3RU7AL's avatar


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Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
Self defense. Japan attacked America first.
Self defense is "protecting your family".

Not to mention that the US military has killed plenty of people who did not "attack first".

Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
No, but America doing it [firebombing civilians] in 1945 was not bad.
If you are not basing your judgement on protecting your family, then what principle do you base this on?

When you say, "not bad" do you actually mean, "not the worst possible option, but also not the best possible option"?
Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
Nobody wants to have an abortion.

Nobody wants to kill a puppy.

This is a perfect analogy.

If you gave people a choice to kill (abortion) or not kill (ectogenesis) for the same cost and convenience, they will always choose "not kill".

Alexander the Great thought he was perfectly justified to kill people.

Genghis Khan thought he was perfectly justified to kill people.

Every military in history claims they were "saving lives" and "fighting evil".

The point is, we could take some fraction of that money for killing people and put it into research and development for ECTOGENESIS.

This is 100% realistic.

The cost of raising a child (to age 18) is currently $233,610.00, (not a zillion trillion quadrillion) so there's your target budget.

Posted in:
Siding with Death
those things are true.  the argument that the woman has some kind of special right, or right at all due to dependency when it's inside her vs when it's not,  isn't correct or logical.
Yes it is.

It is the exact same argument the people use for immigration.

If a human is living in our country (womb) and they are not authorized (unwanted) then we have them forcibly removed and sent to a war zone.

We don't seem to care if that human will almost certainly die after they are ejected from our country (womb).

I mean, we might care a little bit, but not enough to spend 18 years taking on all the risk and responsibility for a G*D* foreigner.
Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.

I don't believe for a second that anyone, theist or atheist, thinks that flying a plane into a building is "good".
I don't believe for a second that anyone, theist or atheist, thinks that firebombing 100,000 civilians in Tokyo is "good"
I did.

Read the post.

The entire point here is that people make "bad" decisions because the believe the alternative is "more worser/badder/eviler".

Do you believe that a terrorist firebombing 100,000 civilians is "good"?

Do you believe that firebombing civilians is always "good"? 

Probably not.

Do you believe firebombing civilians is better than letting your friends and family be shot to death?

I'm going to guess that's a "yes".
Posted in:
Siding with Death
for a very long time in history and still in certain parts of the world, babies have been dependent on their mothers for breast milk and would die w/o it, so this whole dependence and relying on the mother's body is a terrible argument.  if this is as good as they have.... lol just lol
For a very long time in history and still in certain parts of the world, babies have been dependent on their mothers for breast milk and would die w/o it, so this whole dependence and relying on the mother's body is a perfect argument.

For a very long time in history and still in certain parts of the world, babies have been left on the temple steps, so this whole arguing from historical norms is a perfect argument.

Posted in:
Siding with Death
It's just NORMAL what they do. They pick some ONTOLOGICAL difference, "the baby is smaller", or " the baby is dependent on the mother", or "the baby has fewer cells", and that DEFINES the EMBRYO as not an individual person with the full rights and protection of the law.

In the same way that, Pluto is not a planet.

They know the argument for EMBRYONIC RIGHTS and ALL LIFE IS SACRED is bogus. They should just come out and say the truth. "This is what we want to do. The rest of humanity be damned."


If you want the government or some other charitable organization to take these embryos and raise them to term, MAKE IT HAPPEN.
Based on political affiliations, churches everywhere should be offering FREE CHILDCARE AND ADOPTION.


You can argue all day and all night about what rights an embryo should have.

But that entire ontological discussion is a RED HERRING.

Your only concern should be about what happens AFTER THE CORD IS CUT.

You can't claim that "all life is precious" and then turn a blind eye every time a (real live) child (or adult) is in danger.
Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
I've never met a Christian who was capable of seriously entertaining the possibility that Zeus is the most powerful god and also, actually, really and truly exists.

It's like a native English speaker trying to convince a native Chinese speaker that the English language is vastly superior and by every logical measure the only language anyone should ever be taught around the world until the end of time.

And the native Chinese speaker makes the exact same argument in favor of the entire planet adopting the Chinese alphabet.

Your god is your language.

You decide it is best because you can't even imagine an alternative.

Often, simply because that is what you were taught as a child.

Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
I don't really bother with the more frivolous supernatural possibilities.  The way I would simply put it is that only God is God.  Exclusivity or finality should be conveyed by Christian teachings.  Worshiping Zeus is idolatry whether or not Zeus exists and is defined as a god.
I don't really bother with the more frivolous supernatural possibilities (like "YHWH").  The way I would simply put it is that only Zeus is the most powerful of all gods.  Exclusivity or finality should be conveyed by Zeus' teachings.  Worshiping "YHWH" is idolatry whether or not "YHWH" exists and is defined as a god.

Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
It's really funny. Atheists are the only group that attacks something they swear doesn't exist.
Christians are the original atheists.

Before Christianity, primitive civilizations would argue about which gods were strongest.

"Our gods are stronger than your gods."

When the Christians came along, they insisted, "Your gods are imaginary, only our god is real".

You probably believe that Zeus and Shiva and Pangu and Marduk and Ahura Mazda are imaginary.

This technically makes you an atheist.
Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
It's called immigration processing...it's a new trend.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure the US military didn't ask for permission to go into Afghanistan.

Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
The choice may not necessarily be what you do, but how you will in doing what you do.
Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.

Live for vanity or live for Truth.

That is really the decision.

God gives a peace that surpasses understanding.

Vanity will ultimately lead to suffering and unfulfilment.
I have one question for you,

Do you think you can tell,

Heaven from Hell?

Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
Yay, economic warfare is where it's at.  Less bombs, more baby boomers.
When I read this, I had an image flash into my head of a bunch of soldiers in full camo gear waiting for a plane to take them to invade Afghanistan, and one of them says to the other, "you thought you had it tough, I had to wait 3 years for my temporary work visa to be approved!"

It would be pretty funny if we had to ask permission to invade someone else's country.
Posted in:
Siding with Death
However suppose we had evolved along a slightly different track...
Good point.

Even rabbits will eat their babies.  And I thought they were vegetarians.

Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
I wonder what the Aztecs would have done?
The same thing the Romans did.

The same thing the Americans did.

The same thing the French did.

The same thing the Chinese did.

For literally thousands of years.

Dump their unwanted babies on the temple steps.

Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
I'm sure the cost will come down pretty quickly with economies of scale!!!!!!!!!!!

Forget about trying to make abortions illegal.

Nobody wants to have an abortion.

It's the same as puppies.

Nobody wants to kill a puppy.

But we take puppies to the pound if we can't afford to take care of them all.

Nobody except nobody likes to think of all the puppies that are killed every day.

If people have the choice to leave their puppies at a no-kill shelter, they will always choose that option.

The only problem is that the no-kill shelters are almost always full and will not accept new puppies.


We are more than happy to dump trillions of dollars into weapons and training to kill people in the middle east (WTF).

If you believe "life is precious" how can you possibly be concerned about how much it is going to cost (are you a monster or a psychopath)?

When you say, "Would I be willing to sacrifice the entire GDP of the entire US ($18 trillion) to save one life?  No.  I'm not causing everyone in the country to be broke just to save 1 random life." it sounds a lot like, (and clearly the doctors wouldn't be broke, so there'd simply be some economic reshuffling, I mean, the money wouldn't just disappear into thin air)

It sounds like you're saying, "If the doctor told me that my unborn child was going to have an incurable medical condition that will cost me $100,000 a year, I don't think it would be fair for me to go broke just to save 1 random life".


We could declare a state of emergency and prioritize ectogenesis as the most important national project in history and put our best DOD scientists on the case!!!

This is 100% realistic.

The cost of raising a child (to age 18) is currently $233,610.00, so there's your target budget.

Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
You're so behind the times. Scientists have already developed artificial wombs that can grow a person from conception. Testing went to 2 weeks before ethics cut the experiment short of developing a full "human"....
Ectogenesis is the wave of the future.

I'm sure they could complete testing on monkeys, or rats, or pandas!

We could bombard the developing embryos with classical music and Einstein lectures 24/7!

When they are born they could be greeted to photographs of their adoptive parents!

Unclaimed orphans could be trained for the military!!

The possibilities are endless!!!!!!!!!
Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
You're so behind the times. Scientists have already developed artificial wombs that can grow a person from conception.

Who decided it was ethical to kill an individual human soul?????????????????

We should ramp this baby (maker) up to industrial proportions ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure the cost will come down pretty quickly with economies of scale!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
We don't. But God did give us a conscience.
Ok, it sound like, in practical terms, we decide for ourselves.
Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
Well nothing is black and white. 

There is a reason we need guidance from God.
How does anyone know what the gods really and truly wants us to do?
Posted in:
Siding with Death
3RU7AL will say what a woman does with her body is a matter of privacy when it comes to abortion, but suddenly and inexplicably, it isn't a matter of privacy when it comes to drug addiction.

Or that the concept of privacy can apply to a woman, but not to a country.

How do you argue with someone whose argument encompasses both A and not A? And he is totally blind to the contradiction?
What a woman does with her body (and what they discuss with their physician) is a matter of privacy, UNLESS you consider an embryo an individual human with the full protection of the law.

(IFF) you consider an embryo an individual human with the full protection of the law (THEN) preventable miscarriages are either murder/manslaughter/or child abuse and should be investigated as such.

What a person does with their body (and what they discuss with their physician) is a matter of privacy, UNLESS that person puts another individual human with the full protection of the law in danger by their actions, or otherwise violates the law of the land (this includes purchasing and or producing and or transporting and or distributing illegal substances).

HOw in the name of all that is holy do you imagine that privacy applies to a country?  Do you understand that nearly every industrialized nation on earth has spies in nearly every other industrialized nation on earth?

Please explain exactly what statements you believe are logically in conflict.
Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
"So now conservatives are going to pass a bill that gives all women free embryonic extraction at 5 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  How much does it cost?  I'm not saying that I'm against it yet, but I'm curious.

Does it matter if it costs a million dollars per child saved?

What could possibly be more (financially) important than the life of an innocent baby?
Posted in:
Siding with Death
does having unique human dna and chromosomes make a human?  if not what does that make?
I'm pretty sure ethang5 believes that unique human DNA sparks into existence an individual human soul.

Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
Neither do I. 

People do bad shit, and they know it. And they do it anyway.
They usually try to do what is "less wrong" (less bad) which they rationalize as "more right" (more good).
Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
I think the more likely explanation is that most [atheists] are simply uneducated or superstitious.
I can barely believe what I am seeing in this thread.   That is exactly what atheists say about theists!
When people can't analyze a situation logically, they just repeat the insults that hurt them the most.

Science and skepticism is the opposite of superstition.

Open a dictionary.
Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
I don't believe for a second that anyone, theist or atheist, thinks that flying a plane into a building is "good".
I don't believe for a second that anyone, theist or atheist, thinks that firebombing 100,000 civilians in Tokyo is "good".

Posted in:
There is no such thing as an Atheists.
Here's the way I see it. Atheists don't want God to exist the same way criminals don't want cops to exist. They know that God exists, but they suppress the truth. It's because they also know that they are sinners and deserve death. They know that Jesus gave His life so we could avoid death. But these people love their sin more than their Creator. Also, the Bible tells us that many witnessed the miracles of Christ and still rejected Him. So, it's not a matter of belief. It's a matter of obedience. There is no such thing as an atheist. Not my opinion. This is what Scripture tells us.
Here's the way I see it.  Atheists don't want Nanabozho to exist the same way criminals don't want Pangu to exist.  They know that Nanabozho exists, but they suppress the truth.  It's because they also know that they are sinners and deserve death.  They know that Nanabozho created all life on earth so all humans have a chance to live.  But these people love their sin more than their Nanabozho.  Also, the ancient stories tell us that many have witnessed the miracles of Nanabozho and still rejected Nanabozho.  So, it's not a matter of belief.  It's a matter of obedience.  There is no such thing as an atheist.  Not my opinion.  This is what the ancient stories tell us.

Posted in:
Abortion Has Now Been Eradicated
But today, babies as young as 5 months old can survive outside the mother.
Awesome.  So now conservatives are going to pass a bill that gives all women free embryonic extraction at 5 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally!!  A perfect solution to everyone's favorite political firestorm!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will probably slash abortions in half OVERNIGHT and probably by 75% over the next year!!!!!!!!!!! 


Posted in:
Siding with Death

Then you think just my talking is “medical advice”.
Yes.  Suggesting that the state invade "patient/doctor confidentiality" constitutes medical advice.

I made no such admittal. [of arbitrary decisions]
Ok, so when you said that it was more realistic to try and save the lives of every human that has already been born, and less realistic to try and save the lives of every embryo that has yet to be born, and you refused to explain why you decided to choose the latter rather than the former, and you further bristled with "I don't have to explain anything", in your own opinion, does that sound more "logical" or "arbitrary"?

If science and morality are “purely arbitrary” to you, OK sure
Until you explain exactly how your understanding of "science" and "morality" relate to the subject at hand, you are making a purely arbitrary appeal to ignorance.  Science is not ontology.  This is an ontological problem.  Science cannot solve an ontological problem.

Confirms my point. Relatively few are due to rape.
32,000 a year is few?  You do realize that an estimated 70% of sexual assaults go unreported, right?

Their war is not our business. They [immigrants] should stay at home. Why is privacy sacred only for pregnant mothers?
People fleeing for their lives and being denied entry is not a privacy issue.

Ok, what privacy invading laws do you propose we enact in order to enforce such a policy? Or does privacy matter only when you want an innocent infant dead?
Outlawing dangerous and or deadly substances has nothing to do with privacy.

It's like the classic abortion problem. By standing by and doing nothing about abortions, you are killing people.
And yet you have no problem standing by and doing nothing when people are fleeing a war zone. 

You can't pretend "all life is sacred" is your guiding principle.

Only the babies are innocent. You go “save” killers, we'll concentrate on innocents. OK?
Either "all life is sacred" or "only unborn life is sacred up until the moment it is born".  Please chose only one option.  Because "innocent (already born) babies" die every day and you do nothing to help them.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility. I know people who claim not to be able to afford a doctor but spend 500 dollar a week on drugs.
Red herring.  EVERYONE believes in "personal responsibility", EVERYONE believes people deserve a fair trial and should be sent to prison for their crimes.  Red herring.  Your example may be true, but it does not prove anything.  Are you denying that INNOCENT people die every day from preventable conditions and causes?  Are you somehow suggesting that all poor people deserve suffering and death?

Can't afford a doctor? - "suck it up, it's your own damn fault"
Can't escape a war zone? - "suck it up, it's your own damn fault"
Can't break a deadly addiction? - "suck it up, it's your own damn fault"

Whose fault is it? What happened to privacy and lordship over your own body?
Someone begging for affordable rehab is not a privacy or personal sovereignty issue.  Nobody is suggesting we break into every home, force people to take drug and alcohol and blood pressure tests and drag them off to rehab. 

Offering assistance to needy people is not an invasion of privacy.
Posted in:
Siding with Death

You obviously think the right to privacy should trump the right to life [miscarriage].
Let me restate,

(IFF) human a soul sparks into being at the very moment of conception

(THEN) every miscarriage is very likely a murder/manslaughter/child abuse case.

(AND) every miscarriage should be reported and investigated to the fullest extent of the law.

You think the [proposed] crime [miscarriage] should not be prosecuted because that would violate the privacy of the mother.
You are jumping to conclusions.

(IFF) human a soul sparks into being at the very moment of conception

(THEN) every miscarriage is very likely a murder/manslaughter/child abuse case.

(AND) every miscarriage should be reported and investigated to the fullest extent of the law.

I never suggested that miscarriage SHOULDN'T be prosecuted.  I merely suggested that current law is not prepared to address every miscarriage.

(IFF) you believe abortion is murder, (THEN) every preventable miscarriage is also murder.

Exactly how we make the distinction now. Police, witnesses, medical examiners, courts, common sense [miscarriage].
Oh, ok.  Do you really think that is going to be adequate?

But today, babies as young as 5 months old can survive outside the mother.
Awesome.  So now conservatives are going to pass a bill that gives all women free embryonic extraction at 5 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally!!  A perfect solution to everyone's favorite political firestorm!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will probably slash abortions in half OVERNIGHT and probably by 75% over the next year!!!!!!!!!!!  IT'S A NEW ERA!!!!!

I say the baby is not part of the mother, because they have different genes. [...]
The reason the woman's children did not match her maternal DNA was because she (the mother) had absorbed a (non-identical) twin in the womb before she (the mother) was born.  This made the mother a human chimera.  This means that some of her internal organs had different DNA than the rest of her body.  In other words, her saliva and hair and skin and blood had matching DNA (which was sampled for the maternity test) but her reproductive system had the DNA of her absorbed (non-identical) twin.  Genetically, it appeared that her children were her nieces and nephews.

There are an unknown number of humans who have internal organs with different DNA than the rest of their bodies.

In other words, not every part of a person's body has matching DNA.

Some conjoined twins are not separate and cannot survive apart. 

Rights are not given based on genetic percentage.
Good point.  So why were you talking about genetics?

The mother and baby are genetically different. Two different people.
Clearly, not every organ or tumor or migrated cells within a single person that is genetically distinct from the majority of cells is considered "a different person".
Posted in:
Greatest Fan Theory EVAR!!

Posted in:
Platform development
Oh come on people, it's a quote from Orwell's 1984 haha
Posted in:
Propaganda bull shit
Still less annoying than advertising and/or begging for donations...
Posted in:
I will bet you.
I did not say that it wasn't a useful made up concept. If it did not facilitate human interaction it would be an occasional curiosity rather than an all pervasive fact of modern living. That doesn't change the fact that money itself is intrinsically worthless and only has the worth we ascribe to it. 

Also you owe me ten money.
Well stated.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaanddddddd... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQUhJTxK5mA

Posted in:
POLL: Should Reporting Be Anonymous?
I think we should tackle a single issue at a time.
It's funny how the more sensible option always sounds "too complicated".

And then people always wonder why they only have two bad choices.

PRO/CON vs. In favor of using anonymous codes as a proxy for usernames

Thanks for starting and managing the thread.  I'd rather vote for bad choices than not at all.
Posted in:
What is your favorite TV show?
You might like the 1990 BBC television show "House of Cards".

Not the new American version also called "House of Cards".

The BBC version is also on Netflix, I watched through it recently and really enjoyed the twisting and turning of the characters in the story.
Posted in:
POLL: Should Reporting Be Anonymous?
I like this idea and it's sensible, but I don't know what level of coding it would require for Mike.

Thanks for the vote.
Can you perhaps add "In favor of using anonymous codes as a proxy for usernames" to see how many people would vote for that option?

I think we could get a majority consensus by adding that third option.

In favor of using anonymous codes as a proxy for usernames - 2

Posted in:
Siding with Death
I don't give unsolicited medical advice to strangers. Why would you think I do? Are you confused?
If you are telling strangers what medical procedures they should have access to, you are giving medical advice to strangers.

How I choose to spend my time is not your business, and I don't care what you think of of my choices.
Certainly, do as you wish, but don't try to pretend your opinions are part of a "logical worldview" when you just now admitted they are purely arbitrary.

...and how do you prioritize your focus?
I stay within science and morality.
In other words, purely arbitrary, since you refuse to present any logic connecting your actions with your definitions of either science or morality.

do you understand that women are often coerced, plied with false promises, and yes, sometimes even forced to have sex?
Sometimes billy-bob. Only sometimes. And rarely. You talk as if every pregnancy is due to rape.
An estimated 70% of sexual assaults go unreported to law enforcement officials.
About 32,000 pregnancies result from sexual assaults or rape every year in the United States [that we know of].

1 in 5 women are victims of sexual assault.

So if you know more than 5 women, you probably know someone who either has been or will be a victim of sexual assault.

You kill immigrants based on predicted outcome.
Lie. We do not kill immigrants. We send them home.
We send them to war zones, to be killed.

There are many things that kill people.  Alcohol kills people.  Prescription drugs, illicit drugs, cigarettes, and sugar all kill people.

And yet we allow these things to continue being used.

If you can prevent a death, and you do nothing, most people believe you are morally responsible for that death.

It's like the classic trolley problem.

By standing by and doing nothing about alcohol and prescription drugs and the rest of it, you are killing people.

And seriously, by advocating for the death penalty, you are killing people.

You do not "consider all life sacred" any more than the psycho liberals do.

Conservatives only bring up "all life is sacred" specifically when they want to tell a woman what she should do with her own body.

In every other case, in every case of (already born) people dying, they say, "suck it up, it's your own damn fault".

Can't afford a doctor? - "suck it up, it's your own damn fault"

Can't escape a war zone? - "suck it up, it's your own damn fault"

Can't break a deadly addiction? - "suck it up, it's your own damn fault"

Posted in:
Siding with Death
A small, sterile, brain dead 36 year old human female is a woman.
Biologically, an adult is a human or other organism that has reached sexual maturity.

Yeah, we agree doofus. She should be.
Ok, what privacy invading laws do you propose we enact in order to enforce (charging a mother with murder/criminal-negligence/manslaughter for a miscarriage) such a policy?

Only if the death is due to the action or inaction of someone. Not every death.
Ok, what privacy invading laws do you propose we enact in order to determine (charging a mother with murder/criminal-negligence/manslaughter for a miscarriage) guilt in such matters?

I agree. What is your point?
I'm glad that we can agree that child abuse is a crime.

Still, not every death is due to a direct result of parental neglect and or abuse.
In the case of a miscarriage, how do you propose we make this distinction?

Am I reading you the law? There was a time killing a black man did not meet the legal definition of murder. So what? The question here is, " Is it murder?" Not, "does the current law call it murder?"
If you don't care about the law, why are you trying to change the law?

A baby is not a part of the mother.
An embryo is part of the mother.

Please give us an example [of different genes in the same human] Dr. Science.
There was a famous case where a woman's children did not match her DNA in a maternity test, this led to the discovery of a phenomena called "human chimeras".

One way chimeras can happen naturally in humans is that a fetus can absorb its twin. This can occur with fraternal twins, if one embryo dies very early in pregnancy and some of its cells are "absorbed" by the other twin. The remaining fetus will have two sets of cells: its own original set, plus the one from its twin.

In some cases, fetal cells [from their offspring] may stay in a woman's body for years. In a 2012 study, researchers analyzed the brains of 59 women ages 32 to 101, after the women had died. They found that 63 percent of these women had traces of male DNA from fetal cells in their brains. The oldest woman to have fetal cells in her brain was 94 years old, suggesting that these cells can sometimes stay in the body for a lifetime.

Cancer cells have the same genes.
When cells become cancerous, they also become 100 times more likely to genetically mutate than regular cells, researchers have found. The findings may explain why cells in a tumor have so many genetic mutations, but could also be bad news for cancer treatments that target a particular gene controlling cancer malignancy.

What does "individual" mean? And so what? The embryo is a human being.
Individual: existing as a distinct entity; separate.  The embryo is comprised of human cells but is not an individual because it is 100% dependent.

Genetics [is the key distinction between humans and other mammals].
On a letter-by-letter basis, the genes [of mice and men] are 85 percent the same.

Previously it has been suggested that differences between human and mice genome can be as high as 15%, but recent studies based on the comparison of mouse chromosome 16 with human DNA have revealed this differences to as low as 2.5%.

So, mr. "logical worldview" do you believe that mice should be granted 97.5% human rights since, genetically, they are a near perfect match?

Please explain how your opinion on the matter is based on science?
It isn't opinion, it is science. The mother and baby are genetically different. Two different people.
By this logic, a genetically mutated cancerous tumor and its host also qualify as two different people.

As an aside, you should check out the 1993 movie "Patlabor 2" which covers this particular subject quite well.

If it cannot exist without the mother, it is part of the mother.
Illogical. This is just something you are saying. Your opinion not based on sound reasoning. Medicine is getting better and better at keeping babies alive without the mother. Some babies are even conceived outside the mothers body.
Simply because I could hypothetically donate a kidney and it might survive intact for some period of time in another person does not mean that particular kidney is not part of me.

Even a parasite would be considered part of the host if it was 100% dependent.

A cancerous tumor, with genetically mutated DNA would also be considered part of the host. 
Posted in:
POLL: Should Reporting Be Anonymous?
It's easy enough to adjust the server to ignore/temporarily disable flagging if reports exceed 100 flags per hour.
Posted in:
POLL: Should Reporting Be Anonymous?
You've been blocked by RationalMadman

I was tagged and I voted.

Start a debate if you want to debate.

Not debating is not the same as refusing to debate.
Posted in:
POLL: Should Reporting Be Anonymous?
You've been blocked by RationalMadman

If it was a pinned topic or something, we could just "favorite" the topic and then we'd be notified - problem solved.
Posted in:
POLL: Should Reporting Be Anonymous?
It also seems like there should be an official board/forum/pinned for these types of votes or maybe a button under "latest activities" or some general PM that all members could opt-in/opt-out to make sure they don't miss these types of votes.

I never would have seen this if I hadn't been tagged.
Posted in:
POLL: Should Reporting Be Anonymous?
I believe it is important for the mods to know if a single user is making a ridiculous number of reports, or spamming reporting of a single user's posts.

However, if it is possible for each user to be assigned a randomized code (only showing for report flags), which the mods will not be able to use to identify any specific user, I believe this would solve both problems.

I am in favor of setting a code to allow mods to identify how many reports are being generated by a single person.

I am not in favor of attaching a specific username to each flag.

If I had to choose between "anonymous flagging" and "identified flagging", I would choose "anonymous flagging" as the lesser of two evils.

However I am also very much in favor of setting an anonymous code to allow mods to identify duplicate reports (flags) and spamming.
Posted in:
Moderation Comment Period: PM Access
1. Should moderators be able to access a user's PM if (1) all three admin officials unanimously agree that (2) the three part test outlines above is met?
2. Should moderators never--in any circumstance--have the ability to access a user's PM
3. Is there another solution to this problem or a suggestion for how to improve the proposed checks?
1. No.  Mods should only be able to access PMs if the specific user agrees to the search.  This would involve a feature update where a person could check a box, select a specific conversation chain (or entire history), and then choose "send to mods".

2. Yes.  I would prefer "never" to "at will".  Perhaps consensual searches could be added as a feature.

3. If someone is going to doxx another person in a private message, they could just as easily use an email or something else not connected to this site.

If someone is being harassed IRL, it would seem to be a matter for law enforcement.

If someone is making accusations based only on suspicion, there should be requisite skepticism. 

Perhaps the mods should detail an explicit burden of proof.

Individuals can block specific users they don't want to interact with already.  Criminal accusations should be referred to law enforcement. 

I'd also be perfectly happy with "PMs will not be moderated and cannot be used as evidence of COC violations".

Posted in:
Delusion = Success!!
So in other words, the correct and honest answers are presumed, and anything that goes contrary to these assumptions is considered a sign of self deception?
At least according to Gur, R. C , & Sackeim, H. A. (1979).

And probably Alfred Kinsey, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female (1953).
Posted in:
Delusion = Success!!
What exactly is this perverse test supposed to determine?
People who score low on this test seem to be more successful socially.

The questionnaire was designed to identify people who lie to themselves (delusional).

Posted in:
Science is not objective.
All excellent points.
Posted in:
Siding with Death

Saving every human being on earth that has already been born is much more realistic than trying to save every unborn embryo.
Perhaps, but...
1. I am in no way obligated to prioritize what you think is relialistic.
2. Only what I am able to do is realistic.
Oh, of course not, mr. "logical worldview".  However, I'm not entirely convinced that giving unsolicited medical advice to strangers is obviously much better than spending your time and energy attempting to prevent CHILDREN from being abused and neglected.

Do you really think we are in imminent danger of becoming extinct because of abortions?????????????
No. But I'm not so ignorant as to think that embryos aren't human beings in early development. I know killing the embryo kills the future human being.
Oh man, that's a relief.  Certainly killing sperm kills the future human beings.  Certainly killing human beings kills the future human being.  Certainly condoms and birth control and plan-b kills the future human being.  Certainly cigarettes and alcohol kills the future human being.  Certainly bacon and doughnuts kills the future human being.  Where do you draw the line and how do you prioritize your focus?

No one forced single women into sex.
Hello?  I'm not even sure where to start with this one.  Um, do you understand that women are often coerced, plied with false promises, and yes, sometimes even forced to have sex?  Welcome to Earth.

And we do not kill people based on future statistics.
Yes you do.  You kill prisoners based on predicted outcome.  You kill soldiers based on predicted outcome.  You kill immigrants based on predicted outcome.  You kill alcoholics based on predicted outcome.  Cutting healthcare benefits kills children base on future statistics.

If all the psycho liberals turn transgender and homosexual and abort their embryos - THEY WILL DIE OUT.
If they are homosexual, how will they have embryos? Anyway, embryos are not homosexuals, they are people. Killing embryos ends people, not just homosexuals.
Contrary to what you might believe, not all psycho liberals are homosexual and even beyond that, homosexuals can become pregnant.

Killing embryos ends people?  This is provably false.  Killing all embryos ends people.  Nobody on the planet has ever proposed killing all embryos. 

Nobody wants to end people.

You're fighting your own imaginary boogeyman.
