Christen's avatar


A member since


Total posts: 332

Posted in:
Open Borders = One World Nation { Earth }
Good luck getting all the current 190+ countries in the world to come together and agree to form one single country.
Posted in:
Alot of police are clueless
I wouldn't say they're clueless. Rather, they're said to be often undertrained, or trained poorly, so as a result they're quick to rely on lethal force instead of effective grappling holds and stuff to restrain suspects.
Posted in:
I despise everyone who voted for Donald Trump and further resent those who still support him now.
Only the Democrat cesspools afraid to reign in mob violence are burning to the ground. I don't actually see it as a problem. It's a natural purge of the weak and the spineless.
I couldn't care less if the democrats want to burn themselves to the ground, but the problem is that they often burn other people down with them in the process.
Posted in:
I despise everyone who voted for Donald Trump and further resent those who still support him now.
wait for justice to take its course
What exactly is this supposed to mean? How is letting a terrorist run wild, instead of stopping said terrorist, lead to "justice taking it's course"? This isn't middle school where if a kid misbehaves you write a letter to his mommy and daddy so they spank him. This is a much more serious situation where a serial killer had to be stopped as soon as possible, by any means necessary.

What Trump did broke every rule in the book
What book?

Posted in:
I despise everyone who voted for Donald Trump and further resent those who still support him now.
So you'd rather we let this serial killer roam free?
Posted in:
I despise everyone who voted for Donald Trump and further resent those who still support him now.
I despise everyone who voted for Donald Trump and further resent those who still support him now.
That's your problem. I'm loving president Donald Trump, and I'm enjoying watching liberals and democrats get salty over him winning, him getting acquitted, and their favorite democratic socialist, Bernie Sanders, dropping out.

The title speaks for itself, it's time to get to the fucking truth of it. You posers talk of 'oh yaaa he's a rebel and isn't esablishment oh yaaaa wee wooo' he is showing his true face when he assassinates generals on sovereign soil of Iraq (not even Iran) because he's too much of a pussy to do it on Iran's soil so he will kill an Iranian General there on Iraqi soil to play a game of 'ooh I didn't violate any rule'.
You're mad at him for taking out a bad guy and you don't even know the bad guy's name? His name was Qasem Soleimani, and he was responsible for the death of many innocent people. Doing a google search literally shows that he was Iranian, as the first search result.

He is a straight up bitch who has fucked around too much with all poor people and ethnically with Hispanics, now Black Rights protesters and not to mention the deep and pure hatred he has for all variety of Muslims.

He is a shit stain on presidency, humanity and right-wing pigheaded politics. End of the fucking discussion, report this post I do not give a shit as I didn't break a rule.
Donald Trump does not mean the definition of a "stain". A "stain" is defined as "a discoloration produced by foreign matter having penetrated into or chemically reacted with a material".

Donald Trump meets the definition of a human being.

I am sick of him, his putrid face in the news makes me furious to even see.
Then quit looking at his face.

I wish they put a wasp on the photos instead of his face. Trump is a wasp, he serves no purpose to the political ecosystem whatsoever; he is there to sting and mimic useful things like bees, in appearance.
Donald Trump does not meet the definition of a "wasp". A "wasp" is defined as "a slender winged insect with a narrow abdomen and a powerful sting."

As far as I am aware, he is not slender, has no wings, is not an insect with a narrow abdomen, and does not possess a stinger.
Posted in:
Wanna bet?
There was some discussion of having a rule against harmful disinformation. Around that time some troll was spreading disinformation about Covid. However, it's a hard thing to word, when people need to be free to have discussions of controversial topics. ... You're of course welcome to suggest such a rule for a future referendum (Press is currently organizing one).
I don't agree with this. It shouldn't be the responsibility of the moderators of this site to fact-check everything and stop people from spreading misinformation. Rather it should be the responsibility of readers to think for themselves, do their own research, question suspicious things, and try to be their own fact-checkers as much as possible.

In a site like debateart, where people are free to debate anything no matter how stupid the subject matter might be, you are bound to have a wide variety of people with a wide variety of different views and opinions on certain things and different biases towards certain things, who will come here to debate those thing out. You are bound to have some people accusing others of "misinformation" while others spread actual misinformation, and others denying that it's misinformation, as a result. That's the nature of debating sites like this.

Plus, where do we draw the line on this, and who holds the burden of proof here? If I share a personal story about how I went grocery shopping this one time, will I now have to provide a receipt or something to prove that this is true so it doesn't get labeled as "misinformation" and I get penalized for spreading misinformation as a result?

My point is that "a rule against harmful disinformation" is going to be too difficult to enforce on a site like this, especially when people are naturally going to argue a lot over what is and what isn't misinformation, as well as what is and isn't true.
Posted in:
George Floyd. Thoughts?
At the time of writing this comment, this youtube video came out less than 23 hours ago about how police should use as little force as possible when apprehending suspects, not as much justifiable force as possible.

I watched the whole thing (it's 28 to 30 minutes long), and if any of you don't feel like watching the whole thing, then just at least watch the first 11 minutes of it, since that is where they talk about the most important stuff, and the most important things it talks about are the difference between justifiable force and necessary force, as well as how police can sometimes be too quick to rely on their weapons (handgun, taser, baton, pepper spray, etc) instead of using other means to apprehend suspects without causing any harm to them, such as talking a person down, and using grappling holds to effectively restrain someone without harming them.

Justifiable force, in this case, would be the amount of force a police officer can legally get away with using, so if I am a police officer, and I am tasked with apprehending a dangerous suspect that raises their fists and start punching me to death, I would be "justified" in killing them with my gun immediately. However, depending on the suspect's size, speed, and strength, it may not be necessary to kill them immediately, and instead I could try to disarm him, take them down, and restrain them safely without getting them or myself hurt.

This is what happened back in 2014, and this was also discussed in that video, 15 minutes into said video, where an officer was trying to apprehend a dangerous suspect after the suspect attacked someone else, the suspect got into a fight with the officer, the officer ended up on the ground, with the suspect on top of him, beating him to death, and the officer drew his gun and shot him twice, killing him. There's an article about it here:

The youtube video then goes on to suggest that the police officers use different grappling holds to keep the suspect under control without harming them, instead of being so quick to use deadly force, and that police officers should be trained to use these effective grappling holds more often. Maybe George Floyd would still be alive today if his killers held him down this way instead of choking him with their feet.
Posted in:
I am no longer getting gmail notifications when people mention me
Thanks. It works now. I got my email notification.

What was the problem with it anyway?
Posted in:
Why do progressives assume that the police system is broken and must be defunded?
There was a debate last year about the infamous Black Lives Matter group, if you're interested in seeing ideas about that group from different perspectives.
Posted in:
I am no longer getting gmail notifications when people mention me
I haven't gotten a single email from debateart in over a month, despite me having notifications turned on, and making sure, in the settings, that the things that debateart should be notifying me on, like when someone mentions me or when the status for one of my debates changes, are set to notify me on. Emails from debate art always go to my inbox, and never to my spam folder. Do you know if anyone else is having this issue?
Posted in:
ads here
Spyware is defined as software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another's computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive.

Adguard is not "software" since it is not something that is downloaded or utilizes the hard drive. It is a google chrome extension.
Posted in:
How is oromagi undefeated?
One thing to mention is that oromagi does tend to stick to low-hanging fruit. In other words, many of oromagi's debates are about topics that his opponent knows little about, are against opponent's who are not good debaters, or end in the opponent simply forfeiting rounds or giving up, so oromagi gets free wins the majority of the time.

Examples of this include but are not limited to: where there were only 3 rounds, and both sides goofed around but oromagi stepped it up, followed by another round being forfeited where the entire debate was forfeited by the opponent, followed by this debate below ramshutu gave an awkward rfd and awarded most of the points to oromagi, without anyone else having a say more rounds forfeited by oromagi's opponent oromagi won this one merely because pro had to prove that god exists and creates life, which is too difficult for anyone to prove at the moment oromagi won because being vegan has never been a crime as far as i'm aware the claim that antifa was equivalent to the kkk turned out to be far too strong and bold for the debater to substantiate with proof opponent had poor grammar and argued poorly so it was easy for oromagi to refute them because opponent relied too heavily on pure anecdotal evidence instead of studies or data because ragnar couldn't figure out who to side with so ragnar just ended up siding with oromagi on a hunch oromagi only one this one because the voters "felt like" oromagi was right the debate title made little to no sense so oromagi won this one another troll debate where the opponent forfeited a round and then made a 1-sentence argument in the other this debate was confusing since the title was about cuomo while the description was about Donald Trump and oromagi won through the confusion opponent stated a belief instead of actually arguing that point properly another stupid senseless debate which would lead to a stupid senseless outcome of oromagi winning this one was about a film, which I would have to watch before judging opponent got stopped from debating by parents oromagi's opponent set the bar too high and made it too hard to prove their own point the opponent couldn't properly prove aliens

I believe I've only covered half oromagi's debates so far, but you guys get the idea.
Posted in:
ads here
I don't see nuthin' even with my adguard off.
Posted in:
MEEP: Code of Conduct, S&G, reporting
Posted in:
MEEP: Code of Conduct, S&G, reporting
Step 1: Right click.
Step 2: Translate to English
Posted in:
I am no longer getting gmail notifications when people mention me
Posted in:
I am no longer getting gmail notifications when people mention me
Since the owner of this site recently "redesigned" it, we were all told to expect bugs and stuff, and report what we find.

I just logged into this site, and used the notifications to see that I was mentioned in a forum post:

However, I did not get this notification in gmail, even though I had email notifications enabled.

I also did not block this person, so I should have gotten a notification in gmail, but I didn't.

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Posted in:
trump is the most powerful living thing in the history of the universe
A man is only as powerful as we make them. Donald Trump's "power" comes from, not necessarily himself alone, but rather the support we give to him, and the votes we give to him. He did not become president of the United States and gain all of this power over night. He had to campaign, convince enough of us to support him and vote for him, as well as defeat other opponent's like Hillary Clinton who also wanted to become president.

We can all just as easily take most of, if not all of his "power" away by not voting for him, and by choosing to stop supporting him.

So we can argue all day about whether or not he deserves the power that we have given him, about whether he is competent or worthy of that power, but ultimately, his power comes from us.

Being "the most powerful living thing in the history of the universe" just means that you have had the most support in the history of the universe.
Posted in:
Joe Biden says that if you don't vote for him then you are not black
I say that if you don't vote for him then you ain't stupid!
Posted in:
Revealing my Identity.
I'm Christen, and my profile pic is me.

Posted in:
MEEP: Code of Conduct, S&G, reporting
2. Allow sharing of Private Messages?
This is not to imply encouraging it... A "yes" to this may be divided into two subsets (either yes option endorses change):
"Yes1" indicates with minimal restrictions. Identifying information for example, is still protected under the general doxing rule.
"Yes2" indicates exclusively with moderator approval.
People can already share private messages without any sort of moderator approval by screenshotting the message and sending it to whoever they want to "share" it with.
People can also invite others to private chat groups on other platforms like Whatsapp, and share private messages that way.

Removal of the trolling and insults rules, but adding a no targeted harassment rule.
Yeah. I'm on board with this. Plus i'm starting to miss billbatard. We deserve an ignorant clown that we can laugh and poke fun at from time to time. Things can actually get boring around here without those kinds of people.

Anyways, some suggestions I have to improve the site overall would be to make it so that you can save rough drafts of your debate arguments in your debates and come back to it later, and also save rough drafts of your forum posts. Like if i'm debating someone, and I type half of my argument, but then it's like my bedtime or something, I want to be able to save that argument as a rough draft and come back to it later the next day to finish typing the other half of my argument. Sites like Reddit already let you do this, so I don't see why this site can't do that too. Right now, you have to either finish your entire argument, or delete your entire argument and re-type everything later when you have more time. You could also copy your current half of your argument and paste into something like notepad and save it so you could come back to it and copy and re-paste everything, but then it loses the formatting and stuff.

Also, I made another suggestion a while back to make it possible to filter out debates where rounds were forfeited, and even Virtuoso was on board with this:

Those are all of my suggestions for now. I may have more in the future...
Posted in:
Rent Controls
We should build more housing instead of trying to control the rent.
Posted in:
Bye Bye Bernie
He was a big candy-man. His campaign was mostly about promising free stuff like medicare for all, college tuition, and so on.
Posted in:
Moderation Updates
You had to make 3 comments to respond to my 1 comment?

Also, I'm pretty sure the democrats have been the ones pushing for socialized healthcare.
Posted in:
Moderation Updates
Oh dear. drafterman was only mod for like a few months and now he is gone.

As for the coronavirus...

Trump's terrible handling aside

How is Trump handling this terribly?

The poor can't even get tested, let alone treated or saved. They can't even access a pharmacy that has sufficient meds stocked at times.
There's very little that can be done for anyone with coronavirus right now except quarantine them. What we need is a vaccine or a cure, not "sufficient meds stocked at times."

needs proper informing to a panicking public about calm, clear directives on what to do.
Avoid traveling unless absolutely necessary. Stay at least several feet apart from people in public. Wash your hands with soap and water for about 20 seconds while singing happy birthday twice. Cough/sneeze into your arm not your hands, and most importantly, stop eating bats and other illegally traded wildlife!

it is actually about Right-Wing politics or ethics
No, it's not about right or left politics. It's about those stupid chinese not maintaining proper hygiene and not doing the above things I mentioned. That's why this coronavirus spread in the first place.

resulting in a brutally neglected poor and this is beyond just not providing healthcare.
Healthcare in this country has always had major problems and flaws long before Donald Trump came into office.

But hey, at least illegal aliens are able to get free health care :P
Posted in:
"Guess the Fallacy and What is the most common?"
That looks like a rare case or something. I haven't seen that fallacy committed yet, or maybe I did but missed it due to it's obscurity.
Posted in:
"Guess the Fallacy and What is the most common?"
It was supposed to be an appeal to emotion...
Posted in:
"Guess the Fallacy and What is the most common?"
This site shows some common logical fallacies.

Can any one of you identify which logical fallacy this argument is?

Why won't you donate all your money to those poor kids that are starving in that country? You're so mean and cruel if you don't give away all your money to every homeless person and starving child!

Posted in:
"Guess the Fallacy and What is the most common?"
I stumbled across this topic on a different debating site:

Basically, they make up fallacious arguments and you have to guess what kind of fallacy was committed.

I figured that would be cool to try here.
Posted in:
the war on poverty was not a failure
I think he tried to fix a lot of the issues in this country such as health care and low wages, but ended up messing it up or making it worse.

Posted in:
the war on poverty was not a failure
The easiest way to fix poverty is to increase the supply of, and/or reduce the demand for, food, health care, and shelter.
Posted in:
Why is the death penalty a big issue at all?
The biggest flaw with the death penalty is the risk of killing someone only to find out they were innocent, so we have to either improve our ability to pinpoint criminals so we don't sentence the wrong person, or remove the death penalty for everyone who does not admit to a crime and have irrefutable proof against them.
Posted in:
Trump At The March For Life
There isn't enough information to determine whether or not the mother is to blame for a random man killing her baby. Maybe the mother should have done more to protect the baby or maybe the mother was doing everything "right" and the baby still got killed, and there wasn't anything else the mother could have done.
Posted in:
The Solution To Poverty?
I understand the basics of taxes. It's just that not everyone is as fortunate as me, and some kids don't have friends or parents who are willing or able to them this basic stuff.
Posted in:
The Solution To Poverty?
I still to this day cannot figure out how this was stretched into a two day lesson. Took less than 10 minutes for me to type and should definitely take you less time to read than I spent typing.
You missed the point of my argument. The point was that we should be learning the useful stuff in school and be allowed to google the useless stuff on our own time, instead of it being the other way around.

In fact, if it only takes that little amount of time to learn some of these things like you say it is, then that would mean that we spend far more time in school than we really need, and that there wouldn't be anything wrong with making school days shorter so students get more time to live their lives.
Posted in:
The Solution To Poverty?
We need to focus on what's important, not on what you find "interesting". It's important that citizens know how to do things like taxes, registering to vote, what to do in an emergency situation, how to cook, how to operate computers, and so on.

We can't have so much time wasted learning useless facts from centuries ago. We aren't going to remember much of it anyways.
Posted in:
The Solution To Poverty?
First off, my birthday is on my profile.

Second, while it is true that we "nerds" can simply google the life skills we want to learn, the question is, why can't we instead learn those life skills in school and just google the historial facts from centuries ago? Why do we need to learn useless historial facts from centuries ago instead of googling those facts on our own time and have our time in school dedicated towards the more important stuff?
Posted in:
There should be an option to filter out debates in which rounds were forfeited
I don't like looking for debates to read and/or vote in only to see that people forfeited rounds. I want to be able to focus on the debates where every round had arguments in them and filter out debates that have forfeited rounds. It's a waste of time.
Posted in:
RationalMadmania - RM's Survivor Season 1.
Reason You Should Be Cast
Cast to what?

Your Attitude Towards Gambling
It does more harm than good.

Your Favourite Teaching of Sun Tzu
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

Your Opinion of RM
A necessary evil

Your Discord Account
Don't use discord. Too toxic.
Posted in:
The Solution To Poverty?
Here's just 1 example of a textbook filled mostly with information that is centuries old:
These are the kinds of things they teach in school. Information that is centuries old, and information about ancient Roman empires and stuff that are centuries old, as opposed to the more modern more important stuff that we need to learn today, like filing for taxes.

But instead they teach you that:

The Roman Catholic Church was the dominant religious institution in western
Europe. The leader of the church—the pope—and his bishops had great political
and spiritual authority. In the spiritual realm, church leaders determined most
matters of faith. Parish priests interpreted the scriptures and urged the faithful to
endure earthly sufferings in exchange for the promise of eternal life in heaven,
or salvation. Priests also administered important rituals called the sacraments—
such as baptism and communion—that were thought to ensure salvation.
Hand in hand with the belief in salvation was the call to convert people of
other faiths. This missionary call spurred Europe to reach out beyond its borders
first to defend, and then to spread, the faith.
CRUSADING CHRISTIANITY By the early 700s, Muslim armies had seized
huge areas of Asia and North Africa, along with most of the Iberian Peninsula,
where Spain and Portugal sit. To regain this territory, Spanish Christians waged a
campaign called the reconquista, or reconquest. By 1492, the forces of the combined kingdoms of Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon, who
married in 1469, finally drove the Muslims from the peninsula. This victory
ended more than seven centuries of religious warfare. A
united Spain stood ready to assert itself internationally and
to spread Christianity around the globe.
Meanwhile, Christian armies from all over western
Europe responded to the church’s call to force the Muslims
out of the Holy Land around Jerusalem. From 1096 to 1270,
Europeans launched the Crusades, a series of military
expeditions to the Middle East in the name of Christianity.
In the end, these bloody Crusades failed to “rescue”
the Holy Land, but they had two consequences that
encouraged European exploration and expansion. First,
they sparked an increase in trade, as crusaders returned
home with a new taste for products from Asia. Second, the
Crusades weakened the power of European nobles, many
of whom lost their lives or fortunes in the wars. Monarchs
were able to take advantage of the nobles’ weakened ranks
by consolidating their own power. Eventually, monarchs
sponsored overseas exploration in order to increase their
wealth and power.
third long-term consequence: the decline of the power of
the pope. The ultimate failure of these campaigns weakened
the prestige of the papacy (the office of the pope), which
had led the quest. Power struggles in the 1300s and 1400s
between the church and European kings further reduced
papal authority and tipped the balance of power in favor of
the monarchies.
Disagreements over church authority, along with outrage over corrupt practices among the clergy, led to a reform
movement in the early 1500s. This movement, known as
the Reformation, divided Christianity in western Europe
between Catholicism and Protestantism. This split deepened
the rivalries between European nations during the period of
American colonization and sent newly formed Protestant
sects across the Atlantic to seek religious freedom.
All useless information that you aren't gonna remember, and this was just from 1 page alone.

We spend too much time learning about ancient this and ancient that. It's absurd.
Posted in:
The Solution To Poverty?
For starters, we can fix our education system by not focusing so much on standardized testing.

We also learn lots of useless stuff in school, like, information that is several centuries old, that doesn't apply today.

Posted in:
"Internal Error - Looks like you've broken our website, what are we to do now?"
I didn't try to "hack" anything.
You can't "hack" this site.
Posted in:
"Internal Error - Looks like you've broken our website, what are we to do now?"
your website thinks I "broke" it
Posted in:
"Internal Error - Looks like you've broken our website, what are we to do now?"
Tried to challenge PoliceSheep to a debate, then when I clicked the "Create Debate" button I got that error message.

apparently the site still thinks the debate was created so it stored it and it can be visited but when I tried to archive the link it just archived the main page instead:

Posted in:
Use for RFD's
Even when I turn on "Force Enable Zoom" on my android it still doesn't let me see more of the Google Doc and it looks like this:
Posted in:
Use for RFD's
I used to use Google Docs and Pastebin for RFD's and then post the link to the Google Doc or Pastebin in the voting box.

However, some problems with Google Docs was that I would have to create 2 separate versions on the Google Doc: one for computers, and one for mobile/smartphone users, since viewing a Google Doc on the smartphone that was meant for computers would show the words all over the place and you would have to scroll left or right in addition to having to scroll up or down to read the whole thing.

Normally when I click this link using my computer, it shows up normally like this:

However, when I access this link using my android, it shows up messed up like this:

The worst part is, on my android, I can't zoom in or out, so I'm stuck having to start at the left, then scroll to the right as I read, then when I go to the next line, I have to scroll all the way to the left again, and then I have to scroll down to read the rest of it, and keep scrolling right, then left again, and so on.

However, this is another RFD of mine but it was uploaded to and then archived:

This time, I can read it nicely on the computer, and also zoom in or out when reading from my android. What's even better is that, when reading from using my android, even if I zoom in, the size of the text will automatically adjust so that it fills my whole screen, meaning I will never have to keep scrolling right left down right left down over and over again.

What makes better than the default voting tool, and better than Pastebin, is that, with you can change the size of your text, you can choose different colors of your text, you can make it bold, italic, or underline, and you can even insert images into it, none of which you can do with the default voting box or with Pastebin.

The site also has an option to purchase a "premium" to encrypt your text, but that's not necessary for writing RFD's. You can just write your RFD without having to worry about a character limit and post it. It also saves your progress so if you're writing a long RFD or something, you can write some of it now, then return and come back a few hours or days later to finish it before the voting period is over, whereas you can't really save your RFD in debateart's default voting box and come back later.

Then, if you want to preserve it, you finally archive it and then link to it when casting your vote in debates.

Posted in:
I got this error message when trying to post something: {"errors":{"text":["Required field"]}}
Why is he banned until 2102?

Why not ban until he turns 13, which would be like 2023 or 204 or something?

Posted in:
I Will Pick Your Profile Pictures 2
Now I'm picking YOUR profile picture :P

Posted in:
Title 9 Is Dead
Wait, it was actually abolished?