.

Best.Korea makes argument that there are people of plenty who could afford it,
That pain is bad (Hunger),
Reasonable arguments,
Though Intelligence_06 can still argue against it or provide alternatives.

I expect Intelligence_06's argument will fail due to the richer giving to the poorer,
That 'everyone has food,
Rather than make the poor pay all the taxes.

Best.Korea says "Why would urging people who have zero food to offer food be any useful? "
There 'is a reason Best.Korea mentioned the obese in round 1.

It 'would be good if everyone acted good,
But I'd argue the debate is more a 'specific action,
Though Best.Korea might say it's an action which requires an action,
Thus putting off claims that people would not be able to do it, or that it could result in disaster.

Sure people should 'help each other,
But if one says a person should do X because it helps people,
Well, maybe X doesn't really help people.

Intelligence_06 continues argument that people with zero or little food would be harmed,
But this really doesn't work,
As Best.Korea says "need to live"
People with zero or little food, need it, thus wouldn't give their food.

A better argument might be the claim that 'forcing people to give food,
Would remove something of value to them, their freedom to not give their food,
Of course this could be argued against be Best.Korea,
Just a line of my thought.

Conserving energy and resources,
Would make more sense,
If used as teach a man to fish, vs give a man a fish, way.
Rather than giving food,
People should be given what they need to grow and sustain themselves.

Intelligence_06 conclusions,
Seem to me more 'different debates,
Than this one,
People need have 'some assumptions/give in's for a debate, or life to be practical.

Best.Korea can't doesn't mean shouldn't argument,
Can be argued against by stating that the giving of food won't work for this or that reason,
But Intelligence_06 has focused more on the zero food part in this debate thus far.

At this point Intelligence_06 appears to forfeit.

So arguments to Best.Korea,
Intelligence_06 'did use sources, but they didn't factor heavily into their arguments, so tie,
Legibility, both legible, tie,
Well, Intelligence_06 forfeited rather than ghosted the debate, so tie conduct I suppose.

. . .
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Whether for me or against me,
Consider voting on a debate of mine,

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Pro made the argument that Trump did not accept defeat,
Made the argument that he encouraged his followers to march to the capital,

Con makes the argument that Pro needs to define responsibility,
And states Pro must prove Trump had both intent and actions.

Which Pro 'does have the actions of Trump that lead to the even, intended or not,
Though even without intention,
Being careless with power, a person still bears at least 'some responsibility.
(But without intention is my argument, not Pros)

Pro's argument is more about 'magnitude,
Than realization of end result,
Though it's a bit gray, protest, riot, insurrection,
Like tap, a push, a shove, a hit.

Pro argues that people have a common understanding of responsibility,
And that Trumps understanding of the event was implicit in his tweet (Round 1)

Cons argument around free will 'would derail a lot of debates,
Which is why people generally just assume free will,
Well, or responsibility free will or not,
But point is it's a sidestep.

I suppose Con could have argued Trump had no intent for an 'insurrection,
That he can only be held partially responsible for other's actions,
That he told them to leave (Eventually)

Con might have also argued it was not 'truly an 'insurrection,
But they didn't stick around.

But even if the debate had continued,
There are numerous events Pro could have used to argue his position.

Pro made their arguments, backed with sources, argued against Con's 1 round of arguments, stuck through the debate,
Arguments, sources, conduct to Pro.

. . .
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It's a topic that relates to many people in life,
Worth considering,
But setup of debate could use improvement.

Short reason, Arguments,
less that 10% 'just wasn't managed by Pro,
Con managed more than 10%.

Both sides sources backed their claims.

Both sides understandable.

Both were polite and finished debate.

Long reason, Arguments,
As Nyxified says,
"The actual percentage of marriages that end in divorce is irrelevant so long as I can prove that it is above 10%,"

Title and description 'can be important in a debate,
As the opponent can intentionally or unintentionally have a 'different debate, than the instigator intended.

Half of all marriages end in divorce,
Might have been a better title,
With the description describing how this is a popular saying or view by people,
Pro argues that it is more or less true,
Con argues that it is more or less false.

Is how I might have done this debate,
Not that I'm a great debater, just my thought.
'Maybe have limited divorce rate to specific region or country, if such was intention.

Round 1

prefix' questions add to the vagueness of the debate,
Implying that Con could at the 3rd question say 11%,
And the debate go on fine from there.

Notes flaws in debate structure and makes arguments placing divorce rate worldwide above 10%.

Use though, depends on the 'use I think,
Even if socially separated, people might still like to cherish 'being married,
Or appreciate financial benefits from such,
Legal divorce rate might matter if people want to believe they can always reconcile in life,
Or avoid poverty from divorce.

Round 2,
Not much to say,
prefix realizes error,
Nyxified notes that the debate setup is just difficult to change from.

Round 3,
prefix arguments are decent 'if they are arguing divorce 'need not be so high,

But when debate is claiming overall percent for 'all marriages. . .
And the percent 'required for Con is vague between 11% and 50%,
Another title might have been,
You have an automatic 50% chance of divorce when getting married.

This allowing arguments that the choices one makes, lifestyle led, leading, expecting to lead, can be influenced, can be influencing on marriage stress.

Round 4,
prefix makes an effort that 2/3 is not bad, for Pro and the three points laid out in round 1,
It's a bit like getting two thirds of the way to the goal,
'Need the goal,
'Unless it was clear laid out in title and description, that voters would vote based on who verified the most of those three points.
. .
This 'can be stated in round 1,
But is 'better stated in title and description,
And as Nyxified notes throughout debate, setup 'just wasn't favorable to Pro.

Future argument is interesting,
But requires a 'will be in debate/title.

Last thoughts,
I didn't mention Nyxified Round 3, or Round 5 for either,
As it's the issue noted at the start,
Debate setup resulted in equal or greater than 11% divorce rate.

. . .
If you read this vote this far, and are able to vote on this site,
Whether for me or against me,
Consider voting on a debate I'm in,

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Convincing arguments Pro,
Pro made arguments that were within reason,
Con made no arguments.

Pro used sources for some claims,
Con didn't use sources.

Even with a Google search, does not come up as anything commonly recognized as a word that I saw.

It's bad conduct to accept a debate, but not debate,
Even if Mharman realizes they 'ought not do this.

More details,
Numerology, seeing symbolism 'everywhere,
Seems a risky method of truth to me.
Not that cultures don't 'have symbolism throughout their history,
But to me the recorded 'historical reasons, are more important than doing math and switching of numbers years after.
I'm not aware of the connection between the number 7 and evolution.

Ah, there it is,
"church fathers often had different ideas about the creation account mentioned in the first chapter of Genesis"
- TheAcademicChristian R1
And goes on to mention Augustine as an example.

Well, I suppose time 'might be different for God,
Though TheAcademicChristian mentions the 'vastness of time, rather than perspective,
I mention perspective, as what 'is a day?
Different planets turn at different rates I assume,
Different sizes, different days,
Or with the moon, we only ever see it's one face (Though at night) But something could always face the sun.
Are 24 hours assumed 'before the Earth was created? (I ramble here)

Polytheism and Idol Worship,
What concerns me about this argument,
Is how much of the Bible and Christianity then, becomes symbolic?
Not that one 'can't be a symbolic Atheistic Christian,
Or that only 'some parts are symbolic,
Just the line of thought I go down with this argument.

De novo is a Latin term that means "anew," "from the beginning," or "afresh."
I suppose God 'could have done evolution outside of the Eden the Bible mentions,
Yet created Adam and Eve inside it, for some purpose,
Though Atheists would think it unlikely, it 'does sidestep the argument that evolution means the creation of Adam and Eve 'cannot be.
The debate being whether evolution is 'compatible with the Bible, not whether the Bible is true or false.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

jamgiller made a reasonable argument, that implementation of the death penalty more often in cases,
Would lead to innocent deaths.
jamgiller used sources,
Was more legible by saying 'anything,
And better conduct, by being there for the debate.

I suppose one could argue be more liberal with 'enacting the death penalty,
But then limit it to cases that are beyond doubt,
Though, with how many times cases have messed up evidence with the wrong DNA or browbeating an innocent accused into confessing,
The number of beyond any doubt cases goes down,
And I suppose one can 'always doubt. . .

Doesn't matter, as PipTheWarrior made no arguments.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Sir.Lancelot made apologies for the forfeit, seeming to have interruptions in life,
So conduct, equal enough,
However the forfeits greatly harmed Sir.Lancelot in convincing argument,
As no argument, one unable to press one's point or attack the opponents argument.

Both sides were about the same in legibility,
Though I had difficulty throughout the debate,
In following arguments, claims, and logic.

I was unable to see what contradictions Sir.Lancelot mentioned in Slainte's sources.
I understand Sir.Lancelot's argument of the vaccinated being better protected against the vaccine,
Though Slainte makes that argument about more vaccines meaning more hospitalization,
Which I didn't 'quite follow,
I assume even too much 'water, can harm a person,
Doesn't 'quite follow 'no vaccinations,
But Slainte's argument 'does make me leery of government and 'professionals, that they might make early claims or lie or force.

I see Sir.Lancelot's graph in #2,
Rate per 100,000 among unvaccinated individuals. 100000/220.2=454.13
Rate per 100,000 among those who received at least one booster dose. 100000/78=1282.05

This 'sounds more deaths prevented, vaccinated dying 1/454.13 compared to 1/1282.05
Then 'hospitalizations by R1
1 in 662(over placebo baselines). The same document shows that the Pfizer trial has an SAE rate as 1 in 990(over placebo baselines)Combined, the SAE rate is 1 in 800
. . .

But Slainte makes many other arguments,
That again because of forfeited rounds Sir.Lancelot does not manage to address in the debate,
Such as Number Needed To Vaccinate.
. . .

Well, I'm not convinced that Covid vaccines do more harm, or more good,
Nor am I giving sources to either side,
Both used them,
But I found it difficult to keep track of them, validate them as true, or compare them.

Arguments go to Slainte,
'Mainly due to the forfeited rounds by Sir.Lancelot, though they 'did make an effort in #8,
It's not very 'convincing to quick post only a source, or in a different round, extend.


Solby, R1
Makes argument on people's ability to not have sex,
Thus for most people,
'Choice to be pregnant.

Phenenas, R1
Makes argument that early on, fetus lacks both pain or consciousness/self.
Their argument on suffering,
Makes me think of what if an individual killed another person who was sleeping,
But of course that's not what Phenenas is saying, I think.

Phenenas makes argument that 'forcing pregnancies to be carried would 'cause suffering, where none might have existed before,
(Their argument of early fetus lacking pain/consciousness/self)
They also make argument that life threatening abortions might not be preformed, that would put the mother's life at high risk.

Phenenas argument that sex is harmless because of their first argument on what they claim a fetus lacks, 'Only works if their first argument is convincing.

Phenenas includes sources for their claims.

Solby, R2
Makes argument on how abortion shows a complete disregard for the fetus as a life,
'But they still need to address Phenenas's claims in 'some fashion,
Whether making argument that fetus 'does have something to it, whether individualism/pain/consciousness/self/soul/sacred value so on.
Or that we ought value the fetus for some other reason,
Which they try with sexual education,
The flaw of which are the existence of STDs and pregnancy, 'even if one can have an abortion, not really 'pleasant.
But I don't know yet if Phenenas makes this argument on sex education point.

Solby makes argument that children can be adopted, if there is danger of them growing up unwanted by their parents.

Solby makes argument and sources, of dangers involved in abortion.

Phenenas, R2
Makes argument that Solby's claim that pregnancies might occur at higher frequency, not backed by statistics,
Using a 'tiny 1 as a source, but it 'is a source,
And backs their claim.
(Observation by me, that sources can be wrong or misleading, not that Phenenas's is or is not)

Phenenas argument that is is wrong to guilt women into not having an abortion,
This argument 'Only applies if their first claim is correct,
Of the early fetus having no pain/consciousness/soul.
However Solby did not strongly address this argument of Phenenas's.

Phenenas makes argument that it would be cruel to bring so many into existence and put them in foster care, which can be a hard existence.
This argument 'Only applies if their first claim is correct,
Of the early fetus having no pain/consciousness/soul.
However Solby did not strongly address this argument of Phenenas's.

Phenenas makes argument that Solby's source on the dangers of pregnancy/abortion,
Are not backed by some other researchers,
Uses sources.
(Observation by me, that sources can be wrong or misleading, not that Solby's is or is not)
. . . . . . . . . .

Overall, Solby does not manage to make a strong case for why we must consider the fetus sacred,
Rather their argument 'assumes the sacredness of it,
Which is 'fair, assuming that others hold the same assumption.
However Phenenas disagrees with this assumption, makes argument for why 'not to consider it so sacred, and uses sources to back their arguments.

For me this is the biggest point in the debate,
One not addressed by Solby,
I would say near all of Phenenas's other arguments require the truth of this argument,
Which isn't a bad thing,
But it's why my vote of argument goes to Phenenas,

Sources to Phenenas, as they used the prolifically, as well as making argument towards discrediting a number of Solby's sources.
Spelling and Grammar, equal in both sides.
Conduct, both were polite, respectful, showed an interest in each other's arguments, thoughts towards the subject.
. . .

Bit Shameless Plugs to Myself Below,
Consider voting on a debate?

Some forum topics on the subject of abortion,
An old debate of mine,

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Makes assertions until,
"You can't identify as something you are not.
If you were born male you cannot say you are a female,
you were not born with a uterus and you are unable to give birth."

From a certain point of view, occurs to me, I suppose.,
But of course, people often prefer, certain points of view,
Or 'specifically refer to a point of view, even if they know other points of view exist,
They 'prefer valuing a certain point of view.

A person 'can say they are female,
Other's may not agree, or treat them that way though,
And outcomes may result, that would not have if they had been biologically female,
That other's do not prefer said point of view,
Sports for instance, the differences between natural born men and women.
. .
Or society 'might agree,
'Some societies,
Course societies can say true, false, or in between statements.

Eh, some women can't have kids.

Makes argument that definitions of words change,
Which is fair,
But they would have made a better argument by examples of gender/sex in history.
Also arguably that a person's social definition, personage,
Doesn't change their biology so much.
Well, eunuchs had some body changes.

napzu makes an assertion in round 5 though,
Rather than argument in my view.

My Vote,
I don't think either side really put forth enough argument of rounds into this debate to get argument or conduct points,
No sources, no grammar bad enough on either side to add or remove points.

Debate 'Topic is a bit fragmented as,
People argue whether Sex and Gender is the same word,
Whether an individual 'can change their Sex,
Whether gender, in the social constructs definition, is meaningful.

Debate could be improved by agreed upon definitions and ideas in the introduction,
Baseline Give Ins, Assumptions, Some type of base on which to construct arguments,
Part of debate was disagreeing on base ideas.
. . .

Not that one 'can't disagree on base ideas in a debate,
But I think 'this debate would have been better off saying there are only two sexes,
'Unless the instigator 'also wanted to argue whether sex and gender are the same,
Which I 'assume, but do not know, that they did not.


Arguably people can help in other ways that are not recorded,

Statistics can be mistaken, or refer to 'particular time or place,

Arguably there are examples of people who help when there is an accident,
Thus some people may be good, but not 'saints,

Taxes go towards helping people,

What about neutral people.

Still, only Undefeatable made any arguments,
And their arguments 'did have sense to them,
Set an idea of what type of action is good,
Criticized people not taking so called minimum 'good action.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Actually there 'was compassion in the Iliad,
I don't know how 'much,
But I 'do remember one piece,
Priam tearfully supplicates Achilles, begging for Hector’s body. He asks Achilles to think of his own father, Peleus, and the love between them. Achilles weeps for his father and for Patroclus. He accepts the ransom and agrees to give the corpse back.

Jesus 'does have a lot of that consideration for others though,
In his teaching,
And such can make for a functional society.

Seeing on how notoraot isn't there for the rest of the debate though,
Intelligence_06's argument noting that other religions hold their own cultures and societies together as well.
Never get's refuted,
Might have bee hard to refute such an argument,
But notoraot was gone.
Thus loses out in conduct and argument.
Intelligence_06 also uses a source for China,

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

See comments #47 and #48
Basically though, I think the question of harm to the natives was a tie,
And thought it a pivot point in the debate.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Both sides make decent arguements about Gif or any prefrence being preffered,
That there were decent arguements on both sides,
'Doesn't mean that Con made the better arguements though,
But rather that both argued well, and that depending on one's view, either prefferring Gif or 'Any could be correct.
So I score arguements a tie,
Both used sources, a tie,
Pro accepted Con's method of arguing any rather than Jif, so conduct a tie,

Jif Peanut Butter and Gift,
Both parties made points on why, either consideration wasn't vital.

The difference between initialisms and acronyms, escapes me,
Though I suppose initialisms tend to be harder to pronounce as an acronym,
It 'seems more a convienence, than a hard rule.
Both made examples of words,

While Con has a point about society if wrong, ought be corrected
I'd say Pro has a point about society being less rigerous than science,
Though language has rules, is kind of sciency I suppose.
But, Pro himself used historical early examples of ought, for G pronounciation,
So that one get's the feel that Pro thought language 'ought follow earlier convention.

Con has a point about the founder's prefrence and intention,
And Pro about societal prefrence.

Con's point about G's Jee pronounciation,
Pro counters with societal prefrence,
Which makes sense to me, certain accents are 'correct in certain countries,

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Concession by Pro,
Does that mean I give 'all points to Con, just arguments, or arguments then leave everything neutral?
Well Con's getting most points in end anyway.

I'd say Pro divided his round 1 between suggesting that the soundness of teenagers voting be 'tested,
Rather than Pro arguing 'just for the right to vote.

Pro 'could have doubled down on his, right to vote by a test,
Arguing that self control, knowledge could have been tested in teens and adults,
While pointing out that many adults lack self control, knowledge, are easily lead.

Pro could have used Con's sources to further his own argument, such as one that read,
"In one new study, teens and adults played a game in which points were rewarded for correctly answering questions while researchers monitored their subjects’ brain activity. When lots of points were at stake, teens spent more time contemplating their answers than the adults did, and brain scans revealed more activity in regions involved with decision making for the teens. In other words, teens’ sensitivity to rewards can lead to better decisions."

Con includes many sources with his arguments, to back his claims, points.
Also nice music, but no points for the music,

Con makes the point of how guardians are responsible for their charges actions,
Which Pro might have argued against, as minors can separate from their guardians at an age younger than 18,
That minors go to juvie, rather than their guardians, and other arguments,
Point is that Con's point was still arguable for Pro.

Con has a strong argument in the susceptibility to pressure and hormones in teens, which 'is backed by data, and well argued by Con, but I think Pro could have argued against it,
By making examples of adults susceptibility, and argued for the right of individuals to determine their own actions, if they are shown able.

Spelling and grammar equal, conduct equal.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Better, needs an if we value X, and circumstance.

Still, per the debate,
I assume One Value, is the human player being able to easier surpass obstacles in game,
Which can be obstacles such as water, combat, darkness, so on.
As Con says, water breathing is always available, but then again, water isn't.
As Pro says, claws are always available, but then again, with weapons, 'need isn't.

Mentioned in the debate, are advantages,
Con mentioning 3, compared to 2, but Pro mentions higher sneak in Khajit.
So 3 to 3, Tie, I'd see it.
Though one could argue that ability is not the same as stats, as Pro does,
But it's not clear to me why stats matter less than abilities.
I suppose Pro might have a point about frequency of available uses in Skyrim, but that would require the debate be 'restricted to Skyrim, which the lore given, was not.

2nd Value is aesthetics, which is mentioned by Pro, but not Con,
So in lack of mention, to Pro.

3rd is history and success in lore,
Which while Pro argue Khajit are not so bad as their reputation,
Con is able to give historical example of military success,
Pro argues luck of circumstance, but really genetics and culture are also luck of circumstance,
If some powerful Mane had existed, perhaps Khajit would have done better.
So I give 3rd point to Con.

Arguments Tie, as was explained above.
Sources, Tie, Both used sources.
Spelling, Grammar Tie, Both understandable.
Conduct, Tie, Both polite.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Pro for all the points, due to opponent forfeit.

Pro's case 'does sound plausible to me, though I found it a bit hard to follow, that's more 'my issue than how or what Pro said.
Technical details and a lack of familiarity on my part.

Plausible though, isn't certain.

And who knows, maybe someone explored a bat cave while the bats were hibernating.
Suspicious, guarded, groups or individuals, not same as confession.
Still, I assume debate made for the purpose of arguing that there ought be or should have been further investigation.

Though, maybe it's better for diplomacy that it's not, different question.
Anyway, there's my vote.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct


Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Well, first off, Con says Vote Pro in round 3, by which I'm assuming he's conceding the debate.

Con's first argument, was in his disagreement of definition. There 'are communities and societies without police or military. Though Con didn't continue on the attack of definition. And there 'are problems with such an argument I suppose, it's hardly 'common in history, and even rarer in modern society, to have no military or policing method.
Con's second argument of education, 'could have been pursued along the lines of a culture/society/state, in not losing it's values. Make an argument of soul over body, so to speak.
Con's third argument of police and military being counterproductive, was well addressed by Pro in his rebuttal and other arguments. Keeping with Pro's theme of monopoly on violence in this modern world, the institutions become invaluable, and more important being they some thing the state 'must pay close attention to, in order to avoid the situations mentioned by Con.

Pro I'd say, made a steady showing throughout debate, of managing to state, keep, and convince his opponent of his argument and definitions.
Monopoly on Violence 'is a pretty old concept, age old as stick or stone.
There 'is some vagueness on agencies, I think though. Education/Propaganda, for instance, being vital in holding control 'over police and military.
Police and military, being vital over holding control over Education/Propaganda.

No notable differences in sources, spelling, grammar, or conduct.

Sorry vote is a bit rambling, I ought to sleep.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

The core of the debate going by the descriptions, is Pro is arguing that 12 year olds should not have less rights than 13 year olds, as he equivocates the ages to be the same level of maturity.
Pro has a point about 12 year olds deserving 'respect, but this is not the same as equal rights.
As Con remarks during the debate, generalization is 'necessary to regulate developing humans.
Con additionally noted that trauma can occur, depending on what developing humans are exposed to.
Pro made a decent point regarding 11 year olds and 12 year olds being treated similarly, that 'could have expounded upon with examples such as 17 year olds being able to enter the military with waivers, but as he did not and Cons earlier argument of generalization standing. Point was not impactful in debate.
People often make these types of arguments, mocking the absurdity of a single day's worth of development in blocking an individuals ability by 'law to various activities. But it's a strong point in Con's argument, the necessity of generalization, that it's too bad wasn't expanded upon.
Personally, I place the arguments in Con's favor, due to his points of development, generalization, possible harm.
I'd say Pro's largest weak points were that he was scattered over a large number of points, but did not make great headway in 'digging into them, as well as some of his arguments diverting from the debates description of 'rights/government actions, and into the personal realm.

Pro sources were of institutional nature, Cons source an opinion source.

Spelling and grammar, equal enough.

Personally I thought Con was a bit abrasive and overbearing in this debate, but perhaps I think that due to what I assume his opponents age is. In any case, it wasn't behavior rude enough to ding Con on points.

Personal opinion of mine, age matters as a attribute, it's one of 'many sure.
But matters in generalizations, and as an attribute that signifies 'much in humans.
Development, experience.

Personal opinion of mine, I 'think Pro viewed debate as 13 year olds should not be rude to 12 year olds 'purely because of their age. Which is a fair point, but his description implies an argument against the 'system, and how society has thresholds, ceremony, as people develop in age.


Full Forfeit.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Pro simply couldn't put enough argument/proof about mankind 'needing to colonize Mars by 2040, and as Con pointed out and Pro failed to answer thoroughly
The tech for such an enterprise is not up to snuff.
The finance for such an enterprise 'very costly.
What Pro needs is an argument for colonization by 2040 being 'vital. But unless the Earth was to explode or be hit by a giant asteroid in 2040, he simply doesn't have the 'necessity of it down.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Pro argument claim it doesn't deter, though Con's argument disagrees with this claim.
Pro claims innocents suffer, but Con notes there are mechanisms to attempt preventation of this. This not feel like 'full rebuttal by Con to me though, as Pro source shows innocents 'have suffered.
Pro claim and scholar source of eliminated witnesses not rebutted by Con. But looking back at Con source 'claim "three and 18 lives that would be saved by the execution of each convicted killer." Difficult to say.
Pro argument of financial cost partially rebutted by Con, as Pro argument not claim that execution too costly to implement, just very costly. I would have liked if Con could have argued for change in finance methods as well as the imperative of justice.
Pro makes argument that execution is murder retribution, not justice, Con make philosophical argument that execution is not murder.

Difficulty saying one side did better, I think 'maybe Pro do better arguments but not certain, so say tie, Pro did make larger use of sources that tied into argument, so I place Pro point there. Spelling, Grammar, Conduct equal.

Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

Con 'gave an argument, while Pro did not.
Con provided 'some pictures as sources.
Spelling and grammar didn't factor into debate really.
Con has better conduct by reason of participation.
