Instigator / Pro

Trans women are not real women


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 5 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Winner selection
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information

1 point(s)

PRO admits im round 3 that he agrees with CON that chromosomes don't always attribute gender, which dismantled his entire counter in round 2.

In round 4, PRO calls CON's case well-researched, and fails to support much of his arguments with any citations other than stories of people who detransitioned. But, arguably, to call it de-teansitioning is to agree they can transition to a different gender anyways.

However, that doesn't matter because CON decided to accept all of PRO's statements as fact and counter them anyways. So PRO got to skate by without citing sources to back up his claims.

Over all, CON had a much more researched case and got PRO to backpedal at one point.

Though, in CON's final rebuttal a lot of red herrings were used to conclude that being a woman is experiencing womanhood. And he failed to make reasonable connection between how removing a uterus as a result of cancer is equivalent to transgenderism, when there was no uterus to begin with, but since PRO backpedaled and admitted his opponent was well-researched, the debate goes to CON.

1 point(s)

It is agonising to me, how free a win this was for Pro even to the very last Round... Yet... Pro... THREW IT OUT THE WINDOW, SPLAT ON THE GROUND LIKE THE DEFINITION OF WHAT A WOMAN IS.

This is the craziest debate on this website actually, if you look at how free a win both sides gave the other. Neither said defined what a woman is in a way that backed their theory.

Con gives examples of males faking womanhoot with surgery, training to artificially impersonate women etc. Pro just concedes and says it's just a differing opinion and that Con even made a good argument.

We have nobody explaining what a woman even is. I am still waiting for what a woman is. Con said 'female voice' but how can there be a female voice unless it'sthe voice associated with XX-chromosome human adults?

That said, Con does win the debate because Pro literally never ever explains what makes a woman real or not. Pro implies pregnancy and chromosomes are the foundation of womanhood but doesn't use a single source (nor does Con unless it's that subtle blue the website did in the worst update of its history).

All I see is absolute gibberish up and down from both debaters. Gibberish from both benefits Con, since we then can presume that trans women mimicking women... somehow makes them real if they have the traits of a woman enough... traits that are defined by what a biological female adult human has right?

Idk. Pro never clarified and Con left it murky. Since I don't have a concrete sourced or expanded definition on what a 'real woman' is, it follows that Con's mimickery argument does hold water. If I mimic something so good that I pass as the real thing then am I not the 'real' thing? If not, why not?

That question never got answered by Pro since Pro didn't explain something else:

How can a woman be a female? What about a female iguana? Is that a woman? Also, what is 'female' if Con is saying it's just the traits that transwomen mimic?

1 point(s)

Topic is Trans women are NOT women. R1 Pro appropriately inquires of Con what their position is on gender being a social construct (or not). Con completely ignores this query, eventually claiming it is utterly irrelevant. Con claims the debate is differentiated by one or the other definitions: women via gender identity or women via biological sex. Con the asserts trans women ARE women simply because they identify as such. No citations or groundwork to establish this. Con claims psychology is a more useful metric than biological sex. This couldn't be anymore absurd, as with the entirety of Con's initial response in R1. No sources from either Pro or Con this round.

R2: Pro states common (scientific/biological) knowledge, rest is subjective commentary. Con replies Pro ignored their reply in R1, goes onto state chromosomes are irrelevant to biological classification of the sexes. Tries to parse the distinction of biological sex on levels of hormones instead of chromosomes, thereby demonstrating a lack of education on their part of human reproduction, physiology, psychology, and biology. Con typically brings into the debate the nonsensical RARE (unnatural) occurrences of intersex, hermaphrodites, etc. and cherry picks quotes from agenda driven scientists to affirm their position.

R3: Pro acknowledges rate genetic defects, then shifts into how some people claim they are animals and use animal pronouns (this is a real thing, so again, reference common knowledge). No properly linked sources and draws attention to detransitioners. Con denounces the destransitioners but admits to being aggressive in previous response(s).

I lost interest after this, because it is clear that both Pro and Con just do not know what they are talking about. Neither cite any relevant sources to back any of their spurious claims. Pro had a better attitude, as admitted by Con when he apologized for being too aggressive, yet Pro's position is far more ground in verifiable fact and rooted in common knowledge then the fantastical wishful thinking of Con.

1 point(s)

There are two definitions presented at the start, one biological and one based on social constructs. I don't think either side really showed the biological definition to be in their favor, since Pro conceded a bunch of special cases, and Con never provided a biological definition for a woman. It's clear that some trans women have some of the criteria listed, and some don't. So I'm left with the definition of "anyone who identities as a woman," which Pro never challenged. I do think Con should have developed this definition more, but in the end, Pro conceded most of their criteria, so I can't judge based on a biological definition.

1 point(s)

Con obviously lost this debate in the final round if we consider definitions in it, because
1) Con fails to define what is a woman throughout this entire debate. Saying "a woman is someone who identifies as a woman" does not tell us what a woman is. It is the same as saying "woman is a woman". Its not even a definition, because no definition should use word it tries to define as a definition of the word it tries to define.
2) Con's refutation of Pro's definition is based upon assuming that some person is a woman, and then using that assumption as refutation to definition. First, assumptions dont refute definitions. Second, if you are unable to define a woman, then you cannot know if someone who cant have children is a woman.
3) Con fails to understand the topic.
The topic is:
All trans women =/= real women.
So any arguments of "most of them are real women" dont apply to all of them, even if those arguments were true.
4) This topic was about definitions, and Con's unclear definitions about characteristics are useless in disproving the topic because a definition of women must include all transwomen. Con's definition didnt do that.
5) Pro explained the absurdity of Con's definition where Con says that identifying as something means being something. Con retreats from such definition, and fails to give any other definition.
6) Con uses emotional arguments, such as "doesnt mean that such person should be called a man". Con seems to not understand that "not woman =/= a man".

The only reason why I am not giving Pro the win here is because Pro didnt define women and transwomen consistently from the start, and burden of proof is on Pro, not on Con. Pro seems to come up with a different definition in each round, giving up on previous definitions. Now, the definition given in the last round does win the arguments. Reproduction by giving birth does determine what a woman is. Transwomen are not capable of giving birth, therefore they lack that which real women have. Yet this definition only came up in last round. Last round is supposed to be for conclusions, not for new definitions. So I decided not to accept it and leave arguments as tie, along with everything else.