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What's called COVID-19 , was it , is it a ploy to tailor the population along with the other agendas?

Say that pushing homosexual education in schools, pushing the gay agenda, the transgender agenda, the planned parent agenda, the lesbianism agenda, slut walk agenda, "race" war agenda, BLM agenda, "police" brutality media coverage agenda, say all that isn't enough to push the envelope, one more inch is needed(100,000) or more in extermination numbers.

Was the so called pandemic the top move to instrument a tailoring of the population numbers?
Current events
5 4

So the FDA which the government used as a basis to lock people away and deprive of liberty to supposedly save life and to mandate the injection of questionable chemicals and mutilation of human bodies has been actively trying to suppress the truth.

And this is why people don't trust the government.
19 6
A vaccine is what AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson are.

Pfizer and Moderns are not vaccines. The entire scientist community has lost its marbles.

substance that is put into the body of a person or animal to protect them from a disease by causing them to produce antibodies (=proteins that fight diseases)
Science and Nature
42 6
MPs in January gave the green light to make COVID vaccines mandatory and the law set to come into effect from February 3.
Fines for non-compliance can be up to €3,600.

Introducing plans for mandatory vaccination, Alexander Schallenberg, the then-chancellor of Austria, said it was the only way to avoid fresh waves of the virus.

Greece and Italy are doing it but aiming at 60+ age group for Greece and 50+ for Italy.

This is blackmail of the highest order, do not be confused, everybody 18+ in Austria is being blackmailed against their will (or with their will) to get vaccinated and inject into their body things they do not necessarily want. Let's not downplay what's happening.
17 5
The main reason to get vaccinated during this time is that the science supports it, not just politicians (if you aren't in a group that will be risky with JJ or AZ, I recommend them instead of mRNA if you are a conspiracy theorist about mRNA).

I think it is easy to assume that all tyranny is inherently 'wrong' as in worth fighting but sometimes it may be the tyrant wants what's best for us. Not all strict parents are giving their children bad orders, it comes down to the 'why'. In my opinion, vaccination has strong why's at this point, the only debate is if mRNA is worth the risk of what it can do to our cells in the long run.

I disagree with the approach of recommending the riskier vaccines that are using brand new science that hijacks cells to make us immune (mRNA). What do I mean by 'riskier' well, even if it has the higher efficacy rate in being protective against Covid variants and even if in the short-term it is showing less side effects for the non-allergic to its ingredients, mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna are actually riskier from a skeptic's perspective no matter how much your jab nurse will try to talk you out of it (UNLESS YOU ARE of a particular capillary and any kind of blood related issue or allergic issue with ingredients in AZ/JJ)don't listen to the 'logic' because that isn't how probability works.

You can't say the risk is greater because the bad of the other option isn't knowable yet. After enough boosters with gradual alteration to body cells then by around booster 6, then we may begin to see really what's happening as enough will be altered to even get a hope of a glimpse. We are barely on booster 1 for the older population, we don't know a thing about mRNA's long-term ability to damage the body.

Thus, I ask both sides, why they don't go for the oldschool vaccines like AstraZeneca and Johson & Johnson, you cannot really be losing out you can at worst gain not much vs delta and now omnicron variant but at least vs Covid-19 you are immune to high degrees, following your second jab of AZ or first jab of JJ (JJ is less good specifically because it's only a single jab but that's a debate for another day).

I will like both anti-vaxxers and pro-mRNA to tell the logic of their stances.
36 8
Does anyone know of any celebrity got news coverage when he contracted covid, went into hospital for covid, and then was reported as dying from covid? Any celebrity at all? 

Does it not seem strange that you can't name a single one? 
Current events
25 12