Best.Korea should be banned from this website.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 2 votes and with 2 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- Two days
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One month
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Open
Vote PRO if you think that Best.Korea should leave DebateArt.com.
Round 1
Excerpts from this debate:
- "When a little girl feels strong desire for an adult, nobody should prevent her to make such a relationship."
- "There are some people who seem to belive that children cannot feel pleasure from adults."
- "If a little girl expresses powerful desire to be with an adult, your disruptive involvement is unwanted."
Yes, Best.Korea actually said these things. And there's more!
Excerpt from this debate:
- "Maybe the age difference could be a small problem if she is 5 years old and he is 45 years old, but they could overcome that and continue their relationship."
Excerpt from this debate:
- "If a pedophile gives candy to a little girl, surely she will love him more."
Best.Korea vs. Bella3sp: In most cases, minor attracted persons shouldnt get death penalty if they had sexual relationship with a child
Excerpt from this debate:
- "Child's partner was making child happy. Taking away child's partner destroys child's happiness and makes child confused."
Looking at these quotes, I can only draw one conclusion about Best.Korea. . .
You gotta admit that thats funny.
I should not be banned for having a supernatural sense of humor.
Round 2
I should not be banned for having a supernatural sense of humor.
Best.Korea is trying to downplay it as a joke.
But are all of your copy-and-paste arguments a joke?
Best.Korea only puts effort into about half of his arguments.
Here are some more 0-effort arguments from Best.Korea.
I could continue on and on, but you get the point.
Some users put hours of work into their arguments.
Best.Korea usually responds with only a sentence.
This is ridiculous and it needs to stop.
But are all of your copy-and-paste arguments a joke?
Its called effortless arguing.
Best.Korea only puts effort into about half of his arguments.Here are some more 0-effort arguments from Best.Korea.
I could continue on and on, but you get the point.Some users put hours of work into their arguments.Best.Korea usually responds with only a sentence.This is ridiculous and it needs to stop.
I disagree.
Round 3
Let's look at some of Best.Korea's forum posts:
I have 367 forum topics.
Most of them are normal and sane.
You cherry picked those to make me look bad,
even tho I think they make me look more cool and open minded than bad.
Round 4
Morality is the object. You are the subject.
Morality is the question. You are the respondent.
Morality is the question.
An answer to a question can be correct, incorrect, or subjective.
But a question just is.
"Is that moral?"
This question is not subjective, correct, or incorrect.
This question objectively exists, but it is nothing more.
The concept of morality objectively exists.
Your opinions on morality are subjective.
Well, I do like morality.
Round 5
As for my round 4 argument, That was actually an accident.
My round 4 argument was supposed to be for my other debate.
Anyway, I am no longer annoyed, just don't accept any of my debates ever again.
Anyway, I am no longer annoyed, just don't accept any of my debates ever again.
Well, okay. I can agree to that.
Best.Korea is fun to have around. His humour definitely has supported those who are under extreme stress. Best.Korea radiates potential.
Thanks for voting.
A simple block button anyone can use would prevent me from accepting their debates.
They dont even have to bother to ask me.
Of course, if someone asks me not to accept his debates, I wont.
I am cool with it.
Technically a callout debate, but BK seems cool with it.
Well, still, I must thank you again.
Thanks to you, I might recover my old skills I used in those old debates.
I even forgot about them, but now that I read them, I see that they are trully great and I was better debater then than I am now.
Nobody debates like you, and that's for a good reason.
Thanks, I appreciate the insult, but really, you gotta give me some compliment there.
How many people do you see debating like that?
Your debates are the furthest thing from art.
Thanks for reminding me of my old debates.
Really, those are pure art.
Sadly, I somehow lost ability to write like that again, since I stopped after being banned for it once and my skills got forgotten and lost.
Its been a long time since I used my skills in writing.
I am wondering if I should troll this, ignore it or take it seriously, or all of these.