TheRealNihilist's avatar


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Total topics: 79

I am trying to find a gay couple that I would like to use as a profile pic but I can't seem to find any.

What I would want is something related to Marvel or DC or video games in general.

I don't want the profile pic chosen. I would like recommendations on which gay couples I can use. 

Thanks in advance

15 4
This is specifically to Virutoso and bsh1. Everyone else can comment but don't expect me to respond because you don't really have the power to change the way it is done.

As of right now Forums:
  • Have discussions where people waste time not specifically addressing what was asked in the opening comment
What I want in the Forums:
  • To have the power to remove remove comments or you know have the moderators moderate in forums. I am sick and tired of people adding nothing of importance to the forums I have created to specifically address something. This can be seen with the likes of Mopac and Greyparrot. 
  • To have rules in the forums which make sure bad faith actors or people who do not care about the topic at hand have their comment removed per the rules. 
If Virtuoso, bsh1 or Ramshutu do not want to help in making the forums be more centered around thoughtful discussions instead of bad faith actors then I'll happily put my hat in to make rules, monitor flaggings and keep up-to-date with what users would like out of the forums. 

The Forums are bad and I want to make them good. 

This is brief and I can be more detail on certain topics if you want. 

71 10
Fake News: Fake news, also known as junk news or pseudo-news, is a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate disinformation or hoaxes spread via traditional news media or online social media.

Articles clearing lays out he is lying. He holds the most power in the United States so it is safe to assume he knew he didn't have a deal but still deliberately spread disinformation or is an id*ot:
61 7
This debate specifically:
8 1
I would like to know an argument that makes abortion a good thing. Make sure to help me follow the train of path you are going through like tell me what you mean by person-hood or conscience so that I don't need to ask it and I can go straight to problems or agreements.

Personally I am not for abortion if this was a perfect world but because it isn't. I am for abortion. Mainly I am for legal abortion because illegal abortion will occur and that would have issues on its own but in a perfect world and now I still take the stance abortion is wrong if wrong is we don't murder humans.

Since I have given my personal stance. You can decide to talk about your argument for abortion preferably outside law and possibly talk about if it was in a perfect world or talk about my position. I would prefer the first but you can do what you want that discusses abortion.
139 9
This will be specifically addressing this line said by Joker in the Dark Knight.

The Joker: [while hanging upside down] Oh, you. You just couldn't let me go, could you? This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly are incorruptible, aren't you? You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. And I won't kill you because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.

With this in mind the flaw of Batman is that he won't do whatever it takes to do what is right. He won't murder a person who will only bring harm to this world instead breaks a few bones then waits for them to be a problem later on. Sure in the movie he died I think or maybe because of Heath Ledger's death they removed him the the last movie but Batman didn't end his life. If the problem was ending someone's life Batman sure doesn't mind ending the life of animal when eating it for dinner. Doesn't directly happen in the movie but in other media it has. So basically Batman is okay with taking the life of an animal if it is not directly responsible for it but is not okay with directly taking a life. The problem here is that the animal still is dead and Batman benefited from it. If Batman murdered the Joker every single person who could potentially die because of the Joker at the very least would be the prison guards would not die and the people who died in the past will be avenged. Guess Batman is not a utilitarian. 

What does anyone else think? 
Show business
1 1

It was set the read-only why did that happen? 
12 3

What would you like to say? 

15 3
What are they?
When did they start?
How does the west share those values?

Evidence supporting your claim with an explanation would be appreciated. 
11 5
Debate me on a topic.

Have a few suggestions below so that I can pick one that you agree with. 

There is also a way in which I want you to do debates. Remove the forfeits and put in place the first Round is for opening arguments. The other Rounds are for rebuttals which means we both have one extra Round for opening arguments but the same amount of Rounds for rebuttals. 
59 8
This is the video:

49 3

Did you have a problem with what she said?

If you do in your comment do quote what you have a problem with in your comment.

"Some-people did something"

This shows blah blah blah blah.
24 4
Good movie right?

I watched it and was pleasantly surprised by what direction the movie went.

I'll have spoilers from this point on so you have been warned. 

Show business
42 10
19 3
A fake University. Anti-intellectuals. One such example of how bad they are is the graphs that they love to use. Not a labelled y and x axis while also not pointing to a source where they got the graph they drew up. 

Here is videos to watch if you actually want to know how bad they are. Not for people who liking confirming their own biases.

19 7
Start at 2:56:00 and end at 2:57:00.

If you didn't find. I will help you.

"That's just because we weren't paying attention because she was a woman"
138 9

Round 1-
The instigator did not define what he meant by Fake News which made the contender define it. That is bad conduct since the instigator is the one who created the debate and should be burdened with laying out the rules. The instigator 4 stories from CNN and called it Fake News. The problem here is that CNN has posted more stories than that and since he has not given the definition of Fake News the contender was forced to concede the Round and wait until the burden of proof is fulfilled by the instigator. The contender used his Round to define Fake News and state CNN's mission statement while also laying out a direction this debate would go.

The instigator finally define Fake News. The problem here is that he has 2 definitions which means not only is he making the reader confused on what would be his burden he is also making the contender confused on how his opponent is supposed to fill his burden of proof.

The instigator then started with his actual argument which is basically 90% of news about Trump is negative therefore Fake News. The problem here is that being negative does not mean it is fake. The instigator did not understand that so basically he gave no point for CNN being Fake News.

The instigator then moves on to his 4 initial points which he tries to provide how they were Fake News.

The instigator basically says for his first point CNN made points about a 2 minute video therefore they are fake news. The problem here is that by both of his definitions they are not. The instigator failed to say if it was deliberate but can show if it is done consistently.

The second was about Smollet. This time the instigator stated "CNN did not have all the facts." even if he stated earlier the "incidents pretty close together" does not mean CNN is Fake News. Just by looking at the front page of CNN there are 38 articles they have published. Even if both stories came out on the same day there are 36 other stories which the instigator would have to say that is also Fake News in order to say CNN is Fake News just by looking at their site on that day in that hour.

Third point is basically the instigator has conspiracy theories about supposed conspiracy theories that CNN "made" up about Russia collusion. The problem here is that the Mueller report was not done and CNN were speculating like I am sure FOX was saying there was no Russia collusion.

Fourth reason the instigator gave was 1 CNN reporter said "Russia Collusion is just a big nothing-burger.". CNN has more than 1 staff and to point out an anecdote like this doesn't mean CNN as a whole is Fake News.

Lastly is another reporter that "also spread fake news" without proving it to be the case. Even if his source is right that Jim Acosta is repeatedly spreading Fake News that only makes the case the Jim Acosta is Fake News. Even by the second definition he brought in CNN is not Fake News.

The conclusion was basically saying he has proven CNN is Fake News but from my breakdown he hasn't. He also moved the goal posts of the debate while also making a contradiction "So when I say "CNN is fake news", I am changing that for the sake of people's technicality to "CNN sometimes spreads fake news stories/topics that can lead to them not being trusted". By this he has pretty much said CNN sometimes repeatedly spreads Fake News. Sometimes and repeatedly is a contradiction since both cannot apply at the same time. 

The contender starts of by saying CNN is living up to their mission statement by delivering current news on an important topic like Russia collusion. Not part of if CNN is Fake News or not so I will stop talking about it.

The contender next provided Nick Sandman is suing Washington Post but not CNN. Don't see how this is important in saying CNN is fake news.

The contender then points out that the instigator provided his own definition of Fake News but didn't due to an appeal to hypocrisy.

Then the contender claims the instigator is moving the goalposts which then was followed up by sources that add more credibility to his definition of Fake News. 

Then he briefly mentions CNN's coverage about Russia Collusion without giving a source that could have helped him to provide a more substantiated point. The contender did however challenge the instigator to view the articles but didn't point out a snip it of their coverage which would have improved his point.

The problem I had with the contender's Round 2 was that he did not address all of the instigator's points. I have clearly mentioned above the problems with the instigator's points but the contender focused on who Nick Sandman is not suing, more evidence that his definition is correct and a challenge and a point about CNN's Trump-Russia ties.


5 2
Sheesh what the hell did they do to him?

5 2
Basically a version of a RM Profile Pic Vending Machine and SupaDudz I Will Pick Your Profile Picture

What I asked is for you to answer questions in order for me to understand your preferences.
First 4 pictures would be specifically targeting what you answered.
The 5th one would be something I think you would like from what you have said. 

1) What do you like (Infinity War, Trump, Burgers)?
2) What specifically do you like about it (Thanos, His tan, Cheeseburger)?
3) Do you want it to be bright or dark? 
4) Anything more you want to say?

After this I would like feedback when I message you about the photos. You can say whether you liked it or disliked it. Do tell me what I can improve on in order to give you an extra image or something I can add or remove to improve other people's profile picking experience. 
33 5
Ask me anything.
You can ask but don't expect a reply for private information that I have not put onto this website. 
Thanks in advance. 

45 10
It seems like there is a new development everyday and I don't even realise what is going on. 
43 5
How can you be objective when you are using something like senses which are dependent on the individual?

Objective: (of a person or their judgement) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

Sense: A faculty by which the body perceives an external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch.

Individual: Of or for a particular person.

I think this can go two ways. There can be more but these are the ones I am interested.
You can be objective even if you are blind or deaf.
There is a correct way of perceiving the world.
Above are the claims I would want answered but if someone has a different claim then so be it. 
157 9
Why can't you guys/gals not allow people to go through other people's profile?
Example on DDO I can go on what forum post the person has made whereas on DA I see they have a number of forum posts but can't click on it.

This is not a improvement more so personal preference. Can you guys/gals add a feature that replicates DDO's look? I like the way the debate section was set out. It might be nostalgia but even now I can't shake my positivity towards the way DDO's debate section looks. It is not ecompassing the whole screen and it centred in middle and on the side is other sections of the website. Basically my problem is that it is a bit too wide for me. I liked the gaps on the side so that words were centred in the middle. I also like that strip they have where it signifies what Round I am on. Blue is Round 2 Red is Round 1. I don't also like how big the debate details is. I think you guys/gals can make it shorter. I like the icons like below debate details they are consistent.
This is my list which I think is not too much to ask for.
I like words more than colours and icons and was hoping you add more words in the debate section. One example is the yellow star. Can you add the text "Add it to favourites"? 
The font would also be more consistent if all the words used used the same font as the logo on the top left. I think it looks better. The worst example would be when in a debate section you see the title of the debate which is a different font compared to everything else. If you changed to be more consistent then I would be happy. 

I think that is it.
Don't know if this would become read-only. 

17 3
I don't know which is why I ask.
I am mixed when it comes to debating. I do love it but my aim which is try for the other-side to engage with my arguments is very difficult but guess I can try again.

61 3
Mine is Fallout: New Vegas.
Would like to know others
46 13
Basically asking Virtuoso since he blocked anyone commenting on my last threat about Wylted.
53 5
That is basically it really.
Would like it to come from Wylted but someone who does know the story can point to me with sources and their stance on what occurred.
Thanks in advance. 

3 3