Instigator / Pro

RM vs Devon rap battle.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 4 votes and with 4 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

Only Devon can accept.

If you are not Devon and accept, you consent to me urinating on the love of your life.


i know you pretty well ever since ddo but im not the type to do personal stuff and dig deep in your info and shit even tho i know this is a battle and we diss eachother, but I agree I prob should've came a bit harder with the disses


Thank you for the kind words. I also appreciate your openess to others skills and abilities. Debates would be more fruitfull if that theme pulsed through the ego stretched veins of participants.


Wow, thank you. I take on board the parts where you say Devon was better too. I actually agree with a lot of what you said, I would vote me here to a similar degree, Devon's Round 4 was impressive to me but very forced/dull to you, I think Devon didn't properly look through my post history or anything at all to land a single personal on me other than about my username. It's also why I began to just keep digging as there wasn't much to even 'comeback' about by the ending.


@RM Ok.
@Lancelot True.

Rational's mistake was not making a clear voting setup in the description and consulting it with Devon beforehand, so now people are free to vote however they choose.

Since most rap battles are Winner Selection anyway and Rated doesn't allow for that, the rule should've been to assign all 7 points to whoever the winner is without having points of the Multiple Point System represent certain categories.

That said, voters should've been required to analyze the Lyricism, Flow, Rhyme, and Disses in their RFD.
If either side wins, it has nothing to do with who rapped better. It has everything to do with not establishing rules for voting.


I agree to Slainte's. Not those 2.


i originally said:

Arguments - Better rhymes
Sources - Better flow
Spelling & Grammar + Conduct - More creative

you disagreed

then i used Lancelot's rules:

Arguments: Better lyricism
Sources: Better flow
Spelling & Grammar: Better disses
Conduct: Which opponent was more creative


Where did you say that instead of just rhyming?


You're nitpicking. I said lyricism. If you wanted to added something different for example you could have said comebacks/metaphors which really wasn't too much of a difference lol but its all good not that deep


Arguments: Better lyricism, including quality of comebacks and metaphors

This was never in your system


What did you say Arguments should be?


Bruh I literally said the same thing as the rules, all Slainte added was "including quality of comebacks and metaphors"
Were you disagreeing with the rules I said just to disagree with them? To be argumentative? Is it because I used Sir Lancelot rules as ideas and the two of you don't like eachother? I don't get it correct me if I'm wrong maybe I'm missing something.
Not mad or anything just found that strange. Anyways best of luck

I'll start voting on this then.


Ok i agree to that system


Okay which rules would you like the voters to vote in each fashion:
Arg: ?
Sources: ?
S&G: ?
Conduct: ?


Arguments: Better lyricism, including quality of comebacks and metaphors
Sources: Better flow
Spelling & Grammar: Better disses
Conduct: Which opponent was more creative

I will vote the above way you like. I have read it twice there is some quality on both sides. Winner is very clear to me.

While votes are technically unregulated, I'd rather both rappers agree on a voting criteria.

For instance, do I analyze who did better in certain areas and assign all 7 points to the winner or do certain parts of the Multiple Points represent like lyricism, comebacks..

I have my own idea for a voting framework, but so as not to undermine the integrity of voting, I need both participants to establish their preferences.


I don't agree to the rules, you need to factor in quality of comebacks and metaphors.


Don't forget to vote (Rules below on comment #25)


Why did you give me 1 instead of 2 and why do you say neither had flow?


thank you 🔥


(read below)


Please vote in this fashion, enjoy the battle:

Voters are not expected to know much about rap, so here are the following qualities you will judge on for both rappers in your RFD.
Arguments: Better lyricism
Sources: Better flow
Spelling & Grammar: Better disses
Conduct: Which opponent was more creative
You will be required to actually read the raps from both sides and analyze your favorite lines.

No troll votes or vote-bombing.
You are expected to read the entire rap battle to even be voting.


I liked your Round 4 a lot more than other Rounds.

Good job stepping up your rapping.

My turn. 🙂


Rap's done, please vote.

R3 bars explanation:

If I ain't got it, I'll reach for your gun, like I like the steel (to steal)

The steel/To steal = wordplay/double entendre


True, you're right. I'm gonna figure out something else for the voting criteria.


Flow and rhyme scheme are quite similar and quite often used in an interchangeable manner. (I still believe there is a small distinction between the two but, yeah).

Maybe it would be better as delivery quality.


Set up whatever voting criteria you decide on for this rap battle.

Rational seems to follow your commands like an obedient bitch.
Shouldn't be too difficult.

Good round 4

R2 bars explanation:

Spanish scheme for the words that are bolded

I'm at your casa masked up, I got the steel under the poncho | casa means house in spanish. steel = slang for gun
Cheese stay on me bitch, my chips go nacho | cheese = slang for money. also double entendre for actual cheese since cheese go on nachos
If you want the beef I bring the shells no taco | beef = slang for drama/issue. also double entendre for ground beef that goes on tacos. shells = slang for bullets
I'll give you a shot on the center stage, no bravo

"Those dumb bitches you battled got 0 voters per battle,
I merely set this up and one of those very dumb bitches licks your boots after making it clear that me challenging you before him has him rattled,
He's a toxic little cretin type to lie as he tries tattles,
So kindly get your head in the zone here, I'm a tiger, they're cattle,
I'm at most the bull the impregnates them, I'm the breeder, you cucky cluck-cluck feathered-asshole,
This is charity, I'm letting you prove you're anything here, so thank me as each bar hits like a paddle."

Still waiting on that challenge, big man.
Or is the best you can do is throw shade and cry about me in dms?


R1 bars explanation:

Got a gangster aura, wherever I'm at most fear (atmosphere)


Well what would you like then as the voting criteria? Also we never agreed to anything so now we can use this opportunity to talk about it. Your comment is kinda confusing. I never said one thing mattered more than the other.
Rhyme scheme = rhymes as in who has better rhymes matter. Of course bars better. Rhymes are bars. Anyways tell me what the criteria should be - although I do believe rhymes, flow and creativity matter. Ready to battle whenever you are. Await R1


We never agreed on such nonsense. Why would rhyme scheme matter more than the actual bars and insults especially if after rhyme scheme is flow?

This time ill vote, now that your back.

Voting rules since this is a rap battle and not the average debate:
Arguments - Better rhymes
Sources - Better flow
Spelling & Grammar + Conduct - More creative

Will them agreeing with me make you more unhappy?


Also. Thanks for staying btw

*"Ask any of the current users how they feel about me and see if any of them agree with you.:

WeaverofFate, Bella3sp, Savant, Slainte, Mps1213, Devon, SkepticalOne, Public-Choice, AustinL, Sidewalker, Lemming."

Now before you say anything else.
I only want to know, do you want that rap battle or not?

Keep in mind, you mentioned it first.

With the exception of you, IWantRooseveltAgain, and badger, I'm on good terms with everyone here.

Including Devon, the one you're currently challenging.
Devon was ready to leave the site because he didn't want other people's drama and bs, and I personally talked him into staying and ignoring everyone else.
I also talked Bella3sp from leaving the site because I knew she contributed a lot.
Me and Mps (The guy you fought with on his first day.) had a temporary beef, but we resolved that.

I criticized Wylted for being partly responsible for the site's failure because he's deliberately choosing to step down and I'm currently clowning the site's current president Badger.
I criticized Mike, the site owner, for not actively leading his community.
I also like TWS1405, but I did call him a Karen.

Now you want to call me vile, a sociopath. Toxic to other users or whatever bs. Fine
Feel free to characterize me however you want, but ask any of the current users how they feel about me and see if any of them agree with you.:

WeaverofFate, Bella3sp, Savant, Slainte, Mps1213, Devon, SkepticalOne, Public-Choice, AustinL, Sidewalker.


You are a very unhappy person. I have come to realise that.

While I was gone, the only positive thing you said about any user was bootlicking the mods and president. Everything else was nasty and provocative to aggravate others and ruin their confidence.

The only non-shallow, non-toxic thing that you contribute to this website is your debating and maybe the tournament. You even tried to directly, not indirectly, poach members from here to your new platform.

So much for that big talk, huh?
Just as I’ve called you before.




Glad to see you back! Any chance you'll be sticking around awhile?