Total debates: 418
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Is theism is more likely than atheism?
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Did Jesus die on the cross and leave the tomb 3 days later? You be the judge. The format will be a tad unconventional for the site.
The debate is the way God is viewed and described. The trinity is a Christian doctrine that are three persons (entities) sharing in one divine essence.
It is better to believe in God than not to believe in God because of the possible consequences that may follow if you do not believe in God.
I, Rayhan16, am on the side of Islam. I would like to debate someone who is on the side of Christianity. This debate is about which one is the truest religion.
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Is the transmigration of the human soul a proven fact?
I, PRO, believe that, on balance, the Christian doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is ethically tenable. As CON, you believe that the Christian doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is ethically indefensible.
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I would like to debate on why I believe the orthodox church is the true church of the first millennium and the Church of Christ and why Catholicism is a schismatic church that developed its doctrines and dogmas post schism and is very unrelated to the church of the first millennium.
The con side will argue that "God" does not exist The pro side will argue that "God" does exist
I will defend the position that miracle claims are unlikely to be true.
I, Rayhan16, am on the side of Islam. I want to debate a contender that is on the side of atheism.
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I am an atheist and stand firm on the opinion that god is fictional and no evidence can be presented to substantiate otherwise,
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A debate on whether all religions are equal in truth(pluralism) vs only Christianity is true.
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Debate between the world's two largest religions. I would like to clarify that rayhan16 will advocate Islam while Swagnarok will advocate Christianity. Let's aim for a civil and respectful debate.
This debate is about whether GOD EXISTS or not, if Yes, which religion is the true one from GOD
lets have a normal civil debate
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Islam is more true than Christianity
Muslim Women are not oppressed because of Islam
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Terrorism is not allowed in Islam
Islam is not a bad religion
Islam is not a horrific religion
This debate will focus on the premise of whether or not God exists.
baby, baby: bigfeets is bullshit: there aint no maybe about sasquatch boy-o's/ some mega-monkey squatting under sequoias/ there aint no fuzzy Cro-Magnon still extant/ no Neolithic Neanderthal grizzly/ no upright-bear-with-orangutan-face/ no crypto-Chewbacca with half human mind/baby, baby, Bigfeets is bullshit
I do not believe that Jesus is God and the trinity does not make any sense
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Women in Islam are not oppressed
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Islam does not condone terrorism, it is against it
I want to debate about Islam. I believe it is the true religion, some may say something different but I just want to hear other peoples views.