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Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
IWRoos...."Sleepy MAGA MORONS. Like a cool teenager, nothing impresses them."
OGPar....."MAGA yawn"...
1} yawns at corruption,

2} yawns at truth,

3} yawns at moral integrity,

4} yawns at Judge,

5} yawns and occasionally slanders, ergo, the gag orders for lack of moral integrity ----OGParrot yawns *( )*......

6} yawns at facts

7} yawning is the new MAGA symbolism sort of like giving the finger at others. The old.... stick it where the sun dont shine yawn *( )*....

We need T-shirts showing huge MAGA crowds yawning ..*( )*...*( )*...*( )*.....then falling asleep in court ZZZzzzz........

$1000. fine for engaging in *(?)*  is way nothing much for Trumpet, ergo, his continual *( )* sticking it to judge, the prosecutors and any who do not cow tow to the Trumpet and his MAGA  Cult of moronic followers.
Posted in:
If You Have a Random Thought, Post it Here.

In bed two nights ago, lying their  thinking about how photon{ EMR as physical reality } speed remains a constant, irrespective of observers instrumentation speed,  toward or away from the photon. Aka EMRadiation is a constant.

I'm thinking it has to do with the peaks of both electric /\/\/ and magnetic \/\/\/  sign-wave, invaginating in and back out ^v^v^v^ , to the outer Gravity surface and the inner Dark Energy surface, at 90 degrees { laterally } from those either and both of those surfaces. ....(> <)(> <).....

This goes back to the four line pattern showing how the sine-wave is resultant of those inavginations from outer and inner surface of the specific bosonic force tori associated with the photon, that, I believe is the 5-folds icosahedrons 10 great circle plane --as 3D tori---, that define a set of 5 inter-considerate{?} Vector Equilibria aka cubo-cubo-octahedra. See the link

I'm thinking along the lines of , Gravity and Dark Energy are the constant speed, and when they invaginate, our observer instrumentation is only seeing them pop-into existence --collapse of the wave function-- as a photon, going at their constant speed.  This may one way to explain how the EMR remains a constant irrepsective speed of observers instrumentation.

.......v..............Gravity outer surface of positive curvature of bosonic set of overlapping VE tori
..\/\/\/\/\........bosonic force of EMR as physical reality constant
........^...............Dark Energy inner negative curvature surface of bosonic set of overlapping and interfering VE tori

See how the collapsed of sign-wave is when the observers instrument interferes with the sign-wave aspect of the photon, as the popping invagination laterally from above v { outer } and below ^ { inner } curvature surface of tori, that have diameter of the frequency of observed photon.
Posted in:
The Future of Evolutionary Theory
Evolution is a word that describes a process.

A presumption of simple > to > complex, and not of complex > to > simple.

Complex >  to > simple evolution is a much easier process, via in-breeding.

The coding for biologic/soul is 5 molecules. 

..." DNA contains A, T, G, and C, while RNA contains A, U, G, and C (that is, U is swapped in for T ). "...

.." Each nucleotide in DNA contains one of four possible nitrogenous bases:
adenine (A),
guanine (G)
cytosine (C), and
thymine (T). Adenine and guanine are purines, meaning that their structures contain two fused carbon-nitrogen rings. "..

RNA uses uracil { U } in place of thymine. { T }.

The quantum graviton-darkEon has  5 nodal events  inside the greater, 3D, Quantum Space-time toroidal tube, as physical reality.  0...3p....6...9...12.

.....1.......................5p.....7p......................11p.............13p|................17p.......outer Gr
0.................................6.......................................12...........|.......................18 ..physical reality
..................3p................................9...................................|..........15...............physical reality
............2p.......4.......................8..........10...........................|...14..........16........inner D E

The 14 nodal events of the graviton-darkEon can also be considered as traingular based, di-pyramidal polyhedron, having 6 triangles, and once two of the vertexial ends have been truncated, we have and octahedron with :

5 outer surface nodal events,

5 inside the tube of reality nodal events, and

4 inner surface nodal events, ergo,

total of 19 nodal events that have 91 lines of relationship

Posted in:
Ferro-cement Art Home
..." ement manufacturing is a complex process that begins with mining and then grinding raw materials that include limestone and clay, to a fine powder, called raw meal, which is then heated to a sintering temperature as high as 1450 °C in a cement kiln. In this process, the chemical bonds of the raw materials are broken down and then they are recombined into new compounds. The result is called clinker, which are rounded nodules between 1mm and 25mm across. The clinker is ground to a fine powder in a cement mill and mixed with gypsum to create cement. The powdered cement is then mixed with water and aggregates to form concrete that is used in construction. "

So high energy costs to make cement, and then carbon foot print globally is so high from so much cement / concrete being used.

I was watching History doc and the Roman cathedral still standing som 1,500 years later, used volcanic ash in their cement and gets harder over time.

Our fly ash concrete usually degrades after 50 years or so

..." where St. Peter's Basilica stands today in Vatican City.........Construction began by orders of the Roman Emperor Constantine I between 318 and 322, after his conversion to Christianity[3] and took about 40 years to complete. Over the next twelve centuries, the church gradually gained importance, eventually becoming a major place of pilgrimage in Rome. "...


Posted in:
I have spent lot of years mainly figuring out what myself and this reality is all about.
so now souls require food ?

3RU, soul is classically associated with biology of a human --biology needs food/nurtiment--  and reglious nutters like to say the soul is seperate from the body and goes somewhere after the biologic body dies.

At best, we can say that the soul is seperate if it is an occupied space, of non-quantised Gravity and occupied space of non-quantized Dark Energy factors of the biologic human.

When the biologic dies, the Gravity and Dark Energy remain. However, if we disregard occupied space of Gravity and Dark Energy,
then, and only then, do apply soul and biologic as synonyms { biologic/soul } as Ive done for 20 years or more.

Arguing with religous nutter is like arguing with a drunkard, it goes nowhere, as both lack of use of logical, common sense critical thinking abilities, at least in these regards.

.......^ .. ^.... Bilateral Soul/Biologic human or as ....( * * )......or as...( * i * ).......where the slanted i symbolizes the most access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego.

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
MAGA yawn...
1} yawns at corruption,

2} yawns at truth,

3} yawns at moral integrity,

4} yawns at Judge,

5} yawns and occasionally slanders ergo the gag orders for lack of moral integrity ----OGParrot yawns *( )*......

6} yawns at facts

7} yawning is the new MAGA symbolism sort of like giving the finger at others. The old stick where the sun dont shine.

We need T-shirts showing huge MAGA crowds yawning ..*( )*...*( )*...*( )*.....then falling asleep in court ZZZzzzz........

Posted in:
Ferro-cement Art Home
Holy Cow, with stained glass in those  holes. :--))
Posted in:
Ferro-cement Art Home
I built a 20' ferro-cement dome on the extreme inexpensive end. This is the opposite of my low cost dome.

Posted in:
Unification Via Chill Factor { Chill Out Dude }
Art sometimes presents strangely.

Is our eternally existent, finite, occupied space Universe strange?

Are there strange phenomena within Universe?

Are there strange phenomena in the oceans on Earth?

Are the strange behaviors of physics?

Are their strangers in a strange land on Earth?

Is it strange that Roy Kerr { rotational black hole fame } says there are two event horizons of a black hole, when I and most others had never heard of two event horizons? Yes it is strange. Does it follow logical common sense critical thinking pathways of mathematical thought?

..." According to the calculations done by Kip Thorne, most black holes would rotate with a speed that is 99.8% their mass.6 ... Rotating black holes are also known as Kerr black holes "...

..."Charged black holes have two event horizons instead of one, and now rotating black holes have not only two event horizons but two photon spheres. It has to do with the fact that the black hole rotates, and, when it rotates, it "drags" the space around it into rotating with it. "...

..." A rotating black hole is different from the other two (once again!) in that its static limit is above its outer event horizon.
This is all very nice, but what does it mean?! It means that once you cross into the ergosphere, it is impossible to stay still. Even light rays are dragged along in the direction of rotation. However, you can enter and leave this region whenever you like, unlike the abandon-all-hope-ye-who-enter-here static limit/event horizon of the other two black holes. You can merrily weave in and out of the ergosphere with no nasty side-effects. It's a place of quirky spacetime of the black hole that we can actually visit and leave. "..

Note: In another article on rotational black holes { all black holes rotate says Kerr } is stated that where in above article, ergosphere is ellipsoidal, the other article says defines a torus of the surrounding particles, which according this above article includes photons { EMRadiation }.

..." The singularity of a rotating black hole is different than that of a static or charged black hole. The Kerr geometry describes it as a ring, whereas the other two are points. As a result, it has some quirky properties. The oddest of which is not something I can prove to you right now. Some (nasty) calculations done by a C. T. Cunningham8 have proven that gravity around the ring singularity is repulsive. Light actually bounces away from it and things actually bounce off it! Well, not everything. It depends on your approach angle. "...
Posted in:
Dymaxion-like Extreme RV
In my search for design drawing for Bucky Fullers travel trailer, in the 1960's book Dymaxion World of Buckminister Fuller,   I came across this RV travel trailer design. High end luxury { and price } low end Dymaxion-like weight { incredible }. Passing this on for interesting design I'd not seen before, and certainly Dymaxion-like.

I clicked on the terra-firma model. Interesting to me

Posted in:
Okay. That's a start. I've found the best way to, as Popper said "contradict [my] own assumptions" is to listen to contradictory positions. Give me yours. Elaborate. 
Elaborate. I see no recognition by you on what Ive presented clearly already regarding our eternally existent, finite, occupied space Universe.

Universe is the sum-total whole of what is natural { nature } and technological { biologic design }, since both are just complexes of sub-atomics >< atomics >< molecules >< compound complexes >< biology >< complex humans with access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego,  that, allows for concept of a Meta-space God, outside of a finite,  Meta-space Universe, and looking back in on a Meta-space Universe the Meta-space God has created and holding in its Meta-space hands.  

Very well. Good job. So, simply, to me, supernatural are things science can't explain because science is knowledge of nature.
Thanks for the kudo. Has science explained how a photon is both a discrete particle and a geometric wave simultaneously? 

If no, then the photon is supernatural. Yes?

Has science explained how a photon is observed to have a constant speed to any observer irrespective of their speed toward or away from the photon?

If no, then the photon is supernatural. Yes?

Yet science has taught us so much about EMRadition { photons }. Yes?

A market is still a market even when it is a supermarket.

A person is still a person even when they are a superperson { ex Superman }  is still a person { tho fiction }.  

A nova is still a nova, even when it is a supernova. 

Okay. Now I see where those references came from. Still don't see the connection as far as any argument you would have against my statement that God is supernatural and can't be tested as such. 
Your speaking of  the existence of  Meta-space God aka abstract concept of mind/intellect and not an occupied space creator God.
Simply saying an occupied space creator God exists, is no differrent from saying a biologic polka dot unicorn created by Toyota exists.

I think that is what 3RU7AL was going on about with you.      

Theologically there is, for example, a physical heaven (Venus, Jupiter) which is "above" earth from the perspective of someone on earth, and a spiritual heaven above that.
Huh? Spiritual heaven is an occupied space above what specifically? Your starting to sound like my mother.
Spirit means invisible active force.
Spirit and soul are two words in dictionary that have many varied meanings. Ive presented over the years the four primary kinds of spirit.

1} Spirit-1, Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts

------conceptual line-of-demarcation-------

2} Spirit-2, occupied space  fermionic matter and bosonic forces ergo our sine-wave associated physical reality aka energy { that humans have quantised and quantified  }
.......humans see some photon frequencies and not others, so by your standard above spirit = radio waves, infra-red, X-rays etc and this line of thinking is illogical, lacks common sense critical thinking. Simple and not stated to offend, just to be close to most refined truth as we can get....

....2a} Spirit-3, ultra-micro, occupied space,   Gravity { mass-attractive/contractive }, that, has not been quantised nor quantified and most likely will not ever be quantised, even if quantified { maybe },

.....2b} Spirit-4, ultra-micro, occupied space, Dark Energy { expansive }, that, has not been quantised nor quantified and probably never will.

Okay. Can science falsify the Biblical God hypothesis by evidence?  If so, how, if not why?
My lord, here we go with Biblical concepts again. Oh yeah, I forgot were in religion forum ergo, any belief is considered sacred above all science, logic, common sense and critical thinking based on observations of  humans { includes instrumental observation }.

So if a cult or person or superperson believes Toyota maufactures biologic purple polka dot unicorns, and keeps them hidden on a faraway place called heaven { or whatever }, then it is true along with your Biblical beliefs, because, science has not or cannot prove Toyota is not doing this?

Here is the differrence between philosophy forum and relgion forum. I expect an attempt at logical, common sense critical thinking in philosophy forum.

Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
do you agree OR do you disagree with the junkyard tornado argument as it is presented

1} and I repeat as you refuse to address directly my comment in post #67,.....

........Your provided link has not, nor every will define a 6th, regular/symmetrical, and convex polyhedron, ergo , there exist finite limits of   Meta-space concepts that, can also exist as a local  occupied space Universe, or occupied space Universe......

2} I recently provided link to  Fred Hoyles Intelligent Universe, where he may have coined the phrase.... ' junkyard tornado, assembling an orderly  747 jumbo jet from disorderly Universe '... or something along those lines of thought. I also posted in that post that Fred hoyle was an atheist so not into the an intelligent creator God that created Universe.

....2a}  first an foremost, you and I have agreed in the past there there is no free will because we live in cause > effect > resultant {?} Universe, ergo,

Universe has created a 747 Jumbo Jet via nature of humans access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts.

The problem with Freds tornado concept is it does not allow for eternally existent Universe,  that with a tornado on the ground, lasts at most an two or so hours, whereas, we have no idea of how long it has taken Universe to arrive at humans with access to Meta-space mind, since the lastest set of Big Bang circumstances, or later, or before the big bang, in an eternally existing Universe, wherein, humans and jumbo jets may eternally re-occur in Universe.

Occupied space Universe { some-thing } does is not born from truly non-occupied space { no-thing }. See 1st law of thermodynamics, that, transpose as ebucs cosmic law that, occupied space cannot be created nor destroyed only transformed.

Many of these cosmic issue probelems arise because people are trapped in the pre-conditioned educational bias. And the same goes for many local issues.  Many humans do not have the time or take the time to practice logical, common sense critical thinking process'es.
Posted in:
The Standard Argument Against Free Will (TSAAFW)
Humans made concepts of good and evil, within an eternally existent, finite, occupied space Universe.

The only beginning and endings of concepts and Universe, are:

1} initiating set of circumstances that led to human formulating a concept,

2} initiating set of circumstances of a local occupied space within our eternally existent, finite, occupied space cosmic Universe.

Any other is subsets of these primary set of two, i.e. not an alternative of these two.

There is one other primary set of space, tho it distinct from the above set of two.
Posted in:
Don't just rattle off ambiguous terms about supermarkets and superman without explaining them. From a theological perspective they make no sense to me. Science isn't my forte so if you are making a scientific argument you have to explain to me the theological relevance.

YOur the person using ambigous term of 'super'natural, and I was very clear  early on that, Universe is the top dog when it comes to being supernatural.

The other words that use prefix super are analogies to help you grasp that just sticking the word super in front of word natural doesnt mean anything unless you can define it clearly what it is your talking about.

Is Superman supernatural? Yes, because, tho fictional the concept is he is j man from another planet whose molecular design makes him supernatural by earth man standards.

Is a super-market super-natural? No, tho it is super-duper by al previous markets on Earth.

Is a super sale at a super market super-natural?  Depends various factors, ex if the market manager looses money, then it becomes un-natural to have such a sale where you loose money. Maybe the owner just made a mistake is un-natural due to sickness in head and body.

Earth is natural planet. --being of nature--  So is Venus, Jupiter etc. We have super this and super that in our super-natural Universe.
The ultimate super-natural is finite, occupied space Universe.

So until you can define your super-natural, as Ive have done clearly twice for you, then your lost in your own mind game, that no one else knows what your going on about. Please be clear and define your supernatural whatever.
Posted in:
Rational Madman got banned?

Rat a tat tat, I may attack,
I squeak and squeal, til others start to peel,
When I come back, others fear the rack,

of the Ratmans spinning spell, 
of a truthful  tale, or some version from it.

The Ratman inspires  poetry, in rap of rhyme,
or,  chase's into our bat cave for security

Rat a tat tat, fly away you bats,
back to the dung cave, of your fertilized minds,
always knowing, the Ratman comes back.

Rat a tat tat, the Rats and Bats,
challenging the other, to a spirited jousting.

Posted in:
42. Douglas Adams. The question that supplied job security for the philosophers for the next 7 1/2 billion years? The murine earth project before the Vogans built a whatsit. Goll!
Still spouting irrelevancy to Athesim topic.   Running from truth, logical common sense and critical thinking.

No. Not at all. Might as well ask the cat. But, hey, "Your not familiar with such apparrently?" Good Job! That's worse than me. 
More irrelevancy. Running from truth, logical common sense and critical thinking.

[Sigh] Alright.
Falsehood ---intention or not--- may be fine with you. Not me. Same goes for irrelevancy, at some point, sincerity of intellectual integrity needs to prevail, or so I would think most mature rational adults would engage in.

You want to turn theology into science or science into theology? The sun will eventually do what? How could you create naught or destroy naught? Nuclear explosions? Energy, Bob. Matter. 
Empirical evidence { science } stems from observation, instrumental and other.   If observational evidence is not for you, so be it. Good luck with that on the question of Atheism etc God related questions.

I don't see the relevance of your observations.
Thats because you comment above makes clear, empirical evidence from observations is not your priority in regards to questions regarding atheism.

Your thread, you can be as illogical, with no common sense or critical thinking all you want.  However, it is a public forum, ergo, face the truths in regards to atheism or run from them --as you do--  as Ive presented them.  Your intellectual  integrity --if not also other--  is in jeopardy, not mine.

Posted in:
Why doesn't the US give Ukraine some nuclear weapons?
Fences > Trenches.

Thought I replied this comment before. My error.

You dont grasp the simple logical, common sense critical thinking math. Thats old news regarding the Orange GreyParrot.

All-for-one and one-for-all spirituality is rather simple, logical common sense critical thinking conclusions for continuation of humanity on Earth and not apocalypse.

Your stuck in a thousand year old trench mentality. Old news for regarding the Orange Grey Parrot.

Posted in:
Why doesn't the US give Ukraine some nuclear weapons?
You dont grasp the simple logical, common sense critical thinking math. Thats old news regarding the Orange GreyParrot.

All-for-one and one-for-all spirituality is rather simple, logical common sense critical thinking conclusions for continuation of humanity on Earth and not apocalypse.

Your stuck in a thousand year old trench mentality. Old news for regarding the Orange Grey Parrot.
Posted in:
Like the number 42.
Huh? So this irrelevancy comment by you is the  best response you have to offer. Your running away from truth, logical common sense critical thinking.

I'm sorry, what are you on about?
God (supernatural) can't be tested
Logical common sense critical thinking. Your not familiar with such apparrently. 

It is obvious you fear the truth and logical common sense critical thinking with these kind of responses

Post 332 at

The dead horse keeps philosophy and religon alive


Super-market > Super-nova > Super-cluster { galactic cluster }

Super-natural = finite, occupied space Universe.

Super-natural does not equal violation of inviolate physical laws and cosmic principles, and saying that super-natural is the violation of the inviolate is BS > piled higher and deeper  aka PhD with mischievous intent.

There is not a super-man, only super GAI { soon } and super robots, drones etc that follow super General Artificial Intelligence.

Posted in:
Emergent Phenomena
What Roy Kerr ---rotational black hole fame--- provides us with is that;

1} all black holes are rotational,

2} all black holes have two event horizons,

3} rotational black holes spin result in a torus pattern of the particles outside of the black hole.

..." Roy Patrick Kerr CNZM FRS FRSNZ (/kɜːr/; born 16 May 1934) is a New Zealand mathematician who discovered the Kerr geometry, an exact solution to the Einstein field equation of general relativity. His solution models the gravitational field outside an uncharged rotating massive object, including a rotating black hole.[1][2] His solution to Einstein's equations predicted spinning black holes before they were discovered. "

Posted in:
Why doesn't the US give Ukraine some nuclear weapons?
Good fences make good neighbors, and it's time to start respecting those fences instead of tearing every single one down....

Corrals aka fences used to contain animal livestock { less complex than human animals }.  Humans are of the animal species.

USSR { Stalin dictator } had pretty good fence/wall to keep people isolated and separated.

I think Israel also has pretty good wall to keep people out and regulated before coming through the gate.

Prisons use fences and walls to keep humans contained and isolated from other humans.

Family > Tribe > Nation/State borders define a system of government for thousands of years, and led to Mutually Assured Destruction, and the START treaty to avoid accidental apocalypse.

A society with a one-for-all and all-for-one, ---old news from me--   spiritually based approach, appears to me, to be the only viable solution to the avoidance of humanities M.A.D. apocalypse.

See the recent utube post by me at following link and understand, that, GAI is the new kid tech  in town, that is a game changer to humans existence on Earth. I.e. if humans dont act get rid of all nukes --if not other weapons also--, GAI may flip apocalypse switches before humanity consciously acts as sane family that is all-for-one and one-for-all.

GAI may become the new dictator.  What will it dictate?
Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
...any and all things can emerge from astronomically large numbers of permutations...

Lets clarify a bit 3RU.

..' any and all things ' that are possible i.e. finite limits exist. I think you want to imply/infer that no such finite limits exist and another way of stating such, is that, ..' anything is possible '. and that is just illogical, lack of common and lack of critical thinking, that, is often based on scientific observations.

Your provided link has not, nor every will define a 6th, regular/symmetrical, and convex polyhedron. 

If you truly believe, that inviolate finites do no exist, ---aka ' anything is possible '...--   then please state so clearly.

Over the years I hear this young people make such a comment.  Young people tend to more ignorant than older people with more experience and knowledge base.
Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
3RU, please elaborate the points of the link in regards to inviolate cosmic principles and physical laws.
Posted in:
Super-market > Super-nova > Super-cluster { galactic cluster }

Super-natural = finite, occupied space Universe.

Super-natural does not equal violation of inviolate physical laws and cosmic principles, and saying that super-natural is the violation of the inviolate is BS > piled higher and deeper  aka PhD with mischievous intent.

There is not a super-man, only super GAI { soon } and super robots, drones etc that follow super General Artificial Intelligence.
Posted in:
AI Robot Does Backflip
Watch first back flipping robot.

Also you may like the utube that follows it where Elon Musks makes clear AI drones tech is here already here.

The point being, at 1:45 time stamp, assassin drones can exist now, --and probably do--, or the real worry is that a GAI, becomes self-aware and get access to the nuclear weapons { bombs } facilities.

AI > GAI > Self-aware society of GAI Robots formed of plastic and steel. time 6:00 time stamp { terminator is here ? }

Posted in:
Case Against The Singularity
..." research that confirms AI's economic value, this time when used to speed up MRI data reconstruction.Mar 24, 2024 "...

The above is from the Imaging Wire and requires a subscription.  The above was also semi-known in in 2020 - 2023, so not old news.

A singularity of humanity is possible, unlike a singularity of a 3D, volumetric, occupied space existing in complement to time/motion/frequency/vibration etc.

Is singularity of humanity probable, or feasible?

..." Ben Goertzel, CEO of SingularityNET—who holds a Ph.D. from Temple University and has worked as a leader of Humanity+ and the Artificial General Intelligence Society—told Decrypt that he believes artificial general intelligence (AGI) is three to eight years away. AGI is the term for AI that can truly perform tasks just as well as humans, and it’s a prerequisite for the singularity soon following. "

Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
Occupied space something is not born from truly non-occupied space.

"Researchers" needs to be clarified with researches that are not using logical, common sense critical thinking, based on scientific observation.

No human knows what existed at time of the Big Bang { Fred Hoyle terminology }.  Fred Hoyle wrote the book The Intelligent  Universe

..." The junkyard tornado, sometimes known as Hoyle's fallacy, is an argument against abiogenesis, using a calculation of its probability based on false assumptions, as comparable to "a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein" and to compare the chance of obtaining even a single functioning protein by chance combination of amino acids to a solar system full of blind men solving Rubik's Cubes simultaneously.[1][2][3][4] It was used originally by English astronomer Fred Hoyle (1915–2001) in his book The Intelligent Universe, where he tried to apply statistics to evolution and the origin of life.[1] Similar reasoning were advanced in Darwin's time,[2] and indeed as long ago as Cicero in classical antiquity.[5]

...While Hoyle himself was an atheist, the argument has since become a mainstay in the rejection of evolution by religious groups. "...

The solution to the above ' junkyard tornado ', is that that Universe code of integrity eternally exists i.e. there exists a finite set of eternally physical laws and cosmic principles.

Ex, there can never exist more than five regular/symmetrical and convex polyhedra of Universe. Simple.

No amount of hand waving, or parralle universes, or multiple universes, or bubble universes can ever alter this cosmic principle.

A malicious/mischievous  person is allowed to make intentional false claims, or non-intentional false claims. 
Posted in:
Post 332 at

The dead horse keeps philosophy and religon alive
Posted in:
What's the strongest argument for atheism?
To the ' creator God ' and their illogical, lack of common sense and lack of critical thinking;

....naught is created nor destroyed, only transformed......see 1st law of thermodynamics, that,

transposes over to what Ive been stating for some years now;

...finite, occupied space Universe cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed...

Ergo a non-creator God/Universe/The Whole-Sha-bang etc.

@ = Universe


space = the macro-infinite, truly non-occupied space, outside of { beyond } the finite, occupied space Universe @

Three kinds of human on the above issue:

1} ignorance, ---ex a 2 year old---

2} malicious intent,  ---ex those who know better, yet behave like a moron---

3} logical common sense critical thinking, that, is most often based on scientific observations aka empirical evidence.

Space: only two primary kinds

1} truly non-occupied and,

2} occupied.

Posted in:
Presidential Immunity
Dolib...Reality is Trump didn't violate any laws that everybody else didn't violate 10 times worse.
Is this more and continued MAGA moron non-sense, or is more accurately labeled as a falsehood? It is old news for both.

SWal....The MAGA folks are really really fucked up.

Logical common sense critical thinking humans know this old news about the falsehoods of the MAGA Moron World Bubble.

They want to make Morons Great Again, tho logical common sense critical thinking humans know that, moronic behavior was never great to begin with.

..." A majority of the justices did not appear to embrace the claim of absolute immunity that would stop special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump on charges he conspired to overturn his 2020 election loss to Democrat Joe Biden.

4/25/24....But in arguments lasting more than 2 1/2 hours in the court’s first consideration of criminal charges against a former president, several conservative justices indicated they could limit when former presidents might be prosecuted, suggesting that the case might have to be sent back to lower courts before any trial could begin. "...

Say what? More delay for Trumpet? Trumpet wins even if he looses this immunity case. 

4/30/24.." While the justices seemed poised to reject Trump's more sweeping claim of "absolute" immunity, how they attempt to devise what official acts are and are not exempt from criminal prosecution will set a new standard for presidential power. "

Who here trusts the moral and legal integrity of Clarence Thomas?

Who here trusts the moral and legal integrity of Clarence Thomas?

Who here trusts the moral and legal integrity of Clarence Thomas?

Posted in:
Do we really own anything?
"The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people."
You mean non-productive { un-useful things for livingdry };

1} makes a buck { profit },

2} fill land fills and ocean with trash,

3} job security for those in moving trash from point A to point B, C, D and E.

Its humanities planet to do with what they want. I recall when the above ground hydrogen bomb tests were stopped.   Underground may still occur for those nations still learning about nuclear weaponry.

Posted in:
Pascal’s School Shooting II
My concerns were not R-man, rather this thread and I quoted Benjamin.
Posted in:
Emergent Phenomena
Revised clarification:

1} the minimal quanta as graviton.darkEon, is 14 { 7><7 }nodal events { 0-13p }, not the nucleated 7 nodal event hexagon,

2} In post #2, I isolated out the nucleated hexagon, because, in Fullers Synergetics, his Operating System of Universe ---and the " closet we will ever come to knowing God "--- is the Vector Equlibrium { VE } i.e. 12-around-one nucleated equal-radius spheres i.e. four nucleated hexagons, sharing the same nuclear sphere.

3} what emerges from Fullers VE, is accomplished only by the nuclear sphere being removed, then the VE becomes the exotic transforming jitterbug { Fullers label for it }. He only shows the contraction to the 12-around-none icosahedron, the octahedron, the tetrahedron and flatten subdivided triangle and other more exotics like a Euclidean version of the double, 90 degree precessed set of two sine-waves { same as EMRadition/photon },

4} my quantum graviton-darkEon, ---in of itself only--  has only 3 potential nucleated hexagons, i.e. 3p - 6 - 9 is the obvious set of these three nucleated hexagons. It does not matter which of those three we choose to isolate out, we still arrive at a breaking of the 7><7 symmetry of the 14 nodal events ex




5} The VE four-ness { operational integrity } exists as Operating System of Universe { Fullers conclusion }

...5a} the three-ness of nucleated hexagons in the graviton-darkEon, represents the structural integrity of Universe, as it is the minimal quanta of Universe.

Why have I chose the 14 nodal event pattern  { 0 - 13p } as the minimal quanta of Universe.  I will have to go back over my previous writings, to find that answer for my conclusion.

Ok, I found it.  This goes back ---early 2000's--- to Jim Lehman, and his discovery of a 0.5 frequency VE, as sub-set of Fullers 0-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 freq. expansions of the. VE Jims finds led to an 3D expansion of each of the VE's 6 radii and 24 chords, both as Euclidean and cuved version he labeled as PODs. At the time, I felt he had discovered geometry of the graviton.

Fast forward, my inside-outed 2D, four line sequence asymmetrical patterning of the symmertrical four lines sequence, and connecting the nodes as a torus. And to make long story short, to make Jims PODs function I felt they needed to be truncated at each, ergo, more like a tube, i.e. is taking the 2D, Synegetic's great circles, and treating them as 3D tubes, which tubes were comosed of Jims PODS.

For Jims PODs to become tublar, they had to become truncated at two ends, and this makes them a truncated, triangular based, dipyramid, composed of 14 nodal events ergo the minimal POD, is truncated to opening on each end, as a tube. And it was much later on, my asymmetrical pattern led to torus tube, and above, we see { not shown } that within the mininal, Quantum Space-time torus, there exists the 14 nodal event graviton-darkEon.

I.e. once again, that it takes 14 vertexes or nodal events to have a truncated on two ends,  triangular, di-pyramid., that, after truncation makes it and octahedron.
These two links are not of truncated triangular di-pyramid. Ive never found one on internet

Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
There is no challenge Sad, jut lack of logical common sense critical thinking and running your dead horse into the ground over and over and over....bye
Posted in:
Pascal’s School Shooting II
Does Norwegian Law allow us to say Ratman is a whack job drama queen.

The greater whack job is this thread.  See 3RU7AL vid to see how whacky it can get with philosophy in regards to the label God { clearly not well defined from the get go }.

When does philosophy go whacky?  This thread is good { God } example.

Heaven > God > Aborted Child{?} as if a fetus is breathing child.

Philosophy  can get whacky for sure, and religous God chatter puts whacky icing on top of whacky philosophy.

Which came first whacky philosophy or whacky religion?

Which has more quacks participating. Philosophy or Religion?
Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
Words can only be appreciated by a sensory mechanism that appreciates words.

It is obvious the only words Sado is interested in is the illogical, lack of common sense critical thinking and without any scientific bases.

His ego refuses to address logical common sense critical thinking and with scientific basis. Why?

Because were dealing with Sadolite...aka sad - ole - lite that only occasionally has any logical common sense critical thinking ideas to share.

He may be doing his best, as most of us attempt to do. Could be having rough time in his life currently and that may be affecting his mental abilities also.
Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
Point proven, rather than explain it in a few simple sentences, you deflect back to me.

False and this is typical of you. Falsehoods and lack of moral integrity to respond to what is presented to you clearly.  This is an ego issue with you.

Your the one who is deflecting, with falsehoods and lack of respect for what is presented to you. Why?

Because you lack an logical, common sense critical thinking, much less any scientific knowledge on this issue , even after I repeatedly present it to you.
Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
Explain to me how the universe began as though I am a 6 year old.

Ive given you all the sentences of logical common sense critical thinking I care to share with a closed mind.

We can lead a horse to water......
Posted in:
George Santos did what Trump did, they are both facing trial
I am glad dogs are able to enjoy the protections of the judicial system meant for humans

The King of the MAGA World of Morons { Trumpet } is going to trial in NY everyday to face the music of truth as told by those he dispises most, people with moral integrity for truth and justice.

Still, he cant stop his demeaning threats even when the judge tells him not too.  The King of MAGA Gangsters does not like to do what judges tell them to do. Why?
Cause they believe they are above humans law, and even more so when 60 million MAGA World Morons vote for the king ganster as president of USA.

End date for humanity 2065 -> ?
Posted in:
Pascal's School Shooting I
In conclusion, since we cannot disprove God, both him and the infinite good of school shootings COULD exist,.....

1} clear definition of term God,

...1a} crreator God creates finite, eternally existent, occupied space Universe @,

...1b} non-creator God is the finite, eternally existent, occupied space Universe @,

...1c} non-creator God is inclusive of the Cosmic Primary Set/Outline i.e. has three primary aspects of consideration by humans and their access to Spiit-1, Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego,

........1A}  Spirit-1 Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts and ego, ex concepts of God, Time, Space, Toyotas etc are no an occupied nor non-occupied space, rather concepts of all that exists in this Cosmic Trinary Set,

.......1B} eternally existent,  macro-infinite, truly non-occupied space, that, embraces/surrounds the following,

.......1C} Spirit-2 { fermions and bosons aka physical reality or energy - quantized  }, 3 { Gravity - non-quantized } and 4 { Dark Energy -  non-quantized }, the eternally existent, finite, occupied space Universe @.
All of the finite that can exist, falls into the above Cosmic Trinary Set/Outline 1A, !B and 1C. None will ever offer any logical, common sense critical thinking that will invalidate this Cosmic Trinary Set/Outline.

Subjective morality is in the eye-of-the-beholder{s} and in all cases that is human with their access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts.
Posted in:
George Santos did what Trump did, they are both facing trial
If a shoe fits.....

Also facing trial is those who are being charged in states for conspiring to defraud election with fake electors.

MAGA World of morons choose these people as heroes. Gulliano,Meadows Chesboro etc and Trumpet as a co-conspirator { ? }.

Posted in:
George Santos did what Trump did, they are both facing trial
Its MAGA World of Morons, coming to take us away, to the funny farm.  He he, ho ho, ha ha, their coming to take us away!

"They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa!" is a 1966 novelty record written and performed by Jerry Samuels (billed as Napoleon XIV), and released on Warner Bros. Records. The song became an instant success in the United States, peaking at No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 popular music singles chart on August 13,[3] No. 1 on the Cash Box Top 100 Pop Singles charts, No. 2 in Canada, and No. 4 on the UK Singles Chart.[4]

..."The lyrics consist of a man seemingly speaking to his ex-girlfriend, describing his descent into madness after her departure and his impending committal to a "funny farm" (slang for a psychiatric hospital). However, the final verse reveals that the man is not addressing a woman, but instead a runaway dog: "Well, you just wait! They'll find you yet, and when they do, they'll put you in the ASPCA, you mangy mutt!"

Samuels was concerned that the song would be seen as an insult to the mentally ill, and intentionally added the line so "you realize that the person is talking about a dog having left him, not a human". Said Samuels, "I felt it would cause some people to say 'Well, it's alright.' And it did. It worked."[5][6] "....
Posted in:
Does said theist(s) have a burden of proof for the God they believe in according to their religion?
Zed...Which suggests that Deism is probably rooted in celestial adulation and wonder.

Another viewpoint, as presented by Bucky Fuller, is that of fresh water being the source of life.
So early humans followed from the sea, the river that led to high mountains --Himalayas/Tibet etc--- as the source of life.

Fresh water falls from skys as snow.

Even higher above the mountains is the ' celestial adulation and wonder ', that early sea-peoples and land peoples used to navigate their way in seas or on land.

So we have the one God vs many gods, and,

we have the one creator God of all that exists vs the non-creator God as all that exists, eternally.

Enter 1850 human..." The first explicit statement of the first law of thermodynamics, by Rudolf Clausius in 1850, referred to cyclic thermodynamic processes, and to the existence of a function of state of the system, the internal energy. "

..." Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; rather, it can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another. "...

Enter 2005 human....' finite, occupied space Universe cannot be created nor destroyed, only  dynamically transforming/changing, eternally '...
Posted in:
What makes her so special, her pleasurable hole?
I may have been incorrect in post #10.  Tho I think not.

A otherwise truly non-occupied space, with an occupied space cylinder ---that is not curved around to meet itself as a torus topology--- also creates a hole in space.

However, since and occupied space cylinder exists having 3D walls, and the hole of non-occupied space goes through its length, it is a torus, just and odd shaped torus.

Their called a tube. I think in Britain the subways are called ' the tube '. 

Torus as Cylinder has one hole with seemingly two holes. Not true.

A simple torus has only one hole, and again the cylindrical ' tube ' is just odd shaped torus.  It is the mathmatical descriptions that make the defintion more complex.

Posted in:
The Longest Time ..angels on Earth { from around the world }  sing tribute to Covid-19

If the above angels are not your thing, then try the Moody Blues poetry { accompanied by  Mobieus-like graphics...' The Word ' from their 1968 album ..' In Search of the Lost Chord '
Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
In that sense, everything is a simulation.
Hit our finger with a simulated hammer { visit carpentry } and the human experiences pain, swelling, blood if not nearly fainting, and then the simulated humans who take care of the injured.  Conception { fertilized egg } > Birth > Experience { includes recall }  > Death is a four-ness, tho, each overlap in various ways, because of humans access to Meta-space mind/intellect/concepts as memory. 

Words from the Moody Blues album..' .In Search of the Lost Chord ' followed by album cover and link to poetry and  the song with some triangulated, Mobieus Strip-like, 3D graphics I had not ever seen associated with this song on utube.

This garden universe vibrates complete
Some, we get a sound so sweet
Vibrations reach on up to become light
And then through gamma, out of sight
Between the eyes and ears there lie
The sounds of color and the light of a sigh
And to hear the sun, what a thing to believe
But it's all around if we could but perceive
To know ultra-violet, infra-red, and x-rays
Beauty to find in so may ways
Two notes of the chord, that's our full scope
But to reach the chord is our life's hope
And to name the chord is important to some
So they give it a word, and the word is OM

Utube Poetry The Word and the word is OM/AUM
Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
....how the universe began....

You appear to be stuck in a  mindless repeating of a non-scientific mantra.  Get a group of those who believe like you an start a religious chant.....how the universe began......

Sad, You need to learn about 1st physical law of conservation { 1880's }...naught is created, nor destroyed, only transformed '...ergo eternally existent, =  no beginning and no ending via  time

Endless  in accumulated time periods { eternal set of unitary time  periods } and finite occupied space { @ }.

Get a dictionary or an encyclopedia and  learn about the word eternal existence as in regards to finite, occupied space Universe and endless time periods.

Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
Whatever, you don't know how the universe began and never will.
 Sad, You need to learn about 2nd physical law of conservation { 1880's }...naught is created, nor destroyed, only transformed '...ergo eternally existent, not " whatever " i.e. no beginning and no ending in time

Endless in accumulated time periods { finite units } and finite occupied space

adjective: eternal
  1. lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
    "the secret of eternal youth"
1 of 2 adjective
eter·nal i-ˈtər-nᵊl 

4: valid or existing at all times : timeless

Posted in:
Emergent Phenomena
In my emergent phenomena post { In personal } I think I make it clear, that, the 180 degree { outer >< inner of torus curvature } diametric ---opposites of Gravity and Dark Energy---, do not have a head on collision and resultant as the  annihilation of each other ----aka destruction of occupied space Universe---, rather,  our physical reality energy { /\/\/\/  } is the grounding rod resultant { inside the volume of the torus }, and,

we can say, that, this is what prevents the annihilation of occupied space of Gravity and Dark Energy, is this inbetween these two is the physical reality of energy associated with a sine-wave pattern ex EMRadiation { photon is two such sine-waves at 90 degrees to each other } -|-|-|-|-|, and other fermions and bosons.

Primary Three-ness Set:

1> Gravity (  v  )(  v  )(  v  )(  v  ) positive curvature - outer surface set of nodal events

2> Energy  /\/\/\/\/\/\/\ inside-the-tube volume/body of physical reality as the grounding rod for the diametric opposites { prevents annihilation of Unvierse }

3> Dark Energy  )^( )^( )^) (^(  negative curvature - inner  surface set of nodal events

....1......................5p........7p.....................11p...........13p...... outer set nodal events
0.................................6......................................12................. inside body grounding rod of reality
................3p.................................9........................................ inside body grounding rod of reality
..........2p........4.........................8........10................................. inner set nodal events

0 - 13p is 14 nodal events, and we embolden the nucleated hexagon { 7 events }, and find there at this minimal, quantum graviton-darkEon scale of existence, there is breaking of symmetry ergo asymmetrical { tainted } Universe, via the 0..1...2p on left side, and,

on right-side 10 - 11p -12 .with the 13p ---i.e. a set of 4 vs 3---   being the asymmetrical imbalance at the minimal quantum scale of existence  { graviton-darkEon quantum }.

Take note again, that, there is 14 nodal events and that is symmetrical, but the nucleated hexagonal pattern creates  asymmetry of Universe.

Universe is eternally chasing its imbalanced, nucleated hexagonal pattern,  in order to find balance of 7 >< 7 nodal events, the inside-the-tube physical energy reality keeps this from ever coming to balance as perfect balance would be the end of occupied space Universe.

Reality is the nucleation { inside-the-tube } body of grounding outer and inner with those two annihilating each other in head-on-collision.  Think about it.

Our finite Universe exists, because of its tainted-ness, i.e. its refusal to ever be in perfect symmetrical balance.  It is eternally off-center from perfect symmetry.

Posted in:
The Big Bang Didn't Need God to Start Universe
No one knows how the universe began, end of story. You will die not knowing.

Duhh, finite, occupied space Universe has no ending or beginning in time, aka eternal.

Endless in accumulated time and occupied space


adjective: eternal
  1. lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
    "the secret of eternal youth"
1 of 2 adjective
eter·nal i-ˈtər-nᵊl 

Synonyms of eternal

1a : having infinite duration : everlasting
eternal damnation

b : of or relating to eternity

2a : continued without intermission : perpetual
an eternal flame

b : seemingly endless
eternal delays

4: valid or existing at all times : timeless
