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Total posts: 2,897

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Naruto Discussion
By FAR my favorite character is Naruto. Yes, I'm basic.
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How fit are my fellow DARTers?
I'm probably more fit than average. I'm slim and I exercise fairly regularly, but I don't compete in any sports really. I'd say I'm just healthy. 
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Most played game you own?
I see
Posted in:
Most played game you own?
lol I don't have THAT much free time, sounds impressive
Posted in:
Most played game you own?
Is CIV 6 better than V? I never got the chance to play. Also same for me, HOI has recently stopped launching on my PC which is a bummer. 
Posted in:
Most played game you own?
I def sunk a lot of hours in MC when I was younger. Newest equivalents are Subnautica/7 Days to Die for me. 
Posted in:
Most played game you own?
I see. I am asking because I'd like to be able to play Smash with the bros but at the same time the most attractive feature for me is being able to take the Switch wherever and be able to comfortably play. That's why I'm torn between the Lite and the regular Switch. 
Posted in:
Most played game you own?
Is the regular version of the Switch comfortable to play just as a handheld? 
Posted in:
Most played game you own?
No Nintendo system unfortunately, so I haven't been able to dabble in those classics. But I am considering a Switch Lite 
Posted in:
Most played game you own?
What games have you sunk the most hours into recently?

My list:

Civ V (200ish hours)
Hearts of Iron 4 (150ish hours)
Skyrim (∞ hours)
Black Mesa

Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #3: Is Genesis Compatible With Science?
I like the take. Although, the clear counter is why would God make the Earth appear old in the first place? There is nothing to gain and a lot to lose. 
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #3: Is Genesis Compatible With Science?
I am speaking as a whole
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #3: Is Genesis Compatible With Science?
I'm just sharing some conjecture. No need to get condescending. 
Posted in:
Nothing is "unbeliveable " anymore is it?
Yup, it's official, our country is dying
Posted in:
Types of Debaters
I couldn't tell you why I was chosen out of all of the applicants, but I can tell why I was chosen over you if that's what you're asking.

Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #3: Is Genesis Compatible With Science?
That is an intellectually provocative objection, and it's not really one I could refute properly.

I can only find two real responses to it:

1. Young Earth creationists simply say "we think the evidence points toward a young Earth, so screw you and your preconceptions." Not sure I buy it. I dabbled a bit in the YEC realm but then realized the whole thing is like the Flat Earth Society in a lot of ways. I doubt I'll be buying much of their arguments anymore. 

2. Evolutionary theologians at BioLogos say that Genesis is "theological/narrative history" and was never meant by God to give any commentary on the origins of the universe. But aligning with your point, I have no idea why God would "put" Genesis in the Bible knowing people would misinterpret Genesis as historical fact for millennia up until the dawn of modern science. Sure, it doesn't affect the theology of the religion much, but it DOES turn away new converts who don't want to leave their brain at the door. 

Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #3: Is Genesis Compatible With Science?
Care to elaborate?
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #3: Is Genesis Compatible With Science?
RELIGION POLL #3: Is Genesis Compatible With Science?

A couple of points I'd like to share. From a non-literalist perspective, many of the "days" in Genesis happened without the presence of a sun. That suggests to me that perhaps the time schemes are longer. Even If you were to come from a Biblical literalist perspective, in context, Genesis does not necessary make for full-fledged historical accuracy. At the time of Genesis' writings, no Jew would have a scientific background to understand concepts like evolution and the old earth. So it makes sense that God would present a simplified account that had some symbolic meanings. 

But that is just my limited knowledge on the subject. Feel free to share your take. 
Posted in:
Types of Debaters
An ironic description, a joke about conspiracy theorists and some polls where (if you actually read them) foster genuine discussion isn't grounds for resentment, and you know it. This all boils down to you being salty that I was chosen and that you weren't, which perfectly demonstrates why you weren't even considered as a candidate.
Posted in:
Types of Debaters
Seriously, does every interaction I have with you have to be in the form of passive aggressiveness? I've never treated you with contempt. Show me some respect, and I'll continue to do the same. 
Posted in:
Types of Debaters
or the people who are not self-aware enough to realize why they weren't chosen, and so continue to pester someone that has done no wrong.  
Posted in:
Types of Debaters
Don't forget the conspiracy theorists
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #2: Did Jesus exist?
None contrary. Some would say the evidence against is the lack of evidence period. 
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #2: Did Jesus exist?
All in the title. I've decided that if Jesus existed, he most likely resurrected. 

But did Jesus exist at all? Is the whole thing myth, or is it history? Share.
Posted in:
The practices and philosophy of the police is not something that has radically changed in recent years. It has grown over the course of decades and centuries. For much  of that history(and arguably to this day), the police have been used as a tool to suppress people.
In the hands of dictatorships, certainly. But police are regular people like you and me who have decided to serve their community. You can't possibly believe that a diverse bureaucratic agency like the police have a unified agenda against black citizens. 
One of the earliest forms of policing in the US were slave patrols. While these officially ended after the civil war, you saw the rise of Jim Crow laws where the police continued to be used to segregate and subjugate black people.
Slave patrols were not police. Jim Crow laws were politicians, not police. Police enforced the law, that's their job. Southern police were made up of racist people at that time, sure,  and they unevenly enforced laws, sure, but that has nothing to do with systemic racism in 2020. 
They see themselves as above the law since they are the enforcers of it. And in alot of ways they really are. Cops look after their own, so few get charged when they break the law and alot of them win on appeal anyway and get their jobs back. They have an insular culture that protects corruption and abusive behavior, thus perpetuating it.
I mean, MAYBE?  That's just conjecture. I'm sure an element of corruption exists because, like ANY organization, there is some bureaucracy and human fallibility. But I've seen no evidence of widespread, systemic racism in the police force. Looking at stats, they provide no support for that conjecture either. 
Posted in:
To clarify, You think the police system is intentionally systemically racist?
Posted in:
POLITICAL POLL #1: If current trends continue, will BLM succeed in advancing the position of the black community in the US? (socioeconomics, safety etc.)

My current stance is NO. Give me arguments for both positions. 

Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
Even if a supposed resurrection never occurred Jesus would still be a Messiah, a resurrection doesn't make or break that reality. 
My line of thought is that without the Resurrection, or similar miracles, there is no objective reason to think Jesus above Muhammad or John Brown. Without the Resurrection, I'd simply consider him another moral teacher worth some time for study, but definitely not my life. 
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
Thanks again for the detailed response!

I'd like to share some verses to show what I mean. 

Actually to be clear, it was His death not resurrection that paved a bridge. But again, I'm not saying there was no resurrection. 
This is true, but only if he is the Messiah, and I doubt he can be verified to be the Messiah apart from the Resurrection. So in a way his death and Resurrection are intrinsically linked to the point I doubt one would mean much without the other. 

Anyway, the rest of your response seems to be a fundamental difference between how we interpret the Bible. I must admit I am not as familiar with the Bible as you are, I just have about a decades worth of protestant teachings shoved in my brain. My protestant lens tells me that if you believe in the Resurrection first, the works will come. 

It is discussions like these that make me wonder how God qualifies his followers. There are so many diverse views within the Christian label that sometimes it appears that two people are worshipping two different religions altogether. 
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
The Platform is what Outplayz and I refer to as the original Source. Some call that Source God, but It is basically the Source out of which everything has their existence, out of which all things originate. 
Never heard of this before, interesting stuff.
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
What do you mean by "platform?"
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
Thanks for that reply and clarification. I think your philosophy is one of the more compelling ones shared here. But I am wondering how your "be a doer" philosophy is compatible with the Biblical "you can't be saved apart from the Resurrection." In the Bible, it is very clear that apart from the Resurrection, our debts for sin could never be paid. 
So in a way, all the effort you put means nothing. You will be a virtuous person if you try to follow Jesus' teachings, I think, but you will have opted out of saving if you reject the resurrection (or the idea that Jesus was God).
So, I doubt Jesus will ask "do you believe I rose?" but I think he will ask "did you trust in me?" 

Anyway, how would you reconcile that apparent contradiction?
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
The main question I'd ask both of you is, do you think they would have pursued this at the cost of their lives? The records show they died brutally, but continued to worship until the end. I don't think I'd die for a lie, so this is the most compelling rebuttal I can think of. 
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
I have done nothing but question further or inject some thoughts into my replies. I have not taken an explicit position on anything here. You are being needlessly critical of a harmless post. 
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
Did they have any personal gain from the spread of the faith? Didn't they end up executed for it? You would think they would give it up if their lives were on the line. 
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
It's random. Hence the "random OR"
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
What makes ancient people more morally fallible? I'm not sure I follow. 
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection

"Poll (noun)
Definition 5a: a questioning or canvassing of persons selected at random or by quota to obtain information or opinions to be analyzed"

Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
I'd say the whole point is that it was a supernatural event confirming Jesus as being a supernatural being. If the evidence points towards the resurrection as being the best explanation for the empty tomb, I don't think naturalistic bodily quandaries are convincing. Do you believe the tomb was empty?
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RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
Any examples?
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
I like the take. I agree that it probably boils down to testimony. I am interested to hear arguments as to why the apostles could be lying, though. I think your argument about Jesus' resurrection is interesting, especially the idea of taking what is useful and ignoring the rest, but I'd argue that the most useful thing of all is the verification that Jesus is the Messiah. If that is true, then it means you have a pathway into an afterlife, and that seems useful as hell to me. Anyway, thanks for the post!
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
I'd agree that accounts 100 years after his supposed death are too young to be reliable. Is there a particular reason you regard the writings of the apostles as historical? 

Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
Thanks, I've decided to try participating in the forums a bit and thought this would be an interesting little series of posts.
Posted in:
RELIGION POLL #1: Resurrection
RELIGION POLL #1: What is the best argument for/against the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, and why?

Feel free to discuss below. I have been doing a lot of research into the matter recently. 
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Police Brutality and Shootings
I appreciate you putting the effort into this. I've argued the same in some of my debates on white domestic terrorism. 
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Live debates?
I definitely need practice with them, especially since I'm being tossed into the online nationals tournament this year. 
Posted in:
Live debates?
I'd be down if we can find a good topic
Posted in:
Live debates?
Not certain, I just want to know if the interest is there. Probably something similar though, I imagine we will need a 3rd party embedded into the site's features. It seems difficult to create our own video streaming system. 
Posted in:
Live debates?
All the more reason to practice!
Posted in:
Live debates?
Out of curiosity, how many of you are interested in having a live debate feature on DebateArt? I know personally I'd like to do more live debates. (If you'd like to do one just let me know.)
