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Total debates: 3,695
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If you believe in a god, I would like to have a discussion with you on which God you believe in, and why.
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I propose that the 1995 Academy award winner, "Braveheart" ought to be renamed out of respect for historical accuracy in Scottish history and the descendants of Robert the Bruce. Required rating for participation=1500+
We will argue over whether or not we should build Trump’s wall.
Round 1: Acceptance Round 2: Points Round 3: Rebuttal Round 4: Conclusion
In an original draft of the Declaration of Independence, rather than saying "the Pursuit of Happiness," Americans were proposed to have the unalienable right to "Property" alongside Life and Liberty. My question is, do you believe that we should have kept the original draft? I am Con.
You get to decide on a topic to debate.
Not RM Please. I beg you. 3 is enough I want more than one opponent.
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