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Posted in:
How do you know wat's tru?
Listen to the experts and stay with the facts.
Experts are just humans. I do follow what they say, i actually love them. They are infinitely smarter than i am in what they do. They are the god-npc's of what they do. They are the perfect characters of a mage in this world discovering the awesomeness of this world. I'm not what they are, however, i get them. So far... none of them contradict my belief with other than... "your head is in the clouds of fantasy" ... and i agree with them. My head is in fantasy. But again... fantasy exists in a seemingly infinite platform. How many ways can that manifest? Experts are also humble enough to say they don't know. I'm just slightly defining that unknown. Not saying it's fact, but saying it makes sense "if so it manifests in the way i think" .. Def. a hard thing to disprove since i'm basically saying dreams manifest in a possible world that is not this world but the next. I'm fully aware of myself being speculative, but it just makes sense to me.  
Posted in:
How do you know wat's tru?
So what??? those memberships are comprised of humans that literally are bones and flesh filled with crap... they're human.. i don't care if they give themselves special group names.
Posted in:
How do you know wat's tru?
I think this is basically imagination anyway, anything could be true. And what is true can change in an instant.
What is the implication that imagination is true in a seemingly infinite platform? How many ways can it manifest? I find that fascinating. 
Posted in:
How do you know wat's tru?
i was about to respond to this with a definition of truth

but then i noticed it was you

Lol, don't hold back my guy. I've been super busy with my new reality of  "making money" and being of this world... but i try and check back when i can. Your arguments are almost always profound. Take me back to my drawing board... i love that feeling
Posted in:
How do you know wat's tru?
 You should also remember that other people won't accept as true what you believe without evidence and most probably most of your ideas are useless for practicall purposes.
This is permissible in my belief. Whatever your truths are i believe for you. Believe me or not, it doesn't matter. The rest of what you said is of practicality. Sure, in this reality it's not very practical. Actually, science rules in this reality bc that is the most accurate measure of some-what truth. I'm sure it will keep advancing too. But it's always the study of this reality. I'm talking about the "what if" ... what is the next reality, if it is so? That reality is my reality bc the viewer would be me, the person experiencing would be me... therefore, it becomes another one of my truths. Hard to explain, but ya.. 
Posted in:
Tired Pro-Gun Talking Points
Forcing mass shooters to settle for something less effective will certainly save lives.
This would keep going down a rabbit hole. Shotguns are pretty effective too, if not more so. Other rifles are also a lot more deadly. I believe people use ar's bc of the price for both the gun and the ammo. And ya, they're effective too, but i just don't see banning them as a solution when they shooter can just change brands. So then, you go down the rabbit hole of banning the other guns and that's why it's a losing argument as a whole that pro-gunners worry about. 

Arming every single individual in the country is not something we just try to see what happens. That's insane.
I don't know how this would play out, and i don't think you do either bc it's not been tried. The opioid example isn't good... i can say yes, make opioids legal and give everyone the chance to more education from buying them, hopefully leading to less addiction, and giving everyone nolexone. That would reduce opioid death, or could. Banning opioids doesn't stop anything since they're already banned. So, this example kinda gives favor to what i'm saying. 

I also did say i don't know how this would work out... would accidently death outweigh any benefits? or not? I acknowledge accidents will still happen, but if by the same measure, mass shootings / killings sharply decrease, i would say it's a net benefit. Making a mistake of the mass shooter is also a bad example. Most experienced shooters would be able to know who to shoot at... the guy/girl shooting innocent people. Sure, that person might still kill, but it hopefully wouldn't end up being 20. In the end of the day, i don't know how it would play out either... but what i do know is i'm an experienced shooter, if i was in a school and saw someone shooting kids, i'd be able to shoot back. We don't, i don't, have that option right now bc of the laws. I can imagine what you're saying, but i can also imagine what your saying being overall wrong. Maybe we can make this a test law for a year and see how it plays out. Would you be in favor of that? A one year test law to see if it has a positive effect? 

Posted in:
Tired Pro-Gun Talking Points
I’m not arguing that it wouldn’t be better in a mass shooting situation for the teachers to be armed, I’m arguing that to put this forward as the solution is absurd. This idea, along with the many other proposals that tend to be paired with it (armed police in every corner, one door entry/exit, etc) is essentially to turn our schools into military bases.
I understand your argument, but it feels a little the same from other arguments. Like ban AR's is like saying ban Honda's bc most accidents involve a Honda. Or background checks, etc. Although i think tightening these other laws up will help, i don't see any of them making a big impact. Quite literally having everyone armed is probably the one solution that would put the biggest dent into this problem. I mean, we've never done it so i'm not sure how it will play out... will bar fight deaths outweigh any other positive? I'm not sure, but i imagine people will be prosecuted the same for negligent deaths. I don't agree with turning schools into military posts, or more cops (seeing that they can be cowards and are) ... i don't see them as solutions with a great yield of effect. Just this one idea.. a fully armed populace. Just this if done right has the potential to be most effective. At least, how i'm imagining it. I could be wrong but like i am saying, we've never tried it. what else would have a great impact on these shootings? I truly can't think of any short of banning all/most guns. The one other plus of this solution is that it will be favored by the politically right. 

I talk about the way every other nation see's us because it really is amazing to take a step back and look at where we are when this is where our gravitate towards as the solution.
It's def annoying, but we aren't other nations. We've opened up this can, and we have to find a solution to it. 
Posted in:
Tired Pro-Gun Talking Points
While nothing technically wrong with this, it’s clearly the most absurd. We have already seen countless examples where security and police officers fail to properly engage mass shooters, but we expect teachers are going to get the job done?
I'm not a republican and i'm more so progressive.. i don't think this is absurd. Actually, if you think about it, there is one thing in the gun debate we haven't tried, the "good guy with a gun" hypothesis. I think if we roll that out, it should be done carefully, but if done right it could possibly have the most profound impact on these shootings. Done right, it should be with some extra laws like testing, mental health background checks (if well defined), raising the age for being able to buy guns, etc. If everyone could conceal carry, then there will be more chances for someone to not be a coward and shoot back. Plus, shooters in this world would have no idea who is carrying adding to extra fear. Bc honestly, we can ban AR's, we can change the age, we can be tougher with background checks, but i don't think they would have a meaningful impact. But if a teacher had a gun, a custodian, random parents, a bystander, etc.. there are just more chances for someone to shoot back and stop these threats. In order for us to truly test the "good guy with a gun" hypothesis, everyone that can and is trained should be able to carry. You can't say it's already like that bc it's not. The police were armed sure, but they were cowards. The parents i guess some were armed, but the police were negligent, but if a random teacher had a means to shoot back, this could have been stopped. The only way this hypothesis is truly tested is if everyone can conceal carry. I'm not just advocating for this bc i'm confident it's a good idea to have this level of armed people... i just don't know. But if it works, i think it would have the most profound impact on shootings more so than some other ideas i'm hearing.  

Posted in:
How Do You Know The Bible Is True?
It means it's true in some reality, so it's true to them. And in some sense, true. So are you tho too, just not how everyone should be. Bc i'm god, and not you too. 
Posted in:
I'm not religious and I'm not an atheist either
So where did the "xbox" come from?

Trouble is, all hypotheses rely on something from nothing. 

And "simulation" has implications beyond just an eternal possibility.

A simulation is a representation of something......Either the representation of a reality or the representation of a hypothesis.

Is it more likely that a simulator and a simulated universal scenario just happened to pop out of nowhere?

And of course, what is being simulated?

I was just using xbox as an example/analogy. I understand the paradox you're talking about, but that paradox is easier to understand with infinity as the platform rather than finite. 

The word "simulation" is a very new human thing... i think it's beyond this word. I think it's beyond what we can understand. The only thing that can be beyond this... is something in the sense of everything being true. A platform that makes everything true, although that is a paradox. But this platform can be real. 

I tend to think of this stuff as "platforms" meaning, what is the platform that can make a simulation true. First step is, ya, an xbox.. but deeper down that rabbit hole is infinite xbox's... so what makes infinite xbox' true? Well, first and foremost, something that can define xbox. I believe the only thing that can define xbox is consciousness. Or whatever that means. 

Add intelligence / consciousness to the equation, a lot more makes sense for now. I believe the simulation, to the best of our knowledge now, is some kind of consciousness platform. That's beyond me, and everyone i believe. But.. i think the very thing we can do as ant finite beings, with a little brain that generates consciousness, is very fundamental to the true platform that is all. 

If you think about it, really, it makes sense. Just like we would say aliens exist, at least the lowest of lifeform, in the universe bc the universe is so big. Well, consciousness exists too, in a seemingly infinite platform. How many ways that can manifest and the implications is beyond me, but makes sense. So when i say simulation, i mean... anything we've imagined is imagined in an infinite platform. So ya.. Santa ironically could be real. 

Posted in:
I'm not religious and I'm not an atheist either
Simulation for sure, but who or what is the projector.....We're sort of back to a form of Goddism with that one.
I don't think it goes back to goddism. Why does it have to be a "who" vs. it just being a platform where everything happens? It's kinda like infinite movies. Our DVD is called humanity. Maybe the "who" is just an xbox, right?
Posted in:
How do you know wat's tru?
Beautiful response. First i will respond to the professional.. as you say, pros are only pros to their reality and what they know. So they become moot in a sense. You are right tho, in the sense of, not knowing what point of truth i may be at. I don't know. I may feel enlightened, but i may also be ground level. 

I have sort of accounted for that in my spiritual beliefs. The hard part of predicting infinity. But in any way i look it at, it comes back to the individual. Some individuals, "in our definitions", have it easy or hard. But i think we all knew, in a sense, what we're doing. So... we may be animals in the sense of survivial, but we also transcend animals bc we can think. The question becomes more infinite in nature. It becomes more than what we are now... would you "eventually" or at any point "pick" this life to exist. 

Given an infinite platform... this life existing seems like a no brainer to me, even if i don't like it. In a spiritual sense, what does that mean? I should ask myself why i would live in a life that i pick as less than ideal... well, this life has other pros right... so even i may pick it out of infinite choices... eventually. Even if i'm here once in billions of billioins of years... this life exists. 

To me, it all comes down to the logic of something a comic book writer would write...why do i exist? Bc you fit into the narrative? That should humble us
Posted in:
How do you know wat's tru?
I believe everything is true and i can fully make sense of that. Think marvel universe (one part of my religious text)... i can make it all make sense, but why are we so unwilling to compromise for this belief... imho, the tru spiritual belief. To set aside what i want everyone else should be... is so easy for me. I enjoy what you are, without it effecting who i am. 
Posted in:
I think this is brilliant... and i don't know who i made this.
Hey man, thanks for the reply. I know i didn't do my best in arranging and perfecting this song, but (especially if you have good headphones), it hits in some way right lol. Idk... Glad you listened and gave feedback man. I'm doing okay with my "real life" job... but i always wish i was producing instead. Blessing to thy ears motha fucka! Luv music and Cheers, Lemming!  
Posted in:
I think this is brilliant... and i don't know who i made this.
Posted in:
A witch, a thang, a yin, a yang, a rational man and a boomerang
Yo... you have my support as much as i know you my dude. And, i think you're harmless in the sense that if we both get along... you're cool. Your tempers seem to fly against others that aren't like me... that's the trick my dude. Love your customers. Even if you don't vibe, make them feel welcome. That's the trick to it all i think. 
Posted in:
Should we crack down on members of the religion forum
I'm coming out of retirement and i want to be the president/mod of this forum. I am the dragon queen after all... in some dreams anyways. 
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
i'm not sure why people find it so "essential" and "precious"

I imagine it's bc people like to argue absolutes rather than degrees. It's easier when it's black and white... it gets hard once you add gray. But i like the idea of a shattered god bc that would be the only way to create areas within itself that are not entirely itself. Why would it ever live with absolute knowledge and as one entity? That is what i don't understand... i think that would be the definition of hell. Which is why i think reality is what it is and not the former. 
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism

Thank you for your thought provoking questions and answers. I absolutely agree with you. I also however believe there are infinite characters within god doing the same thing. For instance, i very well could have perceived this life in an infinite state *my grandmaster* state and saw the moves and wanted to live the life. Or, maybe it's a chess game from the past i wanted to revisit to strengthen my moves. Nevertheless, we can be mini-gods within a god, within itself... the illusion of free will can have degrees as i choose to live this life thinking in my infinite state that is my ultimate free will, but i may be one chess move behind the ultimate god that invented my character in infinity, etc... etc... etc... when it comes to the many layers that can go on for lol. It's mindboggling how an infinite chess game could play out. 
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
Also, maybe free will should be defined more in degrees rather than one or the other. 
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
That's very complicated lol. I imagine it would be some kind of paradox. I believe it would be both, free will but ultimately determined. If it had only free will, wouldn't it be infinitely alone? Unless other gods also exist, but then i believe that would result in the same outcome in the end. It's hard to imagine bc we are trying to define how an immortal infinitely powerful consciousness would act... i believe there are too many (infinite) possibilities to fully imagine. 
Posted in:
Free will contradicts theism
Your mind is in the right place but i would say this contradicts Abrahamic religions more than "theism"  in general. If a human makes a movie, that movie plays out as what it is... fantasy, drama, horror, whatever. If all if this is hard determinism happening in the mind of a god... than that's what it is, an ultimate movie. Therefore, we don't know if their is free will, other than free will in a god that is everything and that everything playing out like a movie. Good and evil are defined in the movie, just like hero vs. protagonist.. but outside of the movie, they're both enjoyed.
Posted in:
A witch, a thang, a yin, a yang, a rational man and a boomerang
I don't have any questions... would love to see you as mod of the religion forum. I think your spiritual beliefs are wild, but that doesn't matter... think you'd do a great job. I vote for you. 
Posted in:
I actually want to be watched by my government 24/7(clickbait)
I'd be okay with this as long as society understands i need sex and drugs. 
Posted in:
read this, then please tell me do you still believe that god exist ?
I mean, tragic... but also kind of hilarious? Maybe not the best example of the problem of suffering?
It doesn't disprove "god" in the many forms that word can manifest, but i'm happy you found it hilarious too. 
Posted in:
read this, then please tell me do you still believe that god exist ?
Just bc the simulated characters experience pain doesn't mean the simulation didn't attend for it. You character is your character... and this, well... dang man, you are one sick motha for picking that character but respect bc it made me smile. 
Posted in:
Evidence for God
Well, one big freaking pile of illiterate, mentally ill, mentally incompetent human beings did invent gods.
The fact that we can invent gods in itself is amazing, in a seemingly infinite platform... that thought exists. That's pretty crazy in how many possible ways these thoughts can manifest if thoughts can manifest... and i don't see why not. There can be entire conscious universes out there, gods, in their own right. The brain is real, just like biological life is real... aliens must exist right? Bc the universe is so huge... well, it's infinite and consciousness manifests. How many ways can that play out? ... but that is the key... in infinity it plays out infinitely.. i suspect that's why we are what we are. Infinite characters comingling. I don't like your statement, although sort of agree with it, i just don't like it. The implication of "invent" is so crazy. And maybe it just hits different for the mentally incompetent.. but they all have a point, but they all also fail to realize the universe is bigger than them... so when it comes to it, i think "religion" is poison when it's not accepted as plural. So i tend to agree more with atheists and agnostics. Bc i have to.. that's our character and we exist too. 
Posted in:
Professor Jordan Peterson
He is a human that a lot of humans vibe with... that's about it. He's still human and flawed. The beauty of character. He is a good salesperson and personality, that should be obvious as to his skills. But his "words" ... some true some i laugh at, just like everyone else. 
Posted in:
Smollett: what now?
I agree with you, Stephen. Tho, still a little to my point, they won't backpedal bc it's not hurting their pockets.. if anything, it's making them money. I bet you they would be begging on their knees if stuff like this lost them money. And as crazy as this was, and as dangerous of a thing Smollett did... he still somehow has fans and is prob somehow still making money i bet... it's just arse backwards. 
Posted in:
Smollett: what now?
In general, i just want this to hurt his life, and that precedent set. I just want it to set a precedent that it destroys "your" life to do this. But i don't think this should be a prison thing... it's a desperation thing, but whatever, i've been past it for awhile now. The law should be a little bit more proportional to income. Teach him a lesson by making his income the same as a new college students graduates income, and let him go from there. I think that is prison enough... if you get what i mean. From there, hopefully he can "work his way back up" to forgiveness, which i think should be on the table too. Humans are idiots, we can't bury a human for one mistake... but we should bury those that continue to hurt society as a whole. That's evolution and survival. We don't need poison. 
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
They are what you are... but ultimately you are you. Respect is the easy part. Knowing there is more than one of you is the hard part.
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
Fck off people that don't think i transcend them... that's all i'm saying. What you become is what you become. Fck... i am me and that's rare... i hate that. But i still love atheists. Bc they are this reality. So welcome to this reality. That's what you have. 
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
Now.. to go against you atheists... i hate you for not realizing i'm a vampire in your world. Don't forget i exist too... as logical as you want to be... you're right, but infinite is something insane, philosophically, i exist too... so drop your atheist hard headed ways. I am real. In the infinity i'm real too, so what does that mean? Love, but you're behind bc you are too focuses on this material world. I'm a vampire advocating for you... what does that mean??
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
The only way to overcome an atheist is to tell them you're okay with being you... that is what Transends them. And they should learn from that. They are not void from learning. 
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
There is so much more to what i'm saying... but all of that is moot. Bc what atheist's are saying is this is the only world... and that is beautiful. That is relevant. That is god. So you're nothing for going against them bc they are it... they are the truth to this world. Stop hating bc they will keep outplaying you in this reality. They will keep being right... even if demons exist... they at least can recognize it's not only your demons. The demons are infinite in meaning. That's why i love atheists... they will always tell me i'm wrong in framing... and that's beauitiful ... 
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
I hope it hurts your feelings... bc that's who i am. Someone different. But if you love who you are.. than stop preachin... be who you are. I accept that, why don't you?? Why don't you accept who you are even if i don't believe you? Just don't make who you are who i am... that's what the world wants. Be you, and i'll love that... but don't tell me i can't be the Joker, your enemy... you need me to be who i am. You're Batman... then, i'm the Joker... Love that!
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
you're all the common place egotistic maniacs of this old if you think i should be like you.... i love that you hate me, and secretly, so do you. If no one hated you... where would you be??? no whwere, and you might be nowhere?... but love those that are pushing to be something. They will only transcend if they can ignore your hate. 
Posted in:
atheism is irrational
Atheism is not irrational at all. It's a throw back in your face that this world isn't demons and angels; in a metaphorical type sense when it comes to one religion. There is always one religion trying to take over. If you ask me, a spiritually agnostic person, it's Thanos trying to take over. The interesting thing about that is that a lot of people connected with Thanos' take over... but for me, it's just not it. I'm a vampire that feeds on Thanos, he's my beeatch. You know. That's why Atheism is beautiful. It's the middle finger to your take-over. I don't think it has any more assertions than that, other than, you're not it. Especially in this world. If nothing is true, and it's only this world... all fantasy's are out the window... you MUST conform to the atheist view. I don't think it's only this world, but i respect the atheist's for telling me... it very well can be. They are at a different level, and that's always awesome. So, i would never call them irrational. They're hyper rational, which could work against them, but should also teach us they are a force to recon with. They are a power i recon with. To me at least, they're wrong "ultimately"... but they are not wrong in telling you that you're wrong... i love them for that. Bc honestly... how many religious people think heaven is becoming a vampire? Not many, but that's my heaven... and at least, atheists will acknowledge that i may be right... as much as they hate me for believing in that without evidence. The problem isn't the belief, it's the ultimatum, it's the ... you must be like me ... that atheists stand against... and i love that... how can't you??  

Posted in:
Science Agrees With The Bible:Earth's Water
You can cherry pick and make words and phrases malleable to interruption, but science or life doesn't agree with "religion" ... Wat agrees with religion is our primal desire to be right for our tribe. But overall, both are trumped by logic. And logic in the spiritual sense, even in the religious sense if you're being honest, is to find a spiritual platform that gives everyone their heaven. Science isn't in the way of this (per say), but "organized" religion is... that duality is the first duality we need to collectively face.
Posted in:
the universe most likely didn't cause itself
All we have is speculation, but i hate how we downplay, or some people do, our power.. imagination. Some things you said are pretty solid. In my eyes, how things started, or whatever, isn't the important thing here. It's the alien analogy that gets me. If life happened here, it has to have happened somewhere else, even if it's microscopic. But that's not important either, that's just an analogy to the biggest question, what is life. To me, consciousness being real in a seemingly infinite setting is the craziest thing. I know you say finite here and there and speculation... i think infinite is more logical, and it's only more logical bc you add consciousness to infinity.  That's how infinity works. That's how finite works. When you have consciousness. Best way to think of this is the infinite regress analogy/idea. How can you have our universe with infinite big bangs before it? Or just infinite time before it? Well... that is when time is linear. But consciousness adds a sense of entropy to that linear. It's not linear... how can our universe begin? Well bc a consciousness imagined it beginning. There is no linear time to deal with but rather a decision to have this reality. I think the most curious things, like an alien analogy, is an infinite platofrm with consciousness. If consciousness is real here... the implications to what consciousness could be combined with infinity is insane. Who are we? Our we the only manifestation of consciousness. Even if there is not god, there has to be an entire consciousness universe. Why can't particles arrange to create such an event? Why is our configuration the only config. It's not in my opinion, and i think infinity and consciousness should be the biggest speculation of possibilities. The biggest speculation of the infinite different ways reality can be bc consciousness has already imagined it. 
Posted in:
Atheist's come forth
When it comes to religion, it was just obvious to me it's man-made as soon as i was old enough to think for myself. I would call myself an agnostic spiritual atheist. Agnostic bc i have no clue... i've never died (i think). Atheist... mainly against religion bc religion is a conduit for sociopaths to take advantage of the weak. But spiritual bc ... wow, consciousness is real in a seemingly infinite platform... that's insane. I've spent many years debating this and talking about it.. and that's the best i've realized. We don't know, atheism is a positive character in this world to combat bullies, and spiritual once you sit and think... you are real. 
Posted in:
I'm agnostic and I think we need a law based on the 10 commandments of the bible.
that's not how reality works. There are many emotions and situations you are leaving out of "just divorce" ... i know a few people that got over a cheating spell, and are even closer to each other now than they were before bc they settled it... if they would have "just divorced" they would have lost each other. You think black and white... the world is grey. 
Posted in:
I'm agnostic and I think we need a law based on the 10 commandments of the bible.
I can imagine plenty of good things that can come out of cheating if both parties grow from it. Or, i can imagine good things to come out of cheating if the parties don't grow from it and split... then, maybe find their actual true partners, or maybe grow in different ways. 
Posted in:
Favorite Scripture
Ya, if it really happened, i'd feel sorry too... but i don't view the Bible as literal. Therefore, as a story, it has a lot of meaning in that basically don't hide yourself from the world bc alone you won't be effecting anything. But then again, if you are good at growing alone... making yourself stronger mentally... i would say you are progressing. Basically, i'm interpreting as don't be stagnant... grow. So even as an under-achiever... what are you achieving for yourself? Even being on a site like this i imagine is helping you grow. So, that's a plus. Everyone has some kind of talent, even if that talent seems meaningless to you, someone else may find it amazing. That's my thought process on this quote anyways... that's why i really like it, it's super complex when you ponder it. 
Posted in:
Is nature more powerful than science?
This is ovbvious... it creates a response bc people suffer... duh. Is it spiritual... that's a lot the consider. Do people deserve to die, do people choose to die, do people choose to suffer... i have no clue, but... i can conceive of a reality where a natural disaster makes me suffer but i grow from that, and become better... so, overall,  maybe that is spiritual. and it needed to happen. To create people that become better from it, and deleted people that wanted to be deleted. Who knows. Wants and desires is so complex in general that wen you take it into the spiritual realm... becomes even more complicated. 
Posted in:
How atheists"debate" religion
Sorry... none of that makes sense... except maybe the myths thing... but that is a good point. Athesit are still idiots bc every myth could be true, but the rest don't make sense. I think people are atheist bc they just hate what a certian religion is telling them they should be... and that is honorable. They take it to the next level, which i hate bc i have a lot of cool ideas about the afterlife and they turn away from it, but i think that's bc if the concede to me, they have to concede to some idiot religious person... so i get it
Posted in:
What would you do if God commands you to murder.
If it's to murder someone that derserves it... i'd do it. If it's someone that i'm not sure that deserves it, but god has a good point, i'd try to murder... but if it's someone where god's point is stupid, and doesn't seem like they deserve it ... i'd fight god. God is just god... i don't care how many times i'd have to punch it in the face.. but if god deserves to be punched... i'd fk'in hit him straight in the jaw. 
Posted in:
Name in vain
Bc human ego is so easily damaged... and humans came up with that crap... so no wonder. 
Posted in:
Does the following pro god argument stand up to scrutiny?
I like the attmept but i'll always find this dumb or short of the point... all these impressive "i'm a debator" good argument stuff sours my taste overall. The best argument to me has always been we are real. Humans, consciousness, intelligence... is real in a seemingly infinite setting. That is insane. It's like asking someone if there are aliens. They will say for sure, at the very least, something even non-intelligent somewhere in the universe bc why? Bc we are real. And the universe is huge... well, infinity is huge, and our minds are real... that is insane to me. We are real, we exists... in infinity. So the god of the Bible is serisoulsy an ant god compared to the other gods/realities that could exist. 
Posted in:
Favorite Scripture
I forget about names and all that, haven't looked at this stuff for a couple years now... but something about talents. If you have talents, don't burry them... use them to get more and give back to the world. That has always been my favorite from the Bible. 