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Posted in:
What a nasty little "transphobe"
I am waiting for the gang to tar and feather me.
Posted in:
What a nasty little "transphobe"
Old enough to be confused as to how hormones change a pelvis.

Posted in:
What a nasty little "transphobe"
Male skulls are larger with more pronounced brow ridges.  Male hands and feet are bigger.  And the ribcage is wider in a female, however from a pure standalone perspective, that girl is right.  I wonder how hormone therpays change your pelvis?  I guess I missed that chapter.
Posted in:
Eternal Rules Gods
So are the rules of all mythical creatures, like Santa.  So I have to agree with you.   
Posted in:
Something that I thought about
Caring for others is actually not in human nature
I am going to have to disagree with you on that.  Caring for others is seen in all cultures, even those uncontacted tribal cultures around the world.  We are not solitary animals.  There is a natural urge for us to care for others, because we work better in groups instead of alone.  
Posted in:
Elon Musk is destroying Twitter and it’s stock price
Nope.    I am concerned.   That being said...  it is a better communication universe.   
Posted in:
Elon Musk is destroying Twitter and it’s stock price
I joined Twitter when Elon bought it.   I also bought a checkmark when he released the Twitter files.    I have no problem paying for transperancy with a private company.   It is too bad pur governments are not as  transperant.
Posted in:
Elon Musk is destroying Twitter and it’s stock price
Hmm,   NPR and PBS are broadcastors.  The Federal Government give  $515M to CPB, which you stated are the founders of both of those organization.

Yet the government does not fund broadcasters.  How does that work?

I have no idea what your Republican comment is about. I certainly am not one.    

You dodge the question again.   You have not stated why labelling a fact is a problem. 

Your nonsense is worthy of nothing but derision 
Feel free to point out one thing that I said that even warrants such a response please.  Or do not.   
Posted in:
Elon Musk is destroying Twitter and it’s stock price
So if the government funds a  broadcaster, it is wrong to point that out?  You know who funds them from the private side, it is called advertisers.  

$515M is spent to fund CPB.   PBS and NPR are very difference because PBS goes after individual donors and grants.  NPR does not. 

You have not stated why labelling a fact is a problem.    I would ask you to be civil.  Sarcasm does not read well.
Posted in:
Elon Musk is destroying Twitter and it’s stock price
I never said there was anything wrong with it.   BTW. PBS and NPR are very different.   
Posted in:
Elon Musk is destroying Twitter and it’s stock price
Taxpayer money going into a media corporation should be a concern for all.  The way to do it is set up a boars like the FAA or NTSB finance it, and let it finance the Media outlets.  This is a topic I find incredibly difficult to talk about in a professional manner.    In part because the  governmental intrusion on all types of media is endemic in nature.  Is this not a problem for you?
Posted in:
Elon Musk is destroying Twitter and it’s stock price
fFrst I apologize for the typo.   My bad.  

Second, your source is about direct federal government funding and not all public funding.  

Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
Hmmm    I take ypur point insofar as I appreciate it  yet I disagree.   I want to put some time into my response.   That being said..  thank you for a curious and frank discourse.   I have learned much from it.
Posted in:
Elon Musk is destroying Twitter and it’s stock price
If you are going to quote something g so put of context at least bluff your way through it.  NPR, CBC, BBC, and Australia  are all state machines

I founs that in the fiscal year 2020, NPR's revenue was approximately $258 million. Of this amount, about 35% came from public radio stations and program fees, 28% from corporate sponsorships, and 19% from foundations and philanthropic gifts. The remaining 18% came from other sources, including individual donations and government grants.  So to say it is 1% is fake news.   See what I did there :)
Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
Doesn't bud light taste equally disgusting with or without a transgender person on the can? :)
Fuckng right it does.   It is absolute camel piss, yet people drink it.   Probably one of a few areas I am openly cognitley dissident about.  Oh and that includes its brother bud.

 "aggressive woke culture" and the harms it's apparently causing society?
 You have given me pause.   In the true sense of  defending there is an overreaching harm there is a lit of contextual interpretations.  

If I walk into a room and smell something that is not right    am I wrong to complain because I cannot say exactly what the smell is?

As Shakespeare  said "There ia something rotten  in the state of Denmark"

Without research, I cannot qualify what I said.  I concede that.  I can quantify the smell.. first hand and familiarly.

Is that a cop out?  

Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
Thank ypy for the clarification question.   Too many people do nt do it.  My comments are save and except for purpose corporations.  No splitting hairs here.  

Per your first question,  I quote[snippet]

companies that benefit from claiming to support diversity aren't going far enough to ensure they are following fair trade practices,
I am sorry if I implied that and I thank you for pointing it out.

I was trying to say, albeit iwith great neffectiveness , was companies core objective is profit.  Cancel culture is the exact same as virtue attachment.  I do  not consider it hypocritical because we know their objective at the start.     When the scorpion stung the frog  that was saving it from a flood .  it's cause he is what he is.   Businesses are profit machines.

You bring up a point about inclusivity in the office.  Companies know that one person can be a multi million dollar problem.   All things being equal, anything a company does is for profit.  inclusivity with a ypu g and inexpensive work force is important to the candidates.  Therefore it is important to HR.  I made sure we had a wellness roo. and a prayer room in our offices.  I sold it as being good for HR and emoyee acquisition and retention.   Yes I had to sell it.  

Happy staff = production  = profit.

Let me put it this way....  companies will do what they think they need to do to make or retain money.  There is nothing noble about it, nor does there have to be. 

Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
Interesting question.   One is the intent, the other is a fortuitous outcome.  There is one intent,  save and except for those corporations that specifically charter themselves to be different, and there are special SEC filling obligations for same

A claim on "supporting diversity" does little for companies that do not have aggressive fair trade practices, etc etc.  It does support their bottom line....  for now. 
Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
Can you give me an example, and help me understand how you're delineating between 'virtual signal for profit' and 'actual substance'?
I understand your question my friend.   With respect to transgender,  and profit I refer you to.  HERE.  A subquote..."the brands that can authentically connect with LGBTQ consumers win a business partner."

It is very rare that a business makes a decision to lose money, and when you are a public company (unless you are a B-Corp or other alternatives), you have a shareholder obligation to make money.    Why do we know so much about something that affects a very minority of the population.  The propagation of transgender ideology is disproportionate, and inflamed by corporations, looking to profit.  That is the aggression I am talking about.  

Businesses are promoting an ideology for profit, and not for social grace....  in my humble opinion.
Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
To your first question,  the answer is an unequivocal no.  There is no way I could support a statement that "woke" issues cause more death than guns.    There is an interesting conversation that can happen around increased suicides, and causations related thereto.  There was a significant upward trend., and for some reason the CDC stopped publishing the data in 2021.

Correlation, causation blah blah blah,  I do think there is a question that needs to be examined.  

Example, a nephew of mine, is very very suicidal because he does not know what his identity is.  He states, "everyone has a some flag and I do not".   Granted he has underling psychological pathology,  however the poor kid at 15, has no idea.   

That is just the transgender aspect of wokeness.   Questions need to be asked.

Your second question about "aggressive woke culture".  Thank you for asking.   Lets refer to above, m nephew.   In his school there are all sorts of flags,: Gilbert, Progress, Bisexual, Lesbia, Gay, Drag, Genderflux, Demiboy, Nonbinary, Transgender, Maverique, Abro, Gray, Pan, A.  etc etc etc.  and no "straight" or "heterosexual".   

That is passive aggressive.  Passive aggressive is the media,  and corporations who virtue signal for profit rather than actual substance.  Then you have real aggressive, which are physical fights at protests, fore which I assume you need no source.

Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
Citations aside, I would agree that children are being irreparably harmed by aggressive woke culture.  Children are agreeable by nature.  They need to be fore survival.  Anthropologically they have to learn from their care givers.  Whilst I am politically marooned, I am very concerned about the non-fact based aggressive wokeness raining down on our vulnerable world.
Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
shame vs honour society   Specifically I think k the socialistic implied shame society may have a better effect thena laissez-faire  capitalistic approach...   Oh fuck      I can't come.back from that bell.   OK  let it be.

I am gonna get my ass handed too me.   Let s give it  a try.   I am for shame.  ...  in context

Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
I know  nothing about it and am curious.   If you want debate....   I will have to do my research.  10k char, 1 week response, 3 rounds ...rated or not I do t give a shit.  Happy for the challenge.  Great points ypu made.
Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
and those vans have to be constitutional.   So when a ban for somethins is issued at the state level, the question is there an argument that ban has an effect on an unenumerated right .  Are all rights expressed or are some inferred?
Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
Thank you for the answers.  There is a lot in there.  Re Ccuture and guns... Your point is worth considering.    Shame based versus honour based...  is that not a sign of community and socialisim versus libertarianism?     Very interesting concept there I would love more thought on.

I can't reconcile ypur abortion comment, and agree it is more complex for a short spot.

Interesting points.
Posted in:
Which states have the highest gun death rates in the U.S.? Red States of course
I would love to see your suggestions on fixing those issues, and doing so in a way that does not involve some form of government intervention, including financial.

I am politically marooned, this is not a troll response.
Posted in:
Is it okay to bless the water before drinking it?
As long as how you pray does not impact others, then what you do is your business.
Posted in:
truth is not arbitrary
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle say it is impossible to measure certain properties of a particle, such as its position and momentum, with arbitrary precision.  The closer you get to knowing one, the farther away you get from knowing the other. So in the concept of reality, and the absolutist view of truth, one can never be absolutely certain.   

I think it legitimately raises questions about the nature of observation and measurement itself, and the role of the observer in shaping the reality they observe. If someone is colour blind, is what they see the truth?  Their observational tools work different, then someone who is not.  And what about someone who is not colour blind, is what they see the truth?  Not compared to a creature with infrared vision.

Therefore that which is being observed may in fact not be true.
Posted in:
Vaccine hesitant versus Anti-Vaxxer Why are they bundled into the same category?
Well said.    The facts are in the middle.  Somewhere in there.   That dialogue has helped me and my family process what is going on

I have a feeling  more people are uriously skeptical and feel unwelcome or socially fearful to articulate same.  
Posted in:
Vaccine hesitant versus Anti-Vaxxer Why are they bundled into the same category?
Do you think ypur sarcastic response helps bridge a knowledge gap.   I am white and have reservations.   I also have 2 science degrees.   3 of my siblings are health sciences professors and or medical doctors.

So when I saw hmmmm   wtf?   I am a trump loving anti-vaxxer?
Posted in:
Vaccine hesitant versus Anti-Vaxxer Why are they bundled into the same category?
Why do people who have questions about a vaccine get tagged as being anti-vaxxer?

Why is it improper to ask questions about the vaccine process? 

Medical regulators in Canada, the US, Ireland and others have put in special rules for what Dr's are allowed to say and do with patients as it relates to Covid.   

I see the narrative is so aggressive, and the legitimate questions  get lost, filtered, censored or ignored.    I joined this site because I thought as a group this could be an open and uncensored place of discourse, where we could look at studies, emerging studies, and even anecdotal reports to properly discuss the implications of this EUA vaccine, the vaccine passport concept,  etc.

Am I in the right spot to have curious conversations about these issues?

Posted in:
People need to be vaccinated so we can get the economy back on track.
What do vaccination rates have as a correlation to economy performance?

It is clear that breakthrough infections are worse than thought, and the concept of herd immunity (which was the original push for max vaccination) now carries no water.

So we are in symptom management now.  (I will leave the lack of symptom treating protocols alone for now).  Those with underlying morbidity conditions can choose to take the EUA vaccine to mitigate the symptoms they may get.

Where is the relation of vaccine adoption to the economy?
