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Posted in:
Atheism Simplified
Sure. Isn't it obvious that mankind will destroy themselves? I'm not talking about fake climate change, I'm talking about the inevitable conclusion. 
Yeah, unfortunately.

So you think it doesn't matter what we believe because everything is going to be destroyed anyway. Am I correct? Or is there something else?
Posted in:
Atheism Simplified
I would suggest that GODS were an inevitable requirement of an evolving intellectual species.
Do you remember when I said that humans are destined to evolve to a God level? Do you, Victor?

The aliens that seeded this planet with the human species are more evolved beings. They are stronger, more intelligent and estetically more beautiful. It's not just a matter of advance technology, they're advanced at all levels. They are also morally advanced which has to do with what we call the spiritual dimension. They are more "spiritual", meaning more connected to the universe. This is not bullshit, this is the correct way we are supposed to live so to evolve adequately. Becoming more "spiritual" means getting more connected with our surrounding understanding that we are one system and that we can't get our own way, that we have to work together as one fist.

The aliens are at a God level and we have to catch up. This is our goal, to become like them. At some point in the future, we're going to do what they are doing, making interstellar trips in order to find planets with good potential for life, and seeding our creations. We will be GODS, but for that there is long way to go.
Posted in:
Atheism Simplified
I masturbate every night while thinking of my father.
You have daddy issues, aren't ya?
Posted in:
Atheism Simplified
But you made me.
I don't know you, man.

Posted in:
Atheism Simplified
The ship's going down.
What do you mean by that?

Do you think humanity is going sideways? Are you being apocalyptic?
Posted in:
Atheism Simplified
My father Lucifer already declared war on Christians and muslims...
I'm not your father. OK?

Posted in:
Atheism Simplified
Well, if the term "God" has this connotation, I can agree. But the term "God" usually has a broader description. God is also the creator of this existence according to the believers.

So, you're right in part. If people stop worshipping a "God" then religions will have no reason for being because worshipping implies rituals and doctrines to follow up. Isn't it what religion is about?

Nevertheless, the people will have this necessity of looking for a reason of their existence, so the need of a "God" will pop up anytime soon.

So, I don't think it's enough to stop worshipping a "God" in order to get rid of this "God".

I think the only way to get rid of the GOD OF RELIGIONS is to know exactly the real nature of this existence. I mean, while it is true that the God of religions is a manifestation of human being's ignorance, we have to acknoledge too that we depend on a kind of FORCE or SOURCE that sustain us, which I refuse to call it God because it reminds me of religions. I'm pretty sure the knowledge about this FORCE or SOURCE can be explained scientifically and will satisfy all our doubts equally.
Posted in:
Are student protests in USA, related to Palestine, going to have any effect?
In the US there are a lot of religious people that automatically think they are obliged to support Israel as they believe Israel is the chosen people and all the bullshit we know about it in the bible. 

So, they don’t care if a bunch of educated agnostic students think otherwise, they believe the jews can do whatever they want because they were chosen by "God" to do so (read about this stupid interpretation of Abraham's descendents). 

In fact, I heard there is a christian lobby (incredible but true) that is pushing the government to support Israel. So Biden is grabbed by the balls and he can't do anything contrary to christians' opinion, there is a lot of money in risk. 
Posted in:
Oxford Dictionary - God: an adored, admired, or influential person.  
Maybe this is what people admired in the past. No wonder why there are so many Gods for all tastes.

I can bring up an actual example. Diego Armando Maradona is considered a God, the God of football, because his skills surpass everything people can conceive.

Moreover, there were civilizations that considered some animals as Gods, like the mesoamerican people, because those animals surpass the abilities and strenght of an average person. In the end, the Gods are beings that diserved to be admired or even worshiped, because they are more "powerful".

And I can tell you, when the aliens come down to earth, they will be the new Gods. Lol. 
Posted in:
Pascal's School Shooting I
I'm full of quotes today. Brian Warner, AKA Marilyn Manson: "I never really hated a one true god but the God of the people I hated."
Never liked his music, it's too heavy for me, but I admire his courage to speak out against the church through music.
Posted in:
Do we really own anything?
Yes, my body is mine and I can do anything with it.
Posted in:
Pascal's School Shooting I
Well, I heard the pope saying that heaven and hell don't actually exist as real places but mental states.

It seems that they're trying to correct themselves, the problem is that the errors and contradictions are so much that it'll take a whole life to make sense of all of it. Ha.
Posted in:
The Pagan Immortal Soul
Another idea that I currently run with is residual energy/data.

Sort of ties in with simulation theory.
What do you mean? A kind of record of what happens in our reality?

Well, if we have to describe the universe in terms of systems we can say it works like a computer, and as any computer there should be a hard disk where everything is saved.

Our bodies work like this too, even at cell level (the DNA). The universe as a system should have a space where everything is recorded. This is not new, the ancient asian philosophies talk about that, they call it akashic records. I guess this is where psychics get their information (Edgar Cayce, for example).
Posted in:
What makes her so special, her pleasurable hole?
It's the same question I always pose myself. I think it's a genetic flaw because, to be honest, it's useless (for the simps).

Most men on my dad's side are simps which is obviously very embarrasing for me. Not the same on my mom's side fortunately.

I think I was in luck for not inheriting the simp gene because it makes you spend a lot of resources to just simping. I mean, I love banging women, who wouldn't? The problem is when you are rejected but you keep spending your money in gifts only to smell her farts. That's really sad. 

Don't be a simp, dear user. 
Posted in:
evidence: God, christianity, miracles, NDEs, the afterlife
I see you're open to other kind of knowledge. You would love then to read (or listen to) Edgar Cayce.
Posted in:
The Americanization of Christianity
Well, you're certainly right. Religion is at the end a business, a profitable one by the way. So, churches are doing what any business would do, have an attractive product and do an effective marketing. 

But I don’t think the churches are less doctrinal, this is never going to change because this is indeed their goal, I say it by experience. They can appeal you with good music and fancy activities but then they will try to brainwash you with all their dogmas and beliefs. If you go to any church, you'll see there is a learning space with several classrooms where the priests brainwash the young people. The younger you are the easier it is to brainwash you.
Posted in:
Is it "Heil Hitler" or "hi Hitler"?
I heard that asians don't have the "l" sound.

We shouldn't blame BK for this. :) 
Posted in:
Everything Upsets A Muslim Somewhere
This is because the West is not christian anymore but SECULAR.

When the West was ruled by the church, it wasn't so different from today's Islam.
Posted in:
Are you a forgiving person?
Which is why people tends to get less angry, as they get older.
Hummm... are you sure, Victor? It should be the contrary because being old is not pleasant at all, specially if they catch a disease.

I once saw an old man having an anger attack when complaining about a phone service. He even started to throw the chairs and other things through the employees. Lol.
Posted in:
Are you a forgiving person?
It also depends on how big one's ego is. The bigger the ego you have the more difficult it is to forgive.

Forgiveness means the capacity to let bad things go, it doesnt mean getting along with the person that hurt you. You have to let people get away with the harm done to you, that is difficult but psycologically speaking it is good for the mind or spirit if you want to use religious language.
Posted in:
More Cock Vicar?
I'm not shocked either.

I once met a priest that used to drink, smoke, fornicate (an acquaintance claimed to have seen him in a brothel) and even curse. Hard to believe but I have since started to not give a shit about what priests teach.
Posted in:
[AMA Thread] Dr. Michael Huemer, Professor of philosophy
I looked at this guy's birth year and his photos. How the fuck is he so good looking at that age? 
It's one of the advantages of having a relaxed job. I don't see any stressful situation in the life of a phylospher, imho.
Posted in:
Anyone that believes undocumented immigrants should have no rights has not thought this through
Yes, we can. Dairy food is associated with cancer risk, for example. 

If you check these health channels in Youtube you can find several physicians recommending to not consume dairy food. I don’t remember the reasons but I don’t consume milk or cheese long time ago, only yogurt. 

I also got pork out of my diet for the same reason. It was difficult to me because the meat of pig is really delicious.
Posted in:
Anyone that believes undocumented immigrants should have no rights has not thought this through
What I mean is that pork causes all the diseases I mentioned before. Not sure why but this is what scientists point out.

Same for dairy products, I think jews have some rules for that too.
Posted in:
Anyone that believes undocumented immigrants should have no rights has not thought this through
Out of the common meats eaten, pigs have the diet closest to us as they're pure omnivores. Perhaps this is a god-given reason some religious prophets preached to avoid it.
I've heard that pork is related to several diseases like cancer, hepatitis e, and even multiple sclerosis.

So, whoever banned the pork in the israeli diet must have had a lot of knowledge about pathology. It was very likely an alien.
Posted in:
National Guard-0.... Illegal invaders-1
Well, European settlers killed 56 million indigenous people over about 100 years in South, Central and North America.
Well, most of these people died of non-endemic diseases.
Posted in:
I'm not racist
Think in the good moments you experienced each time you have these episodes of rage. It works for me.

Meditation is also good to calm down the mind.
Posted in:
Do we really have evidence of the big bang explosion?
There are so many weird things going on in this planet that the evolution theory is not the best explanation for that.

I already said it and this is what I hold, there has been a third hand that intervened in the fate of this planet, imho.
Posted in:
evidence: God, christianity, miracles, NDEs, the afterlife
Well, at least you're realizing that the biblical content is not reliable AT ALL because the scientific research you're mentioning is at odds over it.

And I encourage you to keep questioning its content, this is the only way you can reach THE TRUTH.
Posted in:
evidence: God, christianity, miracles, NDEs, the afterlife
Besides the academic work on reincarnation at the university of Virginia, here is a book with documented examples of people verifying details of past lives.
Do you believe in reincarnation? 

I remind you that reincarnation is not a Christian teaching (eventhough early Christians believed in it). And the belief in live after death is not Christian either because as far as I remember Jesus said we all stay in a dream state after death.

I still remember the bullshit some Christians used to throw me about death people manifesting, they used to say that these "ghosts" are actually deamons trying to trick people. It was fucking hillarious to hear those lunatics.
Posted in:
Am I a bad Christian, cause i think gods love conquers death instead of legal atonement?
Why do you humanize this "God"? Is the christian God a human-like being? Don't you think this is a childish way to aproach the concept of "God"?

Grow up, man.
Posted in:
Am I a bad Christian, cause i think love conquers death instead of legal atonement?
He's again on drugs...

For fuck's sake, somebody help this poor soul.
Posted in:
Ban on abortion.
I've always hoped that extra-terrestrials  would make contact in my lifetime.
You're still young, Victor. You certainly will.

Though considering our own state of development, is it more or less likely that another intelligent species  has acquired the knowledge and capability of interstellar/intergalactic travel?
I don't know, but according to contactees there are several alien species visiting the earth.
Posted in:
why do people with higher education tend to vote against trump?
There are several factors:

1. Most american universities are indoctrination centers for fucking wokeism. If you're liberal, you don't vote for Trump no matter how bad the other candidate is.
2. There are three types of people in this world: sheeps, sheepdogs and wolves. People that fall into wokeism are usually sheeps. Intelligence is useless in these circunstances.
3. People sometimes have need to fit in, so if most of the students are woke, they will follow suit.
Posted in:
What is your best argument for/against the existence of God?
I think she is stalking me.
Posted in:
Ban on abortion.
Though if the ageing process can be inhibited to the extent that you suggest, then why would life be limited to 30K years.
30k years is a lot to us. I guess these aliens are still working out their evolution, so they can improve.

Maybe Jesus and Christianity popped up in your mind when I mentioned the inmortality. Hahaha. It's not a far fetched idea in reality. Science says that we can reach the eternal life, so it all comes down to evolution.

In trying to sound alien super-race, "Kybalion" sounds typically fictional.
The kybalion is a philosophy not a scientific book, but it mentions some interesting things that seem to be taken from a sci-fi movie. 
Posted in:
Ban on abortion.
Whereas the alien knowledge and human contact that that you allude to is highly iimplausible.
Well, considering your skepticism, the only way to convince you is that these aliens come down to earth and explain the truth of the matter. I'm pretty sure they will. 

Meanwhile, the only way to reach out to the truth is that we analyze the ancient scriptures and contrast to one another. Why the ancient scriptures? Because ancient people had contact with these aliens. Why do I think so? Because if aliens have been looking over us all along then it's plausible to think that these aliens had left something on the earth. What is it that they left? Well, according to the ancient scriptures they seeded the human being and also important knowledge, so it makes sense that the creators of the human being (the aliens) chek out how we're getting on. 

To me, the kybalion seems to be alien knowledge as well as several asian phylosophies, like Buddhism or taoism, because they have more or less the same ideas.
Posted in:
What is your best argument for/against the existence of God?
Hey, Greyparrot, it's a surprise to see you here. 

Are you missing IWRA by any chance? Lol. 
Posted in:
How to be cool
Take Kim Jong Un for example.

North Koreans worship him.
This must be a joke. 

I guess that anyone who doesn't applaud and jump out of happiness in the presence of this fat-ass is condemned to die. Haha. 

Posted in:
Ban on abortion.
As a feasible hypothesis, I totally accept what you say.

Though if you are going to infer such a deliberate creation event, then I would have to question the purpose of the event and also it's ongoing management.
Well, it's not a hyphothesis of mine, I heard it from several contactees, so I suppose this is an alien knowledge. And if you check some readings based on ancient scriptures it infers more or less the same. For example, the kybalion says we're in an evolutionary process, where we are supposedly in the way to the super-man and finally the over-man stage.

Most of the aliens that visit us live really long too. Some contactees say they can live up to 30K years. So, I think the eternal life is not a fairy tale.
Posted in:
Ban on abortion.
I would suggest that the human species is more likely to evolve to a state of asexuality, and/or a system of asexual reproduction. That it is to achieve a state of total passive agreement.
Why, Victor? Why do you suggest such a horrible thing? Lol.

Well, the aliens that seeded the human being in this planet were nothing asexual eventhough they are supposed to be more advanced than us. In fact, they are really horny as the bible attests.

But, yeah, I think one of the main problems of human being is sex, specially for women who suffer more than men. I guess if we are to evolve asexual then we are to be eternal as well, and for that there's a loooooong way to go. I think there are already aliens with these characteristics but they are almost  at a "God" level.
Posted in:
Ban on abortion.
He could have made me asian.
I thought you were asian. 

Posted in:
How to get around paid content
Hummm... Are you sure? Long videos free in other sites?

I'll check that out. 
Posted in:
How to get around paid content
Do you have a way around pornhub?
Posted in:
I bet you.
I couldn't but the aliens certainly could.
Posted in:
Hall of Fame V - Voting
User: ZedVictor4
Misc: Banning of IWRA

Excuse my ignorance but what is this voting for?
Posted in:
Why is it more believable for a man to abuse a woman?
I don’t know in that case. I had no opportunity to be sexually assaulted by any woman at that age. 
Posted in:
Why is it more believable for a man to abuse a woman?
And men can get women pregnant wether they want to or not.
How so?

You need a boner to get a woman pregnant. So, if you don't like a woman you get no boner and as a consequence there is no pregnancy.
Posted in:
Self-defense or turning the other cheek?
So given what I said, the concept of "turning the other cheek" applies to Christians being persecuted for being Christians and following Jesus, are you suggesting that Stephen is persecuting me for being a Christian?  Is that what you are suggesting? And if so, do you condone such behaviour by Stephen or will you call it out? After all, I think if you suggest that - there is a case to suggest he has broken the rules of this site and he should well, be banned.

On the other hand, I don't think his bullish behaviour is to persecute me for being a Christian. I think he just is frustrated over a couple of things. Firstly, I have called him out for the fool that he is. In particular in relation to his gobbledly gook speculations about the Gospels. But more than that, he hates the fact that I am more educated than he is.  This is why he is constantly attempting to make me out to be a liar. And there are other matters too.  Exposing his crassness too.

I don't think my blocking has anything to do with being persecuted for being a Christian. I don't see there is a need here to turn the other cheek.  I blocked him because I can't be bothered with his nonsense. I'm not the only one on this site who has found his tactics stupid and unpleasant.  
Christians were not persecuted just for being christians but for being a danger for the stabiblity of other religions and cultures. There is nothing more annoying than a bunch of zealots trying to impose their beliefs, this is hardly tolerated by people. Think about Jehova's witnesses and why they are so "beloved", or why the state and church are separated today.

So, putting the useless victimization aside, I only see two adults (you and Stephen) discussing about a very controversial subject, and as any other controversial matter, it can get really heated and tense, turning the arguments into insults very easily. And from what I can make out, the insults come from both sides, the only difference is that you're hiding after throwing the stone, and don't say you don't. I mean, you can do it but this is called cowardice wherever you go.

I've also given him a way out if he really wants to talk with me. He can apologise and then engage with our discussions. I am more than willing to unblock him if he desires that. But I know that will never happen. He doesn't want to do that. So surprise surprise, he can sit back and pretend he's waiting for me to just unblock him and in the meantime he will have his lackeys, that's you and Brother, attempt to guilt me to unblock him. He's the coward. I have no intention of unblocking him until he does. 
You're free to block Stephen or whoever you find "unpleasant". The only thing I'm going to tell you is that yours is the typical behavior of the intolerant zealot that hates everyone that doesn't agree with you.  You say to be a christian but your attitude tells otherwise, insulting and calling the users that dissent from you "sons of the devil" (as if it existed, lol). Is this how christians address their enemies? Jesus not only turned the other cheek but also loved his enemies. You're an enbarassment of christianity, imho.

By the way, you blocked Stephen because you can't stand his arguments and how he exposes your endless contradictions. So, I'm not going to call anyone out because this is a problem between you and him that should be resolved like true men.
Posted in:
Why is it more believable for a man to abuse a woman?
I refered to men when I used this logic.

Women have no penis, so they can get pregnant whether they like it or not. 