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Posted in:
[AMA Thread] Dr. Michael Huemer, Professor of philosophy
But the world isn't Ancap, that is the key reason US gave up the war. The US people themselves didn't like the Vietnam war and began to see Vietnam as the good guys.
This is untrue. Even the strongly anti war crowd saw them as the bad guys they just did not approve of American tactics and were also opposed to war in general. 

The war essentially ended early because the American people believed that the costs of winning were not worth it. 
Posted in:
Invitation to anyone to play an ARG
Posted in:
Invitation to anyone to play an ARG
Okay game on
Posted in:
Invitation to anyone to play an ARG
Posted in:
Invitation to anyone to play an ARG

Posted in:
Invitation to anyone to play an ARG
This is the last time I will be out of character.

Your mission should you choose to accept it. 

1. Find the Jester and kill him. Discover his true purpose
2. Restore or find the secret Document that can change the world before the jester or any intelligence agency can stop you
3. Wait for clues and discuss them. Clues will drop weekly. 

Be safe
Posted in:
You're run in(s) with the police.
Yes cooperate even if they are acting unprofessional unless thy give an unlawful order than refuse to cooperate. The better you behave the bigger your payout if they fuck up
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
The light is not some cheap where who can be bought. Neither is it good. Younare fucking with things you do not understand
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
What the fuckndo you not understand.

This is deep deep shit . Okay I wasn't trying to go full fucking Edward Snowden yet because then I lose all my leverage but fine. Give me until tomorrow to see if I can gather my documents and lay it all out
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
I like how there is a serious situation here and you guys are mocking me instead of doing what is needed to keep yourself and the world safe
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
I am likely to be banmd soon because the mods are calling me a national security threat. But I will respond if I a allowed to come back
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
Not following your point here. What crushed small businesses was big businesses, because that's how capitalism works.
Nope I showed a direct Correlation to how everything was practically a small business prior to heavy regulations. Unless you re claiming America was not a free market in the 1840s

The more money you have the more powerful you become, the more you are able to leverage that power to gain an advantage over your competition. This is capitalism 101, that's why small businesses are disappearing.
It takes approximately 1 billion dollars to bring a life saving drug to market because of the FDA. How is a small biolab supposed to compete with that? How is that not government interference coming to put small businesses out of service?

Policies address the problems within a given environment. To argue as if they are divorced from each other makes no sense.
All problems in society would come from improper governance. So by correcting the governance the problem goes away. If a society has a good economy for example all you have to do if you are a country with a bad economy is literally just change your policies to their policies and you have corrected your problem.  
Posted in:
[AMA Thread] Dr. Michael Huemer, Professor of philosophy
Not only that but the economic freedom index shows the closer a nation comes to anarchy the lss violent it is so he hasn't done his research here. He also eems unaware that in anarchy the community can all voluntarily chip in together to hire a police force
Posted in:
[AMA Thread] Dr. Michael Huemer, Professor of philosophy
You have no ideal what his premises even are, and are arrogant thinking you know more than somebody who spends 40 hours a week thinking about it
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
They will look at international patterns and attribute it to some random black swan event
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
Kill their egregore and save the planet. Go forth
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
DEI is not the opposite of meritocracy, to claim it is demonstrates the racism anti DEI advocates are accused of.

How is hiring people based on skin color or secual orientation compatible with always picking the very best person for the job?
Posted in:
Joe Biden abandons Israel as an ally.
I thought it was making fun of Trump for saying that Charlottesville had good people on both sides 
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
Who is jester?

Why is he Roman? Why is he a clown? Why is he acting Jewish? 
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
What does stone hedge, the boy scouts and Prescott have in common?

Who is in Argentina?

What is their agenda. Connect the dots.
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
If you guys aren't willing to go all the way. Walk away right fucking now. This is not a joke. Thus is not mental illness. 
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
It's obviously the gated community folks who do not feel the harm in those policies while the poor and middle class are busy trying to stay safe from the lumpem proletariat and work 80 hours to afford food
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
why should we believe you?
So you have freedom. The one thing they hate but a freedom to choose. Choose them or choose the hordes. Choosing yourself is not an option. I tried that. I tried to mind my business but when they saw I had the light. That I understood it. It scared them. 
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
Tell us whats the light?
Sophia, who can only be obtained by first killing all your sacred cows and then immersing yourself  in the words of his closest philosophical advisors
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
How do I get the light?
Find the power brokers but first immerse yourself in their ideology. 
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
Story of my life. Everytime I assume somebody is not an idiot it bites me in the ass. No offense
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
They can have dozens of factors but don't you find it at least a bit odd that the more interventionist American cities are the shittiest and the countries who are most interventionist are also shit holes? How many coincidences do you need if it is literally every single time and extremely predictive of the future?

What is your cope for when javier milei turns Argentina into a first world nation?
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
It is Wifom but I always think I can out wifom people
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
To me he was because my thoughts were that barney could not make that mistake if communication was good in the scum PM. It's Wixom I also thought if they were scum together he would just say he forget to mention no result
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
I also caved to a bit of peer pressure because I feelt Vader that whiteflame did not get his way for dp1 and dp2
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
I had a good behavior read on austin
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
I did the same thing I criticize Austin for . Looking g at the mechanics and thinking it meant Vader was scum
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
The barney slip really fucked me up had I not thought it cleared either barney or Austin I would have made a better decision. I just thought that type of slip was beneath barney if he literally knew what his partner was claiming
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
I didn't think barney would fuck up like that if he already knew what austin was fake claiming
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia Endgame
Hold on who was second scum
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
Actually it began in 1887, but setting that aside... Do you seriously think 1920's America is comparable to 2020's America?
Policies are either good or bad. Good policies will be good policies in all environments and bad policies will be bad in all environments. My advise is to always do the ethical policys

And even if you somehow do, regulatory bodies were formed for a reason. You might think the 1920's were great but I promise you anyone who lived through them would come to undetstand the price we paid for it.
We can look at the negative results to see why they formed. They crushed small businesses. Now we have nothing but big businesses. Then everyone was a business owner, so there is your answer. 

These are two entirely seperate things which both would have followed their paths regardless of the other. If anything you could actually make the argument in reverse which would be far more compelling; that the formation of large businesses and corporations is what lead to the need for more regulations. The lessons we learned after the great depression would be a great example of that.
That case would make sense if the death of mom and pos preceded those things not came after
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
Can you please explain, with sources provided, who was directly responsible for that, show that this person or person's were minorities, and substantiate that the person's were in that position not because of their merits or even nepotism but because the company needed a hire that wasn't a straight white male?
You do know that it isn't just non whites that can take advantage of situations that discard meritocracy correct?

You do also know that complex systems when thy fail it is a result of a multitude of incompetence and that a lot plays a role. You can't honestly believe that getting rid of meritocracy would mean no impacts to complex systems can you.
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
I'm fine with a results based argument on this question but it needs to be extremely nuanced and based on data. We don't get there by pointing to one disgusting place and branding it as the face of an entire political party's ideology. That's just confirmation bias.
Okay I will choose 5 random places at the top of the economic freedom index which measures how capitalistic a country is and you pick 5 near the bottom and then we can compare them to see if interventionist policies work better or not?

Or we cam look at countries that got rid of communism and replaced it with capitalism and see which regime was better for the country. He'll if I am wrong about economic interventionism being worse than freedom I want to know but you also failed to address my arguments about the impacts of regulatory agencies on Markey competition so I doubt you will engage me here
Posted in:
[AMA Thread] Dr. Michael Huemer, Professor of philosophy
Guys built like Huemer would get tossed like ragdolls within the first week of anarchy, left in rags (pun intended) bleeding. He has no clue what anarchy is.
Bullshit. I would keep him safe. 
Posted in:
I am done being blackmailed (ama about project tre-realm)
I told them I would be quiet but I am still being threatened about releasing a document I already destroyed. They are still using the clown to gaslight me. I don't give a shit anymore. 

The government is lying to you. Left and right is an illusion. They are coming for all of us who do not have the light. 

Ask me anything. I don't give a fuck what they do anymore. Everything gets revealed now. 

Also I am not suicidal. I do not plan to kill myself. I love living and. Would never ever kill myself. 
Posted in:
More Cock Vicar?
So much sexual deviance among the clergy, yet they have the brass balls to call all atheists "drug addled kiddie fiddlers".... well, I know at least one of them does.
At least they have the decent y to hide that they are sick fucks instead of flaunting it
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
Do you believe a former president/presidential candidate should be immune from criminal prosecution? Yes or No?
It would need to be something extremely disgusting and very clearly wrong. Technically George Bush and Obama could be charged with war crimes but we just don't do that to presidents and persecuting tru.p means the elite want one set of rules for themselves and another for their political opponents. What are they even going after him for? Over Valuing his home? It's retarded and no Obama would have never been gone after for such petty shit
Posted in:
Stop electing tech illiterate politicians (except Trump)
Again, the way any reasonable person would determine which is the party of the rich and which is the party of the poor is by looking at their policies. Anything else is a red herring.
I think it's much more about looking at the results of the policies and not the policies per say. Do liberal policies help poor people. Are their places like skid row where we can look to see if this is true or do conservative policies help people?
Posted in:
I am being stalked, harassed and threatened
As much as I agree with the sherif I am not sure anything short of a priest can kill this fucker
Posted in:
Joe Biden abandons Israel as an ally.
The President’s position is informed by his belief that there are “good people on both sides.”
He wouldn't be wrong and I would hope the right would not stoop to the lefts level and use that phrasing to claim he supports hamas
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia DP3
I was going to unvote if barney Austin quick voted . But this feels right
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia DP3
If whiteflame is or BK is scum we were destined to lose anyway because I can't see either of them being lynched
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia DP3
The consensus lynch is probably going to be me and town are going to lose. Can't wait to hear Whiteflame's justification when I flip town in endgame and especially when Pie rips him for having 2 bad lynch trains 
I know my defense will be that I did my best and I am just not psychic so I can't place perfect votes
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia DP3
Me either that is the 4th vote we needed also

vtl vader
Posted in:
The Heroes of Olympus Mafia DP3
The last scum is between you and barney/Austin. You'll definitely be around next dp to make your case. You should go ahead and place your vote on Vader so we can move along . We have me whiteflame and korea ready to lynch Vader so whoever the 4th town member is hould go ahead and start the process by voting him right now.