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A popular but controversial user.

Total topics: 174

This is an entirely optional survey for everybody on DART to participate in. If you don't want to, that's totally fine.

  • Are you vaccinated (or getting vaccinated very soon, no need to specify which), whether you are or aren't please state why (if it's a 'no' due to rare immunodeficiency disease you don't need to specify which just say health-related)?
recently/soon, yes but until very recently I wasn't open to the idea. I have been continually pressured/encouraged by close family members to get it and while I personally am not in a group or status that will die from Covid (very sure of that, though my family said otherwise out of paranoia), I am someone who reacts terribly to the fatigue and tax-on-body that brutal disease fights take. I'm a tough guy, don't get me wrong, however my quality of life would significantly go down if I had the 'long covid' kind of effects that people can get who don't die from it.

I already suffer from chronic fatigue (not officially diagnosed with CFS but without caffeine and a mild antidepressant I'd be a groggy, bitter/tired guy all the time, I don't think that it's curable, it's just how I was wired post-puberty, I didn't need caffeine to function well or cope before I turned around 18-19 but at 19 it really hit me and has remained with me since). I don't want that kind of suffering of not being able to go for a walk without being exhausted, I have a minimal level of health to not be called useless/unhealthy but I'm not at all a very fit guy, I live mainly on computer (both for work and play) and I would hate that if even that tired me out significantly, life just would be a pain to live through.

  • Which vaccine, why that vaccine?

The reason why is because I'm paranoid about mRNA but want to protect myself, I'm actually in an age band and health status that I'd be recommended to get Pfizer and/or Moderna rather than that.

AZ was actually developed in a university for motives not related to corporate profit entirely at all (but partly profit-based, yes). It is also far more liable than Pfizer and Moderna for what can happen to it legally and officially if its vaccine is proven to result in severe harm that could have been foreseen.

  • Do you support vaccine mandates?
I am moderate/neutral on mandates for professions that directly deal with customers (for the employees) but for the general population beyond that, I am absolutely against mandates. I believe that anyone who is pro-mandate ought first to make all politicians and their bodyguards take the vaccine then and prove it by showing their app-verification or certificate or something. This will help alleviate paranoid people on why the powerful aren't proving they took it.

I do not support the mandate on a legal level (as opposed to company-level), regardless.

  • Do you believe Covid is a left-wing conspiracy?
No, I think China is hypercapitalistic in fact and that if anything was involved it was right-wing oriented entirely.

37 17
state that you are running, campaigns should already be out...
12 7
The main reason to get vaccinated during this time is that the science supports it, not just politicians (if you aren't in a group that will be risky with JJ or AZ, I recommend them instead of mRNA if you are a conspiracy theorist about mRNA).

I think it is easy to assume that all tyranny is inherently 'wrong' as in worth fighting but sometimes it may be the tyrant wants what's best for us. Not all strict parents are giving their children bad orders, it comes down to the 'why'. In my opinion, vaccination has strong why's at this point, the only debate is if mRNA is worth the risk of what it can do to our cells in the long run.

I disagree with the approach of recommending the riskier vaccines that are using brand new science that hijacks cells to make us immune (mRNA). What do I mean by 'riskier' well, even if it has the higher efficacy rate in being protective against Covid variants and even if in the short-term it is showing less side effects for the non-allergic to its ingredients, mRNA vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna are actually riskier from a skeptic's perspective no matter how much your jab nurse will try to talk you out of it (UNLESS YOU ARE of a particular capillary and any kind of blood related issue or allergic issue with ingredients in AZ/JJ)don't listen to the 'logic' because that isn't how probability works.

You can't say the risk is greater because the bad of the other option isn't knowable yet. After enough boosters with gradual alteration to body cells then by around booster 6, then we may begin to see really what's happening as enough will be altered to even get a hope of a glimpse. We are barely on booster 1 for the older population, we don't know a thing about mRNA's long-term ability to damage the body.

Thus, I ask both sides, why they don't go for the oldschool vaccines like AstraZeneca and Johson & Johnson, you cannot really be losing out you can at worst gain not much vs delta and now omnicron variant but at least vs Covid-19 you are immune to high degrees, following your second jab of AZ or first jab of JJ (JJ is less good specifically because it's only a single jab but that's a debate for another day).

I will like both anti-vaxxers and pro-mRNA to tell the logic of their stances.
36 8
Something that occurred to me is whether or not one supports Kyle Rittenhouse or the 2 dead men in terms of morality, one must definitely be horrified at guns and America's easy-access culture regarding them.

In any other highly developed nation, it would horrify everybody in the society that somebody as young as Kyle Rittenhouse could just so easily grab an AR-15 and, on the other end of the spectrum, that the rioters could all be possessing pistols fully able and ready to hurt people (Rosenbaum couldn't get one because he's mentally unwell and I guess didn't want to risk getting one illegally).

The fact that guns themselves are so easy to access, as well as the fact that the possession of an AR-15 via cross-state methodology for Rittenhouse to end up possessing it doesn't warrant any legal penalty, makes me wonder what exactly Americans consider 'too far'.

At what stage, after how many incidents of either mass shootings or back-and-forth killing scenarios between criminals (Rittenhouse wasn't a criminal before and perhaps after this but the back-and-forth element was there, no matter who we support it was about to happen possibly with Huber and the guys, I'm not denying that)?

I am not making this thread to talk bad about Rittenhouse, something deeper that's an issue is how gun-happy American culture in general is. There is something deeply disturbing about the fact that events like this don't make people hate guns but instead be fervently proud of how they were wielded instead.
34 9
What I'm seeing from the left-wing is major hypocrisy, double standards and bullcrap going on right now.

They are saying Kyle, who I agree was very unwise to have been there, deserves to be convicted of murder because he brought the situation on himself and they use the fact he had such a big gun to prove he knew he was seeking out potentially lethal trouble.

They also accurately note that he probably is a white supremacist because the Proud Boys helped bail him out instantly, an act they would not have done had he not in some way been aligned, as far as I know.

The focus seems to be entirely on Kyle Rittenhouse, who is one guy in a situation where he definitely defended himself on both counts. Even people close to me IRL have become delusional with this case, calling me a right-wing supremacist/sympathiser for daring to see Kyle's side of the story as valid.

I don't really understand why nobody is focusing on the issue of guns. Guns were the issue. This entire same scenario would never have happened had everyone been unarmed, including that Kyle wouldn't have had the guts to be there alone and without backup in the first place.

I don't condone anything the rioter scumbags did, including their past offences but I also think suggesting it's okay for Kyle to kill someone for their past offences is equally stupid. The focus needs to become if ultimately America is better off with guns or without them. Idk what's happened to everybody but this isn't about Kyle nor about BLM, one of the guys who threatened Kyle's life yelled the N-word... How can be be a BLM protester when as a Caucasian he uses the N-word?!
75 8
Fuck the illuminati, whether vaccinated or not. This is a terrible fucking example of how to keep your populace happy during a traumatic time.

7 3
There are scenes in later episodes where I literally shed tears. I am not ashamed about admitting that but I will tell you that for me to do that, a series needs to really be powerful. Another series I have shed tears during that's big and on Netflix is Lucifer (but you need to watch many episodes and some seasons in before really getting to where it began to get that deep).

Squid Game is epic, genuinely, I have almost never watched something that made me feel so many emotions at once.
Show business
37 7
  1. Why was someone who blatantly is affiliated with white supremacists (ones whom paid instantly to get him bail and have been socialising with him frequently before and after he was inititally arrested) at a BLM protest? If he was there to 'defend' then who was it who requested a 17-year-old to carry an AR-15 across state lines in order to 'defend' something? Isn't requesting that illegal?
  2. Why did he murder Rosenbaum? I am aware of the things Rosenbaum has been found guilty of and that he was very high asking to be shot but nobody in their right mind would presume that the right action would be to literally kill him just because he's asking to be shot.
  3. Do you agree that if (and it is the case that) the 'mob' only set on Rittenhouse after the Rosenbaum murder on an unarmed man, then it suddenly becomes much clearer who was the fundamental attacker vs defender in the aggression that ensued. Huber was proactively trying to get Rittenhouse to disarm and not escape so that
    a) he can't go on to murder any others
    b) cops could arrive before  he's gotten away, to arrest him for the Rosenbaum murder
  4. After he'd also murdered Huber instead of surrendering, what exactly is he using as his moral high ground?

14 6
"It's appalling the way AstraZeneca has been treated. I wouldn't blame them if they were thoroughly fed up and decided to bow out of the Covid vaccine business."
That was the view from one of the biggest institutional investors in the UK.
It's not a view the pharmaceutical giant and its talismanic boss Pascal Soriot would have expected to hear, having developed a safe, effective vaccine at breakneck speed, signing contracts to deliver nearly two billion doses and doing it all without making a profit.
Mr Soriot could be forgiven perhaps for thinking he would be getting a medal.
Instead he is getting brickbats from EU politicians like Belgian MEP Philippe Lamberts, who has accused the company of dishonesty and arrogance, in the way he alleges, it has "over-promised and under-delivered".
Some are suggesting that the whole endeavour has been more trouble than it is worth.
AstraZeneca has foregone over $20bn (£14.5bn) in revenue, while becoming a household name in the EU and the US for all the wrong reasons.
Some investors have even questioned Pascal Soriot's position as chief executive.
Astra has become a political football in a European blame game.
One minute his compatriot, the French President Emmanuel Macron, is describing the vaccine as "quasi-ineffective", and the next, President Macron is volunteering to have the jab himself and backing a move to block exports outside the EU.

Based on what I read, AZ is worldwide the best option, especially for poorer nations. If you have issues either with blood clotting or blood retention then don't take it but otherwise it should be fine. I am not here to speak against Pfizer and Moderna but I'll do so against Pfizer if need be as I deeply resent how they've been blackmailing countries to take liability and cover their (Pfizer's) full legal fees even having military base locations as collateral (yes, really).

Why are some countries so anti-AZ? 
8 3

Play Colonel Blotto!
The tactical lotto!
Most highest totals:
That is our motto!








Forum games
41 5
If you are zones 6-10 start like this:


If you are the inverse, 1-5, just flip it:


If the opponent attacked your zone 7 or alternatively your zone 3 (the one you had a default of 3 in) or upward in points (zones with 4 or 5) at any point in the game, you are already 100% safe. If not, you are still at risk. Note that them attacking your zone with 3 doesn't lose them the game if you don't play correctly, it does however increase the odds you and them tie at worst (for you) significantly due to how the leads and incomplete information of where to allocate per Round works (you have more chaos on your side, they are more predictable as 3 of theirs have been spent in a way you already cancelled out which you didn't do in reverse to them).

It is important to know which of the two has occured because you are always fundamentally thinking like an attacker or defender, never neither.

If you are in defense-mode still, pay attention to any spot where the opponent has +1 or +2 on you but not +3, add 1 to these spots in the next round, not more and not less. Even if it's +2, add only 1. Any spot where you've gained +2, add 1.

Any spot that's tied, add 2, any spot that's +2, add 1.

The things I just said apply to all zones, even ones where you have 4 or 5 if they attacked there.

If they have +3 on you anywhere, surrender the zone. You will be able to tie it later if need be. 

If they have +4 or more on you 100% surrender it, they've lost the game already.

In Round 3, pay attention to how they went about approaching your Round 1 moves. Did they react strongly to something? If they did, add 3 to it the next Round. If they didn't, add four 2s as you see fit.

Never ever, at any stage here allow yourself to potentially be +4 or more in any zone that you weren't already by default.

Aim to be +2 everywhere in conflict but don't worry about risking being +3.

From this point on, Round 4 and onwards, change the algorithm to aim to add nothing to zones where the enemy is +2 and instead keep adding +3 to zones where they are +1 and adding +2 to zones where you're tied. If somehow this isn't possible to be considered optimal due to a rare approach by the opponent, add 2 to all zones under conflict on your Round 4 AND Round 5 turn, ignore anything happening that suggests otherwise. 7 doesn't divide by 2 so add 3 to one of them, don't add 1 anywhere in a scenario where the prior split doesn't leave you with 0.

By Round 6 you've either already won the game or are going to be playing for a tie.

At this point, assess if overall you're ahead or not. If you're ahead, stick to where you have a lead and maintain a +2 lead there. Anywhere the enemy has a +1 lead, contest it for a tie. If the enemy has +2, potentially add 1 (never 2) to it if you have any spare because such a scenario means everything is deep and you want to make their lead more shallow.

In the final 3 Rounds, if you have played as recommended here, you actually never need to split. Do all-in moves, if the enemy guesses wrong you win if they guess right you tie. You have no capacity to lose if you did everything correctly.

Forum games
2 1
Just as with the other one it ends up reaching a point where either I accept it as a chore or pay to cover my relaxation (neither is desirable).

So, ironically, I can see the flaws with it that Mesmer mentioned earlier. It doesn't fit very well into anyone who has a busy lifestyle and who then doesn't want to spend much on a game.

The core issue is that games like this require consistent effort and dedication from the player. This, of course, is by design and makes it a very stimulating pastime, except that when you factor in how many hours are in every day, how much energy you have and the emotions of real life vs even the game (yes, it gets emotionally intense, it's a social clan game with drama and rivalries) it amounts to a grind, where the grit required is something that acts against the pleasure from the game. There is no pleasure from spending money on a game in itself, the pleasure if from the progress but if you constantly feel like the progress is requiring you to either work your ass off in the game or in real life to pay, it amounts to the game not being a game, it's a chore. Thus defeating the reason you played the game in the first place (to have fun as you let off steam from your chores). 

I do see the appeal of these games and could even see ways each could be refined and/or improved but ultimately it doesn't matter how you design a real-time strategy game that is based around clans and building, either it becomes a chore or it becomes a bore... I know it rhymes but that is indicative of the irony of it all.

Eventually, of course, it becomes both but at that stage you feel so invested into it all that you don't want to quit and let all your time, effort and actual money go to waste.

This doesn't make me at all say that I see particularly how this type of game is worse than any particular game franchise that is pay-to-play, since this is actually free to pay and all payments are your choice but I do see the problem with the structure of it, you end up trapped and don't know a way out. It may take your phone breaking (but then you have emulator, however it will still factor in) or something along those lines for you to start to see the issue.

I happen to be someone who both can get 'addicted' to these games and yet can remain resolute with how much I spend etc (I guess it's upbringing that plays into this though, since I was always raised to understand what any cost really means and stuff) so I don't personally notice the 'predatory' aspect of these games as too brutal or harsh and don't see these companies as particularly immoral, compared to any sort of 'pay us to get pleasure' service. However, I can somewhat see the issue given the social elements of the game (you're in a clan etc) and how it keeps you stuck, afraid to wither away and lose all your progress. It doesn't matter how mentally disciplined you are, the quitting feels horrible at worst or dull/numbing at best. I would say that one thing that could improve these game types is if there were 'levels' and I don't mean newer servers because that's already there and is fair enough. There could be 'levels' to the servers and you move up or slide down the servers based on your progress, this would be far, far fairer and superior even helping you with matchmaking for the clan wars. The reason they don't do this, which is justifiable, is that this would also force you out of your clan and make you stuck in a whole new server, interacting with all new poeple who are just as powerful or even slightly more powerful than yourself.

5 4

What I see is people talking big, their white privilege is evident,
Spoilt brats born rich, think their ancestor's wealth is heaven-sent,
Think they deserve a cent of it, then wonder why the rest resent the fact that blacks have inheritance far less common and the bottom of the barrel's only low due to past prejudice still rendering results the remain prevalent,
What do you know about it? Petulance among caucasions blessed with tenament,
They used to own all votes but cannot gloat the privilege anymore; protestors got the betterment thanks to Democratic president's benevolence,
I know Lincoln freed the slaves, but the was a fuck-ton more to fix and that he never did,
Civil Rights, affirmative action and practically every tax that helped them was down to Dem's development,
Some of you are blaming B-L-M for their reverence towards a party that blatantly helped the blacks so much and today is dedicated to egalitarian prevalence,
I suggest getting your head out of your ass, read less Mein Kampf and your Faux Fox News and more objective facts that'll slap the ignorance out of your mind so fast it's like a zap of electric intelligence,
You look at looters and think they represent the protests when they are literally hurting black business owners, you're a moron for suggesting it,
Get to grips with reality, commit less logical fallacies and open your mind to the issue that's affecting many African-American residents.
23 8
Tell me please, fans of Apple, what makes it the privacy phone provider and I will decimate you with the fineprint of the terms and conditions as well as exposing just how much it can spy on you more than the rest due to owning your hardware.
35 6
RM is a dick and We need dicks

The answer is yes. He's a dick. We have 3 types of people on this site. 

1. We have assholes that shit on everybody. They Shit on pussies and dicks. These can be considered the mods or the committed trolls and maybe a few others. Mostly though they are mods and religious forum trolls who for some reason sometimes venture out of the religion forum.

2. We have pussies. If you are reading this, this is probably you. The pussies tend to get fucked, by the dicks and shit on by the assholes. This is your most common Dart user, and I unfortunately can not name names for fear of breaking the rules here and being banned.

3. Then you have the dicks. Sure they fuck you pussies. It's true that they also get shit on by assholes, but sometimes, dicks fuck assholes. RM is a dick. We need him to fuck the mods who are assholes.  I know. You pussies don't like dicks, because they fuck you. However without the dicks occasionally fucking the assholes, than assholes would just shit all over everything. 

Why this dick in particular

Let's be honest. Dicks are a rare breed, but there are a few dicks to choose from to fuck the asshole mods. Why pick RM?

1. Nobody is more committed to this site than RM. He does more debates than anyone, posts more than almost anyone, votes more than anyone. He won't just disappear if we elect him. RM will fight for you pussies non stop against being shit on. You pussies need him.

2. RM always fights for what is right. This guy never backs down from a fight, He will not be bullied by the mods, they won't muzzle him. If he thinks something is wrong, nobody here will fight harder to make it right, even at the expense of his own self interest. 

3. We owe RM. For one second stop thinking about yourselves pussies. The fact the mods want to lock him out is enough reason to elect him, The above 2 points on their own is enough reason to elect him, but we owe RM. Without him the activity level on this site would be too low to make it enjoyable. It isn't just his own activity, but the response he sparks from people. He is single handedly keeping this site alive. 



27 12
To avoid this being labelled a callout thread, I will specify that this is attacking an idea, not a certain individual who keeps using the idea.

The idea is exacerbated due to Covid targetting the obese harsher in its symptoms and lethality, similar to the elderly and those with lung and heart conditions (actually heart conditions and obesity are closely linked but can be independent).

In Japan, South Korea and many 'western' social democracies today, you will notice something extremely shocking when you compare it with the general people's body proportions in a nation like the US or the upper class in less developed nations; there are becoming less 'fat' people amongst the wealthy in these nations.

Why is that? It is perhaps, if extremely cynical, to do with campaigns and policies of 'taxing sugar' etc that certain governments carried out over recent years to help (according to skeptics who propose this idea) to reduce costs on the socialised or partially-socialised healthcare. If that's true, why don't proponents of this idea support the US doing that then?

As in, why don't proponents of the idea that obese people would drain the economy too much if healthcare were socialised, instead support information programs and policies on fast food (the same meal name in Europe is around only 60% as unhealthy as the same meal in the US, I am not exaggerating, this is due to strict EU policy regarding 'how unhealthy a single meal can be' in Europe which is a law that simply doesn't even exist in US), Japan and South Korea also healthier but that is more cultural (if it was purely oily and greasy fast food there, they'd not visit it much as they have much healthier 'fast food' outlets, focused on strips of meat and/or fish with decent amount of vegetables and only easy-to-digest starch formats like rice, etc). 

If you would observe what a culture can do if it begins to positively (not negatively or abusively) pressure the obese to make healthier life decisions, as one whole society (rather than individuals teasing and having spite for one another) you would see a much more exponential transition towards a healthier populace. You can call it Orwellian, even I was not a fan of the sugar tax (I love sugary treats now and again and am a slim guy myself) but ultimately it's about the 'greater good'.

If more people end up less draining on society and happier+healthier, these policies can be optimal for the society. It's all based around that metric. Stop screaming 'freedom' and then going 'oh no not everyone uses their freedom so wisely'. You don't matter enough on your own for your 'good life decisions' to outweigh the bad ones others can/will make without guidelines and restrictions. You're not the only citizen of your nation.
10 6
hit me up.

if you're curious about RoK, this is a great video to check out:

^ this was made before Vikings civ existed but trust me, don't start Viking transfer into it later instead.
7 2
I am aware I voted no to the Presidency thing. I understand how this looks but ultimately if it exists I am all for trying. I never once made a secret of my ambitions to be a moderator here, yet I accept that both due to aggression I had to a couple of users here early on and due to me being a social outcast amongst the 'clique' who are moderators, I'll never be one for the foreseeable future.

So, I want you to know what I can and will do for you if you put me in the president position and explain why I am better than almost anyone else who will run for it.

Defense Attorney Guarantee
I absolutely promise you that no matter what Chris, Supa, Ragnar, David or whoever does to gaslight or silence you if/when a ban heads your way and you speak harshly against it, I will both personally represent your case to them even if I disagree with you and think you earned your ban as well as to create a thread myself that they won't dare to close, about your ban for the community to discuss in.

To prove to you that I represented you, I will post captions from our conversations regarding your moderation to a thread I create after the verdict is finally given or they ignore me completely.

Politics/Religion and Bias worries

I identify as left-wing and religiously you could call me agnostic but really I have my own theory that is close to Taoist philosophy in its conclusions and the way I go about life.

I can't promise you that I am going to be completely immune of bias in terms of caring as much if someone who agrees with me is censored vs someone espousing views I disagree with and I think any other candidate who promises you that is not self-aware. 

What I can promise you is unless you have been particularly nasty to me personally, I'll unblock you and hear out why your particular censored content is wrongly treated that way. 

In cases of harassment and two-way bullying, I have never and will never just instantly say the left-wing person or less religious person is in the right. To me, BrotherDThomas is a much bigger issue to the website community than Ethang5 despite the former blatantly being an atheist troll guised as a Christian and the latter being an unabashed Conservative Christian.

I know what bias is and am aware I have it but I will do everything in my conscious power to correct it. If and when it does happen, I am open to criticism, it will be something I'll need to prove doubters wrong on. I'm not immune to it, I accept it.

My agenda

My primary agenda is to make DART more of a website I'm not ashamed to show off to my family and IRL friends or whatever. As it is now, it's bit of a cringey trollfest in many departments and it's not as much an issue that the trolls are active as it is that I feel not enough special events like debate tournaments and actual worthwhile threads are created and contributed to.

I am going to heavily ensure if someone is baited by trolls to overreact and then gets banned that such user doesn't need to operate here totally afraid and instead ensure that the mods see who the provoking member was and to put into context each post.

I also want to give tips and advise to users in situations that I, as an ordinary user, perhaps never get to hear about or see in a combination of private and public clashes. As you know, I support using the block function much more readily and without the shame that most do. I'd always advise that as a default but I am quite good at seeing situations from both sides and would give tailored advice to any user who is feeling targeted and doesnt know how to handle it without lashing out and who feels the mods don't care.

I want this website to be a pleasure, a website you open every other day excited to see what's being posted rather than worry which nuisance has posted and made you not bother to use the site anymore due to. Those who don't know what I am referring to or how it can be achieved without censorship are welcome to vote against me. Those who want to see if I live by my word, should vote for me and see.

I am not going to cower to Chris, Supa, Ragnar or any of them. I am my own person and my agenda is entirely independent of whatever their clique may approve or or laugh into silence. Whatever you want for the website or to get heard in your defebse, let me know. If you're banned and feel nobody heard your case out, I'm not entirely sure what to do yet as I am not keen to give an email nor would I regularly check one but eventually off-site communication can be arranged. At the moment the presently banned seem to all be severe cases. The only one I think actually could be overturned would be Type1 but that's without knowing when he'd next go wild. When he tries, he's an extremely active and entertaining member. When he doesn't try, he becomes toxic and stupid and I do think personally that he knows that but anyway, the rest I'm not sure about. They all seem legitimate permabans.
35 6
All Clan War games run on the fundamentally same game theory, it isn't what you may think (resource gathering is a necessary but overrated aspect of it, as is raw offense, being in a strong clan is worth 100x as much as saving up for a massive boon in power later, always play to overrate yourself early, so as to appeal to the good clans ASAP, this is true whether you're a significantly paying player or not. It would only be slightly unnecessary if you're either the leader of or buddy of a leader of a strong clan.)
quoted from my profile.

I won't say too much here, maybe I'll want to reveal more later on and this guide won't be that unique, if you dig hard enough someone else has said these concepts at some point regarding certain games in the genre but I am going to summarize things that may or may not be obvious and that I have found all clan war games are based on:

  1. Do not start a clan war game if you can't no-life the game for 3 solid days. You need to be able to dedicate 3 solid real life days where you spend at least half of your waking hours towards this game. I am not kidding, this matters so much more than you think. If you're skilled enough, you'd be able to slack off the middle day of the three due to how bursts of bonuses work in these games but to do that you need to be willing to spend 5-7 dollars to cover it and then it will basically put you exactly where you need to be. If you had worked hard all three days at it, you usually only need to pay 1-2 dollars on a small package boost thing.
  2. You need to be mentally and financially ready to spend around 15 dollars on the game. This is a minimum, trust me. If you are not willing to spend that money on a game, especially a mobile game, that's fair enough but quit while you're ahead. You won't excel at 90% of the games out there if you're 100% aiming to be free-to-play because the time and energy required to pull of hyper-farming to compensate for the lack of payment still means next to nothing once we analyse significantly premium buys like high-tier vigilantes in Mafia City, high-tier Commanders (or maxing out the good Commanders you already own) in Rise of Kingdoms, so on and so forth. You really will need to spend money on these games as you progress, you will hit 'paywalls' that are not at all things where skill and dedication truly can overcome the complete pay-only stepping block you need to climb over said wall in progress. It's up to you to prove me wrong on this, I am certain this is true, in fact it unfortunately is more like double that amount; 30 dollars, if you really want to be close to genuinely dominant in a server.
  3. If points 1 and 2 are fully embraced by you and you're ready to proceed, spend day 1 doing everything the game tells you to do. Do not think you are smarter than the game is, it is built to guide you to do basic things very well, so do them all as it tells you to do. However, the one exception to this rule is if you have the opportunity to upgrade a resource tile/production-zone in your city/turf/town whatever it's called (your place/base where you produce things in) then do this regardless of the game telling you it's wise or not. Just do it, it's always worth it in all of these game formats before they make it obvious that it's worth it. 
  4. On day 2, you need to start using your brain, at the end of day 1 when you had to work or sleep or whatever, you should have left 1-2 troops gathering resources depending what the game let you do. Day 2 should begin with you ignoring the missions/quests the game assigns you and putting on whatever kind of gathering boost the game gives you, even a production boost if you find yourself short of something. Use it all, ramp up the buildings do everything you can do as fast as possible and gather, gather, gather. Dedicate entirely to your main account, you shouldn't have a farm account yet. Just go ham and be a resource-hungry blind player. Even if your 'team' clan/alliance/whatever-name-team tells you to help them, ignore them, you shouldn't be in an amazing team, you should be in a bad team for beginners. Once you're done and all your buildings and training are decent, you ditch that team for a recruiting team that isn't pro and very high-tier but is decent. It is important even if you havethe power to hit a better team's minimum, you stick to a medium team where you are above the minimum. I will explain why in the next step.
  5. You are now in your 'floating team', this team will become your brethren and friends for the next 2 weeks of your clan war game life. Do not piss them off but don't be entirely quiet so they would sooner kick you than another. Be friendly, keen and active. They build an alliance building and need help? Help out if you can. They are under attack because they stupidly annoyed another clan? Consider joining the other clan or help them out but if you join the other be sure you'll want to and be able to last there. You are a floating boat in an ocean, let the mediocre team carry you. For all you know you hit the jackpot and this is that one mediocre team that actually becomes one of the big players later on, if not it doesn't matter. It's better to aim for a team that's your language and able to interact socially well with you. You'll learn ins and outs of the game by the tryhards within the mediocre team (there's always 2-3) and you'll be able to have a good reputation as a loyal member. Ignore the invites you may get from the 'big boy' teams, that's not your job yet. Stick with this team, help, do everything that is required to be seen as a good team member and don't worry about power-increase, let it naturally come, perhaps pay a small package to help you on your way if you get busy IRL. Keep your ear close to 'da street' and get a sense of which clan is a big power player. This is 100% essential to your success in the city/kingdom/empire (server's) long-run. DURING THIS STEP YOU SHOULD BUILD YOUR FARM ACCOUNTS
  6. The moment you're comfortable on your farm account(s), start to look for the big-player clan that's looking for you (some games only require 1, others 2-3, don't worry about being a hyperfarmer, keep your farms decent, that's all that matters). You should be at least 2 full weeks into the game past the time you joined the previous clan. Trust me on this 2-week rule, it's not just about power gain pace, it's about streetsmart pace, you need to see who rises and falls and has a bad vs good reputation. Aim to join the clan who has the best reputation and has done the least sins to other clans, value that over power if the two aren't clear. Within the top four clans of a typical clan war game server, the one who is consistently obeying the 'street code' and has very consistent etiquette is most likely run by players who have deep knowledge and respect for the game, regardless of how particularly powerful they are at that moment. If worse comes to worst and you find they were more toxic than you thought, you will at least have not gotten peer-pressured to break rules and be too much of a troublemaker when you beg another big clan to let you in. This is about risk aversion and being in the clan that will last in the long-run. Nobody likes the clan that abuses its power too soon into a server, they never ever last and if they 'last' the server becomes dead as the weaker just leave meaning they are kings of an empty wasteland in the long run with a terrible reputation if the once who ditched it spread the word about them. This is why it's paramount to be a keen, active player of a rule-obeying clan. Your reputation can get wrecked with one dirty move you get pressured into. You need to be part of the 'hero clan' not the 'villain' clan, servers always ultimately form this dynamic. It is very important to understand how and why the villain clan always loses int he long run but sometimes there's a three or four-way dynamic with 2-and-2 type alliances. Be part of the kindest clan even if they are allied to the dirtiest-playing clan, only value the reputation of your own clan, ignore the other chaos that shifts and changes but the core leadership of the big clans rarely ever truly changes.
  7. As things progress, you will find that almost all clan war games unfairly benefit from the short-range units being invested into. There's always two types of short-range units; the type that tank the damage and defend and the type that attack hard and fast and aim for the backline. It is possible I am wrong, there may be one of these games where it's optimal to focus on your long-range damagers, heck one may even favour the 'tanky damagers' (the vehicular fourth type that mainly is useful for gathering resources and destroying structures) but if you ask me, based on what I've seen in these games, it's objectively best to either be a tanky focuser or the speedy-short-range focuser. In some games the tanky type are called bulkers, in others infantry etc, in some games the speedy are called bikers, in others cavalry etc. It doesn't matter, all of these games run on the same four fundamental types of crew, you should always dedicate to either the tanky or the speedy, do not be mistaken to think there's long-term benefit in focusing on the long-range because you see, the long-range damagers are great if you pay a ton of money and have such high tier stuff to pull it off but the tanky types are insanely OP as they're both defensive and offensive at once when invested fully into while the short-range speedy are so OP because they're just so utterly versatile (they hit the entire backline meaning both the damagers and the vehicle types) and they help your operation-speed be slightly reduced usually as they're faster units in the first place, helping you ambush opponents and even retreat faster than the other specialists can. Once you decide which of the two you're investing in, stick at it, don't change your mind later or overly try to 'even things out' there is a tiny bit of value in that,  yes, but fundamentally know your specialty and in all other ways you can assist a type, stick to a singular specialty of the tanky or speedy type.
  8. Even if you are an introvert IRL, friendships and loyalties matter. Don't be the quiet guy in the corner, get to know your clanmates, chat now and again, help and ask for help. It's both fun for you and them to feel this interaction. If it ends up going toxic and bad, it's likely you chose the wrong clan or even game. Bear it in mind, consider changing.
  9. These rules will all help you but never underestimate the importance of being a nerdy type in these games. Ultimately, those rules are what they all have in common. Now, get to know the games specifics. Don't be the sucker who didn't know enough when it really counts.

26 4
In my opinion these 2 games are phenomenal in their own ways and in fact have many similarities to one another.

It is also interesting because the 'ability to thrive with not spending hundreds and instead spending time' applies to both.

I have been spending a huge chunk of all spare time in my life the past few weeks on these types of mobile games, in fact one of the motives to do so as that I found an app that pays you to play games it recommends and it happened to recommend clan war games to me, getting me into RoK, to raise funds for my Mafia City gaming and that made me appreciate RoK.

In case you think I'd love all games of this type and this is just a cringey post, let me elaborate on two fundamental reasons why these two thwart other games:

1) The proportionality of 'have to pay' in both is significantly minimised by different variations of safety net for players. Mafia City is objectively the best game of all clan war games I have ever come across in terms of the raw actual safety that it gives a player. It doesn't matter what the hell the powerful players do to you, you can cope because of safe and protected resources as well as a wounded capacity that increases almost exponentially (and when it its maximum is lower than what you have and need, you should be powerful and aware of enough to last/thrive, if not that's your own fault to be frank). With RoK the safety net isn't as much a net as a bouncy castle.  Everything about the game is much more about bursts of doing things, you gather in bursts, fight in bursts, rebuild troops after losing them in bursts, etc. If you master the ways to balance out each and properly stratify your time and effort, as well as choosing a city that suits a more survivalist type of statistics build, you will go very far in the game no matter how hard you get hit. It comes down to intelligence, awareness and ability. You can't properly survive big and bad hits in RoK if you're an unaware and low-ability player, unless you want to spend alot. This is why I actually like Mafia City even though RoK would be the easier one for me to stay loyal to for a variety of reasons (since I didn't have it already installed, the other app that pays you to play it gets credit for making me install the game and I get a very fast rate of rewards for playing it).

2) The sheer effort into the artwork and events hosted is phenomenal! In games like Clash of Clans, State of Survival (though that's not necessarily clan war it kind of fits the genre due to many resource-management and troop management similarities), King of Avalon and such variations of clan war games, you often find yourself in a very generic type of pattern after a while. I just named three extremely high grossing games, two of which are often ranked above Mafia City but I don't agree with this ranking at all. These games are stale. In fact, King of Avalon practically stole its entire artwork and stuff from GoT, it probably paid them royalty. Mafia City and RoK if anything stole from each other and improved. They host events in servers that massively benefit you as a free or cheap playing player. The artwork put into both games is simply so high effort and amazing, I don't know what else to say. RoK definitely has superior audio though but I think the production team of Mafia City don't know much English and struggle to sufficiently word things grammatically correct in English so even though the vocals are good acting in tone, a lot of what they say in the catch-phrases or plots for the cut scenes don't entirely make sense.

These two factors may seem small but imagine that these games are things where you spend your life playing it passionately. They are practically a fusion of MMORPG and action fused into one game format. It is just so ridiculously fun to play. 

I would say that RoK will end up superior to Mafia City in raw grossing, consistently due to the fact that it markets smarter (it literally pays some streamers to dedicate to it, even making YT vids with tips and tricks, whereas Mafia City relies on content creators genuinely liking it, not that the RoK ones don't like RoK) and it's more kid friendly by a mile. I would say Mafia City is a solid 15+ game, it's actually rated 17+. There's genuine violence and raunchy artwork and scenes in it, the only child-friendly aspect of it is just how 'loser-proof' the mechanics of resources and wounded capacity are. RoK is very careful to have its animations and speech of characters be very sterile and friendly, despite 'wars' happening within the game.

Another thing I really appreciate in RoK is that it actually went through the effort of accurately depicting certain warlords of the past including my favorite Sun Tzu. On the other hand, Mafia City very accurately depicts certain aspects of mafia life and its mentality and makes you experience first-hand how psychologically it is to be part of the Mafia, I feel. I also think that the mechanics of migration in Mafia City are much fairer than in RoK. RoK anyone can migrate to a very new server... Imagine the kind of stomping going on for newer players... That said, as a newer player you get an immunity shield for many real life days there, whereas in Mafia City said truce/shield doesn't last as long.

Price-wise, you can't truly thrive in either game if you never want to pay money and that may disgust people who want games where only pure ability determines the winner. I would say that ability turns your five dollars into what a less able and dedicated players turns their $40 into (literally 1:8 ratio I would say is accurate) and that this is fair enough in my eyes.

The only issue with these games is they're so addictive because you can't stop playing them just 'like that', you need to constantly be active or your alliance/clan kicks you out and you wither away real quick and even MC's better safeguards against how much you wither won't matter because you'll be so behind the curve of progress of players within your city ('city' is a very different word in RoK, City in RoK is Turf in MC and City in MC is Kingdom in RoK). 

There is one thing that's absolutely fantastic by RoK that MC really should take note of. Everything about the game guides a brand new player a little better on what to do and when. MC tries this and does a decent job of it but starts really suddenly throwing you in the deep end in terms of what to do. In MC you need to create new email addresses to make farm accounts (accounts that are never trying to 'win' they build weaker troops and solely use their levelling etc to gather resources faster, in MC it is common practise for these accounts to be attacked by the main account, willingly let it attack them without troops being on their turf whereas in RoK it's more common to have them join the alliance/clan of the main account and send resources, the cause of this is twofold and is correct for both game formats in terms of being superior to the other as a normal practise in resource-efficiency of transfer.
24 3
If we had a world where there were no import/export tariffs and economics was purely about trade between consumers and providers of goods/services, economics itself would ve both simpler and in fact more closely linked to productivity than it currently is.
24 10

I got issues with this quiz too, but because a 'neutral' option exists, it ends up superior to political compass on balance as well as due to the depth of the results.
74 12
Unlike the ads, Mafia City isn't a 3d game where you make tough decisions, it's at first a run of the mill pay-to-win clan war game.

If you ever were too inactive or lazy, just tap 'redo city' because you'll never catch up in that particular server, they almost always start you off fairly though but if you're unlucky enough to start bang in the middle of a period where a server isn't 'overfull' and there aren't enough to justify opening another you'll be a straggler so if you notice you're waaaay waaaay behind anyone, just ride it out and get a feel for the game then start a new server when the option comes (if you just start anew there and then, you're probably ending up in an even worse city where you're even more behind the curve).

The reason I recommend this game is that unlike the other clan war games I've played, this has legitimate, fully viable ways for an 'addicted' free-to-play gamer to catch up with and snowball a freely bought VIP upgrade as well as then using the privileges like a second building queue to their advantage enough to genuinely out-compete or equally compete with the average pay to win player. You will never truly be top of a server if you aren't a pay to win hardcore type but you can genuinely maintain a high rank in a server for a long, long time (servers don't last forever but they last many months making the grind worth it, I think it's like up to 8 idk).

I have played one or two other clan war games and they not only throw you in the deep end but their 'flexibility' is actually very deceptive. Mafia City's simplicity is in fact its strength (there's only one direct means by which to pillage others and you can't hijack the pillaging army during, you can only defensively defend your own clanmember or alternatively sacrifice them and attack the attacker preemptively but that's usually the worse option as you first want to make their attack itself fail and their forces significantly deplete). You have constant daily missions guiding you on what to do and when. You don't need to follow it to play 'correctly' if you're pay to win or hardcore grinding but it helps to abide by the quests that come daily because the rewards are absolutely generous and add up to equal having paid a full 5 dollars for upgrades over just 3 days of properly abiding by it vs that. 

I have never ever come across a clan war game where if you are dedicated and observant enough you can genuinely be on equal footing with hardcore pay-to-win scrubs. When I say pay to win, I respect that they fund the game's production, of course, but when someone literally pays 100 US dollars' worth to stampede past 2-2.5 weeks of hard work in-game, in a server that's fresh and where their lead then lets them snowball their clan hard there comes to be a level of 'hmph'. 

Interestingly, though, the game's design is very clever, there's become a culture of 'don't unnecessarily pick on the noob clans' among the higher clans and it's enforced within the clans by either kicking the member full out or letting the member be attacked by the other clan first and then warning them (but the latter won't usually work if they messed with a noob clan).

It's a very fair culture in the game, I don't feel the same as in other clan war games at all, the culture seems to be that the big dogs pick on each other and any little league clan is kind of ignored and left to compete on their own level in the outskirts of the map as they please. This is largely due also to the fact that the game doesn't 'kill' newer players' armies as much it just wounds them and also it pays out only 50% what you'd naturally earn from a player if it feels their level is too low compared to yours.

There's many nerfs and structures in the game that make it a very healthy balance between an individual adventure and social gaming.

No, I wasn't paid to write this, I just truly feel this game is on another level in terms of clan war games.

13 2
5 5
Sheriff Chris is hereby the officially unofficial street name of MisterChris.

King David has stepped down why? Because when you want to rule a kingdom, you have a king and when you want the roughians to truly respect you, you need a good Sheriff and his Deputy.

Yee haww

4 3
I think we love debating because we're toxic people through genuinely no fault of our own.

Can you show me somebody in real life who loves debating that isn't a toxic person in a fair few ways?

I was no exception to this rule. I probably still am not, I'm working on it.

I think debating is a natural interest and hobby of someone who is very prone to habitually disagree and nitpick at things. I was that guy for a fair amount of my life. I changed how readily I showed it IRL but never changed the core personality and it was only recently that I appreciated how much effort I put into arguing when otherwise agreeing and even faking a polite white-lie-support of something could just so much easier handle the scenario.

If we go through life nonstop arguing it gets addictive, not just because we are good at it but because we feel 'real' amongst a buch of 'fakes'. The problem is that this makes us enemies, nobody likes a skilled debater in real life.  Can you imagine Oromagi, Ragnar and Ramshutu or MisterChris or whoever just arguing the crap out of everyone in their workplace that disagreed with them? Nobody would end up liking them... That's the issue with it.

I have spent so much of my life loving to argue and finally now I realise I basically convinced 0 people of anything...  Okay maybe 2 or 3 but come on, that's at the sake of alienating far more.

What good is it to debate? I even do it with etiquette and that just makes more enemies as then I seem fake about it. I've never once seen positive outcome from a real life application of my debating skills, like literally never. It's only helped me when another similar to me tries to take me on in that way and how rare is that? Like... twice a year someone maybe really, really wants a debate on something with me but that's about it. We live in a world that's still ruled by jungle law, we're just primates wearing suits and ties to hide the reality of it. If you piss off the wrong alpha, it doesn't matter how logical you are, you'll get alienated in that place. That's life and it's irrational, unfair and shit but what I have come to realise and truly appreciate is that what's even more shit than that would be a world where we all argued 24/7... nothing would get done.

I'm starting to wonder if I was wrong about everything, like ever taking part in a community like this and ever liking to argue. It's caused me more issues than I'd like to admit, In hindsight I do believe lost a few real long-term friendships predominantly due to this habit and craving of mine to argue and debate.

I've just learned to shut my mouth when I disagree and think hard of the impact of my disagreement before opening it (my mouth) but that doesn't really settle the unrest in me at the stupidity of what's unfurling in the (to me) childlike disagreement between grown adults that should have a higher capacity to reason than what they convey.

Is that what life is like for you other skilled debaters? I really dislike it but I accept it.
17 12
We, unlike most mammals, lack a penis bone and have very sensitive female genitalia, which has led to our erections and reproduction involving more pleasure and drive towards it than other species experience.

I wonder why God did this if us, the species closest to god, have the most innate urges and/or needs for foreplay, orgasms, arousal etc.

Rats and rabbits reproduce much more, as do insects, however I am speaking of lust itself (the pleasurable experience of sex). The only other species that is definitely shown to feel this same rush from sex are those of dolphins.

66 15
If I don't want to answer, I won't answer.
39 13
I will start with myself.

Theme Song: P Money - Shook

Closest Fictional Character: Jaime Lannister

Exaggerated Overview:

A complex combination of ruthlessness and sentimentality, RM is known for his willingness to take almost anyone on and doesn't necessarily care too much about what people think of him despite being cocky.

Politically and religiously, RM represents a 'mystical' stance that incorporates pragmatism mixed with mercy and care in a strange concoction that he sees as morally justifable ruthlessness. This also sums up how he approaches debating in the formal arena. RM is less concerned with having the last word in conversation and more concerned with seeming witty enough or arguing well enough before letting things be.

Some find him intelligent, others find him cringey, no one truly knows what to make of him. He may have a soft core beneath a harsh exterior or may have a harder core beneath said softness.

  • Extremely energetic and passionate
  • Witty and cunning, unpredictable as an opponent
  • Somewhat charismatic and quick to welcome newer members (even if it is done in a harsh way)
  • Courageous, while some of his fights are easy he is also one of the only experienced members to not flinch too much from the opportunity to challenge a fellow 'Titan' of the site.
  • Fragile Ego, even though he masks it at times he is sensitive to insults to his ability or self-worth, this can lead him to overreact
  • Impulsivity is his fuel, when it goes well it goes brilliant but this also means that if he lacks the 'fire' to debate in the middle of a debate he finds it extremely difficult to keep it going. He debates as a passionate spar, not simply for the win at least not all the time.
  • Chaotic nature puts people who prefer structure and monotony at extreme odds with him. There is probably not a single member that enjoys conformity and structure that is allied with RM.
  • Bluntness, which he would call honesty, can cause significant abrasion with members and even be interpreted as direct insult at times. He works hard to avoid this but he isn't one to pussyfoot and never will be, at least not by nature.

52 16
Tell me what the Left Wing is.

What makes someone Left-Wing?

8 6
At present there are 9 threads of deep conspiracy theory and extreme misinformation/disinformation by Wylted with the tag 'RM' attached.

This is solely done to harass me just as this thread is being done to callout and get a consensus from other users on the matter.

Wylted supported freedom of speech so I am pretty sure he will not oppose me calling him out on this. He may well claim to have done it with benign intent, assuming I'd be interested and that I support his conspiracy theories but that assumption is indeed an unreasonable one and I can tell you that I don't support his threads at all, even when I partially discussed skepticism about mRNA vaccines he uses 'does' when he means 'can' in the thread's title, making a direct accusation rather than an abject hypothesis.
13 4
Unlike lions, wolves, tigers or really any creature similar to them in the food chain other than some very aggressive snakes, leopards are pure psychopaths especially in scenarios of disputed territory.

With almost all other predators after either a stare down (with lions and tigers) or combined stare down with some tactical hits (with wolves) you can fundamentally make the creature respect you and consider you a worthy adversary who isn't erratic such that it will leave you in peace even when your back is turned and you're stroking it etc.

The thing with leopards is there's never an 'okay we're buddies' stage. They will wait for hours playing nice and hunt you the moment you sleep or let your guard down with back turned etc.

It's much worse than lions even in the way they attack, leopards like to keep their prey alive and bleeding out slow so it keeps a good taste throughout the eating session if they happen to get full before they finish it.

Leopards are truly cruel creatures.
2 2
Yes or no? Why?
46 10
During NP1, Bullish found his way to the graveyard.

Jabami Yumeko!
(Jabami is the family name)
Ayyyyyyyyyyy, what luck! Let's get gambling!
"Yuuumeekkoooo!" screams Ryota, one of the few to call you by your given name (as opposed to Jabami). You're at it again, gambing like the risk-lusting degenerate you r-... That people mistake you to be.

Or? Are you?

Who knows in the end? The point is... There is no point. You see that, all the other students think there's a point to the gambling.
Ryota thought there was a bad point to the gambling, Meari thought there's a good point to it... You showed both that neither was right.

Your role is the Cult Mentor!

You have the following active ability:
Each Night-Phase, you can opt to recruit someone as your Mentee. The Mentee is told who you are and will share a private chat with you.
You dying kills your Mentee but if the Mentee dies, you are free to recruit another (up to 1 at any time).
The Mentee's win-condition, once recruited, is you being alive at the end of the game (this isn't as simple as your win condition though), they cannot win with their old alignment anymore but maintain that role and power. They lose if you lose, their entire alignment changes to support you but their role power remains.
Your win-condition is to last to the final 2 of the game or, if alive and the game ends. It will not be easy but Yumeko never was one for easy gambles.
To be clear, you can joint-win with Mafia if there is one Mafia and you at the end.
Another thing to note is that I will be putting in the death-message of your mentee that they were corrupted somehow (so if they were vanilla, I would say "(corrupted) vanilla") and then when I say 'You win with the X!" I will put - instead of their old alignment (X) and end the sentence there.

This is done to balance things so that town are unsure if it's mafia doing it or a third party, while letting mafia be aware that the third-party role can do something to town players without using a mechanical term that reveals exactly what.
You act before the Mafia kill as well as any other night-phase kill goes through. Your mentee will be revealed as corrupted if they die the same night you recruit them.
Confirm by replying to this PM with a summary of your role. Also, as your role requires communication channels, please give me your Discord, I will add you as a friend and invite you to a server.
Town members who lack communication did not get asked to give me their Discord, in case you would slip that way.
You win with yourself (and your mentees, under the conditions described, they can win with you losing if you're alive in a minority at the end, I will not make this explicitly clear to them however)
Everyone else received 'You win with the Town/Mafia.' at the end there.
It is recommended to you to claim Cop. There is guaranteed no Town Cop and guaranteed a(or multiple) Town Role(s) that protect(s). This information is given to you in order to balance out the game. I will justify this after the game is over.

While most memebrs had a decebt sized (not super short) role and character PM, yours is significantly longer than any town members'. Do not slip by saying it was so long, it would be unfair for me to not tell you this.

For balancing reasons, if you mentor a member of the mafia, they will be ejected from the Mafia factional chat and the partner will be told nothing direct. they lose the ability to nightkill, that's how I'll balance it.
After outing a major hint about the theme-split, I gave this clue to Bullish:
I think my hint may be too powerful against your character btw, just a tip.
I will not out who he has mentored or if it succeeded. 

Good luck to any and all sides remaining.

Dead Mentees don't stay in the chat nor do dead Mentors, the same is not true for Mafia and their factional chat.
Forum games
18 7
The mafia has won.

The theme split was:

  1. All Scum come to accept that defeat is an inevitable and healthy part of life. Yumemi Yumemite accepting this and Midari Ikishima not accepting this was the most deceptive part of the theme split and why I felt comfortable revealing it, I will justify this later. Midari enjoys losing out of masochistic impulse, not out of genuine humility and definitely thinks people who win are corrupt cowards usually unless they put their life on the line without cheating.
  2. All Town not only respect Yumeko Jabami in a genuine sense but they conform (not necessarily respect) the system in the school, even the rebel Midari who was personally responsible for the forced marriage arrangements going on with some losers who couldn't pay their debts (Kirari masterminded it and was also Town). In short, the Town conforms the most to society, though Meari is rebellious as her character develops she still maintains an ultimately conservative playstyle and ethos throughout. Yumeko conforms on the outside (how she dresses and acts) but inside is a complete anarchist, Yumemi Yumemite and Runa Yomozuki don't conform much at all, they love to stand out in multiple ways, Runa is the only Council member who loathes both cheating as well as ever risking too much at any given time (she is never even seen to gamble in the series' two seasons) and dresses very peculiar. Yumeko Jabami doesn't respect herself and Yumemi only fears Yumeko, she doesn't genuinely respect her at all she thinks Yumeko is merely lucky and crazy but accepts her defeat to Yumeko regardless. This was an interesting fused theme-split, you could even break this apart into two layers but a theme 'around Yumeko and who respects her' sounds unfair to make its own thing.
  3. The third split is nearly unnoticeable. The Town all play with an agenda at all times. They never play a gamble without an agenda behind it at any point int he two seasons though Kirari comes close. Yumeko has an agenda at all times but also plays for the thrill itself. Yumemi and Runa may have agendas in part but both adore gambling itself. Yumemi intentionally lost sections of her serial-gamble contest vs Yumeko just because she thought it would be more spectacular.
The roles were balanced such that if 1-2 members of any team were both bad, that team would almost 100% come to be defeated while the other 2 stand a chance.

That is true for almost all 7-player setups but this was very well balanced in my opinion.

There was no role in the game that had no capacity to lose if they or their teammate screwed up significantly, there was also no role in the game that had no capacity to win if they played proficiently, especially as I noticed you guys didn't know the theme so I revealed a layer of the theme to help.

The images had this in common: All Town faced forward with their body and head (but Midari looked up). All held in their hands something to do with stakes/gambling as well as something significant in the storyline that nearly hurts them and shows a human side to them. Also, all the town were sombre or unhappy in expression.

The thirdparty had a couple of things in common and quite a few things to lead to the thirdparty describing their image in a way that despite being similar enough could lead Town to suspect them.

The Mafia were even directly baited and misled by me in part because the clue I gave them to counteract the theme-split suggested that their torsos facing left of the image and their happy expressions didn't really matter. On the other hand, my clue did help them realise that Runa carrying a lollypop and having cards swirling around her probably implied that I had mixed some things around, I'll reveal the hint and specifics in my next post.
Forum games
6 3
Just wanted you to know. I have come to accept that debating and this community simehow may be a part of me until I die. Even when I quit, the debater in me remains. I know most of you don't like me but that's not really a factor in me liking this website. I love myself, I don't need you to like me, I just need a place to be myself without too much of a filter and this really is that. It's actually therapeutic and fun if you use this website correctly or any kindnof debating forum really (but there's very few that have as widespread a range of topics and high effort posts as this other than perhaps certain Reddit threads but that lacks the community vibe this has).

I posted this as a joke to a Supadudz April fool's quitting thread hut it has a lot of truth about me and DART (well and the website before it, at least until I really did quit it for good):

If you're worried it's a rickroll or troll vid, ask yourself if I'd do that. That's why I wouldn't do it here, you'd expect it. 

Don't like the mods but Ragnar's sometimes funny. MisterChris idk he's sometimes cool, though he's just a voting mod.
6 6
The theme split is abstract, do not expect every character to stereotypically fit their alignment or even role (though some will/might).

The images you have been sent after your role PMs do not matter too much in the same way that specific sentences don't matter in a role PM.

You are 100% disallowed to link the URLs of images of the characters in-game other than the specific ones of the fandom wiki(s) as I haven't used them.

Treat the image you have like specific wording inside the role PM, you should feel free to describe it perhaps even more detailed than your PM but never show it directly, not even trying to draw it and showing that. There are one or two commonalities between the images Town members received vs what the scum did. This was calculated to be difficult but not impossible to solve, there are many misleading commonalities and differences. I incorporated this to give 4v1v2 Town a real chance at eliminating scum day one, this game is going to be cutthroat.

Lunatic is Yumemi (family name Yumemite, yes that similar) the Superstar/Celebrity. He is role-confirmed only, his alignment isn't revealed/naked.

This is what a superstar is:

The role (or flavouring of role) means he is essentially the role version of what alignment is to the Innocent Child.

Your thinking about the characters and setup can start now, let's use the time Whiteflame has requested as making it worth what I assure you is a complex/cryptic setup and theme-split.

This is officially my first ever hosted mafia game in history of debating sites, I am new and experimenting, please bear with me.

Forum games
129 8
These are the facts. You can now proceed to spread your lies.
120 13
It will have a theme but because the cast of the Anime is so small, the divide won't be strictly obvious. I will not give fake claims to Mafia.

I want to prove myself as a host, you can dislike my playstyle but I am a very fair host.

I will be lenient on banter but if you go too far or try to use Outside-Game Influence types of threats or doxxing (beyond revealing who a player was on Debate.Org) I must step in.

Do not paste my PMs to you, try not to copy more than three consecutive words I used in my PM to you when paraphrasing.

I realise Anime things are the hot thing here so I'll give it a try.

Forum games
48 11
Except for the name of the religion?
19 8
5 5

The one thing 3RU7AL has done more than the rest is he likes every single post on threads he reads (and doesn't like his own).

At first, I was like okay... weird... And it's fine to be weird, we all are weird here in our own way.

The thing I couldn't quite understand is why he never liked his own posts if this was his habit, I figured maybe it's a thing of hoping others notice and like him back (which I have done at times).

That said, I want to note something else, there are users like myself and Supadudz who clearly are posting far more than some beating us at 'likes'. There is no way this is happening if you look at the ratios (we aren't that much worse at making like-worthy posts).

This is the ratio of Tarik

This is the ratio of Theweakeredge

This is the ratio of Supadudz

This is the ratio of myself.

This is the ratio of 3RU7AL.

I am absolutely certain that this would not be possible if it was based on likes received. In fact, I am happy that it is based on likes given as it's kind of cute in a way and that 3RU7AL secretly noticed this. It seems he calculated that it doesn't reward you for liking your own posts, which I now understand is perhaps true (the admin himself said so) but it is measing likes you've given.

27 5
I don't understand what he means by that statement. Omega males are basically the very rebellious type who refuse to bow down before the Alpha male, in an overt manner that can at times get them punished, depending on personality clashes and agendas.

Scar in Lion King was a Sigma male while Mufasa was an obvious Alpha. However, a good example of what an Omega Male is, is actually Pumbaa (Timon is more of a beta male). If God is both the rebellious and the man in charge is it true to say God may be Satan himself?

65 9
One of the best games out rn that is available on almost all OS (works on Linux via WINE or equivalent 'run free Windows apps on Linux' type of software


Legends of Runeterra. At first it appears to be based on luck, do not let this delude you. I play poker and other such games, I know how to interpret luck vs skill in a game; this game involves ~85% skill and ~15% luck. The skill is everything combined; how to build a deck, how to use the deck, how to predict and bait the enemy into misplaying their spells and/or units.

There's levels to this shit, spells that can and can't be used in reaction to others due to spell-type and such interactions. It is fascinating and extremely high skillcap.

In the earlier seasons, it was disgusting how OP some broken decks were but they have genuinely balanced it over time in my opinion. It's also genuinely free-to-play. You can garner the rewards required to unlock superior decks within 1-2 weeks of solid gameplay. I would say if you dedicate your free time to this game that in 3 weeks you will easily have enough rewards to pivot around each other and experiment with in 2-3 entirely different branches. Do not buy cards impulsively, think a little. Cheaper cards will come free in rewards much more often so save green essence for extreme scenarios where you want to push past your wild card max to unlock something.

Avoid going on expeditions and the lab+gauntlet at first. Stick to the main game mode and mix it up with vs AI and vs players. Be sure to do 'challenges' to grasp mechanics of most deck types.

8 3
Apply with the following in your post.

Reason You Should Be Cast

Your Attitude Towards Gambling

Your Favourite Teaching of Sun Tzu

Your Opinion of RM

Your Discord Account (DM/PM me here if you want it not published publicly, doxxing of any kind is disallowed on DART so CoC will bind me and others to not expose your account if you request it).
Forum games
17 8
I welcome people of many perspectives to post their view on this thread's title.
30 11
When horrific acts are done by people who claimed, carried out traditions and see/saw themselves as members of a religion, often what is done by the politically correct media is to sympathise with the religious group and encourage peace by denouncing those people away from being considered genuine members of the religious group.

This goes for literally any incident or scandal you can think of, I am not just talking about the horrific acts that make the headlines.

The reason this strikes me as somewhat worrying is that while this is done, it then begins to highlight a hypocrisy when we see that people can define themselves, readily and happily, as members of religions we sometimes really resent those who do actually do it just to be part of the group. What I am saying is that let's say you're a person who wants to blend in with your very Christian, Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist etc family, if not friendship circle as well, you'd probably just say you're a member of that religion right? As long as you didn't do anything too scandalous or let's say you weren't caught, you'd be deemed a genuine member of that religion and anyone who would say 'wait no, that's just a poser' would instead get the backlash. What, then, actually qualifies someone as a genuine member of the religion?

To make it very clear what I am saying and the contradiction happening, I will explain it as an either/or statement.

The evil people who know their holy scriptures off by heart and understand their religion's history very well are incorrectly being denounced as 'fake Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus etc'
The not-so-evil posers who use religion to either blend in or get some kind of societal privilege are not actually posers, since the only real disqualifying factor appears to be how troublesome it would be to admit you're an adhering member of that religion.

The further thing to ask is whether it's morally correct and appropriate for people to 'raise their child into a religion' when we don't know which religion is the actual true one, right?

The very fact that entire families are commonly all of the same faith, if they're not atheist, isn't a coincidence and it is a reflection on religion being nothing more than a social construct. Even more disturbing is the fact that things like circumcision and animal abuse involved with many Islamic, Satanic and Wiccan sacrificial festivals are actually completely contradictory since we should be disqualifying them as they're justifying mutilation in the name of their religion. We actually did this with Muslims who endorsed (and a select minority still endorse) female circumcision, as well as many other examples such as what Christians used to do to suspected 'witches'. Similarly, Saudi Arabia has recently begun to cave into international pressure to move away from the strictly sexist elements of its Sharia Law, legalising women to drive and compete in the Olympics. Women are made to be pure subjects of men in the Qur'an, although it's true to say that in Islamic history there have been fierce female empresses and in Pakistan and Afghanistan in particular there have been female politicians who actively have been in charge of taming and handling negotiations with the Taliban.

The problem is that I am not exactly saying that it would be politically wise to be honest when a member of a religion does a very evil act. It's a very appropriate lie to suddenly say 'no they are nothing like what our religion stands for and are 100% fake' but that person probably knew more about the religion and lived more devout in terms of the traditions and lifestyle than most posers who call themselves 'casual followers' or 'modern, progressive' variants of their religion. The thing is, at what stage is religion nothing more than a fancy name to associate your 'group' or 'clique' with? What truly qualifies or disqualifies a genuine Muslim for example? It can't just be whether they're evil or not.
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