Instigator / Pro

Trans women are not real women


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 5 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information


Thank you SL. I am ham.ed up. However I will make the time for this. Count me in. It is a good break


Alright. Thanks for letting me know!


I moreso meant if 2 weeks was too little, we could do 1 month. 2 weeks is my preference. I'd at least like 15K characters at very minimum. 10K just ain't enough.

If you'd like to make a forum post where the community can comment, I'd accept that.

I don't want to give up definitions so much as I do think that the entire debate is about arguing definitions? Like, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see how you could give an unambiguous definition of 'woman' that does not also intrinsically make one side of the debate a truism (unless you mean 'trans woman', which I'd be fine with agreeing on a definition to that).

Whiteflame is fine with me. Lance said Slainte is busy, so we can knock Slainte off the list. You can add 1-round forfeit = autoloss if you want.

Ignoratio elenchi is inherently already a problem since proving a point irrelevant to the resolution does nothing to advance your case, so I don't see why removing it is important (and also the relevance of something can also be up for debate).


On second thought, Slainte might be a little busy with IRL at the moment.

It’s probably better to leave him out for now.


If I'm setting it up, I can write a draft description and make a forum post for it where we can hash out the rest and make changes to it, etc.


I'd like to add Whiteflame to the list of judges if he wants to participate.

If you're really fine with giving up a predetermined set of definitions then I'm fine with that, it's your choice.

So the final prompt (I'm assuming you're setting everything up) is " On Balance, Classifying Transgender Women As Women Makes Sense", right?

And did we want to eliminate ignoratio elenchis and do the forfeit one round equals auto-loss? Or did we want no added rules?

The 1 month is kind of a dealbreaker, but I can do 10k characters for 2 weeks response time if that works.


I'm down. We can discuss an exact resolution in dms if you want.


All good, homie.

As for the debate, I add 'makes more sense' because I would prefer for it to be set in stone exactly WHY we should do this. I'm okay with changing the wording to something along the lines of "It is more reasonable/useful." These are somewhat subjective metrics in terms of how you can prove when something is more reasonable or useful, sure, but I would argue that is the case with any on-balance metric.

I'd also like for it to be judges decision. Sir Lancelot, Savant, and Slainte (maybe Barney if he's up to it). I'm open to any judges so long as they're going to vote objectively.

I'm okay with knocking it down to 20k characters and 2 weeks. If it's really a deal-breaker, 1 month is fine.

I would honestly argue that the entire point of this debate is to argue definitions (specifically where, of two definitions, which is more reasonable), so unless we choose an ambiguous definition, I would struggle to see where that would apply. Do you have any examples?

Does this all sound good?


We need the ability to respond with emotions to debate comments. I wanted to "lol" your comment but realized I couldn't.


If you want to do it as a public debate or in private, either way I would like a chance to debate you on the penis mutilation surgery.

Please give me the chance to argue that you ought not to get it.


I apologize for misgendering you. I don't check profiles that often.


If we're doing 25k characters, I'll need a month to respond haha. I work full-time and my weekends are always busy.

Also, I'd like to propose rewording it to: "On Balance, Trans Women Should Be classified As Women" I'd obviously be CON.

Saying things like "more sense" are extremely subjective. Classified is subjective, too. But at least this way we can use objective metrics and such to state our cases.

If you'd like to be CON, then we can reword it by simply adding "not" between "should" and "be."

I usually like to put "IID:" for "it is decided" before debates if I make them.

Some other ground rules, if you're ok with them.

We'll use a medical dictionary and common dictionary that we both agree upon for definitions. That way we don't get into a "war of dictionary definitions."

I'd also like to ban ignoratio elenchis from usage and one forfeit equals an auto-loss.

Do you agree?


Pro is female btw... the irony of misgendering your vote on a debate like this...


Ok I see them, you used them at pretty pointless places but yes you sourced


I did (every [1][2][3] I typed, the number was a hyperlink).

Wasn't aware that some people couldn't see the hyperlinks. Thanks for clarifying. I'll link all my sources in the comments next time.


If you did i can't see them, the blue is like black to me, it was such a shit update


Is your vote implying I did not use any sources? I don't mean to be accusatory, I'm just somewhat confused.


I am interested. I'd like to give this topic the justice it deserves.

1 week argument time, 25k max characters. I'd reword the resolution to "It, on balance, makes more sense to classify trans women as women than to classify trans women as men."


I'm fine. This is a learning experience for me, after all.


Don't worry about the loss.

"A refined absurdity, is still an absurdity"

Ayn Rand


You did good work here, imho. I'd like to challenge you to this debate, if you're willing. I'd take the stance that trans women are not real women, because I believe they aren't. You game?


I know. I know. They move before us before we notice. quicker than the blink of an eye, some would say. Or as quick as.


It is a first for me, and thank you :]




Damnit! How could I miss that?!

You all forgot the most distinct characteristic that men have which women do not. Amazing eyelashes.

I assumed this debate would be an easy noob-snipe (didn't end up being particularly easy as I may have hoped). I crafted my arguments accordingly lazily (if that wasn't evident from the fact I rarely used half the character count and did all of my arguments in less than 24 hours).

I'd like to do this debate again to properly demonstrate my position. Ideally against a different opponent with a longer max character count and longer argument time.

On another note: I welcome Rieka to the site. Hope this debate is the first of many for them.


While they’re certainly different from other women, so is every other category of woman. All women are real women.

To win a debate like this, you need to first consider the social consciousness. Women are women is the default, so BoP rests strongly with you in the eyes of most potential judges. So your R1 tactic of giving the other side the floor, wastes your opportunity to lay the groundwork.

if doing this again, I suggest starting with a smaller piece of the puzzle; sports for example, or even that they’re not the same as biological mothers.

I can only think of two ways to win this debate. Interesting debate though.