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Some say that Christians conservatives are ruining schools by having them place rules in the classroom such as the folow rules

1. Do not murder
2. Do not steal
3. Do not worship statues

Some say telling children not to murder or steal is harming them and pushing Christian values on the kids. 

However all over the country you do have a push in a different and I would conclude more disturbing direction. 

The governor of Oregan has stated that non white kids are too stupid to compete in math and reading. She has written into law that since minorities are too stupid to learn algebra and read high-school level material, that no longer will schools have math and English standards and that you may graduate without knowing either

I remind you that the people claiming conservatives are ruining schools by posting rules against murder, rape and theft are the same people saying that schools should drop math and English standards because black kids are basically retarded.
28 4
Freedom of speech is dead in Ireland. It has been murdered by the typical libtard 'hate speech' nonsense that allows corrupt governments and malicious people to destroy others for disagreeing with them. Not only that, but a reversal of the golden criminal justice principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' is about to take effect, too, wherein people need to explain why they have material on their devices, else they are assumed guilty. FuzJqkqX0AEbXtR (1080×1137) (

Ireland is about to pass a law that prevents people from having "material that is likely to incite violence or hatred against a person or group of person". What that means in practice is that if you have something that is political that refers to controversial issues on your phone or laptop, those are illegal and could be used to criminally prosecute you, because the standard for inciting violence/hatred is vague and assumes you're guilty.

If you have a picture of Hitler on your laptop or phone, perhaps used for a research project at school, you'll need to explain yourself before a judge. If you have a meme about Asians not driving well, you'll need to explain yourself before a judge. If you have a video of some African Muslims bashing people, you'll need to explain yourself in front of a judge.

Say what you want about America and its failings, but at least it has robust freedom of speech and criminal justice laws. 
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