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The deplorable mental illness of adults desiring sexual relations with children; along with closely related behaviors.

Total topics: 5

JFC! I am watching this video, listening to it, and the evil plans that began with the Rockefellers to present day with W.H.O., the U.N. and UNESCO is just madness!!!!!

"In March, UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), two agencies within the United Nations, along with the International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) published a group of "new legal principles" that would advance "decriminalization efforts" globally, and principal 16 stated "sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual."

"“With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage,” the United Nations says.""
There is more, but the underlining goal is a movement, one of many plans, to reduce the world's population by 90%. Targeting children with all this hyper-sexualization from birth to pre-teen years in order to have a full grab hold on controlling the population. Screwing up kids psychologically through the gender and transgender ideology indoctrination and pushing the decriminalization of pedophilia and a push to sexualize kids in practice is insanity!

Going beyond this brainwashing and destroying the minds of tomorrow's adults via today's children, the W.H.O. is gearing up their end game goal to control literally everything: you, food, water, plants, pets,'s called ONE HEALTH

All of this evil doctrine begins with the Fabian Socialists. Huxley's bools BRAVE NEW WORLD was the plan that laid the foundation for all this corruption.  Ever hear of Rockefeller's "operation lockstep"?

Looking back over the past 5 decades, it is clear this evil plan has been in motion long before such things takes time, it cannot be done overnight. Each operation has been achieved in lock step for sure. I knew for sure that once gay marriage was granted, the transgender clowns would come out of the woodworks like cockroaches. Sure as shit they did. When that happened, I knew pedophilia would be next. It's on the verge of being pushed as acceptable. This shit the woman talks about in the cited video is coming to fruition, has been proven to be true with the historical events she mentioned, and it will only get worse before it gets better. 


Current events
64 9
I keep seeing defenses of him so weak they seem designed to insult the Muslim community. So I am curious, any actual Muslims here have any good defenses of him?

This is referencing his pedophila. The trollish defenses are things like the Todd Akin defense (it's not rape because he got her pregnant), and various No True Scotsman (no true pedo waits until they're nine, etc).


Alternatively, if there are no good defenses of him, how do you reconcile that with your faith?
59 12
Ever since SCOTUS found some BS excuse to legislate from the bench to allow same sex marriage, I knew, everyone with intelligence knew, that acceptance for transgenders, drag, pedophilia and polygamy would follow suit.

To date all have been accepted. Either by forced social inclusion (e.g., threats of violence, public humiliation, doxing, etc.) or by law (BS cases of legislating from the bench).

Add to that, so-called institutions of higher learning or not teaching anything higher than self-entitlement to be spoiled brats with carte blanche to be anything but law abiding in order to force their ideological agenda. That is, the agenda most popular at the moment. 

The world is going to shit in a hand basket, and the so-called progressive left is adding all the fuel to the flame of destruction as they possibly can without even knowing it. They are like the frog put in cold water and boiled to death. They do not know that they are but beggars of their own demise, and the cause of others demise as well. 

Humanity is lost. 
14 5

It's true most of Washington is pedophiles. Q believers knew it the whole time, and Alex Jones was mocked for saying it prior to the metoo. Movement. 
8 5
Photographic evidence biden fucks kids

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