Instigator / Pro

The Gender Pay Gap doesn't exist.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 4 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

This is not my real position, but I will be assuming the role of Pro in this debate. I will be arguing that gender pay gap is not real.
Debate is on-balance.

A safety vote or two would be appreciated.


What Barney said is accurate. If it’s so obvious that one side in this debate was arguing against what you would consider to be a truism, then there should be arguments in the debate that demonstrate that. If it’s only a truism because you say it’s a truism, that’s not a sufficient basis casting a vote in and of itself.


Whiteflame: -> "It is not enough to simply say that the debate is won before any argument is had"

You treated this debate as a forgone conclusion. Which lowers your BoP, but something said in the debate should still be named (quoted or paraphrased). It could literally be: "Pro tried to prove that statistic does not exist because it can be explained, con countered that leaves it still existing." While extremely minimalistic, this shows a sample of the argument tactics from both sides.


But my bias is in FAVOR of pro.
NONETHELESS, I have to aknowledge that con has won that because of the way pro phrased his resolution. The pay gap, as a statistic, DOES exist, even though it accounts for nothing and is no example of patriarchy.

Con pointed this one out with his first argument, well done!


Omg @ your new vote.



If that’s the mindset you’re bringing to voting on this debate, then you’re necessarily biasing your view based on information you have and not considering the arguments given by each side. We all have biases, but saying that Pro lost this debate before a word was said is not sufficient for casting a vote on this site, no matter how lopsided you think the resolution is. You will either have to consider the arguments presented by each side, or you can choose not to award points and just post your thoughts here in the comments. Up to you.


Pro could HAVE np arguments, because he was doomed to lose from the very resolution. Resolution proves con right, i can't physically provide any point with either of them


>Reported Vote: Decisively_Conservatist // Mod action: Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 1 point to Con
>Reason for Decision:
As much as I agree with Pro, and it pains me to vote Con, I have to vote him because;
This topic cannot be proven by pro, since the statistic, even if explainable and not an example of patriarchy, still exists, even if it shows practically NOTHING.
>Reason for Mod Action:
The voter has to explain the decision based on arguments made by both sides in the debate. If there is a particular statistic that the voter believes demonstrates the point made by one side so thoroughly that it warrants awarding them the victory on this debate, the voter has to designate what that statistic is and why any responses from Pro were insufficient to address it. It is not enough to simply say that the debate is won before any argument is had.

A more in complex look at these issues and their causes may be found at:


Dang, that’s high praise. Thank you!

Must warn you though that this debate will be one of my worst.

Man I gotta check in more often... barney is actually debating a good debater.


If you did any writeups, I'll gladly respond to them instead of just extending.

Also do you mind if I edit the tags on this debate? Categories have been replaced with tags, for which it looks like there can be several.


Your next round is due this morning.

I’m up against the highest level of Soresu.

I'll post my next round tomorrow morning.


I apologize if that came off rude, just simply something I noticed. I didn't realize it was "unrated".

Always good practice to put yourself out there once in awhile.


This is just a practice debate.
I'm intentionally putting myself in unfamiliar territory by arguing a subject I know nothing about.


Considering you never mentioned this is specifically focused on the United States (or specific area) has also put you at a somewhat disadvantage. They could refer to any country, state, job and use that as their entire argument. Though you possibly did this on purpose?