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Total posts: 8,397

Posted in:
Good music
Missing. Bruce Springsteen. 

Written and recorded after listening to the wives of lost firefighters after the Islamic attack on the Twin Towers.
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
A woman politician is gang raped by muslims has the lives of her family threatened and is then driven to commit suicide and is all the vile attention seeking little creature has to say is:

You [r] pommy 25,000 [muslims terrorist ]are really slacking off. Not very good terrorists and they still terrify you, now that's funny.
Without a single thought for this poor woman , her family or her children who are left behind, he thinks  "that's funny"!
He is a very sick and unbalanced individual who will obviously say anything to gain the  attention and the responses he craves and  yearns for. He is not here to debate reasonably or even discuss  anything. He should be banned immediately. 
Posted in:
Can we really be expected to take any more? Welcome to Spain

--> @Greyparrot
Before the age of diversity and tolerance, when people would invade your country to grab your resources, you would go to war to protect your livelihood. Today you are expected to give up everything you and your ancestors worked hard for because breathing air makes all people equal.

Indeed and this now happening in not so Great Britain, the most over populated country in Europe. There will have to be a land grab within the next decade of farmland and green belt to accommodate these invaders. 
Posted in:
Is Jesus God?
a mythical David?

Lets see your evidence that proves King David is a mythical character. Or simply shut up and go away you vile little man.
Posted in:
What does un-designed look like?
Still know takers.
Posted in:
What does un-designed look like?
They claim to recognise , splutter , cough, cough, splutter blah blah cough.

Oh shut up you boring vile little man. Who cares what you believe they claim. Who cares what you actually think or believe.

And still no takers. People must know you very well on this forum, and good on them. Now go away and stop being the vile pest that you are.
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
You actually do not understand what you have wrote do you.  You have just fired something off without thinking.  This proves how dysfunctional and unbalanced you really are. 

You are a disgusting self centered attention seeking narcissist that deserves to be banned . Your family must absolutely hate you.
Posted in:
Is Jesus God?
In midrashic text  God refers to The David ( king David) as his messiah as his son.

Nitzevet was the mother of King David according to the Talmud
And Jesse was the father of The David /king David. he is sometimes simply referred to as son of Jesse/ bar Jesse.

 So, from this we should learn that "son of God is nothing more than a title. 2000 years have passed and many Christians still haven't worked this out for themselves. And I find that shocking.
This title ' The David " as far as I know, has been handed down right out own British Royal family. King Edward for example was referred to by his family as The David or simply David.

His real and full name was Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David. But was always referred to by his last name. 

His title was publically know as Edward VIII was King of the United Kingdom and the Dominions of the British Empire, and Emperor of India.   The last Title should be of interest to any theologian, because the title Emperor means - Son of god.

Religion and the Monarchy are never far away from one another and are two sides of the same coin. Without a priest there would be no Queen or King. This goes way back to Egypt when the priests - cut out the middleman -and usurped the Pharaoh to become the only ones who could communicate directly with god or THE gods.  

So to get on point. Yes Jesus was A son of god, but not a god.  He came through the Royal line of THE David i.e. King David  - son of Jesse or bar = son of , Jesse

Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
Words terrify you

The Dutch Politician in the op wasn't raped by words you sick vile little man. She was raped by muslim men who then threatened her with words. She then took her own life because she was told her family would be targeted if she carried on voicing her opinions about another politician who happened to be a convert to Islam. 

 You really are a vile, sick, attention seeking & heartless individual. And you should be banned from this forum. 
Posted in:
What does un-designed look like?
Still no takers?

Correct, still no takers. 
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.

Not very good terrorists and they still terrify you
What an absolutely heartless ignorant and disgraceful thing to say. I don;t suppose your ashamed or even realised what you have said there do you.

 You horrid, vile little bastard!
Posted in:
Can we really be expected to take any more? Welcome to Spain
Indeed. One has to wonder why it is we are (according to left wing liberals) seemingly "compelled" to take the Africans and sub Saharan people. Their countries may well be described as "shit holes" but they are not being "persecuted".   What are the seeking refuge from? 

 This woman seems to know a little more about this subject that I . I have actually read the document she refers to and she is not making this up. 

Barcelona Declaration

And while researching that piece of blatant deceit, I came across this;

African Immigration into Europe: Why We Should Be Concerned About The Marrakech Declaration

Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
I must confess. My figures were a little off also.
 The figures now officially stand at:

The UK is now home to 25,000 muslim terrorist

I apologise for my mistake.
Posted in:
Can we really be expected to take any more? Welcome to Spain
Not a matador amongst them

Posted in:
Does Humanity Need A God Story?
The fact is that you are lying and can't even come close to defending your lies.
You really are silly aren't you, pea brain.You are  making yet another UNSUPPORTED claim.. What ever is the matter with you. Please cease your attempts at derailing another's thread because you are not a interesting enough person to start an interesting thread of your own. ☺
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.

"couple of thousand middle eastern muslims"

I think your figures a little off, sunshine. But who should be suprised? 
British authorities and MI5 revealed they had 500 ongoing investigations into 3,000 jihadist extremists as potential terrorist attackers, with a further 20,000 having been "subjects of interest" . There have been over 600 Islamic terrorist plots foiled since 2014 In Britain alone.

Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
I should have included, "when sharia law is imposed and the population is 100% Muslim, 
I see where you going now. Yes the liberals are determined to support anything that isn't western democracy, even if it is Islam.

it is against the law to not be Muslim. 
I'm afraid I can see that time coming.

...Liberals are working towards this end, be patient you Dutch cousins.
Indeed they are. They have always been a bit stupid at wishing for something they then wished they hadn't. 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?

Only conjecture rather than knowledge.  Suppositional, theoretical, hypothetical, based on guesswork, putative, academic, notional, abstract.
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
 Everything will be nice and peaceful when Islam is the law.

I'm sorry I cannot agree with you. . The evidence to the contrary is overwhelming and doesn't take too long or great effort to research.
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
So, exactly what is the problem?

Well it seems our quaint clog wearing European cousins have  a problem with Muslim rapists and Islam in general, who are trying to rig outcomes and decisions made by anyone in opposition to  Islam. It appears someone is trying to force someone to have these same views and opinions as themselves, by force.  

It sounds like terrorism, to me. 


The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?

The page numbers.

So, you have absolutely nothing to offer in defence of a single one of your silly unthought out claims.

 Your a little bit of a dunce aren't you really,  Nothing of substance and without aforethought, here only to cause conflict and ridicule people. You have absolutely no intention of debating or discussing anything at all rationally,  do you. 
I see now why no one has taken to or responded to your one and only pointless, going nowhere   thread. Many here seem to know you extremely well and are giving you a wide berth. It all makes sense now. 

There is still this little disingenuous statement that you seem to have shot yourself in the foot with;
Actually most of the bible is fiction, fabrication and lies.
So, which parts are not lies , fabrication and fiction in your opinion?
Posted in:
I am the man of prophecy. Change my mind.
It appears that I cannot make a debate and get an error. So I will try here.I am the man of prophecy. I have a long story and a long list of evidence behind the story, so I will split it up into links. The story is necessary to understand the proper context of my claim. The story goes for 11 hours. The prophecy list goes for 2 hours. The link I provide on prophecy has more than 100 sources.Story: list: offer one example out of the very big list.Daniel 9:25-26: Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven "sevens," and sixty-two "sevens." It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. After the sixty-two "sevens," the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolations have been decreed.The numbers: The 'seven sevens' has been interpreted as seventy times seven years, making up 490 years. And sixty two sevens, which is 434 years. It has been measured as being 483 years when the messiah will show up. Jerusalem has been destroyed multiple times and rebuilt at least twice, so the timeline for these events can happen more than once.Death: If you review reference [b] in the link below, death is a recent translation. The original means that he will have no-one and nothing, stripped of everything. Some versions of the Bible say 'he will be cut off and have nothing'.Jesus: He existed around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 445 BC. 434 years and 490 years translate into 11 BC and 45 AD. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded close but not accurately to the timeline of Jesus. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to Jesus' timeline, was not in times of trouble. War did not happen in Jesus' time until the end, since war and peace have alternated in Jerusalem many times since Jesus.Me: I exist around the timeline prophesied in reference to a rebuilding of Jerusalem in 1535 AD. 434 years and 490 years translate into 1969 and 2025 AD. I was born in 1977, 3 years closer to the rounded timeline than Jesus. There are other references to me and 1969 specifically that I cannot yet reveal. The estimate of 483 years for the announcement of the messiah, translates into the year 2018, right now, this very moment. And here I am, in 2018, announcing myself as the man of prophecy. The timeline for me is more accurate than for Jesus, and the very estimate accurately represents my arrival to the very exact year. While the timeline is rounded, it is rounded very close and closer than with Jesus to the point of the estimate for my arrival being in total accuracy to the very year, this very moment. The rebuilding of Jerusalem in reference to my timeline, was in times of trouble as the 1000 year war between Christians and Muslims continued to escalate until Christians eventually won 400 years ago. Unlike with Jesus, after my arrival, war in Jerusalem has continued between Jews and Arabs to this very day, with no end in sight, despite the matter being the focus of the world stage and every effort from the rest of the world to establish Middle Eastern peace in futility, to the point of ISIS emerging, and the threat of a world war over how different powers are dealing with ISIS and who gets possession of Jerusalem. 
I found this to be  absolutely fascinating. Loved it. Thanks.

Posted in:
What is your favorite TV show?

 Game of Thrones. I don't normally read fictionbut the books are terrific.  Mygrandchildren bought them as a present for me so I felt compelled and obligated.The firstfive seasons of G of T are excellent and are as good and as thrilling as thebooks, but it is very noticeable in season 6&7 that they had run out oforiginal material from George RR Martin. 

 Martinconfesses that he had studied ancient and medieval history and had sewn many ofthese historical events into his novels which are noticeable to anyone whoknows their history. This is probably why I enjoyed the novels somuch. 
Posted in:
Raped Dutch Politician Commits Suicide.
BREAKING Dutch Politician commits suicide after being gang raped for speaking out against Islam (08/08/18)

 The politician the victim refers to in this video had recently converted to Islam and she opposed him and had fired him in the past.
 " we will cut your neck and let you bleed slowly because you keep fighting Islam". 

And does this sound familiare to anyone? 

"everyone should know, the police have failed and the Politicians have failed".

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
Actually most of the bible is fiction, fabrication and lies.
OK, now which parts are not fiction, fabrication and lies?
It is a very simply questestion. A question generated by your own statement.

It is a fact I have proved

 So youkeep saying. But no one, especially me, has seen this proof. When will we see it?

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
How did these gods accomplish this exodus without leaving any geological or archeological evidence?

Not a clue. And that would also depend on what one would accept as geological or archeological evidence, wouldn't it?

Posted in:
Does Humanity Need A God Story?
Alls good with the world

Whatever makes you say that. The world is in a mess and no god to sort it out. Deary me, you have no idea about what's going on do you, but spout a lot as if you are a man of the world, when in reality, (that'll be the reality you keep spouting about) , you don't know jack" do you? 

except for the stupidity of god belief. Keep your fantasies alive.

I agree, a belief in such a thing -  has,  can, will, does, and still does cause great harm. But screaming  from you cot isn't going to sort anything now is it. Now. how about this evidence for all your claims. Or are you just spouting crap for attention. 

You say the bible is lies, but not all lies, which parts are not lies to you? Come on , be brave, face your critics like a good mummy's little soldier.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
We're not discussing your claim little one
I know. I am trying to discuss your claims, but you keep avoiding. Is there something distracting you? 
And I haven't made any claims bar Mars was once water according to new research. 

we are discussing the lies in the great book of lies ie the bible try to keep up.
Yes we are and we are also discussing evidence or in your case lack of it. You say you have proved something, what is it you believe you have proved? 

Are you being put off by the troll ethan6 or whatever?
No. I am trying to get you to support your claims. Have you read the bible? How do you know it was written in the bronze age? How do you know Everest had evolved before the flood? How do you know the earth wasn't water once? What proof do you have that other civilisations never mention a flood. 

Don't worry meaningless liars like her don't last long.

Another claim without evidence. Is it allowed to call someone a liar on this new forum without evidence. that is disgraceful. It will be the forum that "won't last long" if this is allowed to continue, I'm sure.
And  I haven't read her posts, just yours. so I can't say if or not she is a liar. But I will look for you while you sort out your supporting evidence. interesting you mention the three little pigs, you haven't read that either have you. 
Posted in:
Does Humanity Need A God Story?
I actually ask questions that the answers to which are incredibly insightful to the knowledge of the respondants.
I see. So you ask questions in a derogatory fashion because you don't have any answers of your own to offer your avid readers.

You are a prime example.

I am!? is that good or bad to ask you to explain your opinions or ask you for evidence of your claims. I have made no claims to have to supply any evidence. But you on the other hand, have spouted a lot of stuff without a single attempt at an explanation for your claims. 

Keep it up,
I will. 
I enjoy getting the responses I've already determined will be elicited.
"I've already determined will be elicited".

You have!? WOW! you're are a bit of an oracle on the sly aren't? You you crafty little rascal you.

Now, how about some  fully supported evidence for all of you claims, sunshine, got any . I didn't think so. 
Posted in:
Does Humanity Need A God Story?
I wonder can you define what constitutes a christian?

I am not sure anything actually "constitutes" a Christian. But what defines a Christian to my knowledge is pretty straightforward. They follow the teaching of Christ. 

 You certainly have a lot of opinions and much to say about the subject of religion but are not very well read on it or much of anything else are you?
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I'm looking for you to supply the existence of enough water to cover Mt Everest, since that is the claim in your book of lies.

 Why? I haven't made a single claim only one about Mars. You have made ALL the claims and supported none of them. Asking you to support your claims is not waffleing, and it is not my book.

Stop trying to diverting and trying to create strawman and get down to supporting your claims with some good solid, well researched, supporting evidence for all your claims, there's a good lad.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I prefer reality and have no need of fairy tales to make my life meaningful.
But you did start here by saying;

Actually most of the bible is fiction, fabrication and lies.

See that  ^ ? Most of. 
So putting aside the parts you deem "fairy tales", what parts do you believe? 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
It's not debatable at all.
But it is. Do you know which came first? The flood or Everest?
It's a fact as I proved.
You have "proved" anything. You have just wrote words of opinion. What proof, Where is your proof?

Still, you are entitled to believe anything some bronze age savage imagined,

I am. But the you don't even know when the original text of the bible were written, do you? What is your evidence for a "bronze age" bible?

unfortunately that just makes you the fool.

 No, but it does show you to be just spouting things that you cannot back up when asked some simple questions about your - opinions that have no substance.

Don't stop believing in the three little pigs.

You should take a lesson from the three little pigs. It is a moralistic story about hard work and dedication. While the other two pigs were spending their time playing the fool and poncing around and building their houses (arguments in your case) of straw etc, the third took the time to find the best material and dedicated time and effort to the construction a good solid home Or Argument in my case.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
The flood
There are several physical problems that prove that story a lie, not least of which is the amount of water on the planet ...

It is now believed that Mars was once a watery planet. Why not the earth?

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
Reality. No flood higher than Mt Everest. Really simple, even for a godist.

That is debatable though isn't it? And this doesn't make you an authority does it. It is a reasonable question, I will agree. But do you know which was first, the alleged flood or the formation of Everest?

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
--> @Stephen  Reply.   And doing this makes you understand the answer better even though it is exactly the same response. I see. Well this is what causes circular arguments. One person will insist on restructuring or just plain asking the same soddin question over and over again, and the other will just get entirely peed off and wonder is the questioner thick,( I don't think you are: at the moment anyway) or just being plain awkward for the hell of it and a bit of attention.

ethang5  You will get to know him. He will just keep asking questions till you figure out his ...........problem.

I don't mind answering his questions. He just asks the same ones as if he is waiting and or expecting a different answer.  
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
O.K. So  what valid reason do you have for saying;

Bible believers are incapable of examining the writings contained in the bible and determining the validity of those writings. ?

What makes you a better authority on such matters? 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
What is?
The bible. You concentration span is very limited isn,t it.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I rely on reality.
I believe it is a book of  war and politics. What about you?

Posted in:
China, The World's Next Superpower?
Is a super power a country that invades another country without reason and ten years later is still fighting there?

Not necessarily. Any country with nuclear arms is a superpower. 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
Bible believers are incapable of examining the writings contained in the bible and determining the validity of those writings.

O.K. So  what valid reason do you have for saying;
Bible believers are incapable of examining the writings contained in the bible and determining the validity of those writings. ?
And what valid reason and authority do you have for saying;
Actually most of the bible is fiction, fabrication and lies. ?

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I'm not sure why you chose to change my period to a question mark

because they are questions. Rhetorical maybe but questions all the same.
Start again. You ask

   "What do you believe in and why"?

Ancient aliens/gods. Why? because I like to and want to. 
So you would like to believe in ancient aliens/gods.

I have said "I like to", not I WOULD like to.
Do you have any objective reason to believe that
or do you just like the idea whether it is true or not? 
Already stated, that  because "I like to".
That said if I am having trouble understanding someone's position I have no problem restructuring my question and asking again .
And doing this makes you understand the answer better even though it is exactly the same response. I see. Well this is what causes circular arguments. One person will insist on restructuring or just plain asking the same soddin question over and over again, and the other will just get entirely peed off and wonder is the questioner thick,( I don't think you are: at the moment anyway) or just being plain awkward for the hell of it and a bit of attention.
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
So you would like to believe in ancient aliens/gods?
I do. I have already said I do. 
Do you have any objective reason to believe that?
do you just like the idea whether it is true or not?
I have already said so. Do you always repeat your questions in a restructured manner?
Are these physical beings we are discussing?
Just to further my earlier response; yes, I don't know of any other type . 
Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
What do you mean by left the planet?

I am sure I cannot put that any plainer than I have. Left means as in left and gone, not here, left.
Are these physical beings we are discussing?
I believe so yes.

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
What do you believe in and why?

Ancient aliens/gods.
Why? because I like to and want to. 

Posted in:
What do you believe and why?
I agree withyou, poly, on polytheism. I believe that there was once many gods. I also believethey left our planet thousands of years ago.
Posted in:
China, The World's Next Superpower?
I am sure it will be better than an Islamic State such as Iran