Instigator / Pro

Every trans woman is a woman.


Waiting for the next argument from the contender.

Round will be automatically forfeited in:

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Six months
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

PRO claim: "Every trans woman is a woman."
CON's claim: "No trans woman is a woman" or "Some trans women are not women."

1. PRO claim: "Every trans woman is a woman."
2. CON's claim: "No trans woman is a woman" or "Some trans women are not women."
3. The negation of "Every trans woman is a woman" is "No trans woman is a woman" or "Some trans women are not women."
4. Both CON and PRO have a burden of prove their assertions.
5. Every person who identifies as a woman is a person who is female, male, or intersex.
6. Every person who is female, male, or intersex is a person who can be mistaken a man or woman in a possible world.
7. Every person who can be mistaken a man or woman in a possible world is a person who's gender is determined by a collection of attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with the female biological sex.
8. Every person who's gender is determined by a collection of attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with the female biological sex is person who's gender ought be determined by a collection of attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with the female biological sex that minimizes harm.
9. Every a person who's gender is determined by a collection of attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with the female biological sex is a person who can be mistaken a man in a possible world.
10. Every person who can be mistaken a man in a possible world is a woman.
11. Every person who's gender ought be determined by a collection of attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with the female biological sex that minimizes harm is a person who's gender is determined by a collection of attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with the female biological sex.
12. Every trans woman is a person who identifies as a woman.

1. If either PRO or CON does not give a chain of reasoning that establish "Every trans woman is a woman" or the negation in Round 1, then the person who has not given the chain of reasoning forfeits.
2. Each proposition must have a unique identifier. If there is no unique identifier of each proposition in Round 2, then whoever did not give unique identifiers forfeits.
* Example: PROP.1. --- Every human is a living being.
3. A rebuttal must either try to establish why an argument is not valid, why the premises are not true, or why the argument is not sound.


If you miss one more round you'll automatically lose, AKA dicked it up.


What is in that collection? I would argue my spreadsheet definition is better.


A collection of attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with the female biological sex. Or, at least, that's how most society has truly used the word "woman."

What’s your definition of “woman”


I believe the vast majority of transwomen are women, but not all of them.

My definition is outlined below:


Noted. Updated the description, assuming the false dichotomy (which was one, and was accidentally made) was:

Every trans woman is a woman or no trans woman is a woman.


Both transgender women and cisgender women, and transgender men and cisgender men, must agree that budgies are cute.

The reason this debate is stupid is because of the false dichotomy at play. In reality, some trans women are the female gender and some are not whereas none are the female sex. What makes someone's gender female is not identifying as female but having a female-wired brain. Men and women's brains are wired differently and that is what makes gender different from sex. There are gay men and femboys who think more like a woman than most trans women but still identify as male. Gender should be seen as a spectrum based on how your thoughts and feelings manifest as more feminine or more masculine rather than something you can simply choose to identify with. Also, gender is binary whereas sex is infinite and most people get that backwards. There is "hard" and "soft" and "rigid" and "flexible" etc. These kinds of yin-yang dualities are what make up "feminine" or "masculine" traits. On the other hand, there could theoretically be aliens that have 8 different types of chromosomes and 11 different kinds of genitalia required to reproduce but they would all still be able to be described as fem or masc psychologically.