Total debates: 220
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debate of anti vs pro LGBT
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No I'm not saying that this goes to everyone, but most people do not speak their full free minds.
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If you don't know who he is. BackwardSeden is basically some guy on
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Combat units are best off comprised of all men, that differing assortments.
Should women should be treated as property?
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Should law enforcement officers be allowed to prophylactically deploy "stun grenades," devices designed to induce temporary incapacitation by generating a burst of extreme light and noise, against possible but unconfirmed threats?
For any changes to the parameters. Queries about definition. Or additional terms in the description, please consult the comments section.
Resolution: Some races are bad for society, I will take the Pro position of the debate.
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Trying my hand at a small debate
I am playing devil's advocate. Let's do more debates related to my actual expertise.
Gary plauche did the right thing by murdering a child molestor.
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Resolved: Civil war is upon us. It isn’t North v. South, nor East v. West, and not even Hatfield v. McCoy. It’s law and order v. anarchy
They-who-shall-not-be-named are out to get me.
No trolling kritik semantics shit.
Seldiora's infamous "I can I BB"
Spanking/paddling should be allowed as a form of punishment in American public schools. Spanking/paddling as we're talking about is ONLY that which the law would permit a parent to do in the United States and nothing more.
I am con on this position. I am fine with the "militarization" of police.
Reasonable corporal punishment should be permitted in American public schools. Forfeiting is an automatic loss.
Controversial Debate Series: Reasonable corporal punishment should be permitted in American public schools. Forfeiting is an automatic loss.
Where do women belong?
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I can I BB debate topic
Picking a career is an important and difficult choice for some individuals. They battle to decide if the decision they make will damage or help their future. Furthermore, parents will in general mediate with their child's choice and take the necessary steps for their youngster to take the "ideal" profession. With both the parent and the youngster attempting to pick one future, who has got to be the one to settle on the ultimate choice?
In this debate we talk about how police should or shouldn't be allowed to use lethal force or violence .
Police should be allowed to use lethal force/torture
Cancel culture and its influence on society.
Every kid has a dream job, they want to be something amazing, but they are not old and mature enough to the point of choosing their Career
Humans should Invest In Technology And Colonize Other Planets. Did you know that Nasa spends a total of 22.2 Billion dollars every year? This number is bigger than some countries' entire economy. If this money was collected and spread to people in need it would most probably end poverty in less than 10 years.
Let's try this again. I ain't gonna lose this time.
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another mini debate challenge.
The sale of human organs should be legalized.
It is always better that parents and children should decide together on the career they would pursue. Teens can get the information about the latest trends while the parents can get their practical experience to the table to make a decision.
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