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Total topics: 18

I believe everything is true and i can fully make sense of that. Think marvel universe (one part of my religious text)... i can make it all make sense, but why are we so unwilling to compromise for this belief... imho, the tru spiritual belief. To set aside what i want everyone else should be... is so easy for me. I enjoy what you are, without it effecting who i am. 
29 10
Butty guys argument was pretty good. 

Yang, is passionate on drugs... tryin tho, still sell out bc he know's money is power. Hmmm about this guy. 

Kansas girl needs to try a Norco. That would enlighten her. 

Guns.... yes!!! 

Sanders... This is how much i hate you... American people? Good answer. Uni bak... distribution?  I'll debate you but yeah... nra doesn't represent my love for the 2nd amendment. 

Biden: Fck your assault weapons ban. I, I, what else? People should go to jail... corrupt people, so yea... Biden? 

Warren: So it's efficient to put the lights out... bad! Got it. I like her. Yeah, the people around you are corrupt... we know. It sucks. Bo ho for you.

right to choose...
Biden: Talking fast kinda unintelligible. Killing life... unintelligible. But seem like he don't give a f. 

Warren: ...

zoned out.

Butty... Go dude. Preach those gang bangs. 

Biden. Oh man... Period! Talking about this person, that person... who can do that. What Boomer? ... 

Sanders: Wise ass mucha fuckin g. 

Tom tom: There is something else going on!!! These repubs have some cool guns! Oh shit... take down repubs? I agree with you but you're also an idiot you dem rat?

Butty: Legalize marijuana... being called out. "These things are all linked" Hmmm. I like that. 

Warren: I'm Persian and hang out with a wide diversity of friends. Too ambitious to force that on everyone. Just realize everyone is powerful no matter their color and let people just meet... equality, the message you learned from Bernie.  

Yang: Give us some money back government... bc you are getting rich enough... agreed. Fk those robo calls... they owe me a percentage if i decide to buy from them... equality.  

Bernie: racist? Come on... he's not. Stop throwing people in jail for getting high. That's a pretty good start. Drugs are good...in moderation (coming from an addict).I like him. 

Biden:  Go to Joe Biden dot com... bc i'm unintelligible.

Bernie: Friend of mine... bc i don't attack people... bc? I don't know this race stuff, but if it's happening it sucks.. that's a society issue that can be improved by Yangs "1k extra"

Warren: "18"... i don't know. Some are smart, some are idiots. in my opinion. But 18 legal, sure, why not. These people are the future. 

Warren: Again, Biden... i forget. Warren: Seemed passionate. Problem with women with my bias. 

Tom Tom: 400 years! Racism... yeah, they're dead. Humans are idiots. Give every money bc the government is dumb. Leaders, lol. 

Yang: Low level income. They need a boost. Ubi. I agree. 

Bloomy... as a Cali kid, his commercials are ignorable, but i see them more than anyone else... Money!!! 

Warren... Does she hate billionaires? I kinda do, so you go you girl. 

The nerd women... underground bitch! Teacher yes! A humble women. Yeah, sure... very good line, but stop dropping your site. That's a no-no boomers. 

Bernie: Fck money! I have the people. Yeah, Bernie... you better be different. Bc you have me, as a chaos voter, interested. 

Butty... Changes... we need majority. Heartfelt talking point. and yeah. Plus points from me bitch.

Bernie: Environment. right. Outsourcing. 1 dollar an hour, yeah... fck that country. 

Kobby nerd women... best way to combat climate change...? don't let boomers have a say in the matter, in my opinion. 

Tom Tom... Kill ma Persian dude that thought he's a g... bc he wasn't, but honestly, from my keyboard warrior status... He was a g. How do you fight that? That's beyond you tom tom.

Nerd girl: We should all get along. 

Yang: Just say it... people aren't money? They are and they aren't, my man. You know that. 

Butty: Economic Equality...? hmmm. Whatch you say b. 

Warren: Why only teachers? Good tho. Money into the people.

Biden... my bias... so, What? Never focused on money? Cool story bro. A lot of other people are going to school bro... anyways, everyone *3 ...

Sanders: We don't bail out out our own people. We are wage slaves... i hear you Bernie, that's why i like you. For the working class. I luv you but damn dude... you just a single human too. 

Nerd girl: Crying. Teaching about empathy. Cool. Promising fighting for people. just drop out and vote for Bernie man.. stop being a femnazi.

Tom Tom: Yo... are you talking to me? I hope he is talking about a raise. Again... bias to the wage slave argument. What are you offering you fkin billionaire btch??

MEDIA ... I CANT SAY BERNIE's NAME More THAN Zero times in support. Why? Why are they scared... that is intriguing. The old man kreepying on votes... does the working class really have it;... i digress? Show's legacy media's bias. Butty, Butty, Butty... he's vamping it, why.. fo sure gang bangs? Is he humble enough to know who's giving him that power? I don't know. Bernie, for years has been, Bernie... and i don't know, but i feel like i should support consistency... his views are perfect when you realize half of congress is other people, and ya, a right and left... interesting. Humans minds fighting for power. I hope that changes in the future bc i would like to have that battle with all of them... including Bernie. 

MEDIA... Fireball, weed, and Vayvanse today. A good cocktail btw. Still haven't talked about Bernie in depth. Again... butty and joe, so empathetic. Media trying to paint that picture. But why? I want to trust butty but media and congress liking you is not good.

MEDIA... have you ever taken a pain killer? You've taken heroin. The only difference between you and me is that you are a normie and i am an addict. I have to battle wanting to chase that beautiful dragon. 

Finally, i'm getting sober enough to not listen to this channels attempts at fictional political theater. Joe Biden??? LOL Ok, Boomers. Common teens, skip that high for a second and vote.

Unless tomorrow we get hit with a space rock... Goodnight! But if i say good morning, you owe me you fake btchs. Pay off my tolerance of your success. IDC, get the extra features (i bet a yacht is fun af but i digress)... as long as i have basic features you can have your fun. I recommend a gang bang... i think your husband will agree. Butty in iowa Lol. This is so perfect.

24 6
What does the world want me to be? What do you want me to be? I will be your puppet as long as you're my joke. 

"He will always be my favorite villain bc he gets the joke" 
Show business
6 4
into your skin? Cats are awesome. 
1 1

I personally think he is trying to take a philosophical topic and water it down. I feel this is a bit short sighted or at the very least on a Consciousness 101 level. Anyways, i'll let you guys discuss. 

One thing that does come to mind (no pun intended) is a free will argument... but, anyways, i want to read your opinions. 

Oh, and one thing that i thought wasn't clear was distinguishing between self and identity or that sense of "meness." 

30 6
Anyone play this mobile game? If so are you good? If you are... wanna join me in some smurfing? 
1 1
What do you guys think of it?

Here's a crash course if you haven't heard of it:

29 4
I keep trying to wonder why beta's have survived for so long, and so many of them given natural selection. Shouldn't there be way more Alpha's in the world? It looks about even bw the two. But then i kept thinking and came to something else... are beta's really beta? Both parties have their extremes. Super alphas and super betas. Both are annoying. Very stupid confidence vs. well... pussy crybabies. 

But how about the inbetween? Are those beta's just alpha's behind a disguise? Let me give an example. A car tire blows out. The alpha asks the beta to change the tire. The beta says he doesn't know how (but the reality is he knows damn well how to change a tire). The alpha makes fun of the beta for not knowing and not being manly, but the beta smirks and chuckles well "I could try." The alpha says hell no. Don't want you to mess things up so the alpha does it. The amazing thing about the alpha is a year later. A year later the wheel blows out. Can you change it beta? I don't remember how. How can you not the alpha asks, i'm pretty sure i showed you. The beta (remembering fully) replies, well i can try and do my best... the alphas says hell no, i got this.

This situation could happen over and over again. The beta basically doesn't give a fuck about being "manly" or looking up a youtube video and taking charge. The beta is a lazy fuck that gets the alpha to do all his work bc well... alphas are easy to manipulate for betas. This scenario can be true in any case: Do the harder part of this homework assignment bc you're smarter, take care of the kids bc i would be horrible at it, go get the groceries bc i will probably mess up getting what we need, etc. The beta has the alpha wrapped around his/her fingers. It's amazing. 

So... i must ask, who's really the beta?  
40 11
It's a Asus zenbook... a 1300 dollar laptop half touchpad... it's awesome and i got away with spending just over 700 bucks for it. I am a madman in getting the best deals. But in any case, it's an i7... my first i7 laptop or computer. My main desktop computer is an i5. My desktop is my gaming computer and does perfectly fine with the games i play: Overwatch, CS:Go, League and hearthstone. So... i don't know what the advantages of an i7 really is... So, thought i'd ask. What cool things can i do or should i know about an i7?  
69 14
"Watching pornography is peering into hell."

Lol, really? Why are they so good at making hell sound better than heaven? 

But in seriousness... really? You can't watch pornography? I mean, the only other way to do it is imagination... if you're single of course. Wouldn't mental rape be worse? You're going to imagine some girl (or boy) that probably doesn't want to be imagined. At least with porn, they know you'll be watching and willingly do for that reason.
23 3

They seem to think so...

I however don't think they are counting all the armed citizens that would join in such a case. But still i don't know. Against both Russia and China? I think it just may be a loss on all sides since you can kiss the planet goodbye at that point. 

15 6
Topic name says it all. 

Edit* I guess i should add... "should it be" if it is. 
229 19
3 2
So... i'm a centrist and one thing that leans me left is the idea of universal basic income (UBI). If not UBI, i would say minimum wages need to increase. And if not that, some kind of living wages needs to be implemented. Now i don't know how it would work. Maybe we can have higher taxes on corporations and top earners. In any case, i believe out of all the issues the left is preaching, this is the only one that is doable and should be done. I do not find the right's argument of stealing money from wealthy people is immoral. I actually think it is immoral that wealthy people don't redistribute their wealth back to the bottom earners. It's the people making them rich. It is people working harder than any executive making them rich. At this point, the higher brackets are stealing money from their workers. I've never found the right's argument that they "worked hard to get there" "it would be stealing money" "you can get there too" (no you can't). The system is rigged to be like a pyramid scheme. There is only so many allowed at the top... therefore, i would say luck had more to do with it than hard work. The higher earners are stealing from the people making them rich/wealthy. Now... i haven't defined higher earners and what tax rate they should be hit with bc i think there needs to be a discussion on who these people are. But as it stands... i honestly think these higher earners are not only stealing from people under them, this theft also makes them even closer to being their slaves. UBI or some kind of living wage needs to happen.    
22 5
If you can only take one, which would you take and why: 

Soul Stone: Allows the user to steal, control, manipulate, and alter living and dead souls. The Soul Gem is also the gateway to an idyllic pocket universe. At full potential, the Soul Gem grants the user control over all life in the universe.

Time Stone: Allows the user to see into the past and the future; stop, slow down, speed up or reverse the flow of time; travel through time; change the past and the future; age and de-age beings, and trap people or entire universes in unending loops of time. At full potential, the Time Gem grants the user omniscience and total control over the past, present, and future.

Space Stone: Allows the user to exist in any location; move any object anywhere throughout reality; warp or rearrange space; teleport themselves and others; increase their speed, and alter the distance between objects contrary to the laws of physics. At full potential, the Space Gem grants the user omnipresence. 

Mind Stone: Allows the user to enhance their mental and psionic abilities and access the thoughts and dreams of other beings. At full potential, when backed by the Power Gem, the Mind Gem can access all minds in existence simultaneously. The Mind Gem is also the manifestation of the universal subconscious.

Reality Stone: Allows the user to fulfill their wishes, even if the wish is in direct contradiction with scientific laws, and do things that would normally be impossible; and create any type of an alternate reality the user wishes. At full potential, when backed by the other Gems, the Reality Gem allows the user to alter reality on a universal scale.

Power Stone: Allows the user to access and manipulate all forms of energy; enhance their physical strength and durability; enhance any superhuman ability; and boost the effects of the other five Gems. At full potential, the Power Gem grants the user omnipotence. 

Show business
89 16
I've been on a binge watching Women's football highlights and wow... Morgan, Pugh, Long and Rapinoe, etc.. look brilliant together. I've not seen such beautiful team plays in awhile. I don't care if guys are stronger or faster... i think the women's team would destroy them. 
8 4
I have always found this to be the worst argument atheists make in opposition to god. It has a simple answer in my opinion. Time, space, energy, etc., that are the cause of this god's manifestation. I know others say no time, etc... but, i will use the platform i find most logical. If these "forces" are eternal, or infinite... then, all it would take is a certain arrangement of them to manifest an incorporeal intelligence which then evolves and become something like a god. 

Time and space being infinite is the platform. Energy, etc. (i say etc bc there can be other material that we aren't aware of); this arranges in such a way to create a mind. The mind is born and has been evolving and growing for eons. Therefore, all of this being the cause to this immortal consciousness and/or gods' manifestation. 

I don't think it is far fetched for me to imagine such a platform since from what it looks like... there is infinite space and time. If that isn't true, then i am wrong... however, i don't think anyone can argue against it and furthermore, argue that it isn't what most likely is going on. Therefore, i think my conjecture is the best answer to who created god... time, space, energy... the infinite platforms being the cause of this "minds" manifestation. You can extend this type of logic to any god.    

63 11