Instigator / Pro

Rap Battle: Sir.Lancelot vs RationalMadman


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 11 votes and with 21 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Minimal rating
Contender / Con

(RationalMadman: You aint on my level. We never rap battled as each other, btw. Try it.)

Okay, deal.

This will be a No-Hold's Barred.

To avoid any errors or confusion, there will be rules and a framework set-up for voters.
Above all else, anyone can vote. But read the rules with careful consideration.


1. This is a No-Hold's Barred between both myself and Rational.

2. The actual track for music itself does not count as actual points. Meaning neither me nor Rational can be penalized for choosing a beat the voters do not approve of.

3. All 7 points are assigned to whoever you think won.

4. Voters are not expected to know much about rap, so here are the following qualities you will judge on for both rappers in your RFD.
(On a scale of 1-4)
You will be required to actually read the raps from both sides and analyze your favorite lines.

5. No troll votes or vote-bombing.
You are expected to read the entire rap battle to even be voting.

(Any changes can be made before the acceptance of the debate at the request of Con. No one else aside from RationalMadman can accept, unless stated otherwise by me in the Comments.)

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Great job to both.

Lancelot needs to get better because he did a terrible job.

Rational won this by a large margin

Better arguments
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Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Rational rapped a lot better here

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Better legibility
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Better conduct
1 point(s)

Rational won this for sure

Better arguments
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Better legibility
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Better conduct
1 point(s)

i think rational wins because of their superior skills

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Better legibility
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Better conduct
1 point(s)

rational has better rhyme, lyrics, and flow!

lancelot didn’t do a good job here.

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Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

RM took a risk by asking me to vote when he was 7 points ahead. Obligatory "let's see if it pays off" Dodgeball reference.

First Impressions:
This battle is a good example of complex rhyme schemes and metaphors against extremely personal disses with some elements of truth. RM is very versatile as an MC with good lyricism and would probably dominate in a rap cypher, but SL came prepared with 95 theses and is prepared to nail them to RM's front door.

I'm giving SL a 2 for this and RM a 4. SL has good character references at times, but RM is very focused on metaphors and makes puns on basically everything he says. Maybe needing to explain references should count against him, but RM is very creative here with consistent metaphors, so I'm giving him all 4 points.

I'm giving SL a 3 for this and RM a 2. SL breaks lines into smaller chunks, making it easier to see how they flow together, while it often seems like RM is trying to rhyme one paragraph with another paragraph. There are a lot of complex rhymes in the middle which can't be ignored, but it sometimes seems like the length of words and syllables is completely based on finishing RM's train of thought, rather than following a consistent structure. Recognizing that many professional rappers do something similar to this, I'm still giving RM 2 points on flow.

SL does well here. There's a history of beef between these two MCs and SL references a lot of it, pointing to specific events that happen. Even though it didn't rhyme with anything, and RM later has a good response, "OMG Barney, you're such a manly man!!" was pretty funny. Both sides use references, but SL uses more of them. While RM will link to something and then use a complex rhyming metaphor, SL tends to stay on topic more to the thing being discussed. While this doesn't allow for many complex rhyme schemes, sometimes simple works best. SL is able to give straightforward criticisms of RM, so I give him a 4 for disses.

RM makes use of a lot of analogies, comparing himself to King Arthur and using complex rhyme schemes. But I'm only evaluating the quality of disses here, not rhymes. RM's strongest line is his comeback about SL's post thanking Barney and whiteflame (although I posted on that thread too so maybe I should take offense to that?) Regardless, these are well-developed analogies that paint a clear picture. However, they mostly come across as threats or taunts that could be used against anyone, not specifically SL. I know that's not always the most important thing in rap battles, but when I have to separate disses from flow and lyricism, there's not much left to evaluate. I give this a 3, since the disses are good, even if they're not always based on real events.

I looked for the best examples I could find of this from each rapper. SL's best was in R3, because I think he rhymed the most consistently there. "velocity" and "ferocity" were decently impressive rhymes, and "screw up" and "abuse...much" was a good multisyllabic rhyme. There's some loss of consistency since not every line rhymes, but I acknowledge that some of these lines are meant to be hype lines before a verse starts. I give SL's rhyming a 2.

RM has a lot of good examples, most prominently the opening of his R1 when "wetter" is rhymed with 7 other words on two syllables. There are a few slant rhymes, but RM balances very complex rhyme schemes with bars that make sense. I looked to see if these rhymes came at the expense of jumping from one topic to another or not making sense, and that was not the case. Regardless of how he did overall, RM's rhyming was very good, and I'll give it a 4.

Favorite line from SL: "Must hurt that The People chose an anti-semitic racist as President just so they didn't get stuck with you. Couldn’t even woo them with your charm and charisma, everyone was better off when you left."
Favorite line from RM: "Love a sycophant tryna mock his opponent showing love for Barney while having Whitesmoke and Shillton in a gangbang, all at once, stuffed piggy with a wilted chode down the throat"

RM wins 13 to 11, but this is a close one due to the use of very different strategies from each side.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Round 1

Lyricism: 4
Flow: 2
Diss: 3
Rhyme: 3

Total points: 12

Lyricism: 4
Rhyme: 2

Total points: 13

Winner: Con

Round 2

Lyricism: 3
Flow: 2
Diss: 4
Rhyme: 2

Total points: 11

Lyricism: 3
Flow: 4
Diss: 4
Rhyme: 3

Total points: 14

Winner: Con

Round 3

Lyricism: 3
Flow: 4
Rhyme: 2

Total points: 13

Lyricism: 4
Flow: 4
Diss: 4
Rhyme: 4

Total points: 16

Winner: Con

Round 4

Lyricism: 4
Flow: 4
Diss: 4
Rhyme: 2

Total points: 14

Lyricism: 3
Flow: 3
Diss: 3
Rhyme: 4

Total points: 13

Winner: Pro

Con won 3 out of 4 rounds and scored in total 3 points more in flow and 4 points more in rhyme. Lyricism is equal and Pro had 1 point more in diss.

Con's best round was round 3. Con's round 3 is the best overall round. Pro's best round was round 4.

"You called for me to unleash my wrath.
Now it’s gonna be a fucking bloodbath.
And I’m mopping the floor with you."
Very strong opening from Pro. Sends strong message right at the start, and is one reason why Pro got Lyricism 4 in round 1.

"You try rated rap battles 'cause you liked my idea and I challenged you and you knew the last win wasn't real 'cause Bella held back a vote, you're easy to provoke and just can't hide it,
You run around trying to get under everyone's skin, but under yours is only trauma and overcompensation, my bad I already discussed my dick,
I got my debate count by genuinely efficient moves, you do troll debates for votes to undermine the system I protested and instead of fight it you gave up instantly and decided to act in bad faith and override it"
Very good flow in this one. Lyricism too. However, rhyming is kinda not sensed at all.

"“OMG Barney, you're such a manly man!! 😍😍😍”
“You are the most impressive debater ever! Let me put you on a pedestal so I get your autograph!”
When it comes to bootlicking, this little piggy gives VP Weasel a run for his money.
Always thought he could attract more flies with honey.
Imagine tryna act alpha but doing all that fangirling over Barney and blamonkey."
Very strong diss, although flow didnt continue well after.

"Was bouta vote for you in the Election.
Until you unfriended me over some petty-ass bullshit.
So fuck you. I don’t owe you jack.
How bout you quit smoking that crack."
Probably the strongest diss in entire battle. This is where Pro started having good flow.

"Whiteflame responds to me with care when he aint even mentioned,
Road to hell's paved with you standin' up to the baddest in the land, what good intentions,
I call the shots, Chief mod gets to bendin', I'm the shotcaller you wish you backed, that wilted cunt's got a shrivelled clit, ditched the site to ressurect me, even to my worst enemies, I'm trendin',
Do you see this syllable mastery? Think you can outclass me? I'll smack your face in with a wrench till your jawbone's bendin',"
This is where Con scores perfect in all areas.

"Must hurt that The People chose an anti-semitic racist as President just so they didn't get stuck with you.
Couldn’t even woo them with your charm and charisma, everyone was better off when you left.
Only a small demographic wanted you back.
Stepping to me was a Death Sentence. Warned you it would be a fucking bloodbath, looks like I've had the last laugh.
Don’t you dare wage war on those that vote for me or you’ll quickly regret it."
Strong diss, flow and lyricism. However, surprising lack of rhyme. Still, Pro's strongest round.

Pro was struggling a lot with flow and rhyme. At many places, there is no rhyme at all. At others, the rhyme didnt exactly work out.
In the first two rounds, Pro's flow is basically non-existent. Flow changes in the middle of the round, and doesnt fit with the previous flow. It feels out of place.
Pro scored better in diss. Slightly better than Con.

The lyricism, when we ignore the flow, was great on both sides.

Con had consistently good flow and lyricism in first three rounds. He only seemed to lose flow in round 4.

Overall, Con scored more points and won 3/4 rounds, which is why I am giving win to Con.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

@Reason for Vote
Lyricism: RM 2
Lyricism: Lance 1

Flow: RM 1
Flow: Lance 1

Diss: RM 1
Diss: Lance 2

Rhyme: RM 1
Rhyme: Lance 1

RM longer sentences played to lyricism, and if read quick flowed,
Lance shorter sentences flowed and made rhymes more obvious,
But RM rhymes and flow 'also there, just the shorter sentences made Lance's more visually obvious on 'first look,
So still a tie in rhyme and flow, since different methods of reading made either obvious,
Lance focused on diss more than RM, more personal, more sources, 'seemed like,
If there was a brag category, might be I would have put RM a higher point for that.

Too much profanity, personal insults, styles of bragging, for my liking.
I suppose I like 'some rap, but not 'generally speaking.

Better arguments
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Better sources
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Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

See comments

Better arguments
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Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

People don't know how to read. All 7 points go to the winner.

Lyricism: 4:2. RM
Flow: 1:4 SL
Diss: 3:4 SL
Rhyme: 2:4 SL

Total is RM - 10. SL - 14. Per the description, SL gets all 7 points.

RM knew they had an uphill battle to get it all stitched together by breaking things up to explain some of the previous rounds. RM is a fantastic lyricist, using a great vocabulary, innuendo, metaphor and intellect. SL is crisp, and tidy. Easier to read. I think that the lyricism of the "diss" would go to RM, however the flow and execution forced me to have to read a few times, and that just did not work for me.

Better arguments
3 point(s)
Better sources
2 point(s)
Better legibility
1 point(s)
Better conduct
1 point(s)

Lyricism - RM
Flow - Lancelot
Diss - Lancelot
Rhyme - Tie
Round 1 was RM's best round imo
Round 3 was Lancelot's best round imo
Favorite bars from Lancelot:
"Ground-punt you at a speed of light velocity.
You were unprepared for my relentless ferocity."

"You let me strangle you till you went blue in the face, Smurf.
Dragged you here just to prove I could kick your ass on your own turf." Clever bars and rhymes. "blue in the face, Smurf" was too cold.

Favorite disses from Lancelot:
"All traumatized, from that time you were licking my cum out your wife’s punani’s." That was funny.

"So fuck you. I don’t owe you jack.
How bout you quit smoking that crack." Hilarious.

"Accusing me of backstabbing you and badger, as if I pledged my loyalty to either one of you retards.
We were never pals. I’d never be homies with slimy scum." That was lethal.
Favorite bars from RM:
"You might pucker up 'n' say you did this challenge, had to provoke you fight you, I'm too skilled at this, and my Kung Fu moves got you startled, that's strike 2,
Where's the first? I'm Mike, dude, I'm Tyson I write this I bite on the ear, no fear, that's a tight move" Really like the Mike Tyson/bite on the ear flip.

"But you see that rope 'round my autistic neck that you disrespected's one that's been there when I've been lower than you'll ever have to go, build a moat,
King Arthur needs protection and you pushed the boat,
I'm a pirate, a ninja, samurai to your throat," Loved this rhyme scheme.

Favorite diss from RM:
"raggy shit-stain boxers, shriveled up dick with the itchy rash trapped in" Lethal and hilarious.
Super close battle, both of y'all did great. Lancelot dropped straight bomb after bomb each bar and imo when it came to the disses they were more lethal. Gotta give props RM's unorthodox style and is super lyrical. Don't think I ever gave props to RM before but I am now. RM statement is right "I realised some of my longer lines don't seem to flow to average readers even if they imagine me saying it fast." I feel as though if you hear him rap what he says in real life it's easier to follow than reading on a screen on first read. I can catch most stuff but not every single thing. Lancelot's flow was just easier to follow plus got to the punch quicker. Not a diss or bad thing towards RM. He just raps different. I also get to the punchline quick too. RM is more intricate and it's more of a build-up and when it gets there it hits hard.