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Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
You’re not right. You’re a whole lot of wrong and an intellectual coward, proven over and over again each time you post your emotively driven nonsensical tripe about the subject for which you have no knowledge thereof. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
And as I said, I am right and he is wrong. And you’re wrong too. This topic is fact driven by biology, sociology, psychology AND the law. 
Posted in:
Your cite is patently wrong. 
It is factually inaccurate to call a zygote [a] being. Take it out of the womb, it dies. Cellular life is not sustainable without further gestational development tk the point of viability, at which point it becomes closer to being [a] being since it could survive outside the womb without further gestational development. 

Potentiality ≠ actuality. Never has. Never will. 
Posted in:
Everyone Is Stupid Except Me
Sticks n stones, baby!!! 
Your childish temper tantrums and banal name calling will never phase me, twit! 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
I am right and Liam is wrong. Plain and simple. 
It’s precisely because this is an emotively charged debate that makes pro lifers unequivocally wrong on this subject because they toss all logic and facts out the window with the bath water. 
Posted in:
Every pro-deather always, without fail, gets it wrong on abortion.
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
That’s because you’re blind deaf and dumb. 
Posted in:
Everyone Is Stupid Except Me
Nah. You’re just delusional there Mr Dunning Kruger. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
I don’t have to prove anything of the sort.  It’s common fucking knowledge!!! 

Also try reading the 14th Amendment to the Us Constitution. It makes it perfectly clear when all the rights, privileges and equal protection of the law kicks in: BIRTH! Not before. 

I never claimed a pregnancy was worthless. Strawman fallacy on your part. And a rather ignorant one at that. 

PS. You don’t have an actual argument. You’re just a blathering fool when it comes to this topic. 
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
Gender used to be the same as sex, until someone hijacked the dictionary.
Gender is and forever shall remain a synonym of sex. 

Sex identifies the genitalia; gender identifies the make and model (male and female, nonother).

Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
The former has NO legal rights/protections, whereas the latter does. 
You can't use your opinion as evidence.
And you subjectively claimed that I have no knowledge of the subject... BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAA!!!!

That is NOT my opinion, that is a FACT!

A pregnancy has NO legal rights/protections whereas a birthed person DOES have legal rights/protections. Ignoramus!

Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
So being a young, ignorant, undereducated and blindly native twit tossing back the "I know you are, but what am I" childish retort is a good way to engage in civil debate in order to learn more about debating and the subject. #Hypocrite
I'm done arguing with someone with so little knowladge about this subject.
BWAAAHAAHAAAHAAA!!!! Hilarious psychological projection there, child. 
You cannot even spell knowledge correctly, let alone pay attention to detail when words you type have red squiggly lines underneath them indicating a misspelling. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
If the argument you chose to use is that abortion should be legal, because babies are born with illnesses, then I have a question. 
All people with illnesses, do their lives matter?
You cannot compare a pregnancy to that of an already born living individual. 
The former has NO legal rights/protections, whereas the latter does. 
Posted in:
Trump’s friend and dinning companion says he loves Nazis!
Not everyone watches the news 24/7. Some avoid it entirely. But yeah, Trump relies on others too much for information that may or may not be forthcoming. 
Posted in:
Not Us Again!
Wrong. Way off. Way es off. 

Try again, Flo. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
So being a young, ignorant, undereducated and blindly native twit tossing back the "I know you are, but what am I" childish retort is a good way to engage in civil debate in order to learn more about debating and the subject. #Hypocrite
Posted in:
Not Us Again!
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
#123-126 goes above and beyond pointing out your lack of grammar skills. 
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
It's precisely because they are fallacies that they are not worth dignifying with an answer/response. 
Posted in:
Trump’s friend and dinning companion says he loves Nazis!
"But a funny thing happened Monday night when Ye, Fuentes and Milo — grifter’s all — sat down with Tim Pool … then abruptly walked out of the show. In the brief time they were there, Ye clearly stated that he (not Trump) had Fuentes along unannounced AND that Trump actually did not know Fuentes. Ye certainly has no reason to lie. And buried in all the hoopla about the Timcast IRL walk-out is the fact that Trump honestly didn’t know Fuentes.
There goes that Trump-bashing narrative!!"

"And this is why this latest setup played out. You have to give a hand to Milo and the others — they played to Trump’s weakness. Mr Jawbone himself. But, for perhaps a fleeting win, they have burned their bridges once again and will retreat back to their meaningless lives.
And Trump will move forward."

The dinner was a set-up by flaming (& proud) homosexual Milo Yiannopoulos who loathes Trump. 
Ye admitted Trump didn't even know who Fuentes was. 

People like you, IWantBrainsAgain, are so predictably gullible. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
They can't just kill a baby just because of their own convenience.

Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Yet another ignorant response:

Baby: a very young child, especially one newly or recently born.
No it doesn’t. 

Reading comprehension problems? 

“Newly or recently born” = a very young child. 

Birth is the transition between pregnancy to child/baby, not before. 

"a very young child, especially one newly or recently born."

Look for yourself.
The lack of reading comprehension skills is unremarkable. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Your question/Statement:
Well miscarriage isn't abortion.
Yea it is. It’s a “natural” abortion. The females bodily defensive mechanism to keep her safe from potential death. 
Yes, but it isn't done on purpose. It isn't the mother's decision. It is a natural process, though very sad. 

Another dumb response with a glaring contradiction. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Never has. Never will!!!
It doesn't mean it always will, but there is still a big chance, when you are talking about pregnancy. 

This reply alone just proves beyond all doubt that you not only lack reading comprehension skills, but also the requisite knowledge to even be having this debate/discussion on abortion. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Self-flattery is so narcissistic. 

Oh, and it is you are or you’re. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Ha ha ha ha!!!

I’ve defended my position beyond any reasonable doubt. Claiming otherwise without proving it bad comedy!! 
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
Intersex people are not always "corrected."
How do you know? Also, I never said they were “always” corrected. 

Whether or not it is a genetic defect, it is completely natural and "corrected" sounds... not too nice. 
Technically it is NOT “natural” as “nature” intended. It’s a defect. Period. 

Autism is natural. Does a person "correct" that?
False equivalency fallacy as well as a red herring fallacy. 

Say you have a intersex person. A penis without testicles, say a vulva instead. Thats completely possible.  How does a person "Fix that" ?
Irrelevant to this discussion. It’s a personal choice. It’s subjective. 

a popular anti-trans argument is "Why would you cut off a completely healthy penis/breasts?" So, why would cut off a completely healthy intersex penis? Because it doesnt have testicles? If you want to "fix" the female part of it, where do the testicles come from now? A "male" has to live the rest of their life without testicles, never to reproduce? The person wont reproduce anyway, so what's the point? Why "fix" them? theres no point.
false equivalency fallacy, again. 

Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Young, dumb and clueless beyond belief. 

Your recent comment = The Dunning Kruger Effect to the proverbial “T.” 

I have better things to do than beat a childish dead horse. 
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
Intersex is a genetic defect that ends up being corrected by the doctor after consulting the parent(s). 

Animals are not a part of a discussion involving human beings. Keep the animal red herring out of this debate/discussion. 

We are a binary species, period. Anything else is an abnormal mutation. The majority of Joe am human beings are born clearly male or female. The tiny few intersex eventually get corrected. 
Posted in:
The claim that a zygote isn't a human being: states 95% of biologists disagree with that. 
It’s not [a] human being !

A zygote is human in origin (it’s biological makeup), and it meets the basic criteria for life, but [a] being like you and I it is not. 

Words have very specific meanings, and when used a certain way convey a very specific idea, thought, or fact. 

Had you written that a zygote meets the basic biological criteria for life and that it is human in origin, then I’d agree. So would 100% of all scientists. 

But stating it is [a] human being is patently factually inaccurate!! 
Posted in:
U.S. gas prices plunge toward $3 a gallon - Thanks Joe Biden!
Thanks Putin for lowering our gas prices. 
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
Wow. The point of my comment flew over your head!! Way over!! 🤦‍♂️

Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Yeah, that is what I thought. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
I’ve answered all the legit questions. 

I’ve ignored the sophomorically banal questions. 
No, you've just ignored my questions. 

Here goes:

Your question:
So, you believe that a living human isn't a, well, living human when it is in the womb?

Your question/statement:
"Baby: a very young child, especially one newly or recently born."

Your question/statement:
At what point is it morally wrong to kill a living human in the womb.

Your question/Statement:
Well miscarriage isn't abortion.

Your nonsensical post #32

Your question/statement:
In response to my post:
A lump of coal isn’t [a] Diamond. 
An acorn is not an oak tree. 
A block of wood isn’t charcoal (burnt wood). 
So on and so forth. 
Same could be said about sperm, or the female's egg, but when natural processes occur, then all of these transformations can happen.

I can keep going if you like? Proving I have responded to any and all legitimate questions and/or ignorant statements that you've proffered. 

Still want to stand by your asinine baseless allegation that I have ignored your queries?


Still want to debate this? You will only embarrass yourself as you did here. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
There are a lot of older people, who are way smarter, and have gone to school way longer, and still are stupid and can't grasp basic concepts.
Says the twit who couldn't and still doesn't grasp the terms "born," "birthed," "fetal viability," "personal autonomy," and confuses cellular life with personhood. 
Posted in:
"transgenderism" isnt a thing
I think theres no such thing as "transgenderism" and the "gay agenda." I think there are trans people (like myself) and gay people, and people in between. fight me.

also bonus round, for those of you who agree so far, I am actually Non-Binary. I think non-binary = trans. also fight me.
You are right, there is no such thing as transgenderism. It is a fake politically correct umbrella term to make those who "feel" like they are under it better about their delusions.

But there most certainly is a "gay agenda," or rather "queer agenda." 
I can go on and on and on...

There are no "trans" people either. They are just weak-minded delusional basket cases, most of whom eventually grow out of it or simply, "wake up" and REGRET their piss poor uninformed careless decisions.
I can go on and on and on...

Non-binary is pure fiction too. It's akin to having an antisocial personality disorder. It's tantamount to being sophomorically rebellious. Which is proven by your repeated, "fight me." Juvenile. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Yawn 🥱 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
I’ve answered all the legit questions. 

I’ve ignored the sophomorically banal questions. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
No, you come to A site like this with at a minimum standard grammar skills, not subpar skills. That way people can understand you better. 

Next you don’t come Here to Learn to debate, you go to school for that. Debate club. Philosophy courses. English classes with focus on writing essays. 

Coming here wet behind the ears doesn’t help at all. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.

You’re such an incel poster child for the Dunning Kruger effect it’s beyond belief. 

Grow up and better educate yourself. First thing you should do is take a philosophy course and learn how to debate and research topics better. Then work on grammar. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
You wouldn’t know what the truth is even if it came Up barking and hit you on the ass. Stop listening to Novice_II’s piss poor advice. He’s a whiner. Now you’re whining just like he always does. 

Not wanting to debate you for obvious fact based reasons are not fucking excuses. It’s reality. Like your sophomoric questions about vaginas and what they do or don’t designate. 

Every time you open your mouth and post you keep proving my point. You need to educate yourself more on the subject before trying to engage others. On this topic and the God one too. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Your grammar sucks too. 

Never claimed to have beaten anyone. No one has beaten me. Big difference. But I certainly wouldn’t expect you to know that salient fact. 

You’ve already lost this debate/discussion since post #3. Self flattery is so narcissistic. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
How have I ignored it; I literally used your source as evidence.
There’s that lack of reading comprehension skills rearing it’s ugly head, yet again (and again, and again). 

1. You don’t comprehend what you read 
2. you ignore valid counter arguments 
3. You retort with nonsensical strawmans
4. You can’t even follow along in the order of succession of what you write to what I reply with and what you rebut with
5. You lack even the basic requisite knowledge of the subject (biology, psychology, sociology, law)
6. You don’t know what basic terms mean and misquote them in cut n pasting dictionary results. 
I can go on and on…

You’re a train wreck. I’m not wasting my time getting into a debate with you. Your description sucks. You didn’t even set the parameters right. 

Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
I have countered back. Each time you’ve ignored it and googled some Page or Dictionary definition, neither of which you understood and proceeded to use incorrectly upon rebuttal. 

You asked why I was more of an authority on the subject than you, I answered. I am more intelligent than you are on this subject. Fact. End of story. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Women have always decided whether or not to carry a pregnancy to term. It was never a man's decision until modern medicine and politics. Those then male dominated fields decided to use it as a way to control and subjugate women. These are the same men that sterilized Native American women without telling them. 

All lies. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.

Educate yourself. 

Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
Oh, and as far as you’re concerned here at this site… I [am] the “authority” on the abortion topic. And that goes for anyone else here too. 
But your profile says male. And according to you, if you are a man, you're not supposed to have a say in the matter, so why do you get to be the authority on the topic.

I never said a man cannot have a position on the subject of abortion. You are confusing me with someone else. 

What makes me an authority on the subject over you (and anyone else who has foolishly tried to take me on here), is because I have not only been researching this subject but also debating/discussing it since 2007, ever since I took a college course under a woman who has done nothing by study and teach about the subject of abortion and wrote this book: Safe, Legal, and Unavailable? Abortion Politics in the United States - Melody Rose - Google Books

I know the legal ramifications of the subject, and I know how to investigate/research the legal issues surrounding it. In addition to being an experienced investigator (my former law enforcement experience) and advocate for veterans who writes lengthy well researched and documented appeals for veterans, researching medical information, I know the medical aspects of this subject of abortion. That includes but not is limited to psychology, physiology and biology. Bottom line, I am more knowledgeable than you on this subject; and my reading comprehension skills and command of the language exceeds yours. 
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.
PS, I’m not even going to dignify you vagina comment to human crap. You’re too young and uneducated to even comprehend this subject matter. It’s like you dove into the deep end of the swimming pool on purpose so you could drown. Drown you did.
No, you just don't have an answer for this, and taking my age and saying I can't make an argument, is not a reason to just give up. 
ROTFLMAO!!!! When and where did I ever declare I was giving up? I do not give up. I just know when to stop beating a dead horse knowing the damn thing will never get up and trot again. 

All I have done is make argument after argument, yet you have yet to make an actual valid counter argument, and instead repeat what you are saying over and over again, and, yes, I'm going to call it name calling.
You think/believe you've made arguments, but you really have not. 
I have rebutted your nonsensical positions quashing them entirely. 
I repeat my rebuttals over and over again because it is called repetition for a reason. 

Lastly, apples to oranges. 

PS. I am not accepting any debate when there is no description or rules and/or parameters put forth to consider. 
More than that, you've already demonstrated that you are a waste of time on this subject. You do not know what you are talking about, AND you are entirely too emotionally invested vs logic and reason. Add to that, your lack of reading comprehension skills is remarkable. They would be a hindrance to any formal debate, and a huge irritation (i.e., beating the dead horse).
Posted in:
Abortion is morally wrong, no exceptions.

This is an example of a VERY RARE, condition happening with twins. 
So, this is to prove that all abortions are right?
Your lack of reading comprehension knows no bounds. 

"Here is [a] perfect example where and why [an] abortion is necessary and morally acceptable: 
[a] and [an] =/= all. 

Posted in:
Hunter coverup getting scary.
When I listened/watched the things that was my first thought too. Why not just scan and email it or text it over. That I can agree with.